#its fun to talk abt the teetlez with everyone
Mrs. Cuddles
Alright, it’s time for Mrs. Cuddles, requested by @tenchikotheauthor​!!
This episode is pretty great!! It’s another Raph episode, and it's nice to see our red boi get some solo attention- although all the other characters are still strong when their moments come, and I absolutely love the sorta chill vibes this episode gives off... like this gives off Saturday afternoon vibes, y’know? Anywaysss, let’s start-
-They all get together to support their big sis and her new job, its so sweet
-Leo’s their face-man, so obviously they use him for pranks
-April’s lil laugh asdfghjkjhgfd I love her sm
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-idk abt ya’ll, and I know Raph’s reaction is seen as a joke but like... is there a reason why he’s so scared of her??? Like it’s seen as a joke cuz the others see it as a joke... but I’m skeptical...
-Raph’s desperation to assure April that her acting is good
-”Raph’s fear flops make me laugh every time” uhhhhhh Splinter???? 
-”Haha, I’m enjoying this” valid sibling response tbh 
-Somebody already mentioned this, but Donnie’s genuine laugh??? it's amazing
-”anD foR tHe reCorD thEsE arE tEarS oF LauGhTer”
-Raph admitting that he’s scared so early on instead of leaving it as that cliche ‘final battle’ moment that he needed to stop being in denial??? amazing. This show consistently turns cliche’s on its head and it's amazing
-”ok demon- reVEAL YOURSELF”
-”I will never marry any of them off”
-Mikey and Leo playing air hockey while April watches... I love how casual they are, and not just watching tv, but doing normal stuff like this?? it's great
-Raph getting their attention by just... yeeting himself on the air hockey table
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-”If you’re gonna go, take a bat, or the turtle tank- HEY, AND DON’T SCREEEEAM”
-Donnie loves his bros, but I really like that they show him having alone time and working on projects that he wants to work on, instead of always just upgrading tech or finding solutions.
-He likes sculpting?? that’s pretty cool
-”Oh dear me, gasp, it is Mrs. Cuddles. Nice try Raph, come on out”
-the line delivery is seriously on point
-also lets talk about how both April and Donnie assumed it was Raph. I know I say this a lot but, Sibling Culture
-Donnie’s genuine scream because he was beinG FREAKIN CHASED WITH A CHAIN SAW???
-”AGAHH DONNIE! phew, it’s just Donnie’s head”
-his bros know he has a bust of himself, and they don’t judge him (at least to the point where Donnie needs to hide it). Healthy.
-”Thanks Donnie’s head!” *yeets it aside*
-Leo getting frustrated with losing
-Mikey taking a shot while Leo’s distracted
-Sorry I just really love the subtleness of the whole air hockey thing
-”Woah. we really broke this poor guy... Wanna skateboard?”
-”I’ll guard the door while you grab the weapons” “Great idea!” *clears barricade and leaves*
-Mikey clinging to Leo
-”So when she kept growing, that wasn’t a clue to stop screaming?”
-”Why can’t we just scream for help now?... oh, right. we scream she grows, not smart, got it”
-They look so tired
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-”I’m starting to think this prank was a bad idea”
-”Whoa- you’re huge! I uh, see you met Mikey”
-Splinter heard something going on and came to check on Raph
-Ok but sidebar: this is kinda the first episode where we see Splinter fight or show how protective he is of his kids... I like that its apart of his character, and wasn’t brought up in an episode based around him, or some big showstopper moment- he just protects his kids, that’s what he does
-lastly- CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE BACKGROUNDS IN THIS EPISODE??? Like it stays in the lair, but it's absolutely beautiful???? I was gonna gather up all the shots, but there were way too many... there’s so many different perspectives and just the designs of it all??? It’s really beautiful, and you can tell how much thought, effort, and talent went into designing it- its seriously amazing
tl;dr This episode is really fun, and has some great visuals, along with character building, and fun sibling interactions!
(though seriously- what is Mrs. Cuddles??? a mystic creature?? is she from another dimension??? is she an alien??? she doesn’t seem like a robot, but maybe???)
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