#itll kill me but ill die happy if im not crushed by my other courses. plus grading. plus research
opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
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lovebunnie · 5 years
Do them all nerd
Tumblr media
1. meaning behind my url?
- i like venom and symbrock (veddie) is good
2. a pisture of me
- people get creepy with pics of me (plus u know what i look like already) so have uh this?
Tumblr media
i look like this
3. how many tattoos do i have and what do they look like?
- i dont have any (yet) but i really love tattoo culture
4. last time i cried and why
- i was looking at cats that needed to be adopted online and they all are….. so cuuute
5. piercings i have
- i dont have any :p
6. favorite band?
- gorillaz 
7. buggest turn offs
- if you make rude jokes ill immediately be annoyed with you (twitch humor)
8. top 5 (insert item)
- well since u didnt do it ill do top 5.. numbers..
420, 69, 666, 0, 👌
9. tattoos i want
- i want some roses, maybe some song lyrics and some special pieces drawn by the artist because i love artists expressing themselves
10. biggest turn ons
- im babby but also hand holding
11. age?
- im 18
12. ideas of a perfect date
- ive said before that i want my first date to be to a build a bear because thats CUTE we make bears for each other
13. life goal?
- i want to one day give a ted talk
14. piercings i want
- not really what i want but i actually really love gauges and septums because im gay and goth
15. relationship status?
- absolutely not dating anyone and pining over like 5 people
16. favorite movie?
- dead poets society
17. a fact about my life
- i had a half brother i didnt know was a half brother until i was 15 years old lmao
18. phobia?
- throwing up
19. middle name?
- it starts with an ‘m’ but thats all ill say
20. height?
- i havent gotten measured since like 8th grade so last time i checked i was 5 2 but honestly i dont know
21. are u a virgin?
- have u seen me and my content? of course i am
22. whats your shoe size?
- 7.5 or 8 depending on the brand
23. whats your sexual orientation?
- im bisexual :3
24. do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
- no because im not cool enough to get them and also my family is full of addicts so if i start itll most likely kill me
25. someone you miss?
- every single person i met at camp (ian and rivers and connor and jared but theyre the ones i have tumblrs from) i love them dearly and i cant wait until the summer to see them again
26. whats one thing you regret?
- i wish i did more theater because i honestly really enjoy it
27. first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive?
- jake gyllenhaal (followed closely by hugh dancy and megan fox)
28. favorite ice cream?
- turkey hill mint chocolate chip
29. one insecurity?
- my face looks like a pizza i have such nasty skin
30. what my last text message says
- fun fact but if u know me youll know im the absolute worst at responding to messages, i didnt text my grandma back so much my dad threatened to throw my phone in a ‘fucking lake’ (his words) but anyway it was to my friend seb and it said “yeah just me being a pretentious fool as usual” talking about my twitter
31. have you ever taken a picture naked?
- absolutely NOT lmao who would i send it to my english class gc?
32. have you ever painted your room?
- my old room in maryland yeah, we painted it light blue
33. have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
- i havent had my first kiss yet whoops
34. have you ever slept naked?
- HELL NO my cat steps on me in my sleep
35. have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
- literally everyday it makes me really happy and its fun and im not apologizing
36. have you ever had a crush?
- i dont think ive ever not had a crush like deadass
37. have you ever been dumped?
- no ive only really dated one person
38. have you ever stole money from a friend?
- no all my friends are broke like me we suffer together like champs
39. have you ever gotten into a car with people you just met?
- god fucking NEVER all my closest friends live away from me and are gay so none of us can drive (yet. connor is getting there) but yeah no i dont even trust my brother to drive me
40. have you ever been in a fist fight?
- no but id win because my muscles are so huge
41. have you ever snuck out of your house?
- no i live in the middle of no where. i could walk to food loin or burger king if i wanted to but i dont. so no. im asleep at 8:30
42. have you ever had feelings for someone who didnt feel them back?
- literally all the time, i like people who will never like me back
43. have you ever been arrested?
- no im a rule follower
44. have you ever made out with a stranger?
- see question #33
45. have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
- like in secret? no. but as friends? yes.
46. have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
- accidentally yes and when they tell me they were worried i cry in shame
47. have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
- i think back in elementary school i had a crush on a neighbor boy. he was a lax bro and i think liked me back even if i was 2 years older than him
48. have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
- no and actually, last year i had gone the whole time without missing a single day so my mom and i went into the city and i asked to go home to finish homework and my mom called me a nerd :(
49. have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
- that has never come out, no
50. have you ever seen someone die?
- ive been watching our country die for years
okay im only doing half because im literally falling asleep i might finish the other half if u want me to
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