#its a wild isa! 😈
sanjoongie · 1 year
here's a little title for you> failing in love
write me something with you know WHO make it sad make it hot like only you know how to <3
~Topaz: thank you isaaaaaaa. i will do my best. even though you deserve a woo fic. but i will give you mingi nonetheless~
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Failing In Love
✧Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader (f)
✧Genre: smut, angst, horror
✧Au: serial killer/detective au
✧Word Count: 830
✧Warnings: mentions of murder, penetrative sex with no barrier, breast play
✧Rated: 18+ MDNI
“Is this all that we amount up to?” Mingi shouted at you while the rain ran down his face. You couldn't tell if he was crying or not, if only for the telltale tremble of his lip.
“No--Mingi--I swear--!”
"Well it sure fucking feels like it!" Mingi choked back a sob, his voice growing hoarse at the end of his sentence.
You stumbled forward but Mingi took a step back. "Mingi," You begged with one hand reaching out.
Mingi shook his head back and forth, strands of wet hair whipping across his face. "Don't touch me."
You had loved Mingi the first time he laid eyes on you. You remembered it like it was yesterday. His eyes landed on you, and then he smiled uncertainly. From across the room, your heart jumped and you knew you were fucked. He crossed it in seconds, his long legs taking little time to get to you.
"Do I know you?" He asked, smile still on his face.
You shook your head, "I don't think we've met before."
Mingi pursed his lips to the side in thought. "You're my type. I'd have introduced myself if I had met you before."
"Your type?" You raised your eyebrows, "You knew that across the room?"
Mingi nodded, eyes slowly crawling back to your face. "You're the type of person that I want to shine the sun on and make bloom."
It should have been corny, it shouldn't have worked. But somehow, with Mingi's sincere eyes glued to yours, it did. It struck you, his insight to your serious demeanor and the want to make it joyful. You believed that Mingi believed every lie that he ever spoke.
Oh sure, Mingi made you laugh. He made your smile practically split your face. Your heart beat so fast around him sometimes that you swore your head began to swim like you were about to swoon. But the truth was, Mingi wasn't about making people happy. No, Mingi was about killing people.
You were here to tempt Mingi into revealing who he truly was. You were a detective on a case that needed to be solved. You were so goddamn invested that you were willing to put your own life on the line, if that meant other girls wouldn't die.
But Mingi never did anything like that with you. And you couldn't decide if it was infuriating or disappointing. There were many nights that you stayed up wondering if you were truly right. Did the clues not all point to Mingi? Then why had he pulled at the bait dangled before him?
When the relationship grew physical, you truly had no chance of pulling away. Mingi fucked like the proof of his love remained on the tip of his dick. He needed you to know that he worshiped your body and the ground it walked on.
There were nights when he would pull you out of a deep sleep and murmur about how adorable you were. Then his fingers would sweep your collarbones and skitter down your thighs, awakening another side of you. You would let him help you straddle him, both bodies upwards, and he would make lazy, languorous love to you. 
It was always intense with Mingi. His eyes would never leave your own. His second favorite activity was to give lavish attention to your breasts. That man considered the deeper he was inside of you, the closer you two were, body, mind and soul. 
"I love you," He would sigh when he finished inside of the condom. His only con was that he tended to fall asleep on top of you before clean up could ensue.
But rest assured, the comfy domesticity that your life had become with whom you suspected was a serial killer, it wasn't long before the jig was up.
Snap back to the current time, where Mingi and you were standing barefoot in the rain, outside the convenient store near your place.
"All those other times, I was failing in love!" Mingi said. "I thought I loved them, but the dark side of me loved them more. But with you, I thought it was different. You made the voices in my head silent. I thought you were the one thing I needed in life to belong to this world. But it was all a lie."
Mingi threw your badge to the ground and the rain painted it with the garish colors of the convenience store sign. 
"It wasn't a lie," You protested. "It wasn't."
"You lied to me from the beginning. You were never who you said you were. You never loved me, did you?"
"Goddamn you, Mingi. Why do you think I stayed this entire time? It's because I did fall in love with you!" You cursed.
Mingi's eyes grew distraught and distrustful. "I loved you. I loved you so much."
"Loved?" You gasped.
"I'll always love you," Mingi promised. 
 And then he disappeared into the night. Never to be found again.
Taglist game is closed! Just clearing out all the ones that made it through the deadline~ enjoyyyyyy
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sanjoongie · 1 year
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just somehting to think of!! ILY topaz <3
*SCREAMS* THE WAY I WAS WRITING HIM ALREADY TODAY. you little mind reader you <3
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sanjoongie · 1 year
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