#it's supposed to be steter eventually - as usual xD
mirrorthoughts · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
I know people have tagged me last week, but I forgot who it was 😂
But this week I've actually got something to show you, sooo XD
Tagging people low key bc I can 💕 @aurevell, @lavender-lotion, @beaconfeels, @dear-massacre, @whimsicalmeerkat
[System Message: You entered the F-class dungeon <<Beacon Hills Preserve>>. You have 30 seconds to leave the dungeon before the portal closes. Once the portal is closed you can't leave until the death of the dungeon boss. 30… 29… 28…]
Stiles stared at the message floating in front of his face counting down the seconds. Apparently he'd finally gone crazy. He'd know there was something wrong with him since he'd been a kid. He'd always been different, too loud, too obnoxious, too strange. The small doses friend people liked to interact with for only a few minutes at a time lest Stiles would cling to them and suck out all their energy. The crazy guy who didn't pull his punches to get back at bullies and idiots who were hurting and threatening who he called his.
There'd also always been the possibility that he'd contract the same brain disease that had killed his mother. And now… now he had weird hallucinations! System message his ass, the world wasn't a computer game! And it didn't just change to one from one moment to the other either!
[3… 2… 1… 0…]
He felt a push from the back and stumbled forward with a surprised noise, only barely keeping on his feet. He spun around a moment later and paused. Where the trees were supposed to give way to the outskirts of Beacon Hills the only thing he was able to see was dense mist that grew darker by the second. No road, no back yards, no houses, only darkness. "At least Scott's not here," he muttered to himself, the anger he'd felt at his best friend for abandoning him because of Lacrosse tryouts the next day suddenly turning into relief.
Behind him, a howl echoed through the woods and Stiles felt the hairs on his neck stand up, as a shiver ran through his body. "Oh god, dad will kill me if I don't survive this!"
"Status window?"
He flinched back when the silver sheen of another window popped into existence right in front of his face. The window was large enough for him to see every information without having to squint at too small text or numbers. There were the usual attributes he knew from his games - charm, agility (which was surprisingly high though it had an asterisk next to it and a lower number in brackets behind that), intelligence, constitution and- hey! why was his strength so low?! - around a general outline of a person.
Then there was a list of general skills that reminded him very much of one of his Dungeons and Dragons sessions and at their end a box of specialisations that fit surprisingly well to what he knew to be his strengths. Which sadly didn't amount to a lot of fighting experience despite his reputation of being aggressive like a rabid raccoon.
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rieraclaelin · 4 years
Okay, so because I couldn't decide, you get all the ones you tagged except the last one, because there are only 10 AUs and you tagged 11 ships xD But here goes: 1 Sterek, 2 Steter, 3 Stetopher, 4 Stackson, 5 Drarry, 6 Harringrove, 7 Stucky, 8 Stony, 9 Winterhawk, and 10 Winteriron =D Have fun! xD ♥♥♥
Oh gosh, hi, hello, thanks for this! This will be fun :P Also, this is going to be long, so, I have a feeling I’ll have to add in a read more, which, oops?
1. Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop? (Sterek)
Derek is the barista, and he doesn’t know why Laura always puts him up front to deal with customers. He doesn’t like people, it’s hard for him to talk to them and he knows his smiles look as fake as they feel. But. He promised he’d help Laura out, so, here he is.
They have plenty of regulars, for sure, but it’s Stiles who always catches his attention whenever he comes in to study for finals, or do homework, or for some odd reason just to talk to Derek. And it’s Stiles who Derek gives his first genuine smile to, and later his phone number.
2. Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker? (Steter)
We’ll make this a college AU, but with the age difference, this might be tough. But. Possibly Peter is going back to college later in life, wants to broaden his horizons. It never hurts to be a little smarter, because knowledge is power, and Peter definitely loves having the power. He puts his all in it, out of pride, and also because he gets a thrill with showing these snotty students that are younger than him that he’s smarter than them. He’s an asshole, he knows.
How he ended up getting stuck tutoring Stiles, the brat in the back row who’d rather get the professor going on other topics than what they are learning, he’ll never know. But he thinks it might have been the best thing that has ever happened to him by the end of the semester.
3. Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? (Stetopher)
Hmmm, I think maybe at first it’s Chris who takes their rivalry seriously. Competing Horse Racing families and all that, it seems like for as long as he can remember the Argents and the Hales never played well together. Peter is the worst out of all the Hales because he clearly doesn’t take it as seriously. It’s obvious that he says stuff or shows up in places where Chris will be at just because he knows it will rile him up. And then that always seems to start a fight, which almost always puts a stupid sparkle in Peter’s eyes, and it makes Chris want to punch him in his stupidly pretty face.
Stiles is the outsider and the one who manages to pull them together, since they both like Stiles, but neither is willing to share unless they are all together. Peter still likes to rile up Chris, and Stiles, the gorgeous little shit that he is, joins right in, but that’s okay. Chris knows how to handle them both now in a way that makes them all happy.
4. Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? (Stackson)
For as long as Jackson can remember he’s been envious of Stiles. He had everything Jackson has ever wanted. A family he’s close with, a family who loves him, friends always by his side. Sure, Stiles doesn’t have the money that Jackson has, but despite what he might say to those around him, money can’t actually buy him happiness. So he takes his envy out on Stiles with anger, and Stiles dishes everything right back to Jackson. It makes him itch for more because no matter how much they snarl at each other, it never seems to satisfy that fluttery feeling inside his chest whenever he’s around Stiles.
It’s only after one of their arguments outside of a grocery store -- where Stiles stormed off towards his Jeep when a driver who wasn’t paying attention slams into Stiles -- that Jackson realizes that maybe that something in his chest is more of the pining feeling. He sits in the hospital room with Stiles every day until he’s released, and his words become a little nicer, his eyes a little softer. The first time Stiles grabs his hand and holds it, well, Jackson feels the walls crumble to dust.
5. Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? (Drarry)
Draco looks forward to meeting his soulmate. He knows whoever it is will have to be smart, and witty, like him, to keep him on his toes. Surely fate wouldn’t send him someone boring and dull. He gets enough of that with the snooty families his parents invite to parties. He wants someone who will give him adventure, and excitement. So, yes, he’s very eager to meet his soulmate.
Harry, on the other hand, not so much. His whole life has been decided for him by other people, and when he learns that he is a wizard, he learns that part of that includes having a soulmate. He doesn’t need fate telling him who he can and cannot fall in love with, thank you very much. He decides to do everything he can to ignore the fact that he has a soulmate. But an irritating blond git by the name of Malfoy seems to have other plans.
6. Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?) (Harringrove)
Steve is the newly single parent living in an apartment building with his two-month-old daughter, Josie, and he has no idea what he’s doing, oh god, why is he in charge of this tiny little human, how he is supposed to be a single parent, and he has no idea why she’s crying, she’s been fed, she’s been changed, he’s burped her, he’s sang to her, he’s rocked her, he’s so sleep-deprived, and there’s no way he can do this, and...
Billy is the one who can’t handle the crying anymore, comes knocking on Steve’s door. He takes one look at this frazzled man with his hair sticking up everywhere and his eyes red like he’s about to start crying as loudly as the baby. He’s obviously about to have his own meltdown, so Billy decides right there and then that he’s going to help out as much as possible.
They are living together by the time Josie turns one.
7. Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? (Stucky)
Bucky is a doctor in the emergency room. He loves his life, usually. It’s busy, keeps him on his toes, and there’s rarely a dull moment. Sometimes it’s a little too busy, but, that’s part of being a doctor in an emergency room.
It’s rare that he has many repeat patients. Or, at least, not often enough that he remembers them. But Steve... Steve is something else. If he’s not in treating his asthma, he’s in because he decided to play hero again and met someone with a nastier punch who wasn’t afraid to pick on someone half their size.
Steve’s cute, and Bucky would really like to be able to sit down and talk to him over coffee sometime without having to stitch him up first.
8. Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? (Stony)
Steve is hired to be Tony’s bodyguard after Tony was kidnapped and held for ransom for his family’s fortune. He managed to escape all on his own (and somehow blew up the warehouse he was being held in, oops), but despite the fact that he could, and did, look after himself, his mother insisted on a bodyguard.
Steve is, well. He takes his job very seriously. A little too seriously for Tony’s liking. But he is nice, whenever he can get him talking, and he treats his robots as if they are actual human beings. It’s not until he catches Steve reading, of all things, to DUM-E one day that he realizes he’s falling in love with Steve. What even is his life?
9. Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? (Winterhawk)
Clint ran away from his dad and brother when he was fifteen and stowed away on a ship. He didn’t know at the time that the owner of the ship was the famous Pirate Romanoff, and by the time he found out they were already well out to sea. He thought for sure he was going to be killed, but instead, Romanoff took Clint in, taught him how to live a pirate’s life. Ten years later and he has his own crew and his own ship.
A Hydra ship attacks him one night, but he and his crew manage to take them down. It’s while Clint is looting their ship for goods that he discovers the young nobleman chained in their cargo hold. He’s clearly a prisoner, and the way his arm is laying makes Clint think that it’s been broken in more than one place. The chances of him not losing that arm are very slim, but Clint decides to take him on his ship and take him to shore for help. He later learns his name is Bucky, and he makes his displeasure quite known the whole way to port, where Clint learns that Bucky, unfortunately, loses part of his arm. He stays around town for a while to help out, but eventually, needs must, and Clint and his crew prepare to depart.
It ends up as a pleasant shock to Clint, and Bucky, when he decides to come back aboard after he’s been released.
10. Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older? (Winteriron)
Tony and Bucky have been best friends since they were ten. Steve moved away, and yeah, Steve will always be Bucky’s first best friend, but, still. Steve left, and talking on the phone and seeing each other a weekend here and there just wasn’t the same. Bucky met Tony, and they hit it off quickly, and they have been best friends ever since. Steve even likes him, which is a bonus, since all three of them can hang out together whenever Steve can come to visit.
It isn’t until they move in together to save money during college that Bucky realizes that he’s in love with Tony and has been for most of his life. He tries to hide it once he realizes, but, Steve always did say that he had a terrible poker face. He’s not sure if Tony just doesn’t know, or if he’s being kind and not saying anything, but he’s thankful that Tony has never brought it up. He doesn’t want to ruin what they have, and he’s sure that jumping into any sort of relationship would do just that.
It takes Tony another year and a half before he realizes that Bucky has feelings for him, and once he does, it’s like the floodgates open and he couldn’t stop his own feelings from coming even if he wanted to. Which he absolutely does not want to stop them, thank you very much.
Wow, yeah, that came out long! Sorry! This is probably the most “writing” I have done in a long, long time :P
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