#its midnight and kinda cold out on st patricks day and i was out there doing some stupid shit for a hair clip
liazrad · 2 months
god i am so ridiculous in the best ways. earlier today i accidentally dropped a hair clip my sister gave me into a storm drain or whatever and i thought I'd never be able to get it out. but i just had the deranged idea to take the chains from my skirts and some magnets to pull the hair clip back out. my idea fucking worked and i have my precious hair clip again. what the fuck.
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tamedbyafox · 5 years
advice on alternatives to police
I called the police Sunday night, around midnight,  and its still really weighing on me. 
I don’t like cops, I don’t trust cops, I think often calling them is an overreaction and that there’s often little reason to do so.
But in the middle of the night two white women, in their early 50′s, had sat on my porch for more than 45 minutes, after I asked them to leave twice, and they had claimed their taxi was on the way. I encountered them when it was out walking the dog. They asked me the address and said they had been at “a friend’s nearby” but had left and were trying to get acab. They had bags that were full of food and alcohol. It was kinda weird. 
i went back out after about 25 minutes to see what was going on. I knew they wre still there because the dog kept barking and sniffing. I kept having to get him out of that room and could see them out the window.
And one of the people could not prop herself up after a while. she couldn’t stand, when I talked to her friend she slurred something non-responsive. and she was sliding down the porch column. she couldn’t hold herself up. 
I was uncomfortable becasue neither of them knew where they were, and the dog would not calm down, and this woman was not able to get up and this cab was clearly not coming.
And after a while I decided this situation wasn’t improving. And I called 911 and said two women were on the porch, one of them was either incredibly drunk or high and she and her friend weren’t leaving. I was as specific as I could be that this wasn’t a threat, it was more about safety and, more likely st-patricks-day-overpartying than anything else.
They cops, a fire truck, and an ambulance came. They talked for a few minutes and  wound up lifting the woman who couldn’t stand on a stretcher and putting her in an ambulance. And her friend went with her.
And, frankly, it was probably right to call. It was cold, she was impaired, it was weird, and they didn’t know where they were or how to get a cab. There’s my discomfort and there’s  her impairment.
But if anyone has any insight into what I could have done or should have done better, I would really appreciate it. I’m not a fan of calling the cops, but I want to know how I could have gotten them the help they needed, or at least gotten them to go, without having called the police. 
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