#its nice to focus on theses guys again its been so long
babbyrat-art · 1 year
I’d love to learn more about tala trace and Aaron they seem SO cool and also your art is absolutely STUNNING
Hi!!! I know you read/rb'd the info dump i did after sending this but I do have more about the Triplets/Keane family and I'm happy to share!!!
First of all - their story, again, started over a decade ago with two friends who I'm no longer in regular contact with, and a couple years after their creation i merged them with another friend's character to build off of! So their OG backstory got mixed up and muddled together into something incomprehensible due to me a) not fully remembering the original RP story line (we were 12 it wasn't good) and b) not having access to/remember all the og people's characters who were involved ASKJDH
This is a quick breakdown of the Keane Family Tree!! The Keane Fam/Pack is one of 3 packs that live in the area (a fictional town called St. Dennis and a few adjacent counties in the fictional state of Vermont :3)
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I made this very quickly in Mila note so I'm sorry if its shitty AKJSDH
Please feel free to ask me to elaborate more on parts that I might miss because I'm very scatter brained!!! Im just gonna TYPE
Their story is very... slice of life, I guess? The curren RP just follows their lives and relationships pretty closely, and how the triplets grow as people and come away from trauma very differently.
Tala is the first to blossom but again I don't think she'll ever lose her spark of anger that she holds very tight and close to her chest. She's a very protective person and takes on a leadership role amidst her family (i hate calling her an alpha it feels wierd ASJDH- shes just... a matriarch?).
Her and Travis were best friends in highschool, tended to ditch class and smoke up, platonic ideal of friendship supported each other in the way most 15 year olds who bottle up their emotions do. Travis had ALWAYS had a huge crush on Aaron and essentially followed him around until he finally accepted he wasn't going anywhere (Travis is also "adopted" by their uncle, James, around the time their relationship solidifies!! He asks to be turned to feel "officially" a part of the family and Aaron isn't able to do it, so Tala does).
Travis' other bestfriend, Beck, meets/gets closer to Tala accidentally after a Halloween party in their senior year and things move very quickly for them (they get pregnant with the twins at 20 if im remembering correctly askjdh).
Having kids both made Tala better and worse? She's fiercly protective but also made her a lot more... grounded? Like she started taking shit and her responsibility in the family far more seriously, especially when Beck is turned? (A decision he made due to not wanting to be The Only Human there (also raising werewolf babies as a human??? sounds like hell))
Aaron blossoms more when he and Travis enter a relationship - he started hormone therapy around the same time (15-16) which ALSO helped a fuck ton. He's very closed off and aggressive and prefers to keep people at a healthy distance on the off chance he gets hurt or hurts someone (despite... hurting people in doing so). He also is the only one in his family who views lycanthropy as a curse? Its one of the reasons he couldn't bring himself to turn Travis himself. ALL he wants is to feel understood and be "normal" but knows that'll... never happen?
It takes a long time for him to feel more comfortable with himself, and Travis' unending support is one of the reasons he's able to do that. Eventually they move out together and meet a bartender named Micah that they learn is a little down on his luck and needs a place to stay so offer him their spare room. Micah and Aaron are very similar in keeping people at a distance, so it takes some TIME before he accepts that they both genuinely like him. Happy little polycule <3
TRACE takes the longest. He's autistic and struggles to feel safe and accepted and his growth comes MUCH later in the story. They live at home for a majority of their teens and early adulthood and take up the quiet task of babysitting when they're needed but don't really like being around Tala (and Beck, by proxy, despite him being SO sweet and king hearted).
Trace focus' a lot on Charlie when he's younger because he's a very anxious kid - and once Charlie starts school and meets another little werewolf named Percy (a part of another pack i'll post eventually akjsdh), Trace is tasked with watching the both of them. That's how they meet Ansel (Percy's "uncle"/pack mate)!!
Still figuring a lot out on their journey but Ansel is the safest person in Trace's life next to Micah (who he formed a crush on upon meeting for the first time, but didn't quite understand thats what they were feeling, and just enjoyed his company greatly (they're both autistic and remain very close)).
SDFKSDFJH THERES a lot that happens rp wise that has been going on continuously for years i can't possibly summarise but I'll go grab some of my fav snippets and also some older art <3
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theres like 300k+ words scattered between multiple rps that i have saved - theres a ton that got lost in the skype migration aSKDJH I was gonna read through them all to find my fav snippets but heres just a few?
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and some old art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The top three ofthe riplet's og designs!!!
then a drawing of Tala and Show - and finally an old icon for Travis!!!!!
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agl03 · 7 years
First Pick Ups...
Here are some very early pick ups from the first 17 minutes.  I’m still very much processing things and behind the scenes reworking a few timelines here and there....I might have a meta for you all later as to what I’m seeing the early dynamics looking like...might.
Here we go!
The “kids’ pictures on the fridge.  
Lady leading a guy into the water (ocean it seems)
Van driving at night (looks like the van they used to pick up the team in a few minutes later).
Big person with lots of little people inside or on it (possibly controlling it).  Also 6 little guys in the one big guy...oh look 6 people were Spacenapped.
The focus on water.
Enoch taking a LONG swim
Sitting content at the bottom of the pool
The fridge FULL of nothing but Coconut water
Again coming back to the ‘beach’ kid picture.  Not sure what that blue thing in the sky is.
Enoch’s car has Virginia plates.
This team is clearly trained to do these snatch and grabs.   The fancy truck has lots of options to disguise itself.  
Those things they all put in their ears seem to be either translators or protect them from the Freezey thing.
The guy comments that they “Haven’t done of of these in awhile”. Who else has been taken by theses Snatch and runs?
The Portal
As they took the plastic off the team they were in a hurry.
The look on Jemma’s face when she saw the Monolith!
This monolith is white with the 3 red stripes.
Coulson’s arrival
The same kind of Freezy device seems to have been used.
There are some ‘modern’ earth tools floating in that room with him.  IE the drill.
Didn’t know how Coulson was going to get there but that the ride over wasn’t going to be nice.
Also suggests there could be other ways of getting there.
Gravitational Flux Messed with their entry and how everyone landed scattered/at different times.  Virgil seems to know at least a little of how he monolith works.
Cannon Fodder Dude #2 was getting “tokens” for being there.  Not sure if he meant helping pick up the team or scavenging the area for what they were looking for.
The “Roaches” 
Can surf Gravity Storms
They breached a few years back and the level they were on had been sealed since.
This suggests that they could already be on the Space Hub/Exchange.
Virgil was on the sealed level for the first time but he made it sound like others had been coming there for some time..
He’s the greeting party, much like Shield is the welcome wagon on earth.
He’s one of the True Believers who believed in the team.
While Virgil believed they would come he seemed surprised they were there right at that second.
Mack is 1000% done.
Elena is also in a knock heads first ask questions later frame of mind.
Lots of English/earth based signage and items in the room the girls arrive in as well.
Those dead bodies have been there for a long time but were drained before death.  Mummified.
Awww cute Mackelena reunion
Jemma is 1000% done with being in space again.
Someone locked all those people in with the aliens either to save everyone else/cut losses or possibly part of a larger plan that will be revealed.
May has also appeared in a room with lots of ‘earth’ tech.  Computers/monitors and a drained body.
side note OUCH!
Also something seems different about the body with May.
Coulson doesn’t have his fancy hand, just a basic prosthetic, so darn no go go gadget hand until they get back to earth of Fitz gets there with up/to do upgrades.
During Mack’s rant Elena has some night vision goggles, there are hard hats above her on the shelves, more earth objects.
The key thing that they took off of Virgil and gave to Jemma is likely important (maybe even why she winds up separated).
The post card they take off of him is from Lake Ontario (almost getting a Captain America card kind of vibe off it).
Looks very old.
Could be where the original group of humans came from or from someone in that original group.
Totally has a fan boy moment over everyone there.
Its made clear he knows a lot about the team...full names/nicknames.
Jemma was the only one he called out...but also it was how we first met Jemma...Jemma Simmons Bio Chemistry.
And in Kill me with feels, “I’m sorry FItz didn’t make the trip but he is thinking of you” with touching his heart.  This suggests they he knew what Fitz is/would be up too.
He knows them because he’s been studying their history for years (which means we have to have time travel on the table here).
He always believed in them, he had moments of weakness and someone is in the mix trying to take that last bit of Hope away.
The current story they are living is the one where the team saves humanity.
The roaches are a glitch and NOT part of the plan.
He is about to show them something that will explain it all...again maybe that key thing Jemma has or something else that the roach got.
Okay, just a few things that really jumped out at me.  I’ll now dive into the asks and as I said above maybe post a meta I’ve been working on.
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somethinglantern2 · 5 years
Tropes in manga and anime that I wish would stop, occur more, or be altered
I recently rediscovered my passion for manga/anime and because of that I rediscovered anime tropes so as the title says this is a list about personal tropes I wish would either happen more in the manga/anime community, stopped or not used so often, or altered a bit.
More what if episodes/ alternate universes- Some shows make arcs and even movies based on characters being in an alternate universe. I like this as not only do we get to see something mostly used for comics in something where continuity is key, but we get to see what could have been if something different had happened in that series. I think this should be used more, at least as either a filler arc or manga omake(s)
More interesting one shot episodes/adventures in filler arcs- Though some hate them, filler seasons/arcs can be interesting as not only do we get to see something new and original, but since the things in it aren’t going to be referenced later on, it gives the writers the chance to do whatever they want, though I hate it when the filler time is used to focus on one specific arc that is similar to what usually happens in the canon arcs instead of something different.
Personally I think instead of getting the same old, there should be more one shot episodes that explore something different, like what the characters do when there’s nothing big is going on or put them in a unusual situation like going to a dance in order to do a mission, or have the main cast go on multiple adventures in one arc instead of just one big one, kinda like in season 3 and 4 of Naruto though maybe not as many as that.
Other characters using skill main character uses- I find it kinda odd that in some action manga/anime series we never see many characters use abilities commonly found in there series, like how no one in Naruto uses the shadow clone jutsu as much as Naruto even though its a common jutsu, I know his version is different then others but still. I know everyone in these kind of series is suppose to have a specific skill set but I don’t see the harm of some people having some abilities as the main characters, though at the same time they shouldn’t do what One Piece is doing with Haki or make that character be a copycat. Maybe doing more of this could also make the show’s world a bit more realistic.
Stop 2-3 minute recaps at beginning of episode- I personally don’t see the purpose of anime episodes recapping what happened in the last episode in this day an age by replaying scenes from a previous episode following a intro, which can be pretty long in some. Sure it had its uses in the past when you couldn’t watch your favorites shows whenever but now that you can with ease its just seems like a waste of time, time that could be used to show more of the current story. Writers should either stop doing this or make recaps shorter, like Avatar the Last Airbender short.
More decisive fights between main/side characters- In a series when fights are common it’s a bummer that we never see certain fights happen, like instead of Naruto fighting a one time villain, he should fight with Rock Lee, or instead of another fight between Natsu and Gray, why not Natsu vs. Juvia or another water wizard. Of course it is hard to get every fight combination while also advancing the story but still, maybe for the future writers could try and make more decisive choices for fights.
Side effect to the protagonist newly discovered power/ability- You’ve probably seen this before, bad guy is about to win but after something happens, the protagonist gets a new power (or something like that) and uses it to defeat the bad guy with ease, even though its there first time using it.
Though tired and predictable, this could be fixed if instead just of the good guy just winning after using it, there were scenes where there are negative effects to the new power the protagonist has obtained. Some examples I can think of are the protagonist loses there other abilities for a period of time, they severely hurt themselves or an ally (maybe even kill someone) because they don’t have full control over the power or scenes where though they win due to him he almost didn’t due to lack of experience, causing them to train in order to use it properly. I have seen theses examples used in shows before, like in Avatar the last Airbender and My Hero Academia, and if played right can make the series more intriguing.
Stop making it seem that the protagonist are going to lose/die- There’s only a certain number of times this can be pulled before it gets really fucking annoying. Either writers need to stop doing this every time a fight happens or make the protagonist actually lose/die.  Stuff like this could be GREAT for the story. If they lose from time to time it shows that they need training as well as get development and if losing involves getting knocked out by the opponent in a series about fighting, it could also mean a side character can jump in and save the day which causes that character to get some development. Same for if a protagonist dies as it means other characters can get screen time and character development, plus you can always bring back that character after a while. 
Protagonists with more then one dream/goal in life, either make it happen before the series finale, or change it/ find a new one later on- Its good for characters to have goals and dreams but how come they always just have one that always come true at the very end of the series, isn’t there anything else they want to do ? If characters in a series showed that they wanted to do more with their lives and achieve them along the way, the series as well as characters would be a bit more interesting and more relatable. No one complained about Usopp getting more dreams in One Piece or Sanji achieving his dream so why not do that more often ?
While there at it maybe in future stories we can get characters who at some point change there life long goals, one example is about a story where after half of the series is over the main character finds outs the organization he always wanted to join are working for the series antagonist, so he decides to change his dream to starting his own organization that follows what he believes is right. I also think having more goals would be good, cause if we see them finish the goals it at least shows progression in the series story.
Making characters who are romantically involved get together before the end of the series- When 2 characters show clear signs that they love each other they usually get together at the end of the series. I am FUCKING TIRED of this as it’s not only predictable as fuck but the outcome of the characters getting together is really small compared to how LOOOONG it took for them to get together, as again when the characters do get together (if the writers want them to) they usually just admit there feelings and/or finally kiss and that’s it, course some series show more of what happens afterwards like the characters getting married, having a child, or a picture of them in the future living happily ever after, but its usually just the former.
Again we often never get to see what happens after they get together like see them try and be more then friends after being so for so long, how other characters in the series react to there relationship, or see if they even stay together. Course this is for drama but showing more of the relationship might be good for the story. For romance series it can lead to seeing the characters grow as a couple instead of just being friends as well as break the cycle usually used in it, I mean the manga My Love Story was praised for doing this.
This would also be good in action adventure series as well, which though has the same problem, gets a small pass as they focus more then just romance. I bet we’d get some good fights and drama if characters that liked each other were in a relationship. I’m not saying they should make all the couples get together before the series ends but maybe they should just do couples that either wouldn’t change the story that much or the 3rd or 4th most popular character couple/ship. Star Vs. The Forces did this for both examples, making there main ship canon twice and made a minor ship canon for over a season, both (with the exception of the breaking the main ship up the first time) were liked by the fandom so why not do that more ?
   The following are tropes from romance and harem series.
Make harem protagonist get with someone in series- This genre has a similar problem as the previous trope, but its much worse as pretty much all shows (with SOME exceptions) end with the male protagonist, even at the end of the series, still having no idea which girl he loves more/would want to date/marry, even if its clearly shown he likes one girl more others, even mature manga/anime do this. Again this is for story but it wouldn’t kill the writers to make the protagonist end up with someone, heck maybe if a series did do this (or one where a guy marries all the main girls unless its illegal to publish fictional polygamy, even in fictional mature manga) it would be praised.
More relatable male protagonist in harem/romance series- Most male protagonist in theses all seem to have one trait that describes there personality and usually its one of a small list of traits used in harem/romance series like the dumb guy, shy guy, or stoic guy sometimes they have 2 traits but there also the same like “the nice guy who gets afraid when the slightest sexual advance” or “the dumb/oblivious character with a heart of gold”. I just think it would be more interesting if the male protagonist had more personality. I mean I know there are some that aren’t like this but those are outnumbered by protagonist with traits that I just described.
Give the male protagonist in harem series a true male friend- Another thing that bugs me a bit about male harem protagonist is how he never has any guy friends and when he does there also predictable, whether it be ones he only hangs out with at school (not during weekends/adventures), the jealous/perverted one who either hangs out with the protagonist to get to a girl(s) he likes or complain about how lucky he is, or someone who is related to one of the girls in his harem in someway.
I’d like to see a series where the main character has a true friend that not only appears often, but also can help the protagonist out, or for humor willing get him into trouble from time to time. A benefit of the main character having a friend is that he could become a possible love interesting for one of the girls in the harem, thus adding more drama to series.
Mix up the tsundere trope a bit- There are two types of Tsunderes but I’m talking about the one where the girl always fights with the guy they like, even hurting them physically depending on the character. This has been used a lot in romance and harem series and I know it will continue to be used in the future, but I wish someone would at least try to change this trope a bit somehow.
I have 3 personal ideas to how to change this trope. One is instead of a tsundere we get a character similar to Centorea from Monster Musume who though loves the main character puts her duties/responsibilities before that, though she still does things to show that she like him like get jealous when other girls are near him, happy when he says or do something nice/romantic or mad when he does something inappropriate. Another is to make it so that the tsundere’s anger is actually out of her hand, as in she has either some medical/psychological condition, or was cursed with magic at a young age that makes her hate people that are close to her (like friends, family and boys she like). That would not only be interesting as seeing the tsundere have more trouble control her anger then usual, but would add more drama to the series. And the 3rd is that the girl isn’t always a tsundere. Maybe in one scenario she just hates the boy in question for a good part of the series but after something big, she turns into a tsundere or in another scenario she’s the opposite as that she is a tsundere at the beginning of the series but later on accepts her feeling and does whatever it can to date the boy. Either of these ideas would make this trope a little bit likeable to me. 
That or make it so that there are consequences to there actions, as even in the most realistic anime series the tsundere can get away with a lot of things that would result in consequences. Make her pay for her actions like have her get grounded, detention or get a bad reputation for it. I’d like to see that happen as this could result in her trying to be nicer, be a good change of pace for the show, or to make things more dramatic as another consequence could be that her attitude drives the boy she likes away to a point where he doesn’t want anything to do with her or date a girl the tsundere hates, thus breaking her heart.
Episode where guy or girls are mysteriously gone/don’t act like themselves- I always wondered what would happen if the routine of the male protagonist or the girls in a harem series just stopped for an episode.
What I mean is what if we got an episode where after the male protagonist had a bad day caused by the girls in his harem, he gives a rant to them eventually saying he wished they would stop bothering him (or disappear) and the next day it comes true and this lasts for a few days. It would be interesting to see how the male character would react to this this and see him try to get use to his life after dealing with the girls for so long. This could also work for the girls as well, which I think would be more interesting because we would see what the girls would do if the guy they liked wasn’t in there lives anymore.
Episode where other people cause harem to stay apart- Similar to my previous idea but this time a known outside force is causing the characters to be apart as I also wondered if there were people in harem shows that got tired or angry at the shenanigans the main characters in a harem always got into, especially characters like the parents, the students, or teachers. So what if they did something about it, like make a rule or get restraining orders prevent the characters from hanging out. It’d be interesting to say the least.
Girl in harem falling out of love with protagonist- Again what would happen if a girl in a harem fell out of love with the protagonist, what would happen ? Would she just try and stay friends with the boy or try and avoid him at all cost ? Plus would she rejoin the harem later on or fall for another character ? Would it be as good as any other couple where one falls out of love for a bit or not ? I say a show should test this to see what happens.
Which of these tropes would you like to see change ? Are there any tropes not on this list that should change ?
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