#its like wow! This is the most dissatisfying videos on this topic ive ever seen someone make!
selfundiagnosed · 1 year
I cant watch youtuber commentary videos because to me its what i assume straight women feel when having sex it genuinely enrages me. i cant watch people make commentary videos anymore because its not about getting insight on topics being talked about right now its about watching the same influencer giving their noncritical think pieces to random topics they didnt know about until mere hours before hoping in front of the camera and pressing record. everyday. Damn its so bad. watching them try to deepen the conversation with their twitch chat is comical because its obvious they have NO idea what theyre talkimg about it makes you want to start laughing but maybe crying bc how do hundreds of thousands of people depend on this asshole to say the thing that wont get them canceled? bc lets be real thats why 90% of these people watch these types of videos. they cover all these fucking topics how are they qualified to speak on all these things? 😳 the truth is theyre NOT! their audience just sees them as someone trustworthy to get their opinions from because THEY know how to find the people who *are* knowledgeable on the topics they wanna cover and repeat the exact same things they saw these qualified people type in the replies of the story VERBATIM and just repeat them in front of a webcam and a live chat. All while being an influencer people know they agree with everytime they make a video like this. its so fucking pathetic how do you guys rely on these people to tell you what to think i genuinely cannot watch the same youtuber over and over because the more i see them make these types of videos the clearer it becomes to me that people just watch these people not to think critically but bc they like the person repeating the same jargon they could read themselves. oh, and the person is safe and familiar and a comfort character lmfao. i genuinely dont know if its just like… i was raised to be an ENTP or what… but there has only been one social commentary youtuber i ever watched in my entire life who actually says something constructive about the topics she covers bc A.) she is intelligent B.) the topics she covers are all topics specific to her everyday lived experiences and she doesnt talk about topics that arent at least a little related to the main information she teaches C.) she isnt just cranking out videos for views/$ lmfao shes taking her time she puts her entire mind out on the plate and cuts into it with you the viewer slowly guiding you to the next point and makes sure you eat the course in the most digestible / optimal way to ensure you are FULL. if i have to watch another idiot streamer just talk out of his ass to his twitch chat trying to make sure he’s the all knowing Logic and Semantics King while knowing & saying NOTHING of substance im going to scream. talks to fucking talk and do the littlest amount of work while getting ALLLL the credit from democrat liberals who know the bar is underground with cishet dudes on youtube and literally uproar in applause when some average guy says pronouns! racism bad! its a giant circle jerk and anyone who wants to actually hear something worth digesting has to numb their brains anytime someone who cant sit in silence decides to put on their emotional support twitch streamer who was violently racist on the internet up until 2020. Mmmakes me wanna paint the ceiling red with hint of brain-matter popcorn texture technique:3
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