#its a short legacy and since its literally already in the third gen i decided i just wouldnt post them much
aubrinn · 5 years
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So I’ve decided that I’m going to go ahead and start posting my legacy family. I’ve actually realized that I don’t have as many pictures of them as I thought but it’s cool (besides the fact that the only picture I have from Gen 1 is the top picture in this post because I only thought about posting stuff around the time Gen 2 came around). First, a few informational tidbits that I think should be included, and then a story of how Gen 1 went (spoiler alert: it was a mess from the beginning). There’s a lot that I’m going to talk about, so if you don’t want to read so much, just skip down to the next to last paragraph titled “Summary,” but I really hope you’ll take the scenic read because I feel like that would give more insight and connection to the family. But without further ado, welcome to my Flores legacy!
1. This is my first ever legacy. My best friend and I decided to do a legacy challenge together. I think there are a bunch of rules and stuff - like certain traits, careers, and storyline stuff - but we aren’t following any of those. We just decided on no cheats for money, careers, and all that good stuff. The real challenge for me will be not getting bored. I don’t usually use cheats, so that part is easy for me.
2. I decided to start a legacy because the biggest family trees I’ve had span to 3 gens, and the 3rd gen is usually a baby or child before I get bored and make a new family. So I thought this would be an opportunity for me to feel a connection to a whole line of the same family and experience a full family tree where my sims actually have great-grandparents and cousins and uncles and all that.
3. When I started this legacy, I had an idea of the founder living more of a simple life, so in the picture she has just moved into a small, wooden house in that 20x20 lot on the Windenburg island. But that whole idea crumbled very quickly.
4. My editing skills are last to all (you know that phrase “second to none” which means you’re the best? well I suck so I’m last to all). I’m pretty new to editing and have only done simple stuff, so don’t expect much from my pictures because they will look pretty much like the original.
5. I’ve noticed that I tend to use a lot of parentheses.
6. Yes the family name is from one of xxxtentacion’s songs. Fight me.
Generation 1
Jocelyn Flores moved into her little shack house in Windenburg with the dream of becoming a famous artist. She preferred to paint outside because of the natural light and scenery (but it literally would not stop raining so painting rarely happened). I don’t remember where she met Marcus (after some thinking I think we joined the Partihaus club) but she met him and she thought he was really attractive. She flirted with him and asked him to woohoo and he said yes. Lo and behold, he had gotten her pregnant. She invited him over to tell him the news, and he seemed excited to become a father. Jocelyn liked Marcus and wanted to get to know him so they could possibly be together, but he turned down any non-flirtatious interactions from her (he literally only wanted her if she wanted to woohoo and we were not there for that). Then and there she decided she was done with him and that she would raise her baby alone. Jocelyn named her baby girl Beatrice (I’ve been told that’s an old lady name but I don’t care because I love that name), and she loved Beatrice more than anyone else.
One night, Eva invited Jocelyn to a party at the Ancient Ruins, and Jocelyn decided that she could use a night out (because I never take my sims out the house when there’s 2+ of them so I wanted to get out the house for once). The girls showed up to the party, and Marcus was there (I actually think I invited him but for storyline purposes, he was already there). His dashing good looks reminded Jocelyn why she wanted to be with him, so she bought him some drinks and chatted and flirted. (I thought maybe since he was being friendly it meant he would be open to getting to know Jocelyn and have a real relationship with her.) Convinced that his nice behavior meant Beatrice wouldn’t have to grow up without a father, Jocelyn hopped into the bushes with him and woohooed. And of course, she was pregnant again. And to my surprise (though I shouldn’t have been), after telling him the news, he again wanted nothing to do with her. Jocelyn (and I) then decided she was officially done with him. If you blow a second chance you’re not getting a chance to fool her a third time.
I then built Jocelyn a proper house on the 20x20 lot (it wasn’t cute, I’m not much a builder). Jocelyn gave lots of attention to Beatrice and her new son Sawyer. She fueled their imagination (skill) while also pursuing her dream. Marcus came over sometimes to see the kids, but he mostly just sat on the couch and watched tv. Not too long after Jocelyn gave birth, Eva became pregnant again. Curious as to who her babydaddy was, I used mccc on her to find out, and I was beyond shocked to find out that it was Marcus! Like how are we gonna share a babydaddy with our best friend?! Ridiculous. I didn’t want to see him after that. I was so done with him.
I decided to move the family into another house in Windenburg. I did it up and made it into a decent 3-bedroom house. Jocelyn, still wanting to find love, went on a couple of dates using the Simda dating app before going on a date with Diego Lobo. With him being an art critic, she felt like Diego understood the importance of fine art. They got along perfectly. After more dates and much more time together, Jocelyn proposed and he said yes. They celebrated their engagement with some woohoo back at his apartment, and the next day around the same time confetti burst into the air. Yep. Jocelyn was pregnant. Again.
(Then I took a break from sims - or maybe it was just this legacy - but when I came back I didn’t feel any connection between Jocelyn and Diego, so I made her break up with him. Bur for storyline purposes, we’ll say she realized that she only wanted to get married because she was scared of the idea of raising three kids alone, but then she realized she had gotten this far on her own and that she could continue being a strong, independent woman.)
Jocelyn then realized she didn’t want to get married to Diego. She was scared of the idea of raising all her kids on her own, but she realized that she had been doing just that all this time and that she didn’t need a man’s help if she didn’t truly love him. So she broke off the engagement.
Life went pretty smoothly after that. Jocelyn gave birth to her third child, a girl, and named her Ari. Diego wanted to be a part of Ari’s life, and he called her often. Marcus, on the other hand, stopped visiting and calling as if he didn’t know to where they moved (but I know he knew because that child support money still found its way to Jocelyn’s mailbox every week or so). The kids enjoyed the snow and sun and everything that the Seasons expansion pack had to offer in Windenburg. Jocelyn had many hookups (especially with Paolo Rocca) but she never settled. She was happy being a single mother (while Marcus ended up having 8 children total, by Jocelyn, Eva, Candy Behr, and I think one other woman).
Time went on. Birthday cakes were baked. Candles were blown. Beatrice, a teen, decided to get involved in school and join the drama club. After the first day, she knew she wanted to be an actress. A few days before becoming a young adult, she won a drama club accolade, and when she did age up, she moved to Del Sol Valley to achieve her newfound dream of becoming a famous actress. (The bottom picture is after she moved and Sawyer visited her.)
Summary: Jocelyn hooked up with Marcus and got pregnant, and he wanted nothing to do with her when she told him she wanted to have a serious relationship. She had her baby and named her Beatrice. She then saw Marcus at a party. He was friendly and non-flirty, so Jocelyn thought he would be open to having a real relationship. She bought him some drinks, and then they both slipped off into the bushes, resulting in a second pregnancy that turned out to be a boy who she named Sawyer. Marcus, again, wanted nothing to do with Jocelyn, so she decided that that was his last chance and she was now really done with him. She cared for Beatrice and Sawyer more than any mother could, and she met Diego Lobo. Jocelyn and Diego hit it off, so after some time she proposed, and he said yes. They celebrated with woohoo, which resulted in Jocelyn’s third pregnancy. She gave birth to a girl named Ari. Jocelyn broke off the engagement, realizing she only wanted to marry him because she was scared of raising three kids alone. Being in Ari’s life was important to Diego, so he called her often. Marcus couldn’t be bothered enough to do more than send child support checks. As time went on, everyone aged up, and Beatrice became a teen. She joined the school drama club which led her to aspire to be a famous actress. She won a club accolade and moved to Del Sol Valley once she was old enough to achieve her dreams (the bottom picture is after she moved and Sawyer visited her).
And that’s all, folks! Hope you enjoyed the read (whether it was long or short), and I hope you’ll come back for more on the Flores family.
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