#its 5 am post c!tubbo ramblings bcs im love him and he deserves the world
cabinetduo · 3 years
Theres just something so gutteral about c!tubbo. Like, his character as a whole from his progression, to his design, to his themes and motifs, his story as a whole is just so compelling. This kid who everyone he met treated him like a crybaby because he wanted to protect the things he cares about. Then he fights in a few wars alongside his best friend who hes attached to the hip to. And i mean attached like, there was never one without the other, they were the duo. Then hes forced away from his best friend and beaten down by the new asshole president then paraded around like some trophy. He gets told hes worthless and a crybaby and then he internalized that. But like, he fought in a war and hes still a badass because then he spies for the revolution but then hes caught and fucking executed. This kid, he fucking gets publicly executed by someone who was supposed to be on his side WITH FUCKING FIREWORKS. Like how does that even happen. Anyway hes reunited with his best friend who fights to the death for his honor in the pit but tubbo man, he was so numb and in shock dude was just vibin. And so they train and fight on the 16th and he becomes president. They let the 16 year old ex child soldier, ex spy, who refuses to even confront that he even has trauma, be president. This kid has been through multiple betrayals and died dude. So hes president, and hes forced to mature and like, all after being told he was a worthless yes man so hes probably not the best candidate but whatever. He doesn't even want to be president. And like, the way his mind works, its all logical and straightforward, and thats so cool. But he like, ends up manipulated into arguing with and exiling his best friend which he immediately regrets. Then he finds out his best friend is dead and is absolutely devastated, then he finds out his best friend isnt actually dead, hes just teaming up with the guy who blew up the nation the first time and who fucking executed him, so hes got conflicting feelings. So the community house fight happens and he and tommy fight and like that whole thing was awesome. Then dream just completely fucking, tears into him and its just all really upsetting. Then clingyduo reconcile kinda thank god and doomsday happens which was just, he was quiet through that whole thing. AND HE FUCKING TOOK A FIREWORK FOR TOMMY. God, the way tubbo reclaims things used to harm him. Any way, disc saga finale, and he goes into it optimistic for tommy but hes fully convinced hes gonna die and hes accepted it. And dream pulls his bs and we see tubbo being fully vulnerable for the first time in god know how long and he fucking goes "ive done enough in my life" and as soon he said that i remember i started full body crying man. I was a mess like, this minecraft roleplay had me sobbing, im tearing up thinking about it. Anyway they get saved but like, someone need to get this kid therapy. He builds a new nation in the snow and, it only gets better from here. To protect it, he builds nukes. FUCKING NUKES! NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!! WHO COMES UP WITH THAT? And like, he kinda settles down after the nukes stuff. Its so cool dude, he fucking gets married to one of the dudes who was on his cabinet and they adopt a kid. So now this ex child soldier ex spy president who has fought in multiple wars and who has been executed is a fucking dad. Seriously who comes up with this? Hes so unhinged and hes still a teenager like, who gave this kid nukes a child????? Its so cool dude. And its 4 am so i really need to go to sleep but c!tubbo is just so cool. Hes such a solid human character. Hes relatable and tragic and his character motifs are sm fucking fun and hes such a durable character if that makes sense. Idfk im just rambling but hes definitely my favorite for a reason hes so badass and like forgiving and cool and his morals make perfect sense for his life experiences and hes funny and just, everything about him aligns perfectly to me hes so awesome
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