#its also been a big drive in my artistic career?? so yeh
princeanxious · 4 years
I just had a major memory flashback and scrambled to confirm it wasnt some childhood delusion and it indeed wasnt(AND INFACT IS ACTUALLY CURRENTLY UPDATING??? LIKE WOAH)
And maybe this was a very niche part of old youtube?? Idk
Does anyone else know about/remember the youtube series by Stickfreeks called Fairy Foxes??? Like, the first episode is from 12 years ago. Holy heck?? And I've been in the loop since episode 6 came out i think, checkin in every few months that i remembered it for a new episode, and oh my gosh??
Fairly sure this series was the whole reason my 8 y/o self decided I was gonna be an animator and goddamn still stands as a dream hobby of mine aaaaaa I srsly go recommend it if your into animated stories and years of progress stuff bc just. Watching the quality of the episodes progress and advance over the years is just so fckng cool oh my goshhh
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