#its neat! but yeah i think walter has seen PH bc ph is more of a valtiel like monster thsn a just a regular truama boss
twinvictim · 10 months
What do you mean by Walter having explicitly seen pyramid head in sh2? If you don't mind explaining of course :)
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Walter is mentioned explicitly 3 times in sh2 but the one that matters to this is the first one, this comes from the news article in the garbage dump where you find the old man coin. Now later I know they tried to say he was referring to Jimmy Stone who was also referred to as the red devil, but by this point in the timeline of the 21 sacraments Jimmy is already dead and isn't a ghost until Walter's otherworld is prominent in sh4. This article is also supposed to be foreshadowing to seeing pyramid head in the apartments, and nothing in 4 actually directly states it wasn't PH. Considering Pyramid heads role and the fact that out of game artwork implies he was sort of created by the order it would make sense for Walter to have seen him at a point where he was still capable of feeling guilt and fear about what he'd done. Note that it's right after the murders of Billy and Miriam which are the only murders he seems to always feel guilt for (since the children are represented by the twin victims and not ghosts like the other murders)
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