#it's writing a story with your rp partners y'know? collaborative storytelling!!!
fstbmp-a · 1 year
@hexellent replied to your post “Also, since I do.. well, do this and I wanna make...”:
//This is the kind of creativity I want to have. I feel really stagnant at times because I feel like I’m doing the same things over and over, but I’m not super sure…how to change anything?? Or where to start?? If that makes sense?? It’s like standing in the middle of nowhere without a compass and idk which way is north but I wanna start walkin. 🥲
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Oh yeah, it is a strange tightrope to walk. It's why I'm more willing nowadays to have some form of mains list, even if it's more fluid than most expect. Once you have some anchors for your characters, in some regard, you can think of how those relationships and what's happened will influence your characters.
Let's double back to Olympia and Jade (lowhowl's Whisper). Olympia got to bond with her the most during her formative time post-transition, so when they reached a sisterly bond as the new year rolled in: Olympia grew naturally into alt fashion because it reminded her of Jade; a simple cause and effect, y'know?
So what's the most important is the relationship your muse has with another and what that'll do to them. Whether it's through notable plot progression or just because of a closer bond; it's up to the relationships your muse forms that influences further growth of their character!
Of course, this is just how I do things and it's entirely subject to how ya wanna do it yourself!
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@rejectshumanity said: 🍪 ☎️ ⭐️ 🐠 & 🔑 ! (for the my experience in the roleplaying community meme)
(rpc experiences meme - open)
//ASDFJK; damn that's a lot of symbols- ok anyway i'll put my answers under the cut :3c
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
ohhh this is an interesting one!!! hmm... y'know, i have a few favorite memories on here, most of them centering around fond memories with some of the friends i've made through hanging out in the rpc.
y'know... i think one of my favorite memories, though, was when i was still really active on my old sally face blog, and there was this stretch of time when i received a lot of really friendly anons who were excitedly reading along with my threads and wanted to share their thoughts. i thought that was kinda fun tbh! perhaps a bit much at times, but it was cool that even people who weren't actively part of those threads were having fun.
☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
so i know this whole questionnaire thing is about the tumblr rpc specifically, but i also wanna answer this for like. characters i've roleplayed in general.
my very first muse on tumblr was saitama from one punch man--specifically an au depicting saitama as a trans woman. she was a lot of fun to write and develop, but i was so new to the tumblr rpc and *incredibly* shy so i never really approached anyone first, so she never got much attention. lately i've been considering writing saitama again, but i don't think i'll write this au in particular ever again--my girl can rest <3
as for first character *in general*, that's a bit more complicated. i mainly rp'd ocs back when i wrote on quotev with close friends, and during my time in some rp groups on discord. i don't really remember who was the first oc i ever roleplayed as, but i do remember the first canon character i roleplayed as! or at least one of them.
that would be dr. robert langdon from the da vinci code series! i had a pretty long stretch of being hyperfixated on those books, and they're still pretty near and dear to my heart! i've been really meaning to reread angels & demons tbh... and maybe i'll bring my boy robert back. maybe. i do miss him.
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves
i don't have a lot of these! i like to think i'm pretty chill most of the time, and i like to emphasize good communication as much as i can (though i will be the first to admit i'm not always the best at that lmao). most of my pet peeves *are* just about communication with other muns, but i don't encounter them very often. i guess my biggest pet peeve would really just be muns who don't communicate *at all* ooc.
but i guess. second to this would be people who don't read about pages in the slightest. i totally understand if they're not mobile accessible or easy to read, but i think it's really important to familiarize yourself as much as possible with your writing partners' muses. even if they're writing canon muses you're familiar with, it's important to learn what they bring to the table and how they're portraying the character. i'm not saying you need to catch up on all the lore right away, but just! get to know em a bit.
🐠 why i love (or hate) this hobby
i love this hobby because it gives me a lot of time to really indulge in developing and writing characters, and also just. collaborative storytelling is one of my favorite things in the whole fucking world, haha! also, it's led to me meeting a lot of really fun, interesting people, some of whom are my best friends in the world! i actually met two of my partners through rp groups! :3c
🔑 my favorite type of threads
y'know, i don't think i have a single favorite type of thread, but one thing i'm always a goddamn sucker for is hurt/comfort. i love to indulge a little in angst but then in the recovery after the angst.
i also really like threads that really give me the chance to dig my claws into a character's psychology, or ones that let my partner do the same. we're telling a story together, so show me what you've got and go all the fuck IN on these characters with me!
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