#its one of those spellings. i think its -phard not -pard but ill put both
batcavescolony · 6 months
I think I remember Steve Orlando (current Scarlet Witch writer) saying that Tommy has a good relationship with Wanda? And I'm iffy on Leah Williams' take on the Maximoffs but they seemed close there. Like I genuinely think a large part of the problem is simply that writers forget he exists/ would rather do Billy-Wanda parallels. He moved back into & lovingly restored the house Wanda raised him and Billy in. I'm sick over it
Marvel definitely picks favorites when it comes to their Speedster/Magic twins and the Speedsters get the short stick. I'm sure Wanda loves her kids but I'd like to SEE IT for once. I don't think have to be much either, a photo in the background with Tommy, her mentioning him at all, any acknowledgment that he exists in her world. I'm just sick of Marvel ignoring my boy!
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