#( ic ask ; ro nuñez )
feveredblurs · 7 months
"i like taking care of you . i’d be happy to do it for the rest of our lives ." (mal to ro)
maybe, when she had claimed that she couldn’t care less about isi’s growing success, loud enough for everyone at the afterparty to hear, she wasn’t being exactly truthful. maybe she had sunk deeper into her denial as she told herself the alcohol didn’t burn when she downed another shot, and then another, desperate not to feel.
it was better than remembering her last conversation with isi, anyway – awkward and distant, as if she was talking with a stranger. had she really changed so much over the years? or was ro simply blind to who she truly was?
and who the hell was that guy up on stage with her?
pedro tries to get her back to the hotel room, but it’s mal who finally succeeds in pulling her away from the bar. ro’s demeanor instantly shifts around her, no longer shooting sharp words at whoever’s in range – instead, she melts in the other’s arms, craving closeness in a way her sober self wouldn’t normally allow to show.
the cab ride back to the hotel feels too short; ro wonders if she dozed off on mal’s shoulder, or if she imagined the way she gently held her hand the entire time. ro wishes she would never have to let go.
her senses don’t feel as cloudy by the time they get to her hotel room. her coordination, however, still leaves much to be desired. ro stumbles only three steps in, and reaches for mal’s hand – yet it’s not enough to save her from the fall. she laughs as she lands on her back, wondering if she looks as ridiculous as she feels.
“ sorry you have to be stuck on babysitter duty tonight. ” despite her playful tone, there’s more to her apology, all the words she can’t bring herself to say just yet. sorry i ruined the party. sorry i can’t stop thinking about her.
ro expects to get a joke right back. she’s stunned into silence when mal offers a much more honest remark in return. how could she say something like that, baring her soul when ro had held onto her own feelings for dear life?
“ stop... ” she pleads in a low voice. her breath hitches, and ro can’t tell whether she’s about to throw up or cry; she brings a hand to cover her face for good measure anyway. “ don’t say that. this isn’t how you should be spending your days – or nights. ” deep down, ro wants to believe her. but her scars have her fearing mal will just turn away and leave at the first sign of trouble.
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with a deep breath, she pushes herself to a sitting position, knees pressed to her chest. it hurts to look at mal, and she’s willing to bet it’s not just from the bright lights in the room. “ mal, you deserve way better than... this shit. ” ro gestures for the space around her, desperately trying to ignore the ache in her chest. “ someone who’s not still hung up on their ex like an idiot. ”
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feveredblurs · 7 months
❛ we should get some breakfast , i could murder a stack of pancakes . ❜ (mal to ro)
“ isn’t it kinda early for breakfast? ” ro looks over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of their open window. the sun has just started peeking out, a dim companion to a few streetlights that are still on. last she’d checked, it was still well into the night. lexi had kept them up for hours to work on songs for the new album, relentless as ever. nevermind that none of them managed to contribute much, with how tired they were.
the rest of the band managed to doze off for a few minutes at a time, but ro’s almost sure lexi didn’t sleep at all.
she’s still a little groggy from her last nap when mal speaks to her. the guitarist is now on her feet, towering over ro and the armchair she’s awkwardly curled up on. the hotel room was pretty cramped for four people ( they couldn’t afford anything too fancy, still new to their fame ), but after so many years of playing in their garage, ro wasn’t about to complain.
“ i guess i could eat. ” she sets a hand over her stomach as if to gauge her hunger; the bag of chips she dug into two hours ago admittedly didn’t offer much sustenance.
she means to ask if pedro will join them, but he’s sleeping soundly across the room, splayed out on the couch. lexi’s still focused on her songwriting, so ro already knows she and mal are going alone. a few weeks ago, she wouldn’t have minded that one bit. but after mal officially joined the band... ro began worrying about them spending time together. it usually only ended one way...
lexi would kill them if their hookups got in the way of the band’s newfound success. besides, ro hadn’t told mal about isi... it felt unfair to continue this ( whatever this was ) without being honest about where her feelings truly lied.
 and yet, she realized she couldn’t stay away either. mal’s energy was contagious, and ro found herself craving her company more often than she’d like to admit.
“ let’s go. ” too weak to turn the offer down, ro pushes herself off her seat. walking over to lexi, sitting on the floor surrounded by papers, she gives a light tap to her shoulder. “ lex, we’re gonna get food. you want anything? ”
‘ hm, just bring me whatever you’re having, ’ she mumbles absentmindedly, already waving them off. ro shrugs, knowing better than to distract lexi when she’s in the zone.
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stepping outside of the hotel room, ro’s hands quickly dive into her pockets, lest they stray. that always seemed to happen too easily around mal. “ so, what’s the plan? it’s too early for the hotel to serve breakfast, and the boss will have our heads if we order room service. ”
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feveredblurs · 9 months
❛ everybody knows . about us . the sex . ❜ (isiro)
the panic in isi’s voice does not go unnoticed. ro supposes it’s expected. their night together hadn’t been planned, after all. and it wasn’t as though they properly confessed their feelings – or sorted out anything about their current back and forth, really. as dettached as ro tried to appear, she was still hurt by isi’s departure all those years ago. she’d hadn’t forgiven her... but she realized she couldn’t stay away, either.
“ the sex? ” ro repeats with a laugh. she didn’t mean to poke fun at isi’s wording, but her embarrassment was too cute to pass up an opportunity to tease her. “ what’d you expect? we weren’t exactly subtle about it. you coming to my dressing room after the show was a huge tell. ” she says it like she hadn’t been pacing around the room just moments prior, praying that isi would show and that she had not imagined the look they exchanged on stage.
“ they’re not gonna tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about. ” lexi couldn’t care less. pedro probably hadn’t even realized anything was going on. and mal... it wasn’t like they were exclusive, anyway. if she did know, she might not even care that ro and isi slept together.
getting up from her seat, ro closes the distances between them with a large step. “ you’re freaking out for no reason. we just need to be more careful from now on. ” with how she effortlessly towers over isi, it’s hard not to take advantage of that. ro finds herself leaning down, eyes locked onto isi’s as she inches closer to her face.
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she wonders if isi can see how nervous she actually is up close. how easy it would be to crush ro’s heart when she’s hanging onto her every word, terrified of rejection. “ unless you wanna stop? ”
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