#its bc i spread a ftf spoiler before i knew it was a spoiler
midnights-dragon · 1 year
The way that the TOH fandom on Twitter is ripping the show’s writing/character design to shreds right now is really sad. Like... you couldn’t have even waited a month to start whipping out everything you hate about it? Every time I open the damn bird app there’s new TOH hate on my TL. Can we just have a silly whimsical show about gay people and magic 
Why were there 60 grimwalker masks when that would have been impossible? Where’s Lilith’s palisman? There were a couple of animation flaws with some of the characters? WHO CARES it was cute and gay 
The character designs are “cringe” and the colors are “clashing”? Have you never seen the way a gay teenager dresses mhm thank you
Basically: STOP COMPLAINING the team did the best they could and people complaining this soon after the end about “how much they hate xyz about the owl house” sucks. I literally saw this one meme that was like “TELL ME WHAT YOU HATE ABOUT TOH!!” with a bunch of replies and qrts and it made me so sad //:
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