#it's still better than gimp tho lmao
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( @askcasteliaacademy @furbychan )
63 notes · View notes
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
post #184
main points:
- finish unit test/clean up/submit
- lunch
- interview practice
- meeting with xueyan to clean up doc (again)
- working on cyclical dependency issue
- impromptu open breaking session
- dinner
- melee with fiona
- melee tech grind for like 2 hours lmao rip
- chill at home and sleep
today i:
- woke up really tired and snoozed again. until like 9. i got up and damien said he’s gonna uber to work again today. so we ubahed together
- got to the office. we were talking about a mock interview question that the group did last week. i talked it out a bit on the uber ride/breakfast, and then damien cleared the rest of the way for me. it was an interesting problem
- there were some vietnamese coffee mocktails out front o-o cause there was a presentation about what’s next for the company in the quarter. i got a mint-to-be, which was reaaaaally good. also bumped into fiona but she didn’t want to get one. she tried some of mine and also thought it was really good. i also bumped into andrew in the morning and he was like do you wanna breakdance today and i was like sure. so we found an open slot at the dance studio in the afternoon at 4pm and pinged our group chat to let them all know to come
- got down to work on the unit test for the iOS PR from yesterday. finally got that wrapped up after two hours of looking at examples/trying to understand dependencies and such. got some feedback from matias to clean up my code and then submitted it after lunch. for lunch i just grabbed take out with john and brought it back up to my desk to work
- went to an interview practice session with karl, sarathak and jaemun (?) i think that’s how you spell it. we went over an interview question sarathak came across and brainstormed through it together, getting a brute force solution but not quite the optimal. sarathak guided us the rest of the way. croatia was also playing england during this time in the semi finals. croata won :o 
- went back to my desk and worked on my cyclical dependency issue. asked matias for some suggestions since the fix proposed yesterday didn’t seem to work. he suggested something else and i began making the changes, but i’m not sure if i was doing it right... after working on it for a while, i may have misunderstood what he was suggesting and need to circle back on it tomorrow
- met up with xueyan again. my mentor spoke with me this morning that the complicated approach from yesterday may not actually be necessary. so we could actually simplify our approach a lot. we met up to iron out how that would look like and updated the design doc accordingly. we got some comments on it that we’ll work on again tomorrow
- worked a bit more on the cyclical dependency issue but then went to an impromptu open breaking session that i talked about with andrew earlier this morning. it was pretty fun, we were just messing around and i felt like i got a good workout. i didn’t bring my breaking pants tho so i got my khakis a bit dirty. oh well, i had sneakers and shorts (decided not to wear the shorts) cause i was gonna go to the gym today actually (to run). but breaking is a good workout
i hung out with andrew, shadi and victoria after the session was over and got to know them a bit better. they seem like cool peeps :D 
- went back to my desk, spent some more time trying different approaches to the cyclical dependency issue. snagged some dinner around 7pm and brought it back to my desk to work. i worked from like 5:40-7:30 on this issue with no luck
- went to play melee with fiona. i decided to try out captain falcon and i think i had a revelation. my practice with jumping with x instead of the control stick now lets me use captain falcon’s momentum so much more smoothly. i can literally jump across half the stage so fast. which was what i saw other people doing but could never do. it was like driving a car that i couldn’t control. i played myself many times but it was a lot of fun. we played like 5-6 games maybe. fiona peaced out around 8pm
i decided to keep playing around with falcon to see what his play style is like and it’s soooooo much fun. i can fly around on the stage so fast and it’s like wheeeeeeeeeee. and off the stage too to gimp people and still make it back
i played for like another two hours... LOL from 8pm-10pm. i mean i didn’t really know what i was gonna do for the rest of the night anyway, so i just kept doing some tech practice and then playing against CPUs. i might actually switch back to falcon as my main. i have the tech down much better with him than marth. but idk how that’ll translate to gameplay. we’ll see
- took an uber home and got back around 10:30pm. then watched some nick eh videos (in the new fortnite creative/private games) and david dobrik’s new vlog
- took a long shower around 12am
- now i’m typing this up at 1:22am and i’m ready to sleep. i think the yosemite trip messed up my sleeping schedule a bit. yikes i need to sleep
okay good night
0 notes