#its even a red scarf on mobilr :)
fangaminghell · 5 months
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Welp! Spoilers for pokemon rejuvenation, particularly 13.5!!!!!!!!
So in my big ass renegade trio post, I said that Teddy is dead. That is partially true. Teddy did die, though to the rest of the world he simply went missing? Why? Because his body wasn't there when Isador came back with everyone to "save" him. So what happened to the body? Spacea and Tiempa happened. Theodore Arkwright died that day. And Spacea and Tiempa brought him back to life. Which. Isn't exactly allowed, if I'm remembering correctly. Interfering with humans at that level is a no go. But Teddy was a special case. He was a good battler. A very good battler. And his dutiful heart and sense of justice was honestly perfect for the Storm chasers cause. So they decided to bend the rules and bring Teddy back to life, and have him join the Storm chasers.
The thing is, though, that because of the special circumstances of Teddy - being brought back to life - Spacea and Tiempa made sure to keep him as separate as he could from the other Storm chasers. He had his own missions, his own place to life, and was almost always busy. I think Melia only really saw him a couple times - he could never really form a connection with others. Which was fine. He was convinced that he was doing a good thing, and even if....even if he was still alone, without his brother, it would be worth it in the end. Needless to say, unlike others, Teddy has a lot of faith in Spacea and Tiempa.
It's unfortunate,though, what inevitably happens to him. Because like all Storm Chasers, even one of the best like Teddy, once their usefulness was out, they were discarded. And Teddy, inevitably, was no exception. And so, by the end of it all, Teddy dies once more. Whether or not he ever gets to see his brother again is still getting worked out. Though chances are, they do not.
Let's take a step back for a moment because I've explained the Storm chasers part, but never fully explained Teddy.
Teddy is everything that Isador wants. Teddy is kind, heroic, and patient to a fault. In many ways, he is like his father. I mentioned in the renegade post that the twins father was a well respected member of his community: many people looked up to him. So when he died, the people of the town looked at someone else- young Teddy. Because he was kind, heroic, patient to a fault and noticeably, talented. He could be the one to save the town. He would be their hero. And what an unfair thing to put on a child.
Truthfully speaking, Teddy never wanted to be considered the hero. He loves helping people yes, and for his town, he would do anything but. He didn't want all that attention. All he wanted was to be with his twin brother, the only person he felt he could be himself with. Cause here's the thing. Isador hated and envied ( and loved?) Teddy. Teddy absolutely adored and loved Isador. Because it was really all he had. Teddy never wanted for Isador to feel left out- he wanted them to do things together, laugh together, battle together. Even when Isador left him for dead, he couldn't even be angry. He hoped that one day the two could just talk and hope that maybe, it was just a mistake. He hoped that one day there would be no tension between them, and that they could just be brothers again. That's all he wanted.
But that day never came.
In paragon, because of the reset and Will's Curse, Teddy is an only child. He does not remember Isador. No one does. And yet he always feels like something is missing. He was never able to get Oblitus town on the maps like the town had hoped, though because he was always the favorite, they were never mad at him. He helps around the town as he can, and tries to keep everyone in spirit. He's still the town's little hero. A lone hero. Shouldering his own grief and responsibility all on his own. But he tries. He really does. That's the best he can do anyway.
Oh! Fun fact. The red scarf that Isador wears in canon? It's Teddy's. Isador is very protective of that scarf. He refuses to take it off even at his own detriment, and gets very anxious when it's not with him. It's funny. It's a reminder of the person he hates the most. And yet, he doesn't leave without it. Odd.
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