#it's very hard for ro to resist mal
feveredblurs · 8 months
❛ we should get some breakfast , i could murder a stack of pancakes . ❜ (mal to ro)
“ isn’t it kinda early for breakfast? ” ro looks over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of their open window. the sun has just started peeking out, a dim companion to a few streetlights that are still on. last she’d checked, it was still well into the night. lexi had kept them up for hours to work on songs for the new album, relentless as ever. nevermind that none of them managed to contribute much, with how tired they were.
the rest of the band managed to doze off for a few minutes at a time, but ro’s almost sure lexi didn’t sleep at all.
she’s still a little groggy from her last nap when mal speaks to her. the guitarist is now on her feet, towering over ro and the armchair she’s awkwardly curled up on. the hotel room was pretty cramped for four people ( they couldn’t afford anything too fancy, still new to their fame ), but after so many years of playing in their garage, ro wasn’t about to complain.
“ i guess i could eat. ” she sets a hand over her stomach as if to gauge her hunger; the bag of chips she dug into two hours ago admittedly didn’t offer much sustenance.
she means to ask if pedro will join them, but he’s sleeping soundly across the room, splayed out on the couch. lexi’s still focused on her songwriting, so ro already knows she and mal are going alone. a few weeks ago, she wouldn’t have minded that one bit. but after mal officially joined the band... ro began worrying about them spending time together. it usually only ended one way...
lexi would kill them if their hookups got in the way of the band’s newfound success. besides, ro hadn’t told mal about isi... it felt unfair to continue this ( whatever this was ) without being honest about where her feelings truly lied.
 and yet, she realized she couldn’t stay away either. mal’s energy was contagious, and ro found herself craving her company more often than she’d like to admit.
“ let’s go. ” too weak to turn the offer down, ro pushes herself off her seat. walking over to lexi, sitting on the floor surrounded by papers, she gives a light tap to her shoulder. “ lex, we’re gonna get food. you want anything? ”
‘ hm, just bring me whatever you’re having, ’ she mumbles absentmindedly, already waving them off. ro shrugs, knowing better than to distract lexi when she’s in the zone.
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stepping outside of the hotel room, ro’s hands quickly dive into her pockets, lest they stray. that always seemed to happen too easily around mal. “ so, what’s the plan? it’s too early for the hotel to serve breakfast, and the boss will have our heads if we order room service. ”
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mmemiraculous · 5 years
The 5th VK
<-Chapter 1 Chapter 3->
Chapter 2: So Much Smiling
“You guys act like children.” Mal expressed in annoyance, with crossed arms. Hailey looked at Mal with too many sweets in her mouth. She tried to say something, but it came out as a jumbled mess with some slobber coming out of her mouth. “Ew.” Mal gagged.
Hailey eventually devoured the candy in her mouth. “I said, I’m fourteen. My actions are valid. They’re older than me.” She pointed at the two boys.
Mal rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Evie noticed her best friend and tried to help her out. “You're looking a little washed up. Let me help you.” Evie tried to brush some blush on her cheeks.
“Ew, stop,” Mal brushed her off. “I’m plotting.”
“It’s not very attractive.” Evie tried to bite into the crystal candy again.
“It’s supposed to look intimidating. Not attractive.”
At this point, the boys and Hailey were stuffing their faces with too much candy with Carlos getting brown stuff all around his mouth. Carlos had picked up some kind of thick brown thing and bit into it.
He bit into it once, and melted right there. He turned to Jay, “Oh! These! It's salty like nuts, but it's sweet like,” he thought for a few seconds, and gave up when nothing came up. “I don't know what.”
“Lemme see.” Jay asked. Carlos opened his mouth with all the chewed candy in his mouth. “Ew.” Jay snatched the candy in his hand. He ate it whole. “Mm…” Jay nodded and smiled as he ate it.
Mal started fiddling with some kind of remote control.
“Hey... guys,” Hailey got everyone’s attention. “The bridge was destroyed right?” Everyone nodded in agreement and Hailey continued with a little fear in her voice, “So how are we getting across?” Just then, Mal clicked a button on the remote control and a small wall in the front limo came down, exposing the wide ocean with nothing in front of them.
“Look!” Evie screamed. They all looked out of the front window.
“It’s a TRAP!” Carlos yelled.
Crap! Was this Auradons plan all along? Pick them off and kill them in small groups? Hailey’s heart pounded faster in her chest at the thought. She panicked and grabbed hold of whatever was closest to her, which happened to be Jay’s bicep, and squeezed her eyes shut. Carlos hugged her abdomen as Evie and Mal came close and hugged the other three.
They all started screaming things they regret they ever said or haven’t said.
“I’m sorry I made fun of your jeans, Dad!”
“I hate my mom!”
“I love you Mal!”
“I love you guys!”
Everyone braced for impact for a few seconds.
But nothing came.
“We’re… alive?” Hailey asked quietly, as she opened one eye and got her nails out of the thief’s bicep.
Evie looked out the window, and was amazed by the golden bridge that appeared, “it must be magic.” She smiled.
“Hey!” Mal got the driver’s attention, “did this button open the barrier?”
“No,” he answered without turning to her. “this one opens the magic barrier,” he held up a different remote. “That one opens my garage. And this button…” he slowly brought the divider up.
Mal turned around to the group again.
“Okay then…” said Hailey with an amused smile.
“Nasty.” Said Mal, as she tapped the remote on her knee. “I like him.” Mal paused for a moment, then looked at Evie. “Did you say you love me?”
Evie's face burned, “I-I meant you all.” Evie stuttered out. “I love you all.”
Everyone gave her a 'really?' look while Evie shifted nervously. “Sure…” Carlos said slowly.
Jay turned to the demigoddess “Did you say something about your dad's jeans?” The young thief asked Hailey.
“He’s a grown man in skinny jeans.” Hailey scoffed. Everyone laughed at the realization, making small conversations for the rest of the ride.
“Ooo.” Carlos admired the color of a random cloth he found.
Jay, with too many things under his arm, tried to snatch the cloth out of Carlos’ hand. But the young De Vil resisted, starting a tug of war between the two boys.
“Dear lord.” Mal said with exhaustion.
Carlos’ back was on the limo door when suddenly the limo stopped and Carlos went barreling through the door.
“Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?” Carlos yelled, but Hailey wasn’t listening, she walked around the arguing boys and took in her surroundings.
She walked out of the limo and was taken back by the brightness in the new place. The demigoddess could only say one word to describe Auradon: green. Everything looked so… clean. They had these pretty things blooming out of the trees, and had leaves on their trees. Hailey’s eyes grew hard. How selfish of them to keep this to themselves. Doesn’t matter, they’ll have the wand soon anyways. But maybe she’ll take the pretty things.
A short woman in a blue dress and a pink bow walked up to them. Mal kicked Carlos’ back telling him there were people watching.
“Just cleaning up.” Jay said with a sly smile. He murmured for Carlos to get up. The white haired boy scrambled to get up.
“Leave it where you found it,” the woman with the pink bow started. “And by that I just mean leave it.” She said, making Jay throw all the random items he was holding back into the limo.
When he turned around, his eyes caught the girl hanging on the boy in blue’s arm “Hello... foxy.” Said Jay to the girl, with a sly smile. She gave him a disgusted look and he backed off.
“Welcome to Auradon prep. I’m Fairy Godmother, headmistress.” The woman in the bow introduced herself with a warm smile.
“Fairy godmother?” Mal asked, “As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo”?''
“Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it.” The headmistress.
“Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile.”
“Oh.” Fairy Godmother smiled again.
“And that sparkling wand.” Mal mentioned the wand once more, earning a kick to the boot from Hailey. Her way of saying “stop talking. You’re going to give us away.” Making Mal stumble a bit, which in turn Mal Side kicked Hailey’s boot.
Either she didn’t notice, Or Fairy Godmother chose to ignore what was happening  between the two girls, she decided to respond back with “That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future." Mal smiled back at her.
The brunette boy in blue stepped up. “It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben.” He introduced himself.
“Prince. Benjamin.” The girl hanging off his arm said “Soon to be king.” She giggled.
“You had me at prince.” Evie smiled as she stepped forward, “Evie.” She introduced herself with her always majestic voice. “My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess.”
“The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you.” Said the female brunette.
Evie gave a small frown and stepped back next to Carlos. The young De Vil gave her a small squeeze on the shoulder.
“This is Audrey.” The Prince said with a defeated tone.
“Princess Audrey. My mother’s Aurora. I’m His girlfriend!” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Right, Bennyboo?”
Mal’s mouth curled into a small smirk and placed her hands on Hailey’s shoulders. “And this is Hailey.” The purple haired fairy introduced her.
It took Hailey a few seconds to realize what Mal was trying to do, but when she finally understood, she went with it. “Greek Demigoddess, Hailey.” The fourteen year old corrected, “my father's Hades.” She mocked the Princess and gave her a smug smile as she put her hands on her hips.
It seemed that FairyGosmother noticed the tension and decided to step in. “Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut.” Fairy Godmother threw her hands up suddenly making Hailey jump a little. She smiled at the five of them. Why do all of these people smile so much? Hailey wondered. “But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews.”
“So we’ve heard.” Hailey snarked under her breath.
She waved goodbye to all of them as she made her way into the giant castle behind them. Leaving the two royals with the villain kids.
Ben gained their attention once more. “It is so, so good to finally,” The prince attempted to shake Jay’s hand, but the Arabian punched his chest as a greeting instead. “Me-meet you all.” He wheezed a little. “This is a momentous occasion,” He tried To shake Hailey’s hand but they never left her hips, she instead gave him a nod in Acknowledgment. He went to shake Mals hand, and It was the most normal so far.
He moved onto Carlos and paused. He shook his hand slowly as the two gazed into each other’s eyes for awhile. Maybe her eyes were fooling her, but to Hailey, it looked like Carlos’ cheeks had gone a little pink. “That I hope will go down in history…” he  said slowly as he shook his hand. “that chocolate?” He asked as he licked a small bit of chocolate off of his finger.
"Chocolate." Both Carlos and Hailey said under their breaths, glad to put a name to the sweet.
Back to what was going on, It seemed as if ben was lost in Carlos’ eyes. “Um…” he lost track of what he was supposed to say next, “ was I saying something?”
“Something about “a momentous occasion”. Jay reminded the Prince.
"Right." Ben gave Carlos a small smile before moving onto shake Evie's hand. The blue haired girl shook his hand eagerly. He finally came to the end of his speech “As the day our two peoples began to heal.” He. Stepped back ro Audrey and smiled at all of the VKs. Honestly, what’s up with all the smiling?
"Or the day you tell five people where the bathrooms are." Mal teased Ben, as the other snickered at the comment.
"Too much?" Ben asked.
"Just a lil'." Said Carlos, with a teasing tone. Ben gave him a sheepish smile.
“Yeah. How long did it take for you to practice that in the mirror?” Said Hailey, joining in the teasing.
It seemed the teasing was personally bothering the brunette princess, and she decided to intrude, “Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?” Mal raised her eyebrow at the girl, but nodded nonetheless. “I totally don’t blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff.” She said with a fake smile.
“You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to her. stupid. christening.” Mal said the last three words separately, with a fake smile identical to Audrey’s.
“Water under the bridge.” Audrey told her.
“Totes!” Mal agreed. They shared a forced laugh together.
The awkward tense silence fell among the group once more.
This time Ben broke it. “Okay!” He clapped his hands together. “So, how about a tour? Yeah?” He started walking to the castle before, stopping himself, turning around and looking at the VKs. “Sorry. I didn’t get any names.”
Each VK gave him their names, Hailey noted when it looked like Ben’s smile grew wider when Carlos revealed his name.
After every name, they continued on.
“Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king.” They all faced a statue of, what Hailey is assuming, King Adam. Ben clapped his hands twice, and the statue morphed into a terrifying beast.
The sudden transformation of statue startled all of the VKs, but freaked Carlos and Hailey out so bad, they both jumped into the arms of who was closest to them. Hailey landing in Evie’s arms, and Carlos in Jay’s.
“Whoa, Carlos, Hailey, It's okay.” Ben tried to calm the two down. “My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible.”
“Does he shed?” Carlos asked.
“Mom won’t let him on the couch.” Ben responded with a smile.
They continued on to the tour. But the Hailey and Carlos stayed in the oldest arms.
“Carry me?” Hailey swallowed her pride, and asked Evie with a small voice.
“Fine,” Said the older blue headed girl. “But only until we get there.”
Carlos tried the same thing with Jay, but the thief dropped him immediately.
When they arrived in the castle, Hailey let herself out of Evie’s arms, and Ben gave a small summary of the room they were in.
“So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands, and spells like that?” Was the first thing Mal asked when Ben finished his speech. Hailey shot Mal a look that said ‘really?’. She really isn’t being subtle about this.
“Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.” Ben answered Mal.
“How is being royalty ordinary?” Hailey asked the question all the VKs were wondering.
“Um…” Ben started to say, when one of the kids from the band that played when they arrived, showed up at the top of the stairs. “Doug!” He called him, “Doug, come down. This is Doug,” Ben introduced him. Doug gave a small wave. “He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay?” Then the prince made direct eye contact with Carlos. “And If there is anything you need, feel free to…”
“Ask Doug.” His girlfriend interrupted him, and pulled him along down the long hall.
“Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.” His voice slowed when his eyes caught Evies.
“Evie. Evil queen's daughter.” She introduced herself.
“Doug.” He held out his hand.
“You already introduced yourself.” Hailey reminded him.
“Right. Um… oh yeah! Okay. So about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already... history of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the Internet, and, uh, remedial goodness 101.” Doug explained as he gave them each their schedules.
“New class?”  Was Evies guess. Doug gave her a sheepish smile.
“Come on, guys, let's go. find our dorms.” Mal said as she led the group down one hallway.
“uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys.” Doug pointed down the other hall.
“I knew that.”
Doug dropped the girls down in one room, and led the boys further down the hall to their room.
Mal opened the door and Hailey covered her eyes. The bedroom they’ll be staying in was pretty cramped due to the 3 beds. 2 to the sides and one in the middle. The curtains wide open letting in all the sunlight. 2 desks on one side and some kind of foam chair near one of the beds. The beds themselves had white comforters with pink pillows, and a white bed frame.
“This place is so-”
“Did I mention bright?”
Hailey and Mal listed the worst things about the room.
“Hailey, get the curtain.” Said Mal.
Once both curtains were closed, Hailey and Mal let out a sigh of relief.
“Finally.” Said Hailey. Everyone let themselves drop in a bed.
Frick, this bed feels nice.
“So what’s next?” Evie asked from where she was laying.
“We get the wand.” Mal told her.
“Today?” Hailey propped herself up on her shoulders as she looked at Mal.
“Yup.” Was the last thing Mal said before she put on her plotting face again.
“Yo, where’s our luggage?”
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