#its an anime original so 0 clue where its gonna go
vero-niche · 6 months
this was, without a doubt, the wildest and most unexpected opening to an anime i saw as of late
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sol1056 · 6 years
three anons: what the hell was all that in S7
Picking out the three that are most to the point for this answer, but I’ve got another dozen or so that overlap. Not sure I’ll have time/energy to answer the rest individually, so hopefully this meta will be sufficient. 
I mean it could be that they had different execs back then who were better at their jobs and kept Shiro around. No one disliked black paladin Shiro, even the DotU fans were ok with it, and the writing in s1-2 was mostly very good. Changing all that was a bad idea. I would have left on the spot if Shiro died or was benched, like now, I'm only around for closure. Maybe they were different execs with this decision & the EPs leaped at the chance. Well, we know who's also gonna be in trouble if that's the case.
With your theory on how storyboards were reused and characters shuffled around for cost cutting, might this not also partly explain the Adam flashback scene and how it was staged? I mean, they were originally supposed to be roommates and the scene was meant to appear in season 2 but got cut. What if they just reused the storyboard (or even animation, if it was already mostly done) the way it was and then just changed the dialogue? This could explain the lack of intimacy in the staging, too. Ezor and Zethrids interactions were more openly intimate maybe not (just) because they‘re villains who die immediately after, but because the decision to make them an item came before storyboarding was done, so the staging is more suggestive. I mean, if you think Shiro was mostly pasted in in the first half of s7, that might make sense.
If cost was the issue and they already had the black paladin Shiro version written, and got the greenlight to change it to Keith then things don't add up. Because they changed it once more! Which could have been avoided if they stuck to the Shiro one. And it goes without saying it would be better written to follow canon instead of the mess we got, like, I cant imagine this NOT discussed. So if it wouldn't be cost effective to change it again for Keith and it would be badly written, why did it happen?
Behind the cut: the most likely chronology of revisions, the clues in S7 as to its original form, and what this means for S8 and the Black Paladin position. 
This is everything I’ve been able to figure out between interviews, podcasts, tweets, plus researching the industry and a few reality-checks with friends more familiar. As always, any mistakes are my own. 
version 0: "five teenagers"
This would’ve been the first pitch after getting the green light, and probably only a loose synopsis, with just the pilot given a rough storyboard. A post-apocalyptic Earth conquered by the Galra, who are seeking Blue. The execs rejected JDS' mechanism for the discovery of Blue, in favor of simply having Keith ‘sense’ Blue. The execs also rejected the idea that Shiro would die only a few episodes in. This summary seems to be the basis of the "five teenagers" part of the teaser.
version A: "shiro kicks the bucket"
Timelines would've dictated moving onto an outline pretty quickly, detailed down to the episode level, including bits of dialogue, motifs, turning points or emotional beats. In this revision, Shiro dies/leaves at the end of S2 and does not return. This is the “originally we wanted him to kick the bucket” version, which the execs rejected.
version B: "shiro goes away for awhile"
If I'm interpreting the hints correctly, the "does Shiro die or not" question got tossed back and forth all the way into S1/S2 pre-production. Rather than rearrange everything, the easiest fix would've been to leave most of the story intact and write only a new ending where Shiro returns. The execs reject this rewrite, saying Shiro can’t be gone that long. This is the “we tried to just have him gone for awhile, but the execs said he had to come back sooner” version.
version C: "enter the clone"
Again, easiest fix is to insert Shiro/Kuron, remove Keith, and reverse that just before Shiro's return in version B. This impacts only the middle seasons (S3-S6); the clone compromise satisfies the execs. Kuron's characterization makes a lot more sense if it’s Keith, in visuals (ie Kuron leaning against the wall in Keith fashion), dialogue (fighting with Lance), and action (leaving without consulting the team). It's also why no one mentions Keith's absence. Because in the original version A, Keith was standing right there.
version D: "wtf is going on", aka Season 7
When JDS mentions having a full season written with Shiro as Black Paladin, it didn't make sense how they'd have a script and not use it. With @ptw30's visual detective work, I think I may've figured it out.
Technical notes: first scripts are all written for a season, then voices are recorded, and then the combined script+recording is used to storyboard. Production seasons are 26-episodes, independent of actual broadcast seasons; VA may be recording scenes across two 13-episode seasons completely out of order, since the recording schedule's going to be based on who's available, not chronology of the file numbers. The biggest staff changes are usually in April ('staffing season') when new shows get the greenlight and start sharking around to catch writers, designers, directors, etc.
In March of this year, S5 was released. At least some of the storyboarders were released in time for staffing season; in April, Hedrick moves to a new project. With S7/S8 being unchanged since version B, I suspect Hedrick delivered the scripts for S7 and S8 by winter of last year, at latest. Even that would be tight, since that's expecting animation to deliver 26 episodes in an 8-month timeframe. [edit: probably delivered much earlier, given the studio leaks show images we can recognize from S7/S8, so some amount of these seasons were in production by then.]
In June, S6 dropped, and a week later, Hamilton was announced as the new story editor via the Lets Voltron podcast. With the lead time required in production, there doesn't seem to be any reason to even need a story editor, at this point. All the pre-production work should be done.
In August, S7 dropped. Hedrick's editor credit is only for the first half of the season; Hamilton gets it for the second half. That means the last six episodes were written after Hedrick's departure. (May Chan's S2 script was reused in part, and she gains a belated co-writing script credit for that. Hedrick should've received the same; it's standard.)
Let's recap a few things we know (and a few we can intuit) about S7:
The season was already written with Shiro returning as Black Paladin, possibly also recorded and storyboarded. 
S6 reversed the S4-S5 trend, lending strength to exec arguments that Shiro is necessary in the story.
After S6 dropped, the EPs said the wolf's name was a spoiler. See this post from @pwt30; tl;dr is that perhaps the EPs intended the wolf to be Shiro's spirit. 
Despite Shiro's return, he's absent for the majority of the first half; when he is present, he barely speaks a half-dozen words, and none are plot-relevant. See @ptw30's post for more details. 
There's a glaring incontinuity when Allura says the paladin armor protected the team, yet Shiro is frozen with the other non-paladins despite wearing armor. 
Keith never offers for Shiro to pilot, nor mentions it, nor even seems to consider it an issue.
Not everything dovetails since I don't have the full picture, but here's my theory: S7 was originally outlined with Shiro's spirit in the wolf, rather than Black. I have no idea when/how JDS would've thought up the CA:WS parallels for his sole writing credit, but Shiro's "I died" and Lotor's psychotic breakdown are squeezed into S6E6, which was written by Josh Hamilton, Hedrick's later replacement. The only other Shiro-in-Black point is a few minutes at the end of S6's final episode. Shifting from Shiro-in-wolf to Shiro-in-Black really only affects one episode, with a bit of editing for another.
Anyway, S6 ends version C, and we segue to version B. For the first half of S7, the clone's body may have been in stasis while the team traveled through its various non-adventures. The episode we now know as S7E1 may have been the mid-point, with about six episodes of Shiro being unconcious. After watching the numbers drop from S3 to S6, the execs may've rejected another six episodes of where-is-Shiro and insisted he come back ASAP.
S7 only has two episodes that must be in order; the rest are pretty rearrangeable. All they had to do was insert Shiro into the background and record a few lines. (Several lines are pure voice-over, which also saves cost/time by not needing to animate moving mouth.) But the moved episode is only his memory/awakening, and the logical next episode would be Shiro's reconnection, and the rest of the season would roll from there. Without moving the entire second half of the season to the start, moving only his awakening episode would mean Shiro does nothing for 5-6 episodes and then abruptly reconnects.  
In a recent interview, JDS said at first the execs weren't enthused until JDS talked up the new mecha they'd give Shiro to captain. Honestly, there's no way JDS got to be EP without giving a really good pitch, but there may've been another element to his argument: nostalgia. The EPs seem certain everyone suffers from their same nostalgia dementia, which if you do, then you probably have been waiting for any glimpse of that og!Keith. If Shiro returns at the start of S7, then Keith's time in Black has been limited to a few disastrous episodes in S3, and a single big battle in S6. The beginning of S7 is the only time we'd ever see the Voltron84 formation working as a unified team, and returning Shiro too soon would defeat the whole purpose of showing how the team has grown in his absence.
The solution seems to have been to remove Shiro's reconnection completely, and keep Keith in Black. That would mean re-recording Shiro's lines from the midpoint onward, and editing in Keith over Shiro. The savings would be that only half the seaon would have to be reworked, not all. The loose end of the space wolf --- an artifact of version B --- was left in place.  
What I'm not sure of is whether the following are significant enough changes to warrant removing Hedrick's name and replacing it with Hamilton's. It could be, if supervising the revision process is enough to override the previous credits. I have no idea about that part of the industry, and it's the kind of edge case you're just not going to find a lot of blog posts about, so if you know, tell me. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.
Anyway, this would've meant Shiro was switched in for Allura, Allura was put back in a lion, and Keith was switched in for Shiro. This would explain why Shiro speaks as the leader of Voltron despite no longer being a paladin, and the uneasy sensations a lot of people got about the characterizations. It was most striking in the last three episodes: Shiro felt like Allura v2, while Keith felt like Shiro v2. And that further, the Altean-Earthian ship just 'lighting up' for Shiro --- and becoming that oversized white mecha --- may've meant as Allura's fourth (fifth?) deus ex machina.
I'd be willing to bet that mid-battle, Allura repeated her stunt from the end of S2, heading out to destroy Sendak's crystal by herself. She wouldn't need Sam to hack her brain, and then we'd also have a call back to when she got knocked down by the crystal-ball thing on Naxzela. If she was the one meant to go toe-to-toe with Sendak, that would explain the bizarre neutrality of Sendak's words --- he says nothing personal to Shiro, at all --- and the even more bizarre silence on Shiro's part. Allura's words wouldn't fit Shiro, so he's silent.
And lastly, it'd mean that the one leaping out of Black to cut down Sendak wouldn't have been Keith. It would've been Shiro.
Where would the story go from here?
If I look at the events of S7, the first half is terribly disjointed, really. If Shiro was supposed to wake at the midpoint, an episode (or two) is missing. One for him to reconnect with Black, and a second that would provide some minor conflict to settle him back into position. Those two episodes were likely replaced with the unexpected and frankly over-told two-parter of the Earth flashbacks.
Two problems with that, one technical, one structural.
First, the flashback two-parter has a lot of moving parts. Brand-new designs, characters, and backdrops. It's far too elaborate to be done in an ultra-compressed timeframe, not without several heart attacks and therapy bills on the part of the animation staff. (Plus, the US-based storyboarding team is already downsized, so fewer hands to do the work.)
Second, it doesn't make a lot of structural sense, especially against the big revelations in S6 of an existing Altean colony. Within the story, there's no reason to halt everything and travel across the universe to take however long to build a new castle, when the Altean colony question is far more pressing. Returning to earth also violates the structure, because it's really just a standard milieu: start on earth, head out to have adventures, and return home at the end.
But here, they're returning home and then possibly leaving again. That's just... a rather peculiar and imbalanced way to do it. It doesn't help that doing so means literally telling Romelle her people are just gonna have to rot, the paladins are certain they need the castle more. Why would you take one of the more compelling storylines you've come up with, only to background it again, and wreck the traditional bookending milieu structure at the same time? Especially if that means coming up with major set-pieces and brand-new designs in the space of several months, after a chunk of your core staff are already onto other things.
I think those two flashback episodes -- and the rewritten finale episodes --- may've been cribbed from S8. In other words, the second half of S7 was the original end of S8. That would mean repurposing already-created storyboards and animation artifacts, so there's a huge time savings there (not counting the need to re-record voices and edit the visuals to match the changed-around parts). 
[note: if there’s anywhere you want to frontload introductions for the spin-off, it’d be in the final season, not the penultimate season. Here it feels like a big honking distraction, rather than an organic segue into the next iteration.]
That change necessitated that utterly bizarro mecha that appeared out of nowhere with the most ridiculously impeccable timing. There needed to be a reason to pull the team back out to space to deal with Haggar and/or the alt-Alteans and/or Lotor or whomever else it turns out to be.
So... where we go from here depends on when S8 gets released, because that’ll tell us how much they did (or did not) edit the episodes. Another clue will be whose name gets listed as head editor for an episode; if we see Hedrick’s name reappear at the top, we’ll know we’re dealing with episodes that are enough unrevised to qualify as being Hedrick-edited, that it’s a version B episode. 
My expectation? They’ll move Shiro’s reconnection to the first part of S8, and add an episode or edit pieces of another, to blend it into what would’ve been the first half of S8 (probably with filler to mask the gap). Then add an episode to segue into the version B finale of S7, where we’d end with the original VLD lineup. With the time needed for animation, that’d be the easiest (if potentially awkward) way to repurpose as much as possible of existing artifacts. 
If we don’t get S8 in the next 1-2 months, though, all bets are off, and there’s a much greater possibility that the entire final season is being redone from scratch. I’d expect Keith to stay in Black, in that case, but I’m always willing to be pleasantly surprised.  
edited to add: see this followup for another detail that supports the reversed-seasons theory
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nieloxychen · 5 years
time to ramble abt a weird and super real feeling dream i had that ill now try to make a story and multiple ocs out of
important: takes part across several worlds with one single connecting character. most of the ocs exist in the last, most recent world (that main oc tries his fucking best to stay in bc its actually not a complete dumpster fire)
main oc is tito (he/him, they/them, it/its on occasion)
world 0 - 
doesnt remember much
his origin
died in a car(?) crash somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
world 1 -
 wakes up semi corporeal somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
something bad (not defined yet) happened and a young woman is hiding in the rv from the sth bad that happened
shes looking fr her sister
tito cant help but help her out and they look for her together since 2 is better than 1
she has been looknig for help for a while
no one has been willing to since she thinks her sister is in the middle of the bad thing
(also the big city. lots of gross stuff everywhere, lots of ppl trying to murder)
no one wants to go there
they go together and nearly die a lot
both get infected w a strange illness
shes geting better, hes slowly dying
they find the sister (why she was there idk yet) and tito basicly sacrifices themself so the sisters can escape the bad thing
badly wounded he crawls away into an alley and breaks down next to some trash cans
(just remembered that somewhere in this world there was like a hill made of grey bodies all weaved together and like tunnels in there and the arms were moving and shit what)
colour here were mostly grey and brown
world 2 -
wakes up in an alley next to some trash
hears music, its a festival!! 
he goes to check it out, its a sports thing w like speed and stuff! 
seems like a nice place right? wrong. 
that sport is forced, loser gets sacrificed to big weird monster thing
 kind of a hunger games situation happens, he offers himself up so a parent isnt seperated from a child (just cant not help, its a bad decision and they get that but they just *clenches fist* hero comlpex a bit)
obviously looses, he doesnt fucking know the sport, what did he expect? 
BUT the infection from world 1 did sth to him? (superpowers kinda, has no clue what anything is or does) 
hes still affected by it somehow and is able to escape the ppl leading him to the monster thing to eat
finds out they picked a rando instead and feels bad
tries to save the rando
figures out monster thing is basicly a big fungus that uses ppl to carry spores 
-> the infection he carries infects a spore carries and they die immediatly
quick plan: infect fungus w a disease it is completly unkonw to
doesnt work, spore carriers actually are connected to fungus, its building anti-bodies
he dies in the sewers trying to escape the ppl feeding the fungus.
world 3 - 
wakes up in the sewers
THERS WERE-PPL!! dont change into any specific animal, but tend to have a favourite
theyre kinda nice, help them out, give them food 
they accidentally get infected through shenanigans (it was very non-specific in the dream yo)
tries to figure out both infection based power systems here, quicker to get the were-thing since ppl aroung them actually know what that is. everything else is just weird to everyone
also - possibility of first infection evolving through each world change? didnt notice powers in world 1, only some in world 2, more here?
BUT also very little time to try and figure shit out till now
very chill for a while, hopes they can settle down and maybe not die maybe
SURPRISE children are getting kidnapped!!
by who?? to where? why??? no fucking clue!!
so tito goes to help bc thats just what theydo by now fuck
gets captured, basicly forced to do what kidnappers want w threat of children getting killed (im just gonna say they were able to do them damage for a while before the kidnappers figured out who he is/ a weakness. there was no reason anywhere)
they find a hole in the command chain, go out in a blaze of glory, all the kidnappers are gone (as far as they know)
theyre also very dead and bleed out in the middle of a field
world 4 - 
flying vampires, flesh-goo ppl (idk, the pic i remember was a lady changing into a black-greyish flesh-goo to climb up 90° walls in a seond), theres slenderman maybe????? all kinda sorta want to kill tito for the reason of...
well there has to be a reason he keeps waking up in different worlds right?
but hes not super good at thinking and they dont stop to explain it so??
arent just trying to kill him though, theres also some old man theyre going after
helps the old man, is the grandchild (adopted) of some immortal lady
she is very thankful and gives him the gift of 3 very specific magic powers of his choosing (theyre like marbles and he has to pick 3)
1. Open any door anywhere (doesnt need to be connected) and just wish to go to a place (the more specific the better)
2. Change anything he wants to into a small marble though sheer will power. has to concentrate to keep the shape
3. basicly featherfall but more controlled. actually, more like steven universe floating powers
by now the first infection is basicly a magic system of its own but its all very instinct based. poor tito has no fucning clue
the colour here were very bright, lots of flowers and sunshine and stuff
and just a fucking slenderman flying behing dream-me, blasting through houses and trees and shit?
dies after being chased by flying slender-vampire and goo lady (wasnt fighting back bc they were proctecting sth? idk what though) in like an abandoned farmhouse
world 5 -
wakes up in farmhouse, theres a person!
ocs here we go
person is helke. shes nice but kind of scary sometimes. its mostly a joke for her though
she helps him get used to the world
his powers are by now vry fucking op. but there are SO many powers here too and she fills him in
silver minds: can sense things like weapons if theyre being carried w the intent to harm them or someone they want to look out for. can redirect them against their users, or just stop them alltogether. somewhat staticy voice when stressed, very cold to the touch. born this way
schalks: completly immune to mind intrusion based powers. somewhat of a pack mentality. cannot be located if they dont want to be, very selective in what contact they want. group together for social contact, and also: need contact to eachother bc they need to share excess energy between eachother or they kinda implode. infection based, 2 schalks can have schalk bbys but not often
werewolves: ya only wolves. helke is one! grow up in packs, but adults tend to seperate from larger packs to form their own. can change whenever, super strong always, also fast when changed. just really like raw meat yk? born this way, packs can be made up from basicly anything
more im gonna add, but these i remember. not including the names
basicly helke wants to start a pack and invites him to stay since she doesnt like being alone and wants to help, and ofc he wants to help her
they meet another young werewolf (i think. big fighty and a beard. might be sth else at some point) and he joins them. this is nikola
they meet a young girl, whos a silver mind and kinda running away from home bc bad home life. her names rita.
they invite her to join the pack, which she does and pack rules are kinda big so after proving themselves as reasonably good guardians for her shes officially adopted
she runs into a lonely (very lonely, kinda dying) schalk who lost contact to their group and the pack help them find their group.
their name is an
the group becomes kinda part of the pack, but the rest of the schalk group isnt a fan of big groups of ppl, so the 4 schalks and the 4-pack live in different locations
now /someone/ notices tito like how goop-slener-vamp did in world 4 and tries to capture tito (who was hanging out w rita while that happened.
thank fuck for marble magic, so rita is safe, tito can flee to the schalks (take us somewhere safe)
an turns tito into a schalk, so he wont be found anymore so now he has to kind of move between the 2 camps a lot
on their way to and fro they meet another kid called jacko (also running away, wont say why). is taken into the pack after more safety precautions
hes just a lil human, no magic nothing 
thats the story ig
tito - (he/they/it), roughly 25 (time is weird) not good at thinking, wants to be nice, wants to help, very op, kinda whimsical, very sweet person. DOES NOT WANT TO DIE AGAIN it sucks just want to be happy and make others happ, protective big sibling, everyone is their baby sib
helke - (she/her), 27 wants to help and have a big family/pack, big jokester, tries to be scary, only strangers will believe that, great at handywork and making every sort of meat food. also hunting. lumberjack vibe, chills w nikola, sports w tito, gmaes w kids
nikola - (he/him), 24 chill weed vibe. big fan of cleaning, lock your door if you dont want him to do your laundry. big into birdwatching. somehow in a pack w very intense or op folk which he finds a bit intimidating. doesnt realise hes also big intimidating. has gotten into 3 fights in his life but they were SCARY af, safe zone for tito, fun zone w tito
rita - (she/her), 15 good girl, can be kinda scary, very competetive, VERY COMPETATIVE, will draw hearts on your cast and help you and stuff, after having broken your arm, close w helke and tito
jacko - (he/him), 11 good boy, v shy, v opinionated. would have a blog if older. tried to make one but fled after 1 bad interaction. had to talk abt that a lot to understand it. arts n crafts boy, also climbing, looks up to nikola a lot
an - (they/them), 26 very quiet, thinks theyre right p much always, wants the best for everyone, but not super great at respecting ppls wishes. needs sense knocked into them every now and then. tries very hard. fails. plyam w leena and karim, not good w nikola
leena (she/them), 25, big into animals, big into food, big into random interest of the week. looses interest quickly though
karim (he/him), 26, big art, the one braincell between all the schalks (including tito bc omg BOY), draws creepy things on trees to fuck w ppl, prankster fuck
essek (he/they) 24, fashion and food, loudest of the schalks, goes into the city to get neccessities and general stuff, kinda crushing on tito, sib of karim
in general, the pack is very close. even an and nikola, but theyre kinda cold since an turned tito (tito is ok w it, nikola is big mad an didnt give tito an option, big fight 3, very fucking scary). but they do love eachother a lot, what ive noted were just the stand outs.
same w the schalks, theyre very close but i havent had any of these long enough to get a super good feel on the relationships between eeryone
but i love them already
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je4sse · 7 years
1-64 65. What is your zodiac sign?
well okay then, i’ll assume it’s the same person... as before it’s all under the cut to save your dashes from being super long 
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Unfortunately yes but that should be fixed soon
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 0 i’m not afraid of the dark i’m afraid of what’s lurking in the dark that i can’t see (of which would be a 3)
3. The person you would never want to meet? Can’t think of anyone other than like jack the ripper just cause i’d prefer not to die 
4. What is your favorite word? Guacamole it’s fun to say even though i never eat it 
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? not sure, i’d want to be a fruit tree but idk what kind of fruit tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? “geez i need to get a haircut and redye my hair”
7. What shirt are you wearing? My slytherin shirt hell yeah 
8. What do you label yourself as? not entirely sure what this means because i label myself as a million things, book lover, shitty artist, dreamer like there’s a lot of labels
9. Bright room or dark room? lived in dark rooms all my life plus brightness hurts my eyes even if it’s probably better for them in the long run
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? either watching scooby doo or talking to my friend (i need to fix my circadian rhythm) 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? probably 20 even though it can be stressful
12. Who told you they loved you last? still my best friend
13. Your worst enemy? don’t think i have any official enemies, unofficially? i will have my revenge on the middle school bullies by getting rich af and having them work for me
14. What is your current desktop picture? a still of the waterfall from the gravity falls opening, can’t remember where it’s from though
15. Do you like someone? No crushes sorry no juicy gossip for anyone 
16. The last song you listened to? just watched diamond jack so... i think it’s called the villain i appear to be but idk the artist 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? i’d probably save it for if someone i knew was in danger tbh
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? no one i’m a wimp it’d break my hand probably, i’d love to learn how to take peoples momentum and use it against them instead
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? i should read through these more thoroughly, thinking through it though anyone i’d pick i’d probably forget the whole slave thing and just accidentally command them like “hey mind getting me a drink too?” 
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) uhh... none? wait no my eyes they’re the thing i have the least amount of a problem with
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? wait i get to choose what i look like too? honestly i don’t think i’d do much different except actually go out. i guess i’d be unrecognizable long hair new eye color taller in better shape, tbh i don’t think i’ve thought through that scenario enough
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? i mean not really, i can still put my leg behind my head but that’s not really a talent
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? unique thing i fear? are there any unique fears? i guess one would be being alone like those last man on earth stories being alone in general is fine but entirely? no thanks
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. i pick grilled cheese and ham
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? honestly this’ll be boring i’ll spend it on school books probably (too expensive)
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? even though i don’t speak the language i’d go to Germany
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? i like this angel hmm i pick peach Smirnoff vodka it was the first one i could stomach
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? the first rule is “Be excellent to each other” 
29. What is your favorite expletive? Fuck (i know how original)
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? assuming this happened after i got back home i’d run in and grab my laptop since i’d already have my phone and wallet on me
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? the time that i nearly fell to my death
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!  their loss guess i’ll travel to Spain then
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? myself after i die if i can’t do that then no one that would devastate the families of the person i lost
34. What was your last dream about? wish i could remember unfortunately this will be a repeat of last time; nuclear annihilation 
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? no i’m not a good anything
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? i mean yeah isn’t everyone at birth? i haven’t gotten into any accidents serious enough to warrant a hospital visit though
37. Have you ever built a snowman? yes and snow dogs and igloos (stereotypical Canadian that i am)
38. What is the color of your socks? i have rocket raccoon on my socks! it’s great lol
39. What type of music do you like? cop out answer but everything yes including country and other languages i just listen to what fits my mood
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunsets i’d be too tired to enjoy a sunrise
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? chocolate but i like strawberry too
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) honestly i just don’t much care about sports unless i’m playing them so i don’t know of any teams (again i really need to thoroughly read these)
43. Do you have any scars? only the small ones you wake up with not knowing where they came from 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? not a clue i just plan on being who i’ve always been cause idk what i’ll end up as in the future although i’m hoping by that time my business has taken off and i’m rich (it won’t but i can dream ok)
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? only one thing really? aw uhh my face
46. Are you reliable? yes when i say i’ll do something i will and if its for another person i’ll actually do it instead fo procrastinating
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? “so.... whats my S.O.’s name?”
48. Do you hold grudges? i mean i do but it’s kinda rare 
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? gryphons i’d make gryphons so lions and eagles (would a human and bat make vampires?) 
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? i had a two hour conversation about murder with two classmates once, we weren’t even in law or criminology...
51. Are you a good liar? i can be but if i have to come up with it on the spot sometimes i’ll end up laughing so.... depends on the situation
52. How long could you go without talking? little over a day then i’d start talking to my self
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? i asked for an inch off the top and the hairdresser interpreted that as buzzing off my hair
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? yes it was delicious 
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? no although the voice in peoples heads that they use for thinking, that voice will change accents from time to time, atm it prefers a scottish accent
56. What do you like on your toast? strawberry jam 
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? i can’t remember but probably satan (from satan and me)
58. What would be you dream car? a self driving car
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. actually i’m boring i just stand in the shower and think don’t even put on music
60. Do you believe in aliens? yes just due to the probability of it
61. Do you often read your horoscope? not really unless you mean the horoscope meme that was on here for a while
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? C cause it steals K and S’s jobs
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies? they’re adorable when they’re someone elses kid
65. i’d be the rat of the zodiac
let me know if i got zodiac and horoscope backwards promise i’ll fix it
have a great day!
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