#its flattering to be invited out and sometimes i defs WANT it but like
cinnamolore · 1 month
it is now spring which means that everyone and their mother is inviting me out to DRINK every weekend and i : ))) do not want to!!
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening to you, sunshine! 💌✨🐤 how has your day gone?? hopefully it was good, that's what you deserve after all!! i was able to get some tasks done today, and luckily it was actually enjoyable! 💫 (1/9)
"all of you anons out there asked such funny and sweet things today,, i got a good kick out of them hehe,, the one about shinobu and kira made me laugh for a good 6 minutes (even if i'm not the biggest kira fan hehe) and the one asking for autographs made me giggle a bit,, i'm not sure why people would want my autograph, but whatever makes them happy i guess! (though with how amazing you are,, i wouldn't be surprised if people want your autograph 😘)(2/9)
also, to the one anon who was worried about how i am after the incident,, i assure you, i'm doing okay,, sure, it was very scary, but i've been through worse situations in the past,, don't worry about me!! and to the old follower anon, thank you for for being so kind!! of course you're invited to the wedding sweetie! 💕 (3/9)
oh, and i was not at all expecting such a positive response to that little post of mine,, i assure you i am not that photogenic or pretty 😅 just a lucky shot i guess?? ah boh,, darling you are to good to me, no? and the same goes for all of those other anons out there 💞💞 you truly know how to flatter me morgy dear!! (4/9)
now then,, my day was pretty nice i suppose, nothing special!! i finally got to practice my dancing again, which felt nice after having to lie down for so long,, and i got to cook again too!! ooh, and i helped my papa start the process of making plum wine!! i had to help crush up lots and lots of plums and grapes,, and we're gonna ferment it for a total of 2 months, before bottling and aging half of the bottles for 6 more months,, (5/9)
though the winemaking process is very long, it will be so worth it in the end!! 🌹plum wine has a nice, not overly sweet, full bodied and mellow flavor,, my mamma loves to use it in so many recipes!! plum wine has to be one of my favorite wines, maybe because i grew up with it,, my nonna used it in cakes, spritzers, and occasionally sauces! ahhh it really does take me back,, perhaps we can share a bottle sometime? that sounds like a lovely idea to me~ 💘 (6/9)
my gardener neighbor is gone for two weeks, and tasked me with taking care of his garden and his 5 pet bunnies,, awaaaa they're so cute!! i've been giving them little nicknames to remember them, my favorite bunny is a dark grey one,, i named him chippy since his one ear has a tiny chip in it hehe,, and i must say, his garden is very impressive in person!! its huge and full of vegetables/fruits! (7/9)
he said that when he returns, he would pay me and give me some of his produce, but i'd honestly do it for free, it's very fun and i would love to make it a long term job! 🌺 ah, and one last thing that i'm sure you'll be very happy to hear dolcezza,, i'm starting to get into ace attorney !! so far from what i've seen, i absolutely adore edgeworth and franziska,, and phoenix too hehe! i really love it even though i haven't dug too deep yet, and i'm very excited to see more! 😊 (8/9)
mamma mia,, i apologize for those little rambles of mine,, i know they tend to annoy some people 😖 oh my, it's 2:57 as i finish this,, time to get some sleep i suppose?? well then, until tomorrow my love! buonanotte, e sogni d'oro~!! 💗💗💗💗💗 - much love as always, waifu xoxo 😊😘😍🌺💕💞💌💋💘✨ ps: i'll make it a promise to visit countries with you amore 💖 (9/9)"
Darling no matter how many times u try uno reversing me i'll keep saying this: UR the wig snatching one here and tbh i'd say that was no lucky shot bc from what other pics u posted i can confirm that u are indeed vogue worthy😩✌️
On another one i think i tasted plum wine before?? Here we have another type of traditional plum (and other fruits sometimes such as pears) drink thats v e r y strong shxhxhx but either way we will def share a bottle (AND travel countries) someday 👁️👁️ and i swear ur way too kind for ur own good dear, constantly helpin out ppl like dat ahxhxhdh we S T A N sis (u can be just too cute with all those nicknames u give to animals and such)
ALSO HOLY SHIT IM SO HAPPY U GOT INTO ACE ATTORNEY SGAGSXGXGXGXXH ITS DEADASS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVE GAMES BRUH😤😤😤 i will do my best not to spoil shit since my dumbass finished the entire series back in june and i can get v e r y hyped but like... amazing taste darling my chaotic edgeworth simp ass approves (also franziska is best girl everyone who hates on her has a small pp)
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loquaciousquark · 6 years
5th Harvestmere. It is Properly Blustery at last
Sebastian’s singing voice is unfairly beautiful. Went to services this morning (he told us last week at WG he was cantoring) and enjoyed every minute of it. Classical training can only do so much—I proved that myself, to Mother’s consternation—and sometimes you just can’t help but appreciate raw natural talent.
Damn. I was trying not to think about
Varric told us this morning he’d heard a rumor about a ship waylaying a trading vessel out of Rivain last month. The captain was calling herself the Queen of the Eastern Seas.
She hasn’t tried to write me either, so I don’t know why it stings so much. Maybe because I know she could find me if she wished, and she...wishes not to, apparently. And I…
I don’t think the post delivers to Queen of the Eastern Seas. Especially not without a forwarding address.
15th Harvestmere. Chilly enough to break out the ugly sweaters
Orana’s been here a year tomorrow. She thought I’d forgotten—aha, but I hadn’t! Untrusting woman!
Had all her favorites for dinner—light meats, fresh fruit in tartes, and grilled slices of red potatoes in a vinegar sauce. Dessert was a flat chocolate cake thing that Bodahn makes only on very special occasions. Well, if Orana’s not special, I don’t know what is.
I got her a new lute. I don’t know if I should have, but she doesn’t know when she was born, not even the season, and there aren’t nearly enough opportunities the rest of the year for proper gift-giving. Not to mention her old one’s a half size too large for her (accursed merchant), and one of the keys won’t hold its place for tuning. The new one has ivy scrollwork on the neck that made me think of her. Strong at the root, even if the leaves look fragile.
One of Orana’s friends, a woman who helps out in Jean-Luc’s shop, came by for dessert as well, as did Tomwise, and an elf woman I recognized from Lowtown but couldn’t place the name of, and her little daughter. Toby naturally took the girl’s entertainment as his number one priority, which helped, and then all Orana’s friends and Bodahn and Sandal sat around just...having a very lovely conversation.
I hadn’t even realized she knew all these people. Bodahn was the one to invite them all.
I excused myself after a while, just to give them some privacy. I think I made the little girl nervous. I wish I could explain to her I belong with Tomwise a thousand times more than I belong with Lady Forsythe and the glittering errata.
Then again, I’m the one importing strawberries out of season and serving chocolate cake on hand-dyed porcelain. Flames, at this point I wish I could explain it to myself.
Later, almost midnight
Orana came and found me after all her friends had left. She asked if she could play something for me in thanks—I told her the lute was out of my gratitude, not meant to exacerbate hers, but she just gave that little smile that tells me she’s about to do whatever she wishes anyway, so I lit a few candles and she sat next to me at the window.
I don’t know what it was called. It was Tevinter and strange and sad, and she hummed a little in harmony as she went, and I wanted to cry without knowing why.
She said her father had loved that song. She said he and the other cooks used to sing it in groups in Hadriana’s kitchens, but she’s forgotten the words.
I wondered…
Mm. I wondered if Fenris would know the words, and Orana shook her head and smiled and thought it was unlikely, that what she knew of Danarius’s household offered very little of Napocan folk songs.  
She said she’d heard of Fenris in Minrathous, that Hadriana talked of him sometimes, and that once Danarius had stopped to see his apprentice and Fenris had come with him. She’d seen him through a crack in a balcony and been frightened by his face.  
She hadn’t recognized him at first, that day in the caverns among the iron cages. It hadn’t been until that evening, when he’d come to pace in my foyer, that she’d known him for who he was and who he belonged to. She’d been afraid already, and then I’d come home and Mother had taken her upstairs...
She said Mother had been kind. Even when she’d broken that vase of chrysanthemums—and I’d forgotten about that—Mother had only been patient. She said sometimes that made it worse in the beginning, but she’d understood Mother better by the end.
I burned to ask her if she’d seen Fenris leave that night, but couldn’t bring myself to get the words out. It didn’t matter the answer, anyway—it all would have hurt the same.
Why do happy occasions always make my heart ache the most?
17th Harvestmere. Cold
I forgot my nameday. It was the fifteenth, the same day as Orana’s party. I was so busy planning her day I forgot, and it hadn’t once crossed my mind until Fenris came by this morning.
He had a book. A volume on Aristone’s treatises, annotated by the elvhen mage Daliari, bound in black leather and with a blue ribbon for marking my place.
He said everyone else planned to give me something at cards tonight, but he—implied as obliquely as possible—wasn’t certain if I’d like it and didn’t want me to have to pretend to be pleased if I wasn’t.
I am very pleased.
23rd Harvestmere. Someone piled up leaves from the street right outside my door and Toby has been, in a word, romping
Thinking about Bethany today. Thinking about Varania, too (whether or not she exists), and Karl, Anders’s old lover, and Sebastian’s family, and the way people can leave without warning and that’s--that’s all there is to it, and you’ve only the Maker’s hope you said everything you needed to before it happened.
I keep remembering I never told Mother I liked her hair, the way she’d started wearing it. What a small thing to keep wrapping thorns around my heart.
Aveline mentioned Wesley the other day as well. An offhanded comment, because Fenris stepped in something sticky coming into the Hanged Man and Aveline (apparently) once walked barefoot into a whole cask’s worth of sour beer Wesley had spilled once. I haven’t heard her say his name in years. I wonder if that’s time’s influence, or Donnic’s.
I am infinitely tired of watching the people I love lose.
Satinalia! 1st Firstfall, and I can’t see a thing through this damned mask. Also it’s bitterly cold outside
Merrill’s already pattering through the kitchen (which means I need to get downstairs immediately before I end up with flour all down the stairs again) but a quick note before I go: next time I offer to host Satinalia feasting, don’t let everyone pre-drink at the Hanged Man first.
New inkpen! Finer point than I had, lovely, a black lacquered ironwood courtesy Varric & Merrill, sneaky sneaky. Av gave a little book of hymns with Sebastian who wrote a decida de dedion dedication in the front. Ha! I can spell. I can spell better than most poeple. Except Varric.
Anders forgot it was Sat. Bought drinks for the whole group in apology & two more bottles to bring to my place. Laughed while he did it but didn’t drink & he def. can’t afford it. Memo: large donation next week, anon. Get V to drop it off via runner. Get the urchin with the whistle. Set the whole street awake if he sees a templar lurking
something is banging outside
He liked his scarf, though. Fereldan colors & part of the Anderfels skyline along one hem. Orana’s idea, smart as flames. Too bad he’s pathologically attached to those feathers or I’d have that paper-thin coat out in half a heartbeat
Merrill was trickier but liked the mittens & Av showed her the stitching on the inside, Dalish for heart & memory. I need to be craftier so I can stop leaching gift ideas off everyone else
Maker’s blood & bone this room will not stop spinning
Av, Seb, V & I all went in and got Fen a complete collection of Mader’s works. Historical/slightly fictionalized/encyclopedic thing. Eight volumes. Dry as bones but for flashes of brilliant humor & then you realize he’s just sarcastic as the Void. Plus rather decent Marcher history from Steel Age onward. Not flattering of Tevinter either. Seems perfect for him.
Fancy leather bindings, all in dark leather with rainbow bookmarks. Not all rainbow themselves. The first is red, next orange, etc. F couldn’t carry them all at once so they’re downstairs waiting for multiple trips
What is this banging
[There is no heading for the next section. Instead, there are large, red stains across the side of the page, as if the writer’s hand had not been washed prior to taking up the pen.]
Burn these smugglers! Now I’m drunk and bloody and my ear is cut and Fen is downstairs kipping in the guest because the Crimson We wa Weavers have death wishes & jumped him for coin
especially right outside my house, went out and he had all but three down even swaying worse than Gamlen the morning after payday
laughed when I got two down with lightning, & he looked like a masterwork painting since he still had on the elvhen godshead mask. Fen’harel. Lyrium was glowing and made the eyes light from the inside, and his grin was wolfish as anything I’ve ever...
Now there are bodies in my leaves and no one will get them until morning
Damned inconvenient
17th Firstfall. Stairs to Lowtown were iced over today and one of the people who take the palanquins up and down the stairs broke a leg
Varric told me about a mummer’s show last night in Lowtown. He, Aveline, and I went--invited the others but Anders & Merrill were busy and Fenris said he might but never showed.
Varric didn’t tell me it was about me becoming the Champion. Fighting the Arishok, all that. They made him a monster. Grotesque, I mean. His face was purple and scarred and twisted, and I killed him with a sword as tall as Anders.
The audience loved it. They cheered when the Arishok died, and the woman playing me spat on him before kicking his body into the harbor.
I told Varric if I ever read something like this in any of his future books I’d never take him anywhere with me ever again.
20th Firstfall. Ice has melted and now everything’s soggy as spring
Apologized to Varric yesterday. I know he’d never write anything like that mockery, and it wasn’t fair to take my irritation out on him.
It was a ten-copper mummer’s show, and the lead had papier-mâché armor. There’s only so much self-righteous indignation I can manage at one time.
Absolutely sent the company an incensed letter, though. Enjoy ten pages of detailed, annotated corrections, you limp little eels.
30th Firstfall. Snowing lightly today, just enough to make everything slick
Had a letter today. No signature or heading, postmarked Brandel’s Reach. The corner was torn off and the whole thing smelled like salt. “Hope everything’s well there. Still alive. That’s all.”
That’s all.
Six months and that’s all.
19th Haring. Merrill brought a basket of snowdrops and she, Orana, and I covered the great room in garland. Damned lovely
Braeden asked me to marry him. He had a ring made of gold and sapphires and a pair of delicate lace gloves that are too small for me. He said these last months together have shown him I am more than capable of becoming a lasting partner in managing his life and his lands and he’s sure he can make me happy.
I asked him what my favorite color was. He didn’t know.
5th Wintermarch
She died a year ago today.
Fenris came and had dinner with me. We didn’t talk much, and afterwards we went to the library and were quiet there, too. He let me doze on his shoulder when I couldn’t sleep. He left around second bell, when I told him I would go to bed even if I couldn’t manage the dreaming.
Of all the painful anniversaries between us, this one is my least favorite.
21st Wintermarch. I’ve begun needing green -- this winter’s lasting longer than some of Lothering’s, or maybe that’s just because there’s hardly been any snow
I’ve had a terrible cold since Firstday. Orana and Bodahn have kept me bundled in fur & up to my eyes in hot soup and I think I’m finally on the mend. My throat’s so sore I sound like a tenor, though.
Went out to Sundermount last week with Merrill, Varric, and Aveline. We skirted the Dalish camp out there because Merrill didn’t want to speak to Marethari, but I saw her face at the aravel sails peeking over the hills. I’d give a thousand sovs to never see her look like that again.
30th Guardian. Wet and cold and grey and there’s smoke in the winds off the forge down the way
Didn’t mean to leave this so long, but I lost you, journal! Forgot I’d taken you along on a trip up to the farther reaches of the Wounded Coast, and then when I got back I tossed the bag to the side and didn’t think twice about it for a month until Orana started making faces at the smell of iron and brackish seawater. And lo and behold, what should be tucked into the bottom of the bag but a handful of dog biscuits (Toby is thrilled) and you, dear journal, your pages a little worse for the wear but still holding their binding perfectly well.
Naturally, I have nothing to say. The Crimson Weavers have been rooted out from the city and Cullen is now obliged to leave Pelarie’s sister with the family necklace. Something I can check off my list as Champion of this blighted city. Luck dictates I must have one success eventually.
I did have to go by the Gallows the other day to deliver a packet of herbs to Sol. The templars didn’t stare so badly this time, but I know the blonde one with the mutton chops would have killed me if he could. I’m not so far from pitched battle to not recognize death in a man’s eyes.
17th Drakonis. It warmed just for a day as if to tease, then went right back to the chilly damp drizzle. In like a lion, out like a lion, a very wet lion with a soggy mane
I’ve been itching dangerously for a few weeks in the absence of life-threatening peril, so I’ve been taking myself down to Anders’s clinic. It’s cruel to say, but there’s enough death there (and risk of death) to keep my blood at bay, and Anders needs the help besides. There’s a rash of pox going around (ha) and while it’s not too bad for most, the fever can take the very young and very old in a matter of hours.
Anders is getting thin. Reminder: have Orana put some of those turnovers in the basket next time. I’ll fatten him up if I have to tie him to the kitchen chair.
A pair of boys came in to the clinic day before yesterday. Brothers, it looked like, one ten and the other maybe seven or eight. They said they had no one else when I asked. The little one had the pox and was scratching himself to bleeding; the other had the dimpled scars on his neck and arms but no fever left.
I wish I could heal like Anders. He’s so talented at this sort of thing. I can’t even fathom how he can reach inside and feel for the wrongness, then just--pull it out as clean as anything, like separating ink from water in a thin line. Bethany could do that too, when she wasn’t afraid of it. She could sense the source of a cold from across the room and have it halfway to mending in two breaths.
I haven’t the talent like that. Father called me a hammer, once, and he wasn’t wrong, and since Anders was asleep I had to use what I could to heal this boy, which was -- well, me.
He left better than he came in, at least. The fever was gone and the open poxmarks were healed over, but he’ll have scars all down his arms for the rest of his life. Anders would have had him looking fresher than a newborn babe and sent him off with a lolly. 
He’ll live. Why am I not satisfied?
1st Cloudreach. Cold
I didn’t want him to just live. I wanted him to be as he was before this sickness touched him, healthy and whole and without the memories of all the pain. 
Funny. You’d think I’d have learned by now. If six years of friendship with Fenris has taught me nothing else, the memories make you who you are.
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archerwindsor · 4 years
Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Holiday gift guide
Strap in. It’s the holidays—and that means it’s time to get our shopping on! If you’re like most of us, we always seem to run out of time to get it all done. Did you just say, “A little help here?” We think you did. And we heard you loud and clear! Girl, this year, we’ve done all the – ahem — leg work for you with our quintessential holiday gift guide that has something for everyone on your list. And guess what, they’re almost all under $50 (Hey, we know everyone is all about the ‘peace and joy’ until their next credit card statement arrives). So, all that shopping stress? Relax. NBD.
Honestly, sometimes less expensive gifts are harder to find. I mean, we don’t want to be all scrooge-y with our friends – we’re just trying to stick to a budget and spread joy. So don’t even think about re-gifting elves on shelves, ugly sweaters or years-old fruitcake this year. Our LSF holiday gift guide includes all our faves in Fitness, Nutrition and Self Care. Your friends and family will love these gems — and because they are so awesome, no one will guess the (oh, so affordable) price tag! And that means we get to give you the gift of confidence!   
FITNESS Under $50
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LSF Foam Roller
We’ve been flexing on our LSF 2-in-1 Foam Roller a lot lately, and for good reason! Foam rolling is one of the best ways to maximize workout efforts and reenergize your muscles. The marble design on our roller is kinda dreamy and its multi-zone outer and soft inner layers will def improve post-workout recovery time. When you can give a roller that’s this insanely cute and effective, I mean, c’mon. What elf can you ask for?
Shorts + Tank Workout Sets
OK, so cute. They’ll step into this two-piece bra and workout short set and be prepared for their best work out in 5-ever! The stylish padded bra is both comfy and supportive, and the shorts are super flattering for any shape. We love the stretchy material because it controls our tummy and lifts our booty while we sleigh it!
LSF Heart Hoodie
Cozy, soft, and super chic.  This must-give cropped hoody is so on-trend, they’ll look fabulously hip while trimming the tree or playing Reindeer Hat Horseshoe. Made from high-quality combed & ring-spun cotton and poly fleece, this neutral-colored crop hoodie is cut longer than most and so versatile! We promise it will look ah-mazing with anything they pair with it. Oh, and best of all, it features our LSF heart logo, so every time they wear it, they’ll be reminded how much you love them. Awe!
Pants + Longsleeve Workout Sets
Even though the weather has taken a less than balmy turn, we’re all still waking up to crush those early morning workouts. With this lightweight long-sleeved compression workout set, they can kiss Jack Frost buh-bye.  The material is breathable and comfy, and the fit is so fire. Let’s just say it hugs all the right places. Yasss! They’ll thank you with a high-five and a warm-yet-bewitching smile.  
Step up box
You know they’re on your list.  Those friends who claim they can’t get past the infamous fitness “plateau.” Well, you can really help them step up their workouts by giving them a fitness box they can add to their regime. Step up boxes will work every inch of their legs and build stability, strength, and coordination!  This one’s really sturdy (there’s like a lot of steel and wood holding this bad boy together) and features a rubber top, so it’s super stable and there’s no fear of slippage! With this added oomph to their workout, they’ll crank through to the next level of fitness in no time!
Posture Corrector 
Serious. We’re kind of obsessed with this gift because of the 10,000 hours every dang day we are hunched over our computers working (except when we’re working out, of course). After a while, our shoulders droop and we get all hump back-y. We love this adjustable posture corrector gizmo because well, first of all, it’s pink.  And secondly, for a contraption, it’s super incognito and easy to wear. It fits under your clothes so no one will be the wiser as they secretly improve problems such as scoliosis, spinal side bend, lumbago, and just plain ol’ back pain. So be a hero to your co-workers who are always griping about their aching backs on Zoom calls and give them the gift of relief!
Ankle Weights
We know. Some peeps in your tribe think these are so extra. But these one-pound ankle and wrist weight sets on our holiday gift guide could be a game-changer for their fitness journey. Available in pink or blue, they are super styling with a soft silicone, skin-friendly texture. But most importantly, they increase exercise intensity (and badassery) while burning fat and building a cray amount of muscle strength and endurance. They also can be majorly beneficial for those whose fitness regiment consists of a simple daily walk.
NUTRITION Under $50 
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Uniquely You!
We could all use a good detox every now and then, especially coming out of the holidays. This gift of gluten-free Uniquely You! Daily Wellness Gummies supplements will give your loved ones the little extra push they need to stay healthy and help rid their bods of all that gook they ingested during the holidays. Chew on, my queens. Chew on.
Ah, the world of Instantpot-ting. If you aren’t yet familiar with the Instantpot, it’s a multi-purpose, customizable cooking machine with a cult-like following!  This magical pressure cooker-slash-steamer-slash-slow cooker will allow friends and family to whip up an endless array of simple healthy recipes, like yogurt, rice, pasta, soups, chicken, overnight oatmeal, steamed veggies… I mean, we can go on infinitum. The point is, this is an appliance worth giving (and getting if you still don’t have one!), and you’ll likely get invited to dinner that will be absolutely delish.
Holiday Survival Guide
It’s beginning to look a lot like… a big hot mess. Our Holiday Survival Guide is the perfect present for your friends who have a hard time doing Christmas: their tree lights are tangled, the stockings have gone missing, the dog ate the pfeffernusse, and all they really want is to do is yell, “Bah humbug.” Welp, it’s time to spark the joy again. With 62 pages of décor tips, healthy recipes, workouts, checklists, relaxation essentials, and much more, our LSF Holiday Survival Guide will help them let go of their holiday stress and get back on track in no time. We give a resounding holly jolly to that!
Storage Canisters (come in colors or white!)
It’s been a minute since we’ve been this excited about storage canisters. But these handy-dandy ceramic containers are soooo pretty that they landed a coveted position on our holiday gift guide!  Bam! We love the color selection on these beauties – white or muted green, dusty rose, and slate gray. The lids are acacia wood, making for quite the stylish display. Perfect for organizing and storing tea, coffee, sugar, flour, cereal, beans, rice, spices, herbs, and your favorite healthy snacks like nuts or dried coconut chips.
French Press
Some of us can get so aggro when we don’t have our coffee. And who needs moody friends? That’s why we say “oui” to this fabulous French Press. This eight-cup press will give you great flavorful brew in just four minutes. Made of glass with gold accents, it’s so elegant, their friends will assume they’re coffee connoisseurs, when in fact, they just need their caffeine like, now. Those in the know say that regular moderate coffee and tea intake reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. We also say “oui, oui” to that!
Wine Opener 
You had them at Wine. And then Opener. And then Electric. OK, bottom line is that this miraculous tool is pretty dope because it gives the wine enthusiasts on your list the ability to easily pull the cork from the bottle and access the glorious grape. Need we say more? OK, alllllsoooo… drinking wine in moderation is good for you! Experts say it provides antioxidants, supports longevity, and helps protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation. OK, now we’re done. Oh, and cheers!
SELF CARE Under $50 
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LSF Planner
Well, it’s been a year. We think we can all agree that we’re happy to put the apocalypse that was 2020 behind us. Done and done. We’re excited to help all you busy babes set goals for next year with the LSF Planner. Our 2021 #GOALS Planner helps all the Reese Witherspoons on your holiday gift list design their dream life with vision board building and goal setting; organizing and daily planning; monthly and weekly overviews; fun stickers and artwork; motivational messages from Katie; healthy habit builder; and so much more. And all that comes in full-color pages with a pretty soft peach cover, bound with rose gold metal wire.  And Reese will especially appreciate that it also includes laminated, color-coded month tabs.
Mini fridge
Beyond adorable. Really. This retro pink mini fridge is so cute we just want to pinch its little handles. And it’s portable! In fact, when you gift it to your friends, they’re gonna want to carry it with them wherever they go. And who couldn’t use their own personalized fridge RN, what with all the jars and tubes of cosmetics, La Croix cans, and elixirs that we all use on the daily. This fridge even has a hot mode that allows you to warm things up if needed. So if ever there was a perfect gift for new moms on your holiday gift list (who may be stockpiling breast milk), this would be it.
Plush Fleece Indoor/Outdoor Slippers
The weather’s cold, and that means our little tootsies need some extra love. These premium fleece slippers with a cross band design are cozy, chic and elegant, making them the perfect gift for family and friends. They also have sturdy-yet-comfy waterproof foam soles so you can venture outside to grab the mail without your feet getting nippy!
Voluspa Candles
This gift is for all of your overscheduled rigorously organized friends who need to just RELAX for a hot minute and breathe in the amazing scents of this beautiful Voluspa candle selection. From Goji Torroco Orange, Santiago Huckleberry, and Panjore Lychee to Japanese Plum Bloom, Moso Bamboo and Baltic Amber, these glorious fragrances will gently waft by them, allowing them to wind down and transfix on the flickering flame. Aaaah.
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Silk Pillowcase Set
Newest obsession: silk pillowcases. Did you know these pillowcases provide less friction on skin and hair which prevents irritation or damage, they’re a way cleaner sleep surface AND they’re way less drying for your skin or hair. Overall, they’re a game changer and a perf gift for your bestie who wants to get her beauty sleep. Literally.
SMEG Toaster
Okay… HI. How cute is this SMEG toaster!!! Totally get that a toaster might seem like a pretty random gift, but we had to add it to our holiday gift guide. Can you image the kitchen glow-up with this toaster added to it? All you need next is a pink fridge and you’re set.
Cosori Air Fryer
I absolutely love my air fryer. I can cook veggies in minutes or make sweet potato fries totally guilt-free. It’s one of those appliances that you might not think is super necessary, but once you have one, you don’t know how your kitchen didn’t have one before. I love this one because it’s super easy to use, not too big and looks super sleek.
Olaplex Hair Set
All the hair self-care! Okay so I struggle with my hair sometimes (as you guys know, washing is kept v minimal) and overall I struggle with dryness cause from my hypo. I am absolutely loving Olaplex products, they keep my hair so soft and shiny and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop using it. This hair set is such a great gift for any babe in your life who wants to up their hair game!
Happy Holidays Babe!
The post Holiday Gift Guide 2020 appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.
Holiday Gift Guide 2020 published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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