#its just the script im working on. They just included references to the more famous / well known parts
vaniliens · 5 months
Oh fuck me, that hamlet script is sooooooo shitty.
0 notes
shootingst4rpress · 2 years
your wrasslin' reblogs are succeeding in intriguing me! a cursory search tells me that professional wrestling is mostly performance, alongside some storylines, but would you offer an idea of what said script(s) would even be about, in the case it's more than just who-wins-over-who? (and in case this question doesn't make sense, feel free to just ramble on what you like abt it?)
yeah! wrestling is very interesting in that it's mostly performance, with very talented people playing characters (some of whom are more gimmicky/comedy, some of whom are very much acts, and some of whom aren't that much different to themselves outside the ring) while still doing insane stuff in the ring! the kinda, suspension of reality that you have to engage with when you watch wrestling is called kayfabe, which is basically presenting staged events as real! you'll also hear things called 'worked' (i.e. fake, within kayfabe) or wrestlers be referred to as 'good/bad/(adjective) workers' (talking about their skill at kayfabe.)
gonna put this under a readmore bc it got long
i watch AEW, which is one of like, many wrestling companies in america—i like them because they're big enough to do really cool stuff, and they aren't WWE cos fuck WWE. as for plotlines, you do get ones where it's like 'x wrestler is trying to be the best', which is what thunder rosa is doing right now in women's wrestling, and i support and love her sooooo much. but there's a lot of really interesting feuds, rivalries, factions, etc... so i'll talk about two that are happening in mens wrestling rn, because i'm VERY BEHIND in womens wrestling. and i must amend this instantly.
first off, CM Punk and MJF! you've probably seen me post about this one a lot. it's the two sweaty guys making each other bleed a lot from the forehead. the plotline goes thusly:
cm punk (hereon referred to as punk) is a very famous wrestler who had a long stint on WWE before leaving the company and wrestling as a whole for 7 years
MJF (maxwell jacob friedman) watched punk when he was growing up (he's 26, punk is 42) and saw punk leaving wwe due to personal reasons and mistreatment from higherups as a betrayal and abandonment of his fans
punk came back to AEW after his 7 year hiatus. MJF went to meet him, punk brushed him off.
mjf gets mad, and they have their first fight in punk's hometown, mjf wearing a t-shirt with a photo of 13 year old MJF meeting punk at a meet and greet. which gets covered in blood. MJF wins and proclaims he's the best in the world (because that's what punks old tagline was)
their next fight is a dog collar match, where they're both wearing dog collars chained together and its fucking BRUTAL and i love it. that's the match im constantly RB'ing. extremely homoerotic extremely violent extremely psychosexual
at the end of that fight, when they're both lying on the floor from exhaustion, MJF calls for his sidekick, wardlow, to bring him the ring (a physical finger ring) that he uses for his finishing punch. wardlow instead leaves it on the floor by punk, who uses it to land the finishing blow on MJF and end the match
where we're at currently is MJF has now kicked wardlow out of his inner circle of the best wrestlers on AEW, and i believe wardlow has effectively turned face? (a heel being an 'evil' wrestler, a face or babyface being a 'good' wrestler—MJF is a heel, punk is a face)
TL;DR, young wrestler felt betrayed by his idol who abandoned wrestling, feels the need to prove he's better than is idol. its psychosexual
and uuuuh the best friends plotline!
the best friends are a tag team with trent baretta and chuck taylor, but also more generally a faction including kris statlander (cool alien girl), orange cassidy (funny little denim guy) and our main man wheeler 'yoots' yuta
wheeler yuta joined the best friends when trent left due to an injury, and now trent is back, there's a lot of friction
a bit ago, william regal, a strange british man who runs the tag team blackpool combat club, offered to let wheeler yuta into their faction if he could prove himself
best friends are obviously quite sad about this
jon moxley, one of bcc, beats yuta, but yuta does INCREDIBLY WELL in that fight and william regal offers him a place in bcc, leaving the best friends
and we'll see what happens next!
so there's two current plots, but they're absolutely not everything that's going on on AEW rn, just a taster for the kind of stuff there is >:) wrasslin good wrasslin fun
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rovalent · 5 years
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‘After keeping all plans of their first comeback aside, Royal has finally decided to move things along. Luxe’s performances on the Samsung New Year Special brought them a lot of attention and most certainly gave them a lot of buzz. Positive or negative, every new comment under their performance videos only made them rise on the pages of famous websites and search engines. Using this to their advantage wouldn’t be too hard.
Their first comeback also means their first release as a 5-member group. Im Nayoung’s official stage name was officially confirmed to be ‘Zoe’ through an official statement by a Royal representative only a week ago. Together with the other 4 original members, the group will make their comeback with their mini-album ‘Fantasy’ on February 24th. This means there are a lot of things to get done and the girls should put their all into it.
The practice schedule will be completely focused on the final preparations for the album. Dance practice will start right away and be the biggest focus for the members. If they don’t have anything more important to do then they should probably be learning the choreography which will be thoroughly taught by Yoo Jaekyung and her fellow dancers. The songs that were given three months to learn should all be recorded on February 8th. Members will go into the studio in order of age to record their parts. When they aren’t recording, members are expected to be practicing.
As a solo schedule, Cheri will take part of the recording for ‘My Love From Another Star’ from February 2nd. She will be expected on set for 9 hours (7 to 4pm) to get her makeup and wardrobe done in the morning. Filming for her day scene will last from 10am to 3pm. After filming for the scene concludes, she will get cleaned up, return her costumes, and return to her idol schedules. The script for this scene will be mailed to her one week prior to filming. She will also get one hour of rehearsal with the lead actor before official filming starts.
To match with their concept, members will have to change their hairstyles according to the company’s orders. Those whose current hairstyle doesn’t match the one seen below will go together to the same salon on February 10th to get their hair done for their comeback.
Cheri - Long, straight, black (reference)
Yena - Long, wavy, blonde (reference)
Ella - Long, straight, black (reference)
Xayah - Long, straight, brown (reference)
Zoe - Long, wavy, black (reference)
On February 13th, a photo shoot will occur in a small set in the Gangnam district for both the photobook that’ll come along with the CD as well as the photocards. There will be two different sessions: one for the pure side of the album and another following their sexy concept. The photocards will follow the same pattern (use this photocard as an example and a darker version of it for its counterpart). When they aren’t being photographed, members are allowed to practice in a spot of the set that doesn’t get in the way of the staff or in the changing room. They won’t be explicitly told to do so and they should also avoid getting sweaty or ruining their makeup.
Finally, the music video for their title song will be filmed on February 15th and February 16th. A full film crew is provided by Royal, including camera staff, wardrobe and makeup/hair staff, lighting staff, catering crew, and a director. You may, at any time, ask for guidance from any of these members of the production. On the 15th, the first section of the where they pose in white (0:00-0:16) and dance scenes in the white outfits (as seen in 0:56 and 2:33) will be recorded. On the 16th, scenes with the light background (as seen in 0:19 and 0:28) and the brick wall (as seen in 1:42 and 3:17) will be recorded.
As the first variety appearance with the full group, Luxe will record an episode of Weekly Idol on February 18th. This will follow the events from TWICE’s part in Episode 228 which can be seen here. All mentions of debut should be changed to it being their first comeback, and any quotes and the performance of ‘Like Ooh-Ahh’ should be changed to ‘Confused’. Any other changes should be made accordingly (such as their personal introductions and showcased talents) to fit in with Luxe members. Luxe’s appearance will only be enough for half an episode, and the other half will be filmed by a different group. It should be also taken into account that the MCs will be the current ones: Lee Manseok, Shin Beomsu, and Ryu Seojun as the IC equivalents of Nam Changhie, Jo Seho, and Hwang Kwanghee. This episode will air on a Wednesday, February 27th.
On the very same day of the recording, February 18th, the first teaser will be released for their comeback on Luxe’s official social media.
As a special surprise to the fans and a tease on itself, all 5 members will come together to hold a Vlive in their dorm on February 19th. They are instructed not to spoil anything regarding their new album and help Zoe get used to how it works. Apart from that, the members are free to interact with the viewers however they’d like as long as they keep up with their image.
No matter how busy their month will be, nothing will beat February 24th. Luxe will have their debut stage on the same date as their album release on Inkigayo. They’ll get there a 6:30am as usual, but instead of staying until late for a live performance, they’ll pre-record it at 9:00am instead of having a rehearsal. The members will then prepare themselves for their showcase which will start at 6PM, the same time as the album release. Fans present will get to watch the MV for the first time in the audience, followed by a live performance of ‘Confused’. The MC this time will be the well-known Lee Jonghyuk. During the showcase, Luxe will also perform their debut song ‘I Feel Good’, ‘Luv Me’ and ‘Under The Street Lights’. The time in-between will involve the members explaining their title track and album as well as their concept, a profile introduction of each member, and then the showcase will end with a second performance of ‘Confused’.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for Luxe’s ‘Confused’ activities:
2/24, 3/03, 3/10: SBS Inkigayo
2/25, 3/04: Arirang Simply K-pop
2/26, 3/05, 3/12: MTV The Show
2/27, 3/06, 3/13: MBC Show Champion
2/28, 3/07, 3/14: Mnet M!Countdown
3/01, 3/08, 3/15: KBS Music Bank
3/02, 3/09, 3/16: MBC Music Core
On February 28th, Luxe will record their dance relay for ‘Confused’ to be uploaded on the same day during their time waiting for M!Countdown (you can use this to see how it works).
Music show promotions will last for a total of three weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern (except for February 24th):
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of February. Posting about March activities will not account for February points (more information for their March promotions will come on their March schedule). There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - FEBRUARY SCHEDULE (for the March 6 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** For participating in a total of 20 music show performances during this promotion period, Luxe will earn 20 EXP for their overall group experience. Their appearance on Weekly Idol will give 1 EXP, their VLive 1 EXP, and the dance relay another 1 EXP. Cheri’s solo schedule gives 1 EXP making it a total of 24 EXP.
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
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