#its a blood parasite. it plants itself into the bloodstream and feeds on blood that passes through.
thiscatiscreepy · 2 years
Pondering the orb (and the wet beast inside)
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[ID: digital drawing of Raphaella la Cognizi from the chest up. She is a white woman with long light hair, blue eyes and bat wings. She is leaning her arms and head on a transparent ball, and looks fondly at a slick red creature inside. The creature looks like the human heart, with 7 translucent tentacles coming out of it. The creature us alive and is clinging to the inside of the ball. Two of its tentacles are poking out of tye ball through breathing holes. End ID]
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deadassdiaspore · 7 years
Share this family :) This is for all African people everywhere, read it all, you need to know this... In July I posted a photo & said typical Congolese meal. What I should have said was pre-colonial traditional Congolese meal. Congolese people started to try & cuss me, because the food I posted wasn't the food they were brought up on. So it looked like I was in the wrong. Sitting next to a Congolese family on the bus I saw what they considered a meal. Fried chicken Fried pork Fried fish Fufu (powdered cassava) White rice Chilli Plantain Dongo dongo (okra) Cassava leaves Let me speak on this for a minute. African people had their cultures & food destroyed. Just because you speak an African language doesn't mean you know African history, you have to study to know. When you read books/journals about food written by African naturopaths, European Anthropologists, Holistic African nutritionists & botanists, you will soon realise that most West & Equatorial Africans, Kemetic & below, right up until desert or dry plains were predominantly vegan. The reason being, everything grew in those regions. Africa grew & ate plenty of natural alkaline foods. We knew the right foods to stimulate our pineal gland to produce our melanin. Now what do many Africans in Africa & diaspora eat? European influenced f*ckry. They stole our lands to grow plants that feed Europe & the European diaspora for their profit. Europeans control the food in Africa. We come from a culture of elders not carnivores. We were never cave people. Rarely, Africans would eat jungle fowl & fish but not domesticated chickens, pigs, cows or sheep. There are no wild relatives of the sheep or goat in Africa. Europeans brought them. Now we think animals that we can't eat raw, fried in genetically modified plant oil is food. Chickens, pigs, cows & sheep are fed on an anti thyroid GMO plant based diet so they get fat quickly, this make you get fat, the rotting meat is irradiated with deodorisers, formaldehyde, washed in ammonia & carbon monoxide to make this rotting blood & pus mess look fresh, 40% of meat sold in supermarkets is spoiled, the meat is pumped full of growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids & sex hormones so they reproduce quickly. We then feed this to our children, their bodies absorb these chemicals & now you have many African girls getting their period at 8 yrs old. It used to be 13-14, they are also developing breasts earlier & boys are able to get erections & ejaculate before they leave primary school. When you fry meat you destroy an amino acid called lysine, this regulates your pineal gland, this is how you produce melanin. The nucleus in every cell in your body is made of melanin. Eating fried meat is destroying your melanin & your health. There was never a frying pan found in ancient African Archeological sites. Do you really want the same health as your parents have? 1 in 3 African couples can't reproduce. 60% of African women have fibroids & thyroid problems & 40% of African men have prostate problems. Remember the Europeans destroyed our food, now they own the food industry, they stopped us from reading so we don't know what we ate traditionally & they have never known how to eat. When you look at them from an anthropological perspective, they were eating very poorly, this cause mental illness. Most of their deaths are diet related. A wolf cannot teach a gorilla how to eat. Yet we let them tell us what's healthy when Africans taught Europeans how to eat in the first place. Just look at what they were eating in the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic periods. The bubonic plague wiped out 25% of the population of Europe, this was due to poor/no hygiene (the moors taught them to wash), having animals live in the house with them & thinking that bread, cheese, milk & cooked animals & people are food. (Google Vlad the impaler (Dracula) look up how they were still eating each other all the way up until the 1950s, there are many records of them eating each other, look up the cannibalism in Virginia in 1609, read a book called Dirt by Terence McLaughlin also read race and civilisation by Frederick Hertz. When you cook meat you also destroy glutamic acid, this feeds your brain, allows you to think properly, keeping you in touch with reality. Two vital proteins that you don't get when you cook meat & don't eat a varied plant based diet. Wild animals don't eat cooked food because it's not good for you. You destroy the enzymes needed to digest it. If you have to cook it, you should not eat it. If you wouldn't feed it to a child, you should not eat it. Cassava contains so much cyanide that it is banned in Japan. It is GMO rubbish & it got to Africa very recently. It is also hybridised. Nature did not create it, man did. The Portuguese imported it to west Africa en mass 300 years ago, it actually allow them to keep the abused Africans alive long enough to get them on ships be enslaved in Brazil and onwards. Now Africans believe it is their traditional food. But many Africans also believe in white Jesus, I don't need to go in to that now do I? Oil stewed Cassava leaves, more cyanide, destroys your liver & your kidneys, Cassava leaves are used as a purgative because your body sees them as a poison, but we call them food? Fish, Fukushima happened recently right? There are oil spills all of the time, the sea is full of micro plastics & the fish are eating this. Filtering the poisons through their gills into their bloodstream. The sea is turning acidic... Your body is turning acidic. The sea is alive with parasitical creatures & the fish ingest these, then you eat them & worms grow inside of you. They eat your food, they make you crave sugar & salt at night... night is when parasites are most active. Your body is in its assimilation phase, when your blood is full of food nutrition. When you cook fish the worm eggs do not die. The worms will wriggle out of your backside at night and lay their eggs in your crotch & ass crack, while you are asleep you will scratch that area & then touch your face, ingesting the worms and starting the process again. At night these worms wriggle up to the surface of your skin & lay their eggs. We call them whiteheads. You wake up with them but aren't sure how they got there. Meat is full of worms & makes the body acidic, land dwelling animals that eat a primarily carnivorous diet don't live long lives. The animals that eat plants do. This is because plants get more oxygen into your tissues, meat takes it away. Just compare the life expectancy of a Maasai warrior (43 mainly eats meat) to someone who lives in Nairobi 67. Look at the average life expectancy of an Inuit (43). Then go to the countryside in India (vegetarian/ mainly vegan) compare the difference in life expectancy to "carnivorous" humans. It is significant If you want to die early with cancer or organ failure, then eat loads of meat everyday. It's actually mad that many people care about where their trainers & bags that they wear on their bodies come from but they don't actually give a f*ck where the dead animals that they are putting in their bodies come from. We were raised not knowing how to eat, we raise children who raise children who don't know how to eat. It's pathetic. Much of the plantain that we eat now is hybridised, it is of the banana family, Google original banana are you will see what a banana really looks like. You could not plant a plantain or a banana and expect it to grow. You shouldn't eat anything that can't reproduce itself. I used to eat much plantain, I don't really anymore but I do still enjoy the taste. Raw or boiled is best for your health. You don't need to fry it, the sun fires it, makes it go brown, you should eat it raw. Chillies are an irritating fruit (anything fruiting & containing seeds is a fruit, tomato is a fruit so is cucumber, anything that flowers is a fruit) Chillies Should be used as a medicine but not consistently as an additive to all foods you eat. Yes it adds heat to your food, it adds heat everywhere & it irritates & inflames your digestive system, this causes enlarged & then distended colons which eventually collapse. Causing constipation & mucus/pus build ups. White rice is imported from China & India. It got to Africa from the east via cultivation in south America. It is not African traditional food. It turns into sugar, it is polished & the fibre (indigestible roughage) is removed. The rice manifests as adipose tissue (fat), causes blockages in your system, this in turn causes constipation, which in turn causes dis-ease & cancers. Research African wild rice, indigenous to Africa. This was replaced by eastern rice but African wild (Black rice is good for you & even stopped the famine in Senegal of 1201. Stop eating so much sugar & salt. It is killing your family slowly but surely. Eat more organic dark leafy Greens, these contain chlorophyll, this is a plants melanin & produces energy in your body & transports oxygen to your cells, which create tissues which create organs which create organ systems. Your body need oxygen & water in order to carry out its biological processes. Eat Fonio, Millet (was the staple in China about 9000 bc in the north, indigenous to Africa.) Boiled yam, Amaranth & quinoa (south American but very good for you) Sorghum, Kamut, Barley, Emmer, purple nutgrass. Eat fresh fruit in the morning(contains digestive enzymes and vital minerals, vitamins). Not cereal & milk. No animal eats milk with anything else but we do, you are smarter than a cow but your diet would disagree. Milk, butter, yoghurt, cheese & ice cream is all the same f*ckry, full of lipids, growth hormones, pus, sex hormones, then it is pasteurised (cooked) so you couldn't digest this bovine mammals milk if you wanted to because the digestive enzymes are destroyed. It causes osteoporosis! You create disease by why you eat. Diabetes runs in your family because the people in your family don't run & all eat the same bullsh*t food like products. I want you to be healthy because I love you. Why should proper health & nutrition just be reserved for rich European families. As I learn I will relay information. Africans were the first humans to eat food on the planet. Let's start acting like it. Pass this on please #chakabars #famfoods Books to read African holistic health, Dr Llaila Afrika Nutricide, Dr Llaila Afrika The Tao of health, sex and longevity, Daniel Reid Cambridge book of world food history.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Can Goats Eat Christmas Trees? and More Questions About Goat Health
Katherine Drovdahl  MH CA CR CEIT DipHIr QTP answers your questions about winter bedding and goat diarrhea that won’t stop! Plus: can goats eat Christmas trees?
Q. I’ve heard that people let the bedding for their goats build up in their stalls. Is this true?
A. Yes, it is common for goat people to let bedding compost in the stalls. In dry weather, fresh straw bedding is usually added every one to two days to cover manure or wet areas. Add bedding whenever you believe your knee would get wet if you knelt in their stall. As long as there is plenty of overhead air to move out odors, this system does work well. Remove bedding once it’s too high. That could be once a month or just two to three times per year. Some people only keep a bit of bedding down and remove it daily during the warm months of the year, and let it sit during the cold months. This is one reason why our current barn has tractor accessible stalls. We put our forklift forks onto the bucket and use it to break up the old bedding, then remove them to drag it out, making a tough job much easier. Our fruit trees, garden, and fields recycle the bedding.
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Q. I want to upcycle my Christmas tree. Can goats eat Christmas trees?
A. Maybe? While it’s such a romantic notion to turn your Christmas tree into goat rumen-boosting fodder, consider some things. Do you know the tree’s history? Has it been sprayed with preservatives or flocking? Were herbicides used around it? Did it grow next to a busy roadway and collect exhaust in its cells? Was your tree exposed to lead-based paint candles in the same room? Know what to feed goats vs what they shouldn’t eat: is it a toxic tree like yew (DEADLY!) or Ponderosa pine? Can you remove every last piece of tinsel, ornaments, and hangers so goats don’t have internal punctures or blockages? If you are not sure of your tree’s background or ability to get every single thing off. it’s better to not feed it to your darling goats.
  Q. I have two young nanny babies. They have running goat diarrhea. I’ve tried Pancure Liquid Wormer orally,  Nuflor, and a third medicine but none of that worked. Can you help me with this problem?
A. From my training as Master of Herbology, I know that goat diarrhea is either liver sourced or intestine sourced. The bloodstream may be toxic from a plant or from ingesting a toxic substance like paint from a barn wall or moldy sunflower seeds. Or perhaps too many toxins in the air, such as in overspray from agricultural operations, which ends up in the bloodstream as the red blood cells drop off carbon dioxide and pick up the tainted oxygen. Anything in the bloodstream will be processed by the liver and/or kidneys. Kidney waste leaves the body via the urinary tract so doesn’t cause loose bowels. Liver waste gets dumped near the top of the small intestine and then travels to the anus. Liver toxins can and do produce diarrhea. If the problem is potentially in the liver, then I like to use herbs that help support the liver and enable it to focus on cleaning and healing itself. In this case, it’s not a bad idea to support the liver since the kids have had several drugs run through their bodies. If the diarrhea is sourced in the intestines from food poisoning, coccidia, goat worms or other parasites, or an enterotoxemia event, then I’m going to use herbs that help support the GI tract so that it may rise up to the challenge. Whichever area of the body is involved, it is good that you didn’t wait to take action, as diarrhea in kids can easily become life threatening. I like dandelion, plantain, and milk thistle seed for the liver. For the intestines, I favor cayenne, slippery elm, and turmeric. Whenever you work with an animal and they are not responding to what is being done, it is never a bad idea to get a veterinarian diagnosis. This will help to know what is being dealt with so you can get to cause quicker and more efficiently.
Q. Why do my myotonic does blow on me with their nostrils? If I blow back at them they seem to enjoy it.
A. You are a very perceptive goat keeper! I’m glad you also are blessed with some time to enjoy your goats! So while these animals are not horses, I’m going to lean that direction in my answer. Most mammals, including livestock, have a keen sense of smell. That sense of smell is used to identify food, the incoming weather, their location, their family, and predators or other threats to their well-being. You, my dear, are being accepted as family. By blowing back gently toward their nostrils, you are telling them in their language that you have accepted them as family. That makes for a happy goat! I do this with my goats, alpacas, and my horses. We used to have a yearling with a “type A” personality who went overboard on this. She would stuff her nose into our ears and blow and huff and puff every day! It was so incredibly comical!
Q. Should I take any plant precautions during the fall months?
A. Absolutely! Begin increasing hay feed as their pastures or favorite browse becomes depleted. That is when they are more likely to eat more of a poisonous plant for goats. Be diligent about oak leaves, which could dry your dairy stock up too soon. Also, be sure leaves don’t accumulate in their water to make a toxic tea. Prunus species fruit trees or natives such as choke cherry, apricot, cherry, plum, peach, or other pit fruits will start dropping cyanogenic leaves. They are dangerous in any stage of wilt. Completely wilted leaves are fine as long as goats don’t overindulge to the point of acidosis, which can happen any time they overeat anything. Watch for leaves blowing into pens or for leaf-covered branches breaking into fields. As the nights get crisper and Jack Frost visits, remember that frozen or frosted legumes such as alfalfa and clover will cause hard-to-battle, very dangerous frothy bloat. Never give your goats access to pastures containing legumes while there is frost — including any cold pockets or areas the sun doesn’t shine.
Originally published in the November/December 2019 issue of Goat Journal and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Katherine and her beloved husband Jerry farm gardens, LaManchas, and other livestock, pets, and poultry in the Pacific Northwest. As a Master of Herbology she also owns and operates www.firmeadowllc.com which offers hope through herb products and consultations during wellness challenges in people and their beloved creatures. Signed copies of her book, The Accessible Pet, Equine and Livestock Herbal can also be obtained on her website.
Can Goats Eat Christmas Trees? and More Questions About Goat Health was originally posted by All About Chickens
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