#its about. the arbitrary rules they put in place. oh you cant call him a 'jew' THAT way. that's anti semitic bro.
dennisboobs · 1 year
one day i will properly compare dee made a smut film and ptsdee and the differences in the way they handle their very similar subject material but i have shit to do early tomorrow morning so. for now.
do you ever think about how RCG-written episodes, no matter how bad (both character morality-wise and writing-wise) they get, will always have a degree of humanity to them. like. 11x04 has dee doing something that is So incredibly wrong and horrible to dennis. but the reactions to it don't match its intensity. 12x07 again has dee doing something absolutely fucking deranged, and the gang tells her how fucked up it was. there's actually an acknowledgement both from her and from the others that what she did was awful, but her motivation, charlie, dennis, frank and mac's motivations throughout the episode make sense. dee's insecurity is the root of it, she can't handle being someone's "rock bottom", and she needs to prove that it can get worse. 11x04 dee just decides she's going to be a bastard and tell everyone that dennis was raped at 14. we don't know why she does this, and she really has no reason to, other than to be an asshole.
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tania-grey · 3 years
Listening to Mom and Dad talking about my younger brother (21) needing a job and how its expected to have a job by now and taking care of himself and buying his own food etc etc as if Im not 27 and living in Mom & Dad's house. Talking about how they all had to work, were *expected* to work by the time they were 14 and "I dont know why, it should be still but society isnt doing that-" ....as if labor laws werent put into place?? Ignoring all of MH and other needs my brother has?? Calling him lazy for being a frankly typical EFD kid of sending in one application and *waiting* for a response because, oh Idk, we live in an age where an actual response is expected, this isnt the age of snail mail. The fact that companies are not showing basic respect of 'sorry but you dont qualify for the job you are looking for,' is an absolute failure to keep up with the times. Of there isnt a response within the week there should be *at least* an auto-reply with a respectful decline or a 'not looking at this time'. Its really *not* that hard. Refusal to do so is actually disrespectful.
Mom was also saying how when she was 14 she was buying all her own stuff and im just like, yeah, the penny could actually buy stuff back that. A dollar used to actually be worth something and could stretch farther. That was before the economic crisis we live in today.
There are so many reasons why my brother and I are unemployed and why cant get jobs. Like, excuse us for expecting basic decency. When we send in application and wait for a response its because we are so desperate for literally any job that me will take the first one we can get and we dont want to be rude other potential employers by having tobsay no we arent available cuz someone else hired us when they didnt.
Its a change in culture, a change in basic decency that is expected that follows the whole digital formatting. Back in snail mail days you couldnt expect any reply because there was all manual labor and you not only had to wait 3 or more days for them to get it, but who knows how many days to get around to reading it with who knows how many other appliers and because it was all manual they had no ability to reply to every individual and even if they did, it would take another three days or so to get it back in the mail- unless they call you, for which you could still expect about a week before you ever got the call in the first place.
Thats not the case today.
Now there are filters and the system is bogotedly stacked against those of us with NDs and MH and intellectual issues. The slightest thing makes them auto ignore and you have no idea. That literally no one calls or sends an *automated email* is absolutely beyond ridiculous. I just- ugh. No.
Its not laziness Mom. Its not from lack of trying. Its the ableism and, probably in my brothers case, racism too. Its just *so frustrating* with all of these hidden and unspoken and frankly *archaic, arbitrary* rules that arent actually being taught. They literally expect us to just *magically* have them when we graduate. Or to be able to miraculously excell in school AND have a paying job on the side once you hit 15/16 depending on the state. Like. Expecting a little too much, doncha think??? Yikes!!
And again, the insensitivity of discussing it *right in front of me, the older yet unemployed* sibling.
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