#its a baphomet horn i cant NOT use it
hopskipandarump · 1 year
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please look at my neat hunting horn
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seraphean · 3 years
do you like macaroni and cheese?
what is your opinion on the color pink?
do you have stuffies that you sleep with (if its not too personal!) and if yes what are they? do they have names? i currently have a bunny but i never actually gave them a name :( i tend to sleep with my stuffies for 2-3 years and then retire them. i used to keep them way longer but now when they start falling apart i let them rest so i dont ruin them completely haha. its really hard to find a new one though! im so picky about size and plushiness, and they cant have anything sticking out like ears or horns or wings or hair cause it drives me crazy haha. small tails are usually okay though.
what are three good things that have happened in the last 36ish hours?
yes i love mac n cheese!!! good comfort food :D
pink is good! rly pretty color
i have four on my bed rn !! i have my childhood bear, his name is teddy bear hug and i got him at a day old and he's my best friend! i also have a cat stuffie that looks like my childhood cat tinkey <3 the other two i keep on the pillow next to me and theyre the squishables bastet and baphomet !
three good things umm hmm.... my cat is asleep next to me and snoring rly loud rn im counting that as one
it snowed for the first time and stayed the other day!
new minecraft update just came out :)
also including this bc its funny
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