#its 4:30 am and the meds are kicking in and ruining my sleep
road2manjuumaster · 11 months
self inserts are great. some people have one they use for every media and i love seeing this one specific little guy people choose to represent themselves go on fun adventures and make friends with their favorite characters and fall in love with others. some people have a different insert for every media they ship from or even for every ship they have and that's??? honestly really impressive and cool how so many different things can represent a single person. sometimes they're fantastical and magical and sometimes they're just A Guy™ in Situations™ even if it doesn't really "fit" the media they're an insert for. and some of these designs?? SNAPPED my spine stole my bones yall are so talented
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scottrunsultras · 5 years
Leadville 100 recap
It took a while to fully process the experience.  I suffered from some post-race depression.  I wasn’t sure what to think.  I told myself that i was about 50/50 disappointed and proud.  But I think it felt more like 80/20.  But I think that was just the depression talking.  Yeah, I had performance goals going into the race.  And at no point did I ever consider “finishing” to be good enough, even if I tried to convince myself that it was.  But an amazing amount of life happens in the course of 30 hours on your feet in the thin air of the Colorado Sawatch Mountain Range.  And as I’ve thought about it, talked to my wife/crew chief/final pacer, as well as other friends who were either there or have ultra experience themselves, I think I’ve finally managed to full understand the experience and what it meant to me.
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image: 3:30 am Saturday morning.  Heading to the start line.
Let me start with the week leading up to the race.  It was pretty rough.  I had a burning anxiety that I just couldn’t get under control.  Part of it may have been the taper.  It seemed to do its job because I had a ton of energy.  But I was also constantly visualizing the race, constantly thinking and rethinking the logistics of aid stations and what I needed to bring.  I also had stomach problems the entire week leading into the race - another likely byproduct of the anxiety.  I was mostly super excited to do the race.  There wasn’t any fear like last time I attempted Leadville.  It was absolutely a positive stress.  But it was exhausting.  And there was still, in the back of my mind, a pressure to finish after DNFing my last attempt.  
I attributed my previous DNF to dehydration.  And I still think that was a big part of it.  But the reality was probably closer to altitude sickness, made more pronounced by dehydration.  So I was extra focused on hydration and nutrition going into race day.  Probably overly focused.  But I was convinced that the only way I would fail is due to another crushing gastro-intestinal breakdown like last time.  It doesn’t help that the thin, dry air of Leadville sucks the moisture from your body unlike anything I experience in Boulder.  So I drank a ton of water the 36 or so hours prior to the race.  An absolute ton.  It seemed like the right thing to do.
I also get very anxious about sleeping.  I never sleep well the night before a race.  And I hit rock bottom last year the night before the Never Summer 100k by literally not sleeping at all.  Instead just laying in my tent for hours stressing about not being able to sleep - making it impossible to relax and actually doze off.  I’ve resorted to meds for sleep in races since then.  Before Javelina last fall I intentionally overdosed a little on Benadryl and it worked out great.  I did the same on Friday night, and actually slept a bit.  Probably in the neighborhood of 4 good hours - which isn’t bad considering I had to wake up at 2:30.  But I also felt... weird that night.  I told myself it was the Benadryl.  I wouldn’t say I was hallucinating, but I felt just mentally off.  I’d been freaking out about getting sick all week and was convinced that it hit me the night before the race.  Luckily I felt okay when I woke up.  My legs felt strong.  My stomach was mostly okay.  No real aches or pains from chronic achilles and ankle injuries.  I felt good and excited and ready to go.
I went out way too fast last time I ran this - doing the easy early section in the 7:00′s.  Between that and bombing the final descent of Powerline my legs were shot by the marathon point of the race.  I was determined to not let that happen this time.  My barometer for success began with how well I ran from 25-35, an extended slightly uphill but more or less easy section.  So I went out easy and ran the first 13 mile section in a bit over 2 hours.  Probably within 5 minutes of whatever my goal would have been if I’d cared.  But I knew that part didn’t really matter.
In the second section of the race - Mayqueen to Outward Bound, including the infamous Powerline - things started to get bleak.  On the 1 mile easy dirt road section just past the single-track Colorado Trail section, my stomach was killing me.  My entire nutrition plan had already fallen apart.  In my training runs I’d eat a granola bar of some sort every 30 minutes.  And I could go on for hours like that.  In my 9 hour big training run for the race, I did that the entire time and my stomach was thrilled.  This time my stomach was upset with solid food after the first hour.  
I made the conscious decision to try to settle things with electrolytes so I ate some salt tablets and started relying much more on Gatorade than water, and 30 minutes or so later I started to feel a little better.  But from that point on, every 30 minutes I’d have to force myself to eat and I was always unhappy about it.
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image: Outward Bound Aid Station. Mile 24.
After leaving my crew at Outward Bound, things actually got a bit better.  This was the first test section for me and it went great.  Long, easy, semi-uphill miles.  I even hit a high point around the top of the climb on the way to Twin Lakes and flew down the hill.  I did that 15 mile section in a little less than 3 hours.  And while I was steadily losing time to my 25 hour goal time, I felt pretty good.  Then the logistical nightmare started.
Due to avalanches, the road to the halfway point, Winfield, was closed to crews and pacers.  So they had to take a shuttle from Twin Lakes.  So literally every crew, pacer, and spectator was parked at Twin Lakes.  From what I was told, the line of cars along the highway reached 5 miles long.  So when I got into the Twin Lakes Aid Station, I couldn’t find my crew... because they weren’t there.  So I walked back and forth for 10-15 minutes looking for them and spotted the crew of a friend from work also running the race.  I had shoes to change in to for the monster climb coming up and food/drinks... with my missing crew.  So I scrounged up some Gatorade from a stranger and prepared myself to cross a river and hike over a 12,600′ pass in my road shoes.  Then, right before getting back on the trail, I spotted my kids.  My wife had dropped them off on the side of the road with my crew bags and told them to find me.  They got there about 60 seconds before I left.
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image: Hope Pass Llamas
So with proper food and trail shoes, I started the Hope Pass climb.  It went fine.  It’s a difficult, but beautiful and rewarding section of the race.  The section near Winfield was harder than I remembered, but I finished the 12 mile section in a little under 4 hours, cruising into the half way point a bit under 12 hours.
This time my crew was there and ready.  They apparently spent almost 2 hours in line to get on a shuttle, so they hadn’t been there for long.  But I got what I needed - a grilled cheese sandwich and a reload on gatorade and gus.  My stomach still wasn’t happy and I was heading into the section that ruined me last time.  So I had a definitely plan.  I had 3.5 miles until the major climb started.  So I gave myself 2.5 miles for my stomach to relax from what I ate at Winfield - then forced down a gu and a granola bar and resigned myself to not eating again until I got to the top of the pass. It didn’t feel good, but I didn’t puke - so it worked.
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image: Hope Pass Part 2
The way down was fine.  Not easy - 4 miles of 800 feet per mile of vertical drop 15 hours into a race is pretty rough on the quads - but it was fine.  I had a great pacer for this section, who kept me super entertained with some great conversation.  And the peak crossing once again took about 4 hours - better than I had mentally planned going into the race but I’d lost so much time at Aid Stations and on the first crossing, the 25 hour dream was dead.
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image: River Crossing heading back to Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes Inbound was good.  My crew was there and much more relaxed this time.  My pacers were there.  My wife brought me tacos.  i changed my shoes and socks and grabbed some cold weather layers and started the night section of the race.  That’s when things really started to grind.  This was the second test section for myself.  After a climb from 9,200 to 10,600 feet, I had a very long easy section.  Mostly downhill, reasonably smooth.  If I was going to have a good finish, this would be where it came from.  But it didn’t happen.  I told myself once it started going downhill I’d start running.  But my feet were trashed from blisters and my stomach was still giving me problems.  I felt like if I really pushed myself, I’d puke.  So I kept giving myself more time.  But more time didn’t help.  And the more time I gave myself, the more accustomed I got to hiking easy terrain - to the point that I couldn’t find it in myself to really run anymore.  So I’d shamble at 13:00′s on some sections, but actual running seemed to be over.  And that’s when the despair kicked in.
Staring down 50k of walking in the dark is hard to deal with.  I kept looking at my watch and thinking, “my god I have 10 hours left of this.”  In the back of my mind I felt like I’d still hit some high points and be able to turn it around, but it never happened.  I switched pacers again at Outward Bound, going into the last hard part of the race.  It was only 11 miles until the next aid station, but I had a big climb.  Once again I told myself that once I got to the top I’d dig deep and run down.  But I couldn’t.  My feet hurt so much that any rocks at all made things impossible.  And even on the smooth sections I only managed to run 13:00-14:00 minute miles.  My stomach still felt terrible.  It just never got better.
On this section I started to realize some mistakes that I’d made.  According to my pacer, I peed 8 times in this 11 mile section.  And it dawned on me that I drank too much during the race and in the days coming in to the race.  I’d always laughed off hyponatremia and the idea of drinking when thirsty, mostly because most of my races have been in hot weather.  But it looks like it may have bit me, though luckily only mildly.  Once I made this realization I ate the rest of my salt tablets and mostly stopped drinking except for the occasional sip of Gatorade.  It was 4am and 37 degrees.  I definitely wasn’t sweating.
I came into Mayqueen just before 5:00am, an hour under the cutoff.  And once again lost my crew.  After using the restroom I spent a good 10 minutes wandering back and forth looking for them - too tired to walk fast or yell anyone’s name.  I finally found my wife, decked out in her pacer gear, ready to pull me through the final 13 miles.
She did her best to encourage me.  “Run the easy sections.  Stumble the downhills.”  And I tried.  But my feet hurt so much that if there were any rocks at all I just couldn’t do it.  And the first 4 miles of the Turqoise Lake trail are pretty rocky.  So I did the best I could.  The finish still seemed impossibly far away, but I knew I’d get there at least.  Once the trail smoothed out I started to slow jog it a bit.  At this point, 27 hours into the race, my stomach finally started to feel normal.  I was no longer nauseous and I actually started to feel hungry. But I couldn’t stomach gus at this point so I was surviving on a snack bag of trail mix and some gatorade.  I couldn’t tell the difference between hunger and nausea so I was still afraid of throwing up.  But I was getting close and needed a goal to keep myself from slumping my shoulders and walking it in.  So I pushed to get under the 29 hour mark.
The sun came up, it started to get warm, and we pushed the long uphill back into Leadville.  I power hiked the ups and jogged the downs.  I passed at least a dozen people.  We turned the corner at the high school and started up the final real uphill.  I told my wife we’d start running once we got over the top.  And once we reached the crest, I turned to her and told her: “let’s blow the doors off.”  So we ran down the hill.  The first real running I’d done in more than 10 hours.  We were in the 7:00′s when the downhill turned back up into the final few blocks before the finish line.  I started running faster and dropped my wife.  I was in the 6:00′s going up the hill passing more people.  Then my son jumped in at the last minute and ran across the line with me.
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28 hours.  44 minutes.  101 miles.  15,000 feet of climbing.  All mostly at or above 10,000 feet of elevation.  This is a hard fucking race.  And while I missed my stretch goal by several hours, it’s an honor to have finished it.  
I first heard of the Leadville 100 when I read Born to Run back in 2009.  It seemed mind-blowlingly impossible.  Apparently it wasn’t.
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sweetblink · 6 years
Prompts list #1
- Riverdale 
- The Gifted
- Chicago Fire
- Chicago PD
- Chicago Med
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#1. “Dude, what the hell?”… “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it just came out.”
#2. “Tragic, that was just tragic.”
#3. “That reeks disaster… let’s do it.”
#4. “We’re so gonna get caught, and I’m blame it on you.”… “Hey, you said you wanted to do this, therefore it’s not my fault.”
#5. “Suck my d*ck.”… “I honestly don’t know what to tell you man, you keep saying suck your d*ck as an offensive line, but like, are you lowkey gay for them?”
#6.  "I have no soul, you should know this by now!“
#7. "Let’s work on a prank.”… “We’re gonna get caught.”
#8. “I wanna tell him/her how much I love them, but what difference would it make?”… “Don’t give up.”
#9. “Okay, you needa get over yourself, you ain’t that special hunnie.”
#10. “We’re not getting the f*cking onsies!”… *hour later* “We got the f*cking onsies.”
#11. “How DARE YOU! You…YOU MONSTER!”… “How am I the monster? Is this because I said I haven’t seen the Lion King?”
#12. “It’s pretty much guaranteed that I could trip on air, so yeah, I’m that clumsy.”… “That’s just cute, and sad.”
#13. “You should’ve came with a warning, cause it’s crazy how you make all these sexual jokes.”… “I actually did come with a warning.”
#14. “You started this series without me?”… “Uh, sorry?” … “I can’t even look at you.”
#15. “Hey, you know I love you, right?”… “Alright, what did you do?”
#16. “Babe, Marvel or DC?”
#17. “Either you leave this room, or shut up your trap and watch the show/movie in silence.”… “Geez, and you say I’m the mean one.”
#18. “Dude, you have a food baby.”… “Yeah, I know.”
#19. “What the hell is wrong with you! You don’t fucking skip Bohemian Rhapsody!”
#20. “Journey or Queen?”… “Honestly, I’m about to beat you up for even asking me that.”
#21. “I’m done with you!”… “What?” … “You just ruined my dramatic exit, thanks a lot.”
#22. “I sacrificed so much for you, and this is how you repay me?”… “I’m so sorry…”
#23. “Are you blushing?”… “Noooo, I just look like a bright red tomato, of course I am you idiot!”
#24. “Code Red, we have a code red.” … “What does Code Red, even mean?”… “See this is why you’re not my best friend.”
#25. “I still love her/him.”… “Yeah, kinda figured out when I caught you both locking lips together.”
#26. “I wish I can hurt you the same you hurt me, but I can’t, because this feeling is something I wish for no one to feel, ever!”
#27. “How did we even end up here.”… “I don’t know you said to run, and we ran like a chicken with no head.”
#28. “Oh yes, I’m bilingual. I speak bitch too.”
#29. “Usually it’s the girl stealing the guy’s shirt, so why are you stealing mine?”
#30. “Oh kaay, I’m pretend I didn’t see you dress like a girl, I am just, I’m just gonna go back to sleep.”
#31. “Why are you on the floor.” … “Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because my bf/gf kicked me off the fucking bed!”
#32. “You walk out that door, and I promise you, I won’t be here when you come back.”
#33. “I’m fluent in Sarcasm, Cussing, and occasional French.”
#34. “Alright listen up losers, I hid Nerf guns all around, I made up a scavenger hunt to find them, when the clock says times up, we’re all meeting here, and we’re gonna have an epic Nerf gun fight.”
#35. “Come sit on my lap.”… “Or I can just sit on your face.”… “What?”… “Huh?”
#36. “I gave the most important day for you, only for you to deceive me, I’m so disappointed in myself. ”
#37. “I’m afraid that maybe one day, we’re gonna fall out of love. That one day I won’t be good enough for you.”
#38. “I will never be someone’s second, in fact if you even have have to think about who to pick, then don’t bother choosing me.”
#39. “My specialty is quoting songs, and movies in the most awkward situations ever.”
#40. “RuPaul called, and told me to tell you that your make up is a disgrace.”
#41. “So not only did you cheat on me, but you also lied and used me?”… “I’m sorry.”
#42. “Puh-lease, your go to karaoke song is Aqua’s Barbie Girl.”… “Shut up! We agreed that was a secret!”
#43. “She’s/He’s a mess.”… “Guuurl.”
#44. “Put the book down, and give me attention.”… “No, I’m in the best part of the book!”
#45. “She’s/He’s happy right now, and I’m not going to mess that up, simply because of what I feel. I rather sacrifice my happiness, than to see them in pain of knowing they can’t give me what I want.”
#46.“I still don’t understand why people think you’re some type of angel, you’re literally the devil.”… “Shut up, I’m a sweet innocent angel.”
#47. “Dude, why are you singing?”… “I’m bored, so leave me alone.”
#48. “Love is like a Russian Roulette game, it can either make you feel so alive, or kill you.”
#49. “I love paranormal things.”… “And this is why she/he, scare the living shit out of me.”
#50. “Here’s the thing that set us apart. You only know her/his favorite color, but I know why it’s her/his favorite color, you know her/his favorite movie, but I know why it’s her/his favorite movie, you may know what her/his favorite things are, but you’ll never exactly why its their favorite.”
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animal246 · 4 years
Tomorrow morning bright and early is top surgery! im excited but scared as hell especially since i was told my mom cant go in with me........ i understand its the stupid pandemic rules but it makes the whole thing worse for. Yes Im 25 but even adults sometimes need their parents. it just makes me feel so alone in a time when i dont want to be alone..... the only thing to keep me company will be whoever messages me and my stuffed bunny bow if they let him stay with me as long as possible. the last few days have been rough cuz sleep apnea is ruining my sleep and pain doc said go off  pain meds til further notice. it didnt help anyways but it kept me from withdrawal. so now im in pain and in withdrawal. I have to try to go to bed early since i gotta be up at 4-4:30 am to get to the hospital at 6 am. life is kicking my ass right now and all i can do is sit here and take it. oh and dad said he would "help" in reality he wont do much becuz he refuses to help with wound care so mom has to come over and help while dad is home thats gonna be fun.........
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Offer Me A Rest, Western-- Practically.
Next to morning meal, lunch is actually an additional significant meal which you should not bypass. Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. is actually a licensed therapist in S. California because 1978 along with over 30 years adventure in counseling people and also few and author of 13 books in 17 languages, including This Ends With You: Mature as well as From Disorder; The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again; Amount of money, Sexual activity and Kids: Quit Combating Regarding the Three Things That Could Ruin Your Relationship, The Traveler Marriage, and her most up-to-date, Love Styles: Effective ways to Celebrate Your Distinctions. In a planet with improving awareness on psychological wellness and also its own usefulness, I am actually instead shocked that Western could care less regarding attempting to aid the worry fees from the students along with a break. You are going to come to be much more comfortable using this weight transfer approach to carry even more electrical power to your rest stroke. The seduction for food as well as to crack quick and start around again was actually really genuine for me. I regularly felt hunger pains and my thoughts only kept getting on photos of my favorite foods. Possibly you watch selection bound markets and profession just with a break coming from equilibrium, or trade simply on the 2nd effort at such a breather. The sort of wonder where someone will offer me a breather that will receive me on a much better road. CAN NEVER STOP SPEAKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS WEB SITE DEAL WITH is CONTACT HIM NOW FOR REMEDY TO ALL YOUR ISSUES. As well as will definitely you allow on your own to just BE and really feel the affection that dwells within your soul - for you, for your life, for deciding to offer on your own a brand new instant where happiness belongs, where that fills the space within your heart and infects all of you, in and out. Connect with Dr.Zabaza via e-mail: zabazalogan @ or even give him a contact +2348182620374. Begin provide me a rest, no one observed this coming until recently, these are afraid methods, the $700 Billion Bailout plan will definitely provide the country assurance for some time, yet ought to our team truly possess this, I presume not, why due to the fact that if this took place when, this can easily happen twice. Offer Me a. Break är uppbyggt som ett åtta veckors course bestående av en modell för kamratstöd, ett digitalt verktyg i form av en app och en electronic fritidspedagog. Please refresh the web page to view the latest costs for Provide Me a Break Bedroom & Breakfast. I projektet arbetar agerar Digitala Dependence projektledare och arbetar med implementeringen av Give Me a Split. Some of these situations suffice to simply make you yell 'GIVE ME A REST.' Merely offer me an odds to catch my breath. Simply the very suggestion of the break - the knowledge that it's approaching - encourages you to center better and also operate productively in order to fully take pleasure in that rest. All of us in the ward were actually woken off our snooze to listen to Homer noisally scolding Registered nurse Lee given that she would not provide him much more pain-killers. Employees are actually qualified to one paid 10-minute rest breather if their job duration is actually in between two as well as 4 hrs; one paid out 10-minute rest break as well as one unsettled 30-minute food breather if their work period is in between 4 and also 6 hrs; pair of spent 10-minute rest breaks and also one overdue 30-minute dish break if their job period is in between six as well as eight hrs. Creating friends along with your ex-boyfriend does not mean just about anything, it is actually only good to understand that you are going to excellent friends after the break up; you may go out as buddies without being actually unpleasant along with each other until such opportunity you each believe that you need to have 2nd chance. You should not have to break in your running shoes, they should prepare to use straightaway. There are a lot of these research study firms trying to find folks like you to provide your viewpoint, and also they will certainly pay you pay for that. Most importantly, it does not set you back a factor to participate in. This is actually unfair that you were actually the only individual to put the blame on the break up. If you adored this article and you also would like to obtain more info with regards to mountains in wales list; Full Article, please visit our website. Take into consideration likewise your companion. 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I fulfilled this fella (29/12/1988) as well as I am actually Female (6/9/1989) I have been seeing/sleeping along with, on and also off for 4 years currently in between various other connections (that our company both have had, our team seem to be to always wind up back with eachother after the relationships we remained in deteroriate or even stop performing. Our experts were actually thus honored to be capable to deliver a breather to A.G. and also her other half in January to celebrate their wedding celebration anniversary. Right here's just what travellers have actually inquired, with answers coming from Offer Me a Breather Mattress & Breakfast staff and other travellers. I possess lots of tools to aid you establish you free of cost when you are actually ready to damage your unhealthful patterns of attracting harmful heart mates. Learn all you could approximately connecting effectively after the separate, and also even more essentially, understand what you're heading to mention when that get in touch with acquires made. Workers are allowed to one paid 10-minute rest breather if their job period is between pair of and also 4 hours; one paid 10-minute rest breather and also one overdue 30-minute food rest if their work time period is in between 4 as well as 6 hours; two paid 10-minute rest breaks as well as one unsettled 30-minute food breather if their job time period is between 6 and also eight hours. In addition going on a fast isn't really a rocket science; for hundreds of years, mostly all societies have actually utilized that to help get rid of the body of poisons, offer our digestive body organs the chance to invigorate as well as repair the best possible feature. The chart would certainly after that show which bones appeared to become the most and least probably to crack. Reassessing these delighted quotes is simply the first step on coming to be a true optimist. Meso-break - not unlike my little bit of 2-day hideaway in to the nation, a meso-break might be actually a hassle-free weekend where all electronics are switched off - which aids to give you a little bit even more from a recharge in your electric batteries. I and my enthusiast possessed some problems which brings about our split since after then my lifestyle has never ever coincided i made an effort all approach in order to get him back but they were just rubbish of initiative as well as wild-goose chase. It has a great deal to crack without a lover, oftentimes you'll split 6 to 20 times. Micro-break - that short amount of time like a full, undisturbed lunch hr or even an extended bike experience - that assists to provide a boost of energy to kick-start your mid-day along with an opportunity for originalities to develop. I absolutely coincide Mr Marriott concerning providing ourselves a breather and also this are going to actually improve our performance. Rate Analysis Notes" In my book I offer you a quick review from approaches to pick you your reading. In instruction for body building, I may not acquire up on phase as well as tell the judges to give me a break due to the fact that I possess had a leg switched out. You need to recognize what you should perform and also what you should not carry out, specifically quickly after the separate. You do not intend to make the mistakes very most girls will definitely create following the break up. Blunders that could possibly wreck any possibilities from obtaining individual back.
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