#its MY comfort charcter and i get to decide who to ship him with
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mimicsecretdiary · 7 years
Star Wars oneshot
[beware: long post ahead] Introduction
The Galaxy,for the first time,seems to be at peace: the Republic and Empire have reached a stall and acceptable agreements and both of them are not pinching and nabbing at each other too much. This is also thanks to the just-ended great war, lasting the incredible short period of 5 years, which had ended with a large-scale schism of the Sith order that destabilized the Empire. There are those who say the Sith "rebels" were supported by the Republic, some say they were headed by a Sith lord with powers comparable or even higher than the Emperor himself. The fact is that now the intergalactic forces are more or less in peace. [Characters introductions here]
The scene opens with a Chiss pilot in space. Janos has just finished one of his regular smuggling jobs and he's relaxing while the most recent member of his "one man crew" is being the paranoid of the bunch and he's checking the ship for any evidence or problems that might have happened during the mission. They receive a call on holo from a "private number" basically, and Janos, before letting his "co-pilot" paranoid human hacker answer, checks from where it arrives. It's from Korriban. "AH. EXCELLENT". They are a bit on the defensive but Jaydkan,the hacker knowns as "cresto", or hacker, or paranoid, or simply J says that "curiosity makes him curious" (he's a hacker, not a poet) and they respond. It is a rattataki that calls Janos by name (OK) and tells him that it is the apprentice of his "employer" (GREAT) and that has a job for him, perhaps the last "mandatory" one (actual good), and she basically wants me to pick up two Night Sisters( G L O R I U O S) and a couple of jedi ( SPEC TA CU LAR) to help her Master in a thing. "ah ok, so now I'm taxi service". Of course I accept, I do not have the right to refuse, and I head to the coordinates. The scene moves to the Night Sisters, who are briefly informed about the matter by teh same rattataki woman, even if they already knew what they had to do and they get informed about who and where and when they will be taken to do such work. Madea and Winter are of few words and many facts so when the "taxi" arrives, they introduce themselves - more or less- and they go quietly in their ""lodgings"" on the ship to meditate. New change of scene and we are on Typhon, known planet of jedi temples. Three jedi are digging and working in an archeologic site when one of the three, Sa'Vin, recieves an holo call. From a "private number" She moves away from the tent and answers, finding the same rattataki as before. But she knows her by name ("Tiraka"), and knows who she is and who her Master is, as she had had "dealings" with him in the past. There is a strenuous conversation where Tiraka asks for support from Sa'Vin, and she deduces that it must be a great deal if it is her and not her Master who calls for help. The sith apprentice confirms the situation it's as such. With a sigh, Sa'vin accepts the caller's request for help and closes the call, speaking soon after privately with her padawan Milisendis asking if she would feel comfortable doing a "special" mission. The Miraluka girl seems to be interested academically speaking and, when asked, the other Jedi, a Givin called Iad-aan, appears to be interested as well (there is a samll player-death here bcs the charcter vocie od Iad-aan made me die laughing.). Iad-Aan asks if it is an illegal thing, and when it is confirmed that it is not "technically" he lightly accepts. Sa'vin drives in speeder the two colleagues / companions to the place of randevouz for Tiraka had confirmed that she had already arranged somebody to come and get them near the place of need. The three await the ship in a open grassfield and when the said transport arrives after a a couple of hours, Iad-Aan uses the Force to "see" who is inside and percieves clearly two strong sources of Force not fully trained on but mostly Dark Ways. On the other hand, the Night Sisters perceive themselves to be observed. Landing, Janos comes down from the ship to check his "cargo" and remaining pleasantly surprised by (re)Seeing Sa'vin, cordially greeting Millisendis and remaining a little shocked by the welcoming of the Givin, makes them jump on board, urgently asking not to provoke quarrels with the other two young ladies in the ship. There is a brief chat between Janos and Sa'vin, where she asks him to use the name with which she presented herself and where she whispers that she would like to know where he had met this current employer of his (The sith master she also knows). "I could ask you the same question, Counsellor Sa'vin" "it is not obvious that i will not answer". On the ship they all meet up with a young blue twi'lek and a jawa, who is promptly threatened by Janos who warns the small alien that he is "keeping an eye on him (Zili.. Don't let it touch my droid)". It's obvious that this kind of conversation is now routine on the ship. [Sa'vins player was feeling ill so she left after this point] Before taking off, on the datapad that gave Janos the coordinates for the variosu landings a message compose itself and it suggests to ask the Nighsisters to explain the problem to the new arrivals of the ship. Janos hurriedly gets up (complaining that it could have wrote the message in the 5 seconds before i had sat down on the pilot seat) and he goes, but before he could hear the Night sisters' negative answer, he's already gone. The journey starts... without any of the main groups exchanging covnersations. We arrive at the coordinates set: a moon that looks more like a cemetery of buildings than an inhabited place, with several craters created or from large battles or frequent meteorites. When the ship docks, the landing pod blocks my supports and I find myself very frustrated at the idea of ​​not being able to just get the fuck out. The jedis and the non-Force-users get off board looking at a pyramid liek tomb, stil lwondering what we are doing there since miss onehanded -shotgun-loading-sound Madea has not told us anything about the job yet. Looking around the landing pod we see the door of a pyramidal tomb that is closed by two statues with hands and arms joined. The scavengers notice also some computers with soem data running on the screens and the hacker + twi'lek are observing with great interests the tech there: it's an automatic station for archaeological finds' analysis. J downloads a bit of the just finished analysis on the device and Yewzili pockets some various paddles. I'm like "kid don't do it" and she "it's to repay you: 3" "if you want to repay me by sicking 45 angry Siths because I stole their precious antique night vases, i'll gladly skip that" "they will never notice." While the three smuggler-type pirate things, the jedis use the Force to open the doors, after Madea said, very caustic, that their employer is literally just locked inside (janos: "AH he called us because he got stuck a tomb, this is AMAZING"). The jedi open the door of 50cm and let pass the two Night sisters in front of line, then they go in and finally the mere blaster-holders go at the rear. As soon as we get all inside, Iad-aan uses the Force again to perceive dangerous creatures and finds two or three BIG clustersof negative energy plus a more powerful one of inestimable suffering in the depths of the tomb. We assume that's out quarry. Trying to avoid the clusters of life forms perceived by the mathematical jedi, we start our descent. At the first junction we are attacked by a Kath who is severely mistreated by the force-users (Medea jumps behind him using the wall as a lever hitting his back, ian-aad splats it on the ceiling, Zili electifies it with the vibrosword and finally Medea eviscerates it while iad -aan overkills it with a Force-beheading. Janos kinda just puts away the blaster shrughing). A little further on we find another forkin the road, with both ends going downhill, and an obelisk at the center of a small opening in the cave. The jedi interact with it- in whisper - while Janos  -"feeling lucky" in whisper - gets a very bad feeling from the way on the right. Iad-aan says that the obelisk has "spoken to him" and that we must continue in the way right but "without touching the dead" - something along these lines. There is a brief pseudo-philosophical discussion between iad and medea where medea does not seem particularly inclined to speak, while janos and zili are having an heated covnersation about some potential good stored in Janos' ship that zili may or may not have"resold" or used (spoielr: it was spice. (context: spice in sw its drug basically)). In the fustration, Janos does not realize that he is walking right in the direction of the bad feeling. We arrive in a room full of stacks of skeletons and Iad-Aan assumes these are the dead not to be touched, so with nonchalance levitates wit hthe Force across the room (he's usign a lot of Force powers, he should be more careful). Madea comments caustically that "some" people REALLY like to show "how many things they can do"; the Night Sisters make show of their great agility and the others (Milisendis Zili, and J) simply walk - janos needs a few seconds before deciding to cross the room .  The "bad feeling" really gets to him- [J's player is prone to be very sleepy so he left as well at this poing] Just as we are getting out the blasted room, 6 huge and disgusting humanoids, Rakghouls, jump on us and we start a fight. Janos  -last in the line so first to be attacked- slips his entire arm into the mouth of one of these monsters as it growls and he like unloads his blaster charge in the skull of the disgusting thing, causing it to burst from within. The creature falls to the ground coem a fish without bones, ("Ah ... he bit me ç_c ...") biting janos' arm on the way down; Iad-aan unleashes his levitate to lift himself up into the cavernous room and not get caught by two of them; medea uses, according to old tactics already tried, Winter as jumping pad and twirling in the air with feline grace and shoots in the head to another of the creatures with the blaster incorporated in her mechanical arm; zili jumps back while the attack of the jedi padawan Milisendis doesn't go as good as she would have wanted. In the second round with a bit of Force pushes and blaster shots an classical Force-beheadings, we take the rest out. Medea snaps a bit of acid words to Zili ("Cowardice will not keep you alive") and we contine along the path down (zili is quite offended: "it actually works pretty good to me"). Around the corner we hear heavy steps and Mili, Yewzilin and Janos peek the corridor while Iad-Aan perceives it with Force: it is a fairly large creature known to feed on the Force + force users altogether. Janos comments that "hey, at least three of us are safe!" readily correct that they are nonetheless creatures carinvore and the Force flows in all of us. yadda yadda jedi shit. Janos promptly takes zili for an arm and literally sprints silently across the corridor to where the creature is eating some corpse or carcass. Zili does not make a sound but Janos almost slips and schatters a bone by mistake. Luckly the creature does not seem to care too much. ("DAMN IT YOU OLD MAN" Zili whispers angrly. "Ehy watch your mouth kid, the thing didn' saw us anway!!") Janos was "arguing" with Zili to use the Jawa as a distraction while Milsendis and Medea convinced Iad-aan that usinf the Force -again- to move soem rock in a far away corridoir would have not distracted the creature because it would have felt the source of the Force-usage. Some more or less sucessful sneaking made us avoid the creature complitely. We find now in front of a dor not much different from the one we met earlier and Medea with Winter brute-forcibly try to push it open (Medea: "will you others help us or not?". Janos and zili, together:"no no i think i'l lstay here watchign you two." zili:"I could watch them all day * eyes emoji *") while the jedi reuse the Push to Force it open. The initially percieved source of pain becomes it stronger once we enter the next room. [And hereby we ended the oneshot]
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zenmasterscentral · 8 years
What are your favorite zen master episodes? Both from earlier seasons and five/six
This is a blog run by lots of people, so I invite my partners to answer with their favorites too :) Mine (Nina/jacquelineshyde) would be:
Season 1, episode episode 18: Career Day. I think this is the episode when we start noticing how similar Hyde and Jackie’s deeper wounds are. They both have absent parents and they both seek for advice and attention on more loving parents they know, The Formans. In this case, Red. Who also shows us he is truly a great dad. That small smile Hyde gives Jackie when she goes under the car again is just adorable. I also love seeing Jackie working with cars, I wish this was something that had stayed with the show.
Season 1, episode 19: Prom Night. This is when I started to ship them.Until this episode, Hyde’s characterization was horrible for me. I didn’t like him at all until this episode happened. Because he is shown as a person who cares and respects other people’s struggles and desires. He tries to help Jackie, not because she is his friend or because he likes her, but because he can’t stand her crying and knows it’s the right thing to do. He later makes Kelso go back to her, even knowing his stupid friend may hurt her again, because in that moment is the right thing to do. We get to see a part of Hyde we didn’t until this episode, and I love that Jackie is the first character to bring up this charcterization from Hyde. It tells you a lot, and its curious due to how things go between them later ;) While Jackie, we see her as a real human being here. She is sad, she struggles, she wants to enjoy something like any other teenager and she is going through a hard time. She’s vulnerable but also she is shown as th strong character she is. She walks and dances, and dress up beautiful for her prom even knowing she will be seeing Kelso. The way she compliments Hyde, makes a good observation about herself and asks to mee his mother, tells you she is more than her shallow mask. It’s good to see that.
Season 2, episode : Kelso’s Serenade.I’m still wondering what exactly made Jackie always trust Hyde with her broken heart. She start putting atention to him and wanting to spend time with him, even when Fez may had been the more accurate election since he has been wanting her for a while. But then again, maybe that’s why Hyde was her first option. She knows he’s not gonna see her as an object and it’s not going to sexualize her. The problem is that he can’t barely stand her, even when he sees her in a different light by now. Finally, he decides to give it a try, it’s free food and maybe it can go well. Even when he rejects her later that night, it’s obvious that he cares for her as a friend and that he doesn’t want her to still be hurt.“Anything for you, doll”, he says with a big smile. He knows she needed to be assured she will be fine and that things will be bright one day. And it’s so incredible because he predicted exactly what happened with them. He told her things will eventually be fine, and they were that summer, and he told her she will realize she can do better than Kelso, and she did just like she confirms during season 5/6, and then she would find somebody great, and she found him.By the end of the episode, I died when she says her goodnights to him and kisses him near his lips. This time, he doesn’t reject her and doesn’t move. In fact, he kinda moves his lips to kiss her back, but she kisses the corner of his mouth. The way he acts all cocky in front of both, Kelso and Fez who don’t see Jackie as a person but a prize to win, tells so much. He is on her side.
Season 2, episode 25: Cat Fight Club. Laurie’s shit towards Jackie is ridiculous. She is truly mean and disgusting as she tries her best to make her feel bad all the time, Hyde recognizes this and decides he has had enough. That’s why he decides to teach her his own way of protection, something we have seen him use all the time on the show. His Zen. After telling her that he found her abrassive, it’s fun to see him try so hard to protect her/teach her how to protect herself. As he says “Shine, grasshopper, shine”, I absolutely fell in love with the idea of them being romantic at some point. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the hell out of this episode. Jackie also wins the basement’s respect after kicking Laurie’s ass. Even Eric says she’s his hero. And she enters the circle. It’s a great zen episode, since we got our shipname form it, and also a great Jackie episode.
Season 2, episode 26: Moon Over Point Place. Although I don’t like Jackie’s menners with Hyde, since they are kind of stalkish, I do recognize if she had approached him better, it would had been more obvious that Hyde’s care may not be as platonic anymore. Like any other teenager, she tries to impress the boy she likes. She sees in Hyde an incredible human being and she wants him to see her as somoene beyond Kelso’s ex-girlfriend. It still rubs me the wrong way how he keeps treating her bad after being totally nice to her just the episode before, but it’s also understandable if we take in that it seems like Jackie’s stalking moves had been going for a while. She’s right in something,he doesn’t know her and he doesn’t see they have more in common that he thinks. If he could give her the chance, things would had gone different… maybe.Then, he goes to jail for her. And honestly, how much of a good guy he can be? He’s incredible. And she’s so amazed by it, because damn, no one else would do that for her. No one. 
Season 3, episode 8: Jackie Bags Hyde. What zennie doesn’t like this episode? I love this episode and everything about it. From Hyde refuisng to believe he does has feelings for Jackie, to Jackie realzing what Hyde did to protect her (agaaaaain), to Kitty being the Shipper Mom™, to their first kiss.Seriously, that first kiss is the perfect first kiss. I have never seen a better first kiss in the story of fiction. It’s wonderful. And I’m sure as hell Jackie did felt something, she just was too scared of the intensity of it (and that the writers were bad most times, to be honest), while him? LMAO, it’s obvious he felt everything he thought he was never going to feel for anyone. This episode is a gem. 
I woul like to add that I can’t point out a s4 episode for its zennic aspect, but there’s a lot of Subtext™ on the season, as most of us have noticed and talked about. That said, I’m only going to number the episodes from season 5 to 7 that I like the most when it comes to the couple.
Season 5, episode 9: Black Dog.I remember doing a face when it’s known that Jackie’s dad was thrown into jail. I knew they would do something really bad with her character because I never trusted the writers of the show (lol), but I’m actually happy with the result of the episode. Even though Hyde not knowing what to say to make her feel better is ooc, since we have seen him being supportive of her and her sorrow before (season 1 and 2), one can explain this by saying that now that they are in a relationship, he’s not sure if that means he can keep doing things as if they were only friends. Besides, he cares for her more deeply than he ever though, so being afraid and careful is just normal.He has dealt with this kind of stuff before by his own and it’s in his own way, he learned different than to know how to be nice in situations like this, because no one was nice to him when it happened to him. So he is confused as to what to do or say for Jackie, who is obviously going through a horrible time for her. When he decides to shave, even when he obviously loves his looks and his beard, he is not– being this dude that does what his girlfriend wants, but being someone who loves their couple enough to put his own comfort aside just to make them smile. And it’s worth it! I feel like this was Hyde’s first real I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU, PLEASE BE HAPPY small detail to Jackie, and I think she recognizes it too.
Season 5, episode 12: Misty Mountain Hop.I yell every time I watch this episode (which is a lot lol). Because in here, we see Jackie moving forward in their relationship. They had been together for months by now and they get into a big time fight in which both have reasons to be mad at the other. She should told him the truth, what she was doing and why, and he had never, ever, do that to her back (going to crash without permision a place that belongs to her family? WHAT THE FUCK? Hyde is kinda out of character in this episode, at least in this part, in my opinion).This time, in a very nice parallel I better see giffed soon (lol), she takes the blame for the founded pot. It was Hyde’s this time, and it was going to cost him his place at The Formans. He will had been homeless and family-less, too. Something to notice is that, by this point, Jackie’s mom had probably already left and she was alone too. Of course she won’t let him lose his home either, no matter how mad at him she may be.After defenidng him, he is amazed. He admits no one has ever done something as nice for him before, which is telling you a lot, because he is always doing this kind of stuff for everyone, for her, and now there’s this girl who loves him so much, she would take any blame for him at any given time. It’s beautiful.
Season 5, episode 14: Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.This episode KILLS ME all the time. But I love it so much, it’s a good episode for Hyde and Jackie as couple and as characters. Because we see them struggle with her mistake, as she also has a lot to think and to take with her new found feelings about her situation and what was there with Kelso for her. It made her close the Kelso chapter of her life, and it let her enjoy openly what she has with Hyde. He’s breaking up with her and he has every right to, he is hurt and she didn’t truly respond in a responsable and honest way at the beginning. But after she realizes it’s ridiculous and that’s anyone else in the world she wants and loves as she does Hyde, she has had enough and speaks him mind in spite the fact that he may not care and not take her back.But, he hears her and he sees her not caring about if he says back his feelings too. He admits he loves her by saying this, and even though she lives for making him admit his feelings for her, for Jackie is more important that he has it clear she loves him, and he sees this. When we see them at the dance, they are so damn happy I just kjdnvirngfoejofgnro. I love this episode, I love it with all my heart. This is actually my favorite HJ episode.
Season 5, episode 19: Bring It On Home.Hyde protectiveness of Jackie is something so constant in the show, even the blasphemy of s8 had it’s bit with it (him helping her that one time they got lost in the woods). He finds out she’s been living alone in her enormous and ridiculous house, that her mother abandoned her and it touches everything inside him.A whole new parallel is thrown between them, once more the absent parents parallel becomes deeper and Hyde, this time, protects Jackie like she did in MMH. He gives her home, a safe place to sleep and his arms to wear. It’s beautiful, and the episoe keeps giving on the matter.He is the one who explains to Donna, Jackie’s suppoed best friend, why Jackie acted as she did and why it’s important for him her to have Donna ask her again to go live with her. Jackie needs her and Hyde can no longer give her a place at the Formans. After this, Jackie gets a safe place and man, I love that he is the one who helps her out, even when she doesn’t knows this.
Season 6, episode 3: The Magic Bus.MAN. Hyde is so willing to let it be known he loves Jackie, like he doesn’t care about being all touchy in front of his friends and admiting to her he has missed her and her ridiculous pet names. It’s a sweet thign to see, because it reminds us about how open Hyde actually is with her and how much he does loves her. This episode also show us that they are free of Kelso (which is a shame in season 7, because they just ruined it), he supports them now and, as shown in the episode before, he even tries to help get them together. This after getting together bliss they are both enjoying is just refreshing to see and I love that.
Season 6, episode 7: Christmas.I have actually seen people not liking this episode and It hurts my soul because I actually think it’s pretty good. I love Hyde pretending he doesn’t care about what she wants just to give up at the end because she is so cute and he is so fucking whipped.When she mentions later that she has learned something new about herself, I think his initial reaction it’s just a joke. I think he is actually proud of her, and he is getting rewarded after this anyway, so really. It’s an ultra win situation for him, lol.The scene at the end, with her doing a cheerleader rutine for him it’s jfbfinwienfir, I love it. I love them being playfull. It’s beautiful.
Season 6, episode 18: Do You Think It’s Alright?Hyde is scared Jackie will pressure him into marriage like she did Kelso during season 4. She’s been known as to want the happy life of a married couple and have a family of her own, and he knows this. He also knows that it’s too soon to talk about these things, they are too young and even when in the time the show set it was normal for couples to get married that young, he is more concient than society and, in this case, than Jackie. A part of her needs to be told it will happen with him, mostly because she knows by now he is The One for her and she wishes he would be more open and allow her to know she is it for him, too. But at the end of the episode, after he tries to shit her up from her biggest wishes and desires, he gives in and understands this is important for her.Like many times after, Jackie gets satisfied with just a little of what she really wants. He thinks her beautiful in a wedding dress, which may mean he would like to see her in front of him like this again, in the future. With this, she’s convinced it will happen. And that’s how that damn story line should had ended.
Season 7, episode 14: Street Fighting Man.I cry every time I see this episode. Mostly because I love the way Hyde is written in it. He is being himself and not the idiot that pushed Jackie to break up with him. If he had been still that asshole, I would have liked her to never go back to him because really, what on Earth was that that happened in ‘Winter’? But in this episode, he just wants to talk to her and for things to go back to normal, or some kind of normal.When he realizes the break up is being horrible to her, he stops being an ass and understands maybe he hurt her too deep, maybe it would be good if they could just be. The scene when he sees her crying always breaks my heart. She looks defeated and so affected, and he just– you can hear the sound of his heart breaking all over again. After, when he offers her a ride, I almost died. A part of me really wanted Jackie to say yes, what could had happened if so? But I’m also happy with the small conversation they have. If writers could had keep this characterization, things would had been pretty different.
Season 7, episode 16: On With The Show.Hyde is willing to talk to Jackie and get her back. He wants them back. But ultimately, she is happy about her own independency for the first time in forever. She has always been someone’s daughter and someone’s best friend, and someone’s girlfriend, and for the first time she’s Jackie, the girl on TV, she’s Jackie, the girl who got a chance. Ultimately, for Hyde, Jackie’s happiness as a person is his goal when it comes to her. And if he is not included in the mix, then so be it. He steps aside, lets her grow by her own, even when this could had been the new start they needed. I love that he put once more her happiness over his, it’s just something else.
Season 7, episode 18: Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin’).I actually love this episode when it comes to them, it’s such a good one, and also the last one in which they are in character. They go on some kind of double date with the Formans, a couple we have found millions of parallels with HJ and who many fans (included myself) sees them as the original grumpy guy/happy girl couple in the show, more or less how Hyde and Jackie would grow up to be as a couple. When they arrive, it’s obvious this is a place were any man would go nuts. But Hyde sticks with his girl and enjoys the day with her. For what we see, she doesn’t get crazy over him and doesn’t get demanding either. They are both enjoying the fair and having a good time together with something that he loves and is now sharing with her.In delated dialogue, we find out Hyde actually informed of what he wanted to get for his El Camino at the event, and she repeats it happily, because she’s going to help him get it. In a way, they are more domestic than one may though and realize until we see these small moments.Later, he gets her food and gets it exactly like she likes it without her having to tell him how to. He has put attention to her likings and knows she appreciates if he does these things. Finally, my favorite moment, when Kitty asks him why he wants to spend the day with Jackie, he answer so easily “She’s my chick”.Jackie’s stament, “I’m his chick”, it’s incredible cute and intimate. She is an object and Hyde doesn’t see her that way, they are together and the belonging they have on the other isn’t a toxic or sexist thing, is a bond that makes the other’s their home. And It’s beautiful.
I’m sorry this got so long! Hopefully, my partners will like to speak about their too, lol.
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