#its because i decided today to redo almost all of it xD
zenkaiankokuart · 2 years
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"Restraint isn't effortless, Sunshine."
We've been antagonizing Moon again, and we've pushed our luck too far. Sun has to step in to help Moon keep it under control. But they're really struggling. And Sun is getting fed up with our lack of common sense and self preservation.
I think you should run.
Inspired by chap 7 of Solar Lunacy, written by the amazing @bamsara. It's not a scene from the story, just a vague incident that happens sometime after the chapter. (it's not canon like at all)
Individual images of Moon and "Moon" under the cut.
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notsomaple · 6 years
Chapter 10: A Storm is coming.
Storms have been raging all summer in Willow Creek and the storm within the Maple family is about to spin right into a hurricane. 
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It all started when Michael and Sarah got back from their honeymoon. Anita, Michael boss and ex girlfriend called him into her  office with some offsetting news. 
Anita: I know you just got back today, but somethings within the company are changing. I’m afraid that we are being relocated to Newcrest. 
Michael: What?! what do you mean relocated?!
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Anita: it wont be so bad, the town is under development and we will be able to do a-lot of good research.
Michael: you want me to move my whole family to a town in development! 
Anita: Michael we don’t have a choice! it’s either relocate or lose your job! I’ll give you a week to decide.
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Michael went home feeling rather conflicted, he could probably find another job here in Willow Creek. they would still probably have to move into a smaller house. 
Sarah: Michael?
At least Robin could still stay in the same school and keep her friends. 
Sarah: Micheal??
Sarah could keep her job. 
Sarah: Michael!!!
Michael: What?! 
Sarah: I have something important to tell you. 
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Sarah: I’m pregnant. 
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Michael sat there in shock.
Sarah: Micheal? 
all the things he had been struggling with finally made sense, and he knew what he had to do. He got up peppering Sarah’s face in kisses. 
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Sarah: I take it you’re happy?
Michael: of course I’m happy, but now I have something important to tell you. 
After discussing things over with Sarah, they decided that the best course of option was to sell the house and relocate to Newcrest. With a new baby on the way, Michael wanted to make sure that his family was supported. There was just one more problem, telling Robin. 
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Sarah: Robin we have something we need to tell you. 
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Sarah: I’m pregnant, you’re going to be a big sister. 
Michael: also we are moving. 
Sarah: Michael!
Robing: What!? we are moving!? 
Michael: we have to move because of my job, I’m being relocated. 
Robin: you could find another job!
Michael: I thought about it Robin, but this new job will be able to support us and we need the money with a new baby on the way.
Robin: so its the baby’s fault!
Michael: it’s nobody’s fault!
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Robin: I hate this! I don’t want a new sibling and I don’t want to move!
Robin grabbed her jacket running outside. 
Michael: Robin! 
Micheal quickly grabbed his jacket going outside after her, the only problem was once he got outside the storm that had been raging all day had gotten stronger since the sun went down. It made it almost impossible to see anything. 
Michael: Robin!!
he shouted out to her raising his voice over the thunder. 
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after searching for 30 minutes he finally found her hiding in the playground pirate ship at the park. When Robin saw him, relief rushed over her and she quickly ran towards him. However she stopped short when she saw the furious look on Michael’s face. 
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Robin: Dad..I’m sorry. 
Michael kneeled down and pulled her into his arms. she started crying burying her face in her dad’s shoulder. 
Michael: don’t scare me like that ever again.
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After getting home and drying off, Michael sat on the couch with Robin. 
Michael: I know you’re upset and things have changed a lot lately, but I promise you that everything will work out.
Robin: how? I’m losing my friends and I’m losing you. 
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Michael: why do you think you are losing me? 
Robin: because I won’t be your only kid anymore. 
Michael: you aren’t losing me. yes there will be a new baby, but you will always be my first baby.
Robin: I’m not a baby!
Michael: you will always be my baby. 
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Thanks for reading chapter 10! Remember when I said that they weren’t going to move? haha I lied. Due to certain things happening in the neighborhood like the fact that Michael might have been taken by aliens one to many times, I decided to like move them into a house that honestly I like alot better than the other one. It’s not that I hated their other house its just i never really fully liked it and even tho I spent time on trying to make it where I liked it I never fully did. The new house I have designed really nicely and I really love it. It’s not finished yet, but I like it so much I might actually take room for room screenshots to show cause I don’t think they will be moving again. I can’t take sceenshots now cause it will give some stuff away, my gameplay is like at least 3 chapters ahead of the story. I work pretty much full time so when I get time to play I have to play for a long time and just capture moments and sometimes I even have to go back fake it a bit to fill in spots for the story. so I don’t get to like stop and write the next chapter before moving on. which is probably why some chapters feel rushed or like missing things cause I have to just work with what I got and sometimes I can’t rebuild a environment like I would have liked the wedding to have been longer, but I can’t go back when Sarah is pregnant and redo some wedding pictures xD anyway I love this family and I’m so excited for the rose generation! I’m going to do something completely different that I hope no one else has done before in the not so berry challenge. so I hope you stick around for that cause if you thought this generation was a bit wild just wait tell the roses start to bloom! 
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happysmilebtr · 4 years
Ahh, I feel you on the unsureness of college! Although I did all 3 years in one swoop and graduated, I still feel unsure if it was the right choice, the course! I feel like I did it kind of out of pressure to make my family proud... So yeah, even if the pandemic is awful and ruined your plans, think of it as an opportunity in thinking really well what you would like to do in the future 😉
Oof, sorry about your mom and her job, it's really tough to be turned down for jobs like that, I hope it'll get better 🙏
I'm also very stay-at-home like you are actually, but since I'm on Lay-off from work and am at home most of the time, I took the chance to go out a little with my mom. I don't usually have time to do these things bc of my work hours, so it was nice ^^
Anyway, have a great day today 💕 - 🎅
I am proud of you for finishing college because its not easy! It can be tough for plenty of reasons so you should be proud of that ^.^ though I do understand that sentiment. I remember very much early on around my senior year of high school (last year of secondary just in case my lovely santa isn't from the states! Even if I am living in the states the terms can be confusing lol) when I had old friends ask me what I want to do or where I want to go....I would just reply with I don't know or I don't want to go and boy would they give me this judgemental look =/ they would of course suggest I should at least give it a try or do it for the "experience" (I understand many who said this meant well! Though I still felt all meh about college ya know?) but honestly I didn't want to go to college just to say "I had that college experience" when I rather have someone that REALLY is passionate for studying take my place does that make sense? I also was stressed out from my last year, didn't do the best with my grading so I decided I needed some time off from school in general and just focus on me. While yes its taking longer and I hate feeling guilty for not doing the common route which is doing college (blame society for this. I was about to write a giant rant on this but not today, thats a story for another time xD) its also ok! After all, college is NOT a must right away. While yes many jobs do ask for degrees, there is no age limit for college and everyone has a different path in life ya know? But ahh wise words said ^.^ I am making a tiny list of small like achievements i want to do in life. Nothing too grand like climb mt. Everest BUT something like redo my room (which i actually did! Its nowhere near the finished product but I have a good base of it and slowly want to try to get back into finishing it) or finally get my dream tattoos. Those small little things not only will make me happy to do but also proud in a way? To say that "yeah I did that!" Idk if thats cheesy but yeah 😅😅😅
Ah don't apologize my love! These things do happen so it sucks but we are being hopeful about it that it won't completely go more downhill. Its a shame this virus put alot of people out of jobs :( of course this could be fixed BUT capitalism:'))
Oof I'm sorry you are on lay off from your job! I hope things get better from work BUT while that is poopy, you did get to do some quality time with your mom ^.^ I hope you are finding some enjoyment with the break!
And thank you!! Today was a slow day, me and my dad tried getting our hands on the ps5 but welp, that shiz us more hard than trying to get kpop tickets fnsbzsjsj. How was your day? Its almost the weekend as well so yay!
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