#its literally like made for me haha i was definitely like luz i just realized that lmao
audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Also once again struck by how amazing tbe art and the story is on this show and this episode and especially how much I fucking love two parts in particular: 1, the battle of titan!belos vs feral!Eva and king, and how king is animated/drawn in those scenes, and 2, everything about titan!Luz and all the scenes involving her and just aaaaaahhhhhh I love it!!! She's so badass and so anime fun and I love the art and the designs!!!!! Also I love king referring to the collector as 'they', I love king's dad who is 'both a king and queen', I love the end credits scenes all of it, every detail, I love the characters, I love the love, all the reunions, the i loaf you pun, and also i love the collector and want to give them a hug, I love everything.
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Thoughts for Owl House upcoming season...
Heh this is more of rewriting what I want to see or hope Dana Terrace was able to get in. I’m not gonna throw a lot of shade because Disney cancelled this and its something I will be FOREVER pissed at. And I can’t even enjoy moments when Disney+ fans point out “Oh look Disney’s being progressive”. (still reminded they cancelled a good LGBTQ show) Sorry off track point is I know she was given limits so not gonna  get too disappointed if she couldn’t get all she wanted in for this...
What do I want from this season...
.....for these kids to be OKAY. I know that will be hard considering EVERYTHING. But I hope they will heal and I hope all especially Luz will get help for their obvious trauma.
More Lumity.... but I think from the trailer thats obvious.
More family moments with Camila
Vee becoming part of the group
I’d like to see Vee’s friends she made at camp used more. If its able/allowed. As I said I know Dana Terrace was given some limits here. But it felt last season those kids or at least the one with the cards would be of help. I almost feel its the group Luz would had if she had given camp a try.
For King and the others to be okay. However the group gets back, I am hoping King and the demon world was able to survive the Collector.
To know more about Titans? How was King born... how’s he gonna grow to massive size?oO
I would say I want the Collector defeated.. but I’ll be honest I haven’t seen enough to say “oh god I hate this guy”... I feel like this is their “discord”. He’s neither good nor completely evil. He’s a literal god with no boundaries. I would like to say I hope while the kids are seeing the human world, King was able to get the Collector to learn humanity/empathy whatever... but that feels too easy
A collector origin or whatever would be interesting but I dunno if Terrace had a lot of time to get that in.
To know if the Collector can remove Eda/Lilith’s curse. Feels like last season that the Collector is the reason the curse existed but not sure... I admit since it feels the Collector is almost godlike I’m curious to know if he as knowledge to remove the sigils and the damage done by Belos.
For Hunter to survive this season... I still feel Belos is alive.. ..I just dunno if he’s at the cabin they left or if he’s “possessing” or trying to possess Hunter. Though I really hope not the kid’s been through enough BD;.
Anything else... will the kids have human threats? I know that nerdy guy might be a problem but him aside I dunno how much a problem or if others might be around. I mean who’s to say Wittebanes didn’t have other descendants or someone from their witch hunting group thats still around... just quiet about their birth right knowledge...
I would say I’m curious about Caleb, his friend’s status but I’ll be honest I feel we got hints in Phillip’s mind and it might be answered eventually.
Hunter/Willow to be a couple :3. Sorry not sorry I think they’re adorable, I think they balance each other well. Though saying that and knowing the obvious hints that got Caleb Wittlebane killed... IF Belos is alive and will be a threat... a part of me wonders..... would he try to hurt Willow if he saw them as a couple? I mean yeah its obviously hinted he killed his own brother. And he sees Hunter as replaceable. But I saw the look when he realized that Hunter had gotten that staff(I wouldn’t be shocked if it was Caleb or one of the previous guards’ staff)..... He flew in a rage... how’s he gonna feel when he sees Hunter growing closer to Willow. Them act a couple... reminding him of how his brother grew closer to the things they were taught to hate....
I think thats about it... I can’t think of anything I want or expect. Wish the Blight twins could be with their sister to see the human world. Well and Hooty/and King But I figure that won’t happen. Also would had liked a Gravity Falls crossover, haha would had been soooo funny to have an awkward Eda/ Grunkle Stan interaction but thats definitely not gonna happenXD.
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