#its not poetry its too half assed for that. just some thoughts on monsters tbh.
cemeterything · 2 years
1. you've bitten every hand that has ever reached for you because pain is all you've ever known them to be capable of, and it's a lesson you won't suffer twice
2. they were warned not to stick their fingers through the bars of your cage, but not only did they not listen, they went and opened it up with their clever, gentle hands that not even your sharp teeth and terrible claws could deter from showing you what kindness could feel like, and crossed over the threshold to stand inside/on your side/by your side/all of the above
3. the difference between setting something free and setting something loose is a matter of definition
4. the definition of a monster depends entirely on where you're standing
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tar-oh · 4 years
Pick a Pile: What the rest of October has in store for you
Okay, so I haven’t been active on here (mostly because of school and personal things) and I had wanted to do an October Pick a Pile but then...it was October and I was kind of like “Oh no! It’s too late!” But as I’m writing this, it’s the 10th of October and there’s still a few weeks left, so I felt that I should do one!
So, when I started this reading I was thinking “What could I do for the piles?” And guess what! I have a new obsession! The netflix show Julie and the Phantoms, which is about a girl who befriends a ghost band. SERIOUSLY A GHOST BAND! Sounds like they wrote this show for me... Anyway, she forms a band with them, and so the show is just all about her life now that she’s friends with some ghosts and is in a band with them. It’s also about the guys kind of navigating this new (after)life. So I thought I’d have you choose one of the ghosts for your piles! Also, it’s kind of SPOOOOOOKY! For Halloween, right? (lol these are like the friendliest ghosts you’ll ever find)
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Okay so, 1: Luke, 2: Reggie and 3: Alex (Disclaimer: This is a general reading so it may not resonate with you. I suggest that if you feel like it doesn’t resonate, either pick another pile or find another reading. So, please keep this in mind.) Also, I’m looking into doing personal readings on here for people, so if you’re interested, DM me.
Pile 1: Luke
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(sorry, my phone has been taking worse pics lately :/ ) Cards:  The Hermit, clarified by Justice reversed, 5 of cups clarified by 4 of swords reversed and empress reversed, 3 of swords clarified by 10 of cups, 6 of cups clarified by page of pentacles reversed Advice cards: Queen of Pentacles, 2 of cups Okay, so since this is for the rest of October, some of this could have already happened for you/you’re going through it. Or it’s something that could happen within the next few weeks, but I’m going to read it like it’s progressing right now.
I feel as though I should give a little about the character you chose, Luke. I don't know, maybe some of you chose him because you think Charlie Gillespie, the guy who plays him, is really adorable (the most adorable Virgo I've ever seen tbh, currently kind of in love with him really). Luke is the guitarist/lead singer of the original band in show, Sunset Curve. He becomes kind of the co-singer in Julie and the Phantoms. While Luke has a huge heart and cares immensely about those he loves, he also has kind of this thing where he wants the attention on him. It's more along the lines of something I don't think he can help. Like, he can be ass, but he's also a caring ass. Throughout the whole show he says that it's about the music, not the money. So while he probably would love to be famous, he's more about the music. He literally lives (an ironic statement given the plot of the show) for music and to be able to play it after his death seems to be all he wants. When he meets Julie, he sees a way to still play his music. He seems to be able to express himself best through his music. So, through this I'm going to assume that you are also someone who loves your people fiercely. I think you also are someone who connects through music. Maybe you feel best when listening to it, or possibly you are able to express yourself through it. Maybe you write your own lyrics  (or poetry) or compose your own music. So, then we get into the cards. You have the hermit as your first card. It's so funny this one came out because it's the card for Virgos, and as I pointed out the guy that plays Luke is a virgo, and though Luke seems to exude more of a fiery personality than an earthy one, I think Charlie's sun sign is still visible. At least to me. I mean, I guessed it correctly which I don't know. Kind of weird to me! So, that leads me to say that even though I don't have many earthy cards here, I still am getting those earthy vibes. Maybe it's more that you're feeling really grounded right now or maybe you are focused on your career more-so currently. I mean, bottom deck energy was 9 of Pentacles, so it's like this overall feeling that you either have your shit in order or you're striving to get there. And I see that in the Hermit card. There's a man in the forefront holding a lantern, looking for something. In this deck, the Haunted House Tarot, this guy is called the groundskeeper. He's the one that cares for the garden, which fitting since the hermit is the card for Virgos. I mean, an earth sign. In the background, the girl who is seen throughout the whole deck is peering around a tree at him. I kind of see this as two things for multiple people. The first is that this is you’re kind of taking stock of what's going on at the moment in your life. You're looking around at it all, seeing what you have and what you can do with what you have and I definitely see 5 of cups kind of backing that up, but instead of you seeing all of it, I think you're focusing on what you're lacking. A song called Anywhere You Looked by Au Revoir Simone came on, so, I definitely see this! The hermit was clarified by Justice reversed and so I think this is you kind of feeling like maybe you lack something and that it's seeming to taking precedence over what there is. Like, this lack seems like an injustice to you. In this 5 of cups, there's 5 wine glasses, all of them more than half empty and I think that's kind of interesting. I mean clearly someone drank the wine...but then stopped and got a new cup? And each time? So, like, is this you looking at what there is for you to work with, utilizing it but then putting it down despite you being able to use it more? Maybe it's you starting things and none of it feels right, so you start other things and it happens again, which leads to a frustration. To clarify 5 of cups, both the Empress reversed and 4 of Swords reversed fell out. I think maybe this empress being in the reversed position is kind of representing this frustration, but instead of it being on the lack of resources or not even the lack, but just resources in general, its going back to you. Like, you're upset with yourself. I know in this deck, her having her hand on her stomach is supposed to represent her being pregnant, and I mean, if we go with that, it being reversed its like that fertility wasn't there to nurture this new life? If that makes sense, but I'm thinking of this as something tangible (not that a baby isn't tangible lol but I mean a project or a job or something). But I also see this clutching of the stomach as pain. Like, maybe you're just feeling so frustrated you're stressed to the point of exhaustion. The 4 of swords reversed...Well. Right now I'm reading this as you needing to take a step back and rest but you refuse to. Like, maybe you're restless, and maybe that's why you're the hermit, looking around at what there is. Like this idea that even though you keep restarting, you're not giving up? And, because you chose Luke, I'm assuming this is you. Like this won't stop/can't stop mentality? I mean, dude literally dies but still tries to be in a band so! Skies the fucking limit! And you know that. You're just having trouble getting to a place that you're happy with. The next card was 3 of Swords. This insinuates that something was really painful. Like, heartbreak painful. I don't really think this is all that external though. I'm reading it as again, you're working on something and its just not going the way you want. It's not...Perfect. God. You know this really does give me Virgo vibes because from what I understand about virgos is that they really are kind of all or nothing. Like they want perfection or nothing. I'm not saying all virgos are like this but this is kind of how I’ve seen them with their own work. And, even Luke is kind of like this in the show. He definitely is really focused on the band. He's almost never not working or thinking about the band. So, like with this 3 of swords being a swords card, I see it as mentally. Mentally something hurts you, but it's more of something you're working on. Like, you just can't seem to get it right. 10 of cups definitely backs that up for me. This happy emotionally fulfilling end, but like you can't seem to get there with whatever it is you're working on, so you're just really upset. It feels like this weird-ass cycle you're stuck in, like this never-ending disappointment. Maybe one day you're like "Oh! If I try this it will work out!" but you try it and you end up scrapping it and trying again. And, honestly, even though I feel that for most of you this is a project of some sorts, I think for some it could be a relationship, like romantic or even a family member. With 6 of cups, I didn't really want to say it was someone from your past, but the song Visitor by Of Monsters and Men came on, and honestly for some it probably is someone from your past. For others, maybe just a solution you tried in the past will circle back around in your head and you'll retry it. The thing though, is that it's clarified by the Page of Pentacles reversed and for some it could mean that this solution will once again bring nothing forth. For others, it could be that you're in this position where you want to get further then where you're at (the song says, "I want to do better this time"), but...Maybe you're not putting in that effort you need to be putting in. Or, perhaps the way you're going about this is not beneficial to you.  Maybe you're just overworking yourself, and this is just the cards telling you to pause and think back. The solution is in the past. The past is just haunting me with this card. I don't always like to be like "oh it's this cliche meaning" but, this really feels like the past. In it there's a little girl reaching up at the flower in the cup that the woman is holding, but I kind of wonder if this is supposed to be Younger You, offering Older You this idea or advice. Something in your past is relevant. Maybe it is another person, but it's definitely something from your past. For your advice I pulled Queen of Pentacles. Usually, I'd say that you need to focus on you and your finances at this point, but in this deck's version, she's holding the pentacle but looking away from it. I almost wonder if whatever this is, be it project or relationship, you need to just take a break for a hot minute. I think you'll know how long of a break it needs to be, but I think once you do you'll be able to come back with a fresh mind and you'll be able to tackle it in a more efficient way. I also pulled two of cups and so maybe you need to stop what you're doing and water something else, like another relationship for a bit (i.e. if this is a romantic partner, maybe go hang out with friends, or vice versa). But I also get that for some of you, if this is a project you might need to ask someone else for their opinion or help. Maybe for some this is relinquishing this problem to someone else for the time being. Either way, two of cups is abut duality. There is something about this situation that requires a duality. It could be as simple as you being able to find a balance between working on whatever this is and everything else in your life, I mean, going back to the Queen of Pentacles, she's this lady who has her shit together while also being able to be there for others and in a compassionate way. So, maybe this is a reminder that you don't need to do everything on your own and that you won't be able to find a peace of mind until you're able to relinquish this or at least allow someone to help you. This also reminds me of Luke again because his band can't play music unless they're preforming with Julie since no one can see them until they're playing with her. He had to relinquish this role of being the only lead singer. Gosh, wouldn't that be funny if your were a ghost guitar player reading this? Lmao!  Overall, I get such a workaholic vibe from this pile. Guys just take a breather, seriously.
Pile 2: Reggie
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Cards:  3 of pentacles reversed clarified by ace of swords, 9 of swords clarified by the hierophant, 7 of wands reversed clarified by death reversed, 4 of swords reversed clarified by page of cups Advice Cards: Page of swords, the devil
First, I said this with the last pile. These are things that either might have already started to happen, or may happen. I’m just going to read it like it’s progressing already. Reggie is the sweetest character in this show. Like, for the most part they're all really sweet, but he's that one that is basically equivalent to that puppy who just likes everyone. He's also the bassist in the band and I find that bassists are the most overlooked, so I think that can ring true about Reggie too. We know some things about him and his past but it's the least. Which is interesting because this pile also seemed kind of vague to me too.  With 3 of pentacles being reversed I always want to read it as someone wanting to do something on their own. Like, doing something independently. The ace of swords clarifying this is screaming, like literally I just keep hearing this in my head, you cut something or someone off. Or maybe you're trying to get through something without feeling something so you're cutting the feeling off before it starts. Somethings being cut out, for sure. I’m also imagining someone cutting some paper with scissors, so maybe you’re editing your life or something by cutting situations/people/things/feelings out. The ace of swords feels violent actually. Something about this ace of swords is so visceral, and that makes me think that this intention/idea was really sudden. Almost like you woke up one day and you were like "Nope. Doing this on my own."  or "Nope. Not feeling that today. Cutting it out.” But, I don't really think you're someone like that. Like, I see that you could be someone who enjoys their alone time  but that for the most part maybe you enjoy others company. And, like Reggie is like that too. In fact, I think he's the only character we don't see alone ever! Like, we know the least about him too, so it's like, maybe you enjoy being around people but you also hold yourself at a distance. You may share things about yourself but maybe one of those people who is very selective about what and with who you share with. Like, maybe you make it seem like you’re sharing deep things, but...They’re not. They’re surface level, but you’re able to present them in a way that isn’t like that’s what it is. And maybe this 3 of pentacles being reversed is you thinking "Hmm. They know too much." but I feel like that’s for some of you (I think some of you are scorpios and it's more than just the death card. I just get that ~vibe~). An interesting thing about this 3 of pentacles is that she's in the ruins of a building. She looks hurt, and the other two look as though they're trying to help her. So maybe if this about someone, this cutting someone off is you cutting off help someone has offered you. Like, maybe someone has offered to help you cover something financially? But there's this feeling that you're thinking this is something you have to go at alone. I also could just see this as someone denying themselves something. Like, I think there's a small group repressing something like an emotion. Like a small group of you. Yeah, definitely for some you're aware that there is an emotion that you're supposed to be feeling but I think you're just telling yourself to detach from it. But I think this is just causing you more stress, so I think you really need to let yourself feel it in order to move on. Vlad the Impaler by Kasabian was on and there's a line where they say "Get loose get loose". So. Um. I think for those of you repressing something, I think that's for you. So, instead of denying yourself that, I think you need to stop and tell yourself it's okay to feel it. Like, maybe you're thinking your emotions aren't justifiable but that's not true because you can't really tell your body not to feel something, right? 9 of Swords shows me that you are stressed right now. I think you're freaking out over how this could play out on your own but you seem to be determined to do it on your own. The hierophant kind of says that for me. Like, he's all about conventional things, and maybe you feel that there's a right way to go about this, and that right way is to do it alone. Although, its funny because in this card it's a priest exorcising someone, so this isn't really someone going at it alone. Also, again, giving me this feeling like exorcising demons, so like, repressing/deflecting emotions. Maybe this 9 of swords is you worried that you won't be able to do this alone? The thing though, is that I see such extreme distress with 9 of swords. She's in bed crying and there's so many swords next to her. It feels crowded, but I think that's your head. I think you have too many thoughts about this and how you want to do this alone. But then we have 7 of wands reversed and it's literally just this ball of fire since the wands are torches in this deck. I think this is how you're seeing this situation. Like, a huge ball of fire just waiting to turn into something worse. 7 of wands being reserved can mean surrendering, but I don't necessarily see that. I see this overwhelming sense of stress and worry with it, and this overwhelming sense has you back in that bed with the swords looming over you. And death reversed suggests that too because its something you can't let go of. But, I think death is telling you that it's time to let it go, whatever this is. Like this worrying isn't helping (which, ha, I know that saying that really doesn't stop it). There's also this sense of compromise with this pile. It's weird because I don't really get a sense about what this is. Like, I think for some it's definitely financial, but I don't know about the others. Whatever it is, I think you're aware that you need to let it go, but its not...Going. With 4 of swords in reverse, I do see you letting it go, though, same with page of cups. She's sitting there just letting these butterflies out. So with that, I see this transformation. Right? So I think once you're able to start to heal/let this go, you go thorough this transformation. It could be a little one but it can also be something big and noticeable. I really feel like a lot of people are choosing this pile because it seems really vague. The last pile seemed vague too, but it wasn't like this one. This one just seems so much broader. I'm not sure if this is something you have to do with yourself or someone else, but the bottom deck energy was 5 of swords reversed and I am reading that as compromise. So, either you need to compromise with yourself, or there is someone you need to compromise with. For advice, I pulled page of swords. I think this is telling you to be looking at every angle of this. I'm sure you've done a lot of overthinking with this, but I think it's more like a broken record. Like, you're focusing on the same thoughts when there's another perspective you're missing. The other card was the devil and that's for everyone, but especially those who are repressing something. So, if you are repressing something, you need to stop that and let yourself feel it. The only way out of this is through it. It's interesting because on this devil card there's two people chained up and I honestly think they could easily slip their heads through those chains? So, I think there is a way through this and I think you know but I think maybe there's an element of fear. But, going back to that Ace of Swords, I think you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. The ace of swords and the 7 of wands are standing out so much to me. The sword and the fire, and those are strong things, so I think you're strong enough to get through this. You know this, but I think you've convinced yourself otherwise. You know what’s so funny about this devil card, too? It's the same people from the 3 of pentacles. So it's like, for those of you repressing something, it's like you're holding it hostage by refusing to acknowledge it, so I guess just kind of think about that. (But don't over think it). The woman who has the horns on the devil card is the same woman who had fallen in the 3 of pentacles, so I definitely am seeing this as the cards saying you’re kind of in your own way. Even adding onto that, the girl in the page of swords card is overlooking a dollhouse, so maybe you're just trying to control this and it's not working, it's more to your detriment. I just really think you need to sit with your emotions, all of you. Like, journaling is a really good way to get them out. Maybe you like writing lyrics or poetry or anything? I just think you need to spend some time alone doing something constructive so that you can get these emotions out in a healthy way, because I think if you don't they're going to explode. Like, at first I thought maybe it was some of you, but I definitely think all of you who chose this pile are avoiding some hard emotions, or at least not letting yourself feel them. And that’s not healthy my friends! Pile 3: Alex
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Cards:  3 of swords reversed clarified by 9 of wands, the world clarified by 8 of wands and 9 of cups, judgement reversed clarified temperance reversed, ace of cups clarified by 8 of pentacles reversed Advice cards: 8 of pentacles reversed, knight of wands reversed Okay, so another disclaimer that I’ve said for the other piles. Since this is for the rest of October, I’m reading it like it’s currently progressing. That being said, it could have already progressed, or will progress this way. Again, take what resonates. Alex is such a great character! I honestly think he's my favorite. He's considered the "emotional one" of the band, but is also the most sarcastic out of all of them. He doesn’t miss a beat, which is funny since he’s the drummer. So, maybe rhythm is important to you? He's also kind of the Dad-Friend and is quick to scold Reggie and Luke when they do something mean to someone else. Alex also is the one that goes out and befriends another ghost and he finds out some interesting things about being a ghost, so I would say while the others are curious, he goes out and looks for answers. This makes me feel like you're a doer rather than someone who just watches stuff unfold.  First off, I want to say that the bottom of the deck energy was 8 of pentacles reversed, which makes me feel like maybe you feel neglected in someway. This is kind of weird because it also kind of goes with Alex. I don't really want to go into it because it could be a spoiler for anyone who hasn't watched it, but there's a point where he feels like someone is avoiding him and I get that sense with you guys. I think this is what might lead to the first card I got, 3 of swords reversed. The first card was 3 of swords reversed, so I get the sense that you are or will be healing from something that really hurt you. With 9 of wands clarifying it, I think maybe this made you get really defensive of your heart, but maybe you're feeling really tired and you're feeling like it would be a bad idea to let your guard down, especially because maybe you know you're healing. Like, I think maybe you don't like...actively think "I'm healing right now," But somewhere in your head you have a knowing. That 9 of wands has really tall wands. And she's coming out of a maze too, so maybe whatever it was that led you to this state of healing was confusing for you. Like, you felt like you were going through a maze of emotions, but you made it out and you're not going back there at any cost. Next we have the world and to me that means a cycle is ending and that this healing is coming with this end. She's holding a key, and in this deck it means that she's like now the owner of the haunted house that this deck is about, but like I see this as you holding this key. Maybe it's specifically to your heart or something like that. Or, it's just this key because you found answers to this maze you just went through. Like, you were confused and now you're not, or at least clarity is finding it’s way to you. And, it's clarified by both the 8 of wands and 9 of cups, so like this ending is going to bring something in really quickly and it's going to be something you've been wanting. Maybe before this you had no idea what you wanted, so back to that key, it's like you figuring that out. I think judgement being reversed says that you were taken off of some path because it wasn't really aligning with you, which temperance clarifying it tells me this. Like, you were in need of more balance but this path wasn't bringing this. Perhaps it was this path that led to those 3 swords in the first place, but either way, I think it's closing out and you're going in a new direction. Also, on the judgement card, it's the lady who'd been holding the key and coming out of the maze, but on judgement she's holding this little kid. Granted, this kid doesn't look like her, but she's really white like she has white clothes, white hair, she looks like she could even be a bit translucent. So maybe this is you nurturing that hurt side of yourself, like picking yourself up and realigning yourself. The ghost of your past self? Like, I do see that the universe has helped you but really you deserve this credit because I think you're the one doing most of the work. The universe is just kind of nudging you gently every so often. You also got ace of cups and it was clarified by ace of swords, so this is going to be really emotionally fulfilling but also you're going to be full of ideas. Like, I just get this huge excited feeling from this pile, so I really think the rest of October is going to be really great for you guys! Ahh! I'm so happy that this pile was this way because as I said earlier, I love Alex, so it's so nice to see that you guys are going to do great! (after this period of healing of course). For advice, I pulled 8 of pentacles reversed, so it definitely wanted to come out. Before I was saying that it being on the bottom of the deck made me feel like you felt neglected, and I still think that's true but I also think that with it showing up in the advice section, I think it could also be telling you that even if something seems boring or tedious you need to keep at it despite this. So, while you're closing out a cycle, there's still some work to put in. And maybe this could be referring to that ace of cups/ace of swords, like those new beginnings coming. Whatever they are, there's going to be work you need to put in and I think it's just warning that you need to be continuous with the work. Not to get lazy or half-ass it. This could also just be, continuous healing. Like, allow this to unfold. Allow yourself to continue to heal. But, for others, I think this also maybe telling you that you may need to take a break and not overwork yourself. I think you'll know which one is for you, because if you have a a tendency to be a workaholic, than you'll know and if you're someone who can be lazy, you'll know. The other card was knight of wands reversed. This, I think, goes with those who may have a tendency to get lazy or even bored. Finish what you start. And, this could apply to all of you, but I see that mostly for that group. For the other, I think maybe it's kind of a be patient. Don't go at it and do it all in one go, or something like that. I think you need to take your time with whatever this new beginning is as well as your healing from the beginning. But, overall, I think these cards are just kind of warnings, so I think things should be okay overall.
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