#its over midnight-i had to speedrun around 15 pages of text in just few hours-so pls tag me or sth
12colors · 1 year
TD All'n'Awful - "Even Bigger Sleep - part 1"
First shot we see are the two trailers. One has males from both Explosive Eagles and Ferocious Ferrets, while the other has females from both theese teams.
We get the glance inside the male one, where Geoff, Scott, Ripper and Bowie from Explosive Eagles, and Tyler, Harold, Sam and Zee from Ferocious Ferrets are sleeping.
In the female one, there are Katie, Courtney, Blainley, Dawn and Nichelle from Explosive Eagles, and Leshawna, Sierra, Zoey, Scary Girl and Priya are.
Well, something is off, but I can't put my finger on it...
Anyway, the camera shows the face of Scary Girl, who is sleeping on the lower bed.
Her pet skull is next to her head.
Her eyes open instantly, in a clasic „jumpscare-like” way.
Camera changes a different perspective, showing Dawn, standing next to Dawn's bed,
Scary Girl:
Hey, that's pretty cool!
Dawn: Caught off-guard and Confused
Scary Girl:
The only thing you are missing is fitting design!
Zoey: Lying in her bed, awoken by them
Guys, If you wanna talk in this hour, do it outside.
Scary Girl:
Oh? Did we wake you up?
I can make it so you never ever wake up!
Umm... No thanks?
Yeah, let's go outside.
Scary Girl instantly stands up from her bed, fully clothed, and grabs her pet skull.
She and Dawn get outsde.
So... What did you mean when you said that I needed a fitting design?
Scary Girl:
We are gonna take care of that someday else.
Now I have a pretty cool idea...
Camera moves to the 2 Cabins. One For Deadly Deer, and 2nd for Aggressive Ants.
We first focus on the Deadly Deer one.
Inside the male room, there are Justin, DJ, Owen, B and Raj, all sleeping.
Inside the female room, there are Sadie, Jo and Millie...
Something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it...
We then move the outside of Aggressive Ants' Cabin.
= Izzy's Confessional =
You know what's best in my team?
= End of the Confessional =
We are then shown the inside of the Guy's part of the Cabin. We hear loud random noises from Izzy's side, and everyone is awake, except Ezekiel.
Somebody has to go there, and shut her up.
No way! She is gonna kill us!
Lighning needs his 8 hours of sleep!
Then go to her.
I ain't afraid of no spider!
Lightning goes outside the room. The rest wait in suspense until they hear something.
Lightning: from the other room
Hey! Listen there you- AAAAAAAAAAA
Multiple hitting and Banging sounds
We get a glance at the boy's worried faces (Ezekiel is still asleep)
But after a few moments, Lightning barely returns.
Just as he enters the room, he falls on the floor.
I'm sha-faliure!
And he either loses conciousness or falls asleep, lying on the floor.
One final glance at others' worried faces.
We then move into Cruel Crows' Mansion. First we see where the girls sleep, where Beth, Lindsay, Gwen and Julia are sleeping. After that we go to guys room, where Noah, Mike, Caleb and Wayne are asleep.
We focus on Mike, before going into a transition inside Mike's brain.
Not-real Mike is sitting there, on a not-real rock, eating not-real popcorn. There is a cloud in front of him, which he watches. It's a dream cloud.
In the dream, in-dream Mike and in-dream Zoey are in a small, in-dream woodhouse, in the in-dream forest. It's raining outside in-dream.
They are eating something, talking (muted), and just when they are about to kiss...
a in-dream Lightning strikes, and in-dream Mal apears behind in-dream Mike.
Not-real Mike get's scared, and falls behind from the not-real Rock.
We get out of the Mike's head, to see him, wake up with cold sweat.
He looks around the room, and sees where he is.
Man, I need a glass of water.
Mike walks out of the room, and into the kitchen, to see Dakota, sleeping sitting on the floor of the kitchen.
He tries moving through her very carefully, to not wake her up.
Camera then moves to Bloody Beavers, who are in the forest. Everyone are asleep, except for Cameron, who is standing there, looking around.
About 15 more minutes, and It's gonna be MK's shift.
And no monsters in the horison!
He is quite glad.
Until he hears giggling in somewhere in the forest.
The giggling seems to be repeating and echoing around him.
Then, a skull with makeup apears in front of him. He is clearly stressed out, and starts backing off, until he bumps his back onto someone.
Camera zooms out to show that it's Dawn.
Cameron: Clearly relieved.
Oh, thank god it's you.
Then we see Scary Girl, coming out of the forest towards them.
Scary Girl:
You ruined it!
Oh? Sorry?
It was you?
Wait... Are you the one who gave us the meat?
Scary Girl:
What meat?
Cameron points at the empty bloody bag from the preious episode.
Scary Girl:
No... Which contestant's blood it is?
Oh! It wasn't a contestant. It was deer meat.
Dawn got closer to the bag
Poor thing... I can feel the life this blood carried.
Well, someone else already killed it, and left us this bag with just the meat, so there was nothing stopping us from eating it, since it was... well... dead.
Scary Girl:
Maybe let's look around for the corpse of that deer?
Maybe let's not.
I can't anyway. I have to be here, and do my shift.
Scary Girl:
You guys are no fun. Fine! I will look... myself.
She picked up her skull and went back to the forest with her, hopping around.
La la la la la la...
I better get back to my trailer, and catch some sleep...
See you during the challenge.
She walks into the forest.
But he gets scared by the last giggle from Scary Girl.
Camera zooms out, and we see the entire island.
Fast forward effect, until 7am.
We then see the inside of the controll room.
Chris turns on the mic, puts on the air-horn, and in front of that, a megaphone. He presses the air-horn, waking everyone up.
Chris then speaks through the microphone.
Rise and shine campers! I want to see every team, outside, in 5 minutes.
Camera goes to outside the Cabins. Few contestants come out of trailers.
Not only we were sleeping on paper thin matresses, Now Chris wakes us in 7am!
I need my Half-fat, no-foam latte steamed to 102 heat
Yeah, How are you gonna get that?
That's it! We are gonna win today's challenge and get the mansion! At any cost!
Cut to all teams standing grouped in front of the cabins, and by that, I mean the center of the campground. Chris arrives.
Okay, let's make a small check before the challenge. Let's start with out previous winners: Cruel Crows! I see that everyone is well rested... Maybe with one exception...
It's true, and the exception is dakota
= Mike's Confessional =
Well, It might sound weird at first, but Dakota asked me to do a confession for her.
Y'know... cause she won't fit in here.
She wanted to just say that
He takes out a note, and make an „Ekhem” sound
„Don't worry, a good Latte will put me right on my feet”
Man, She really need a better way to sleep.
= End of the Confessional =
Moving to Deadly Deer... You guys seem fine...
And now... Aggressive Ants, what happened?
While Deadly Deer look perectly fine, most of Aggressive Ants look half dead.
Damien: Points at Izzy
This thing over there, was doing only God knows what for almost the most of the night. We got like 3-4 hours of sleep man... Well, someone there seems to have been lucky.
Glances at Ezekiel
= Ezekiel's Confessional =
I live on a farm, eh?
I had to get used to a lot of noise.
That's why I always carry theese!
Shows his earplugs to the camera.
= End of the Confessional =
Explosive Eagles and Ferrocious Ferrets, you guys seem fine too...
And let's see how the night in the forest treated Bloody Beavers...
We take a glance at Bloody Beavers, who look suprisingly fine... Except Bridgette.
Suprisingly well! Did none of the forest creatures attack you at night?
We had Eva. Nothing that wanted to live would aproach us.
You are welcome.
When are we gonna eat? I'm starving here.
Did you already forget? The worst team will have to serve the food themselves, from the forest, until other team will replace them as the new worst team.
BUT! I will be nice enough to serve all of you a breakfast, after you all wake up.
And for that, I have a challenge. To raise your blood flow, everyone has to do a mandatory 20km run around the lake.
So you guys better run, If you wanna eat something.
Challenge 1 – the run around the lake.
So there are some groans, but everyone runs or walks away.
= Sierra's Confessional =
I wonder how many people remember the order of challenges.
Like today is gonna be insominatron, where they were running around the lake, like we are doing today. After that will be big, wonderful breakfast, like in the original episode. And after that, will be the insominatron itself.
If I had to guess the people who will know that, I would say... Priya... and maybe Trent or Eva. And I m not suprised that not many out of them remembers. In their place, I would wanna erase theese awful memories out of my mind ASAP. Wait... I am in their place right now... Doesn't matter.
What matters is that i should be running right now, and not wasting time here...
Well, it's better for me to just walk, and not get tired, cause y'know...
= End of the Confessional =
The camera shows Eva running, and we hear a familiar voice behind her.
Eva! Wait!
Eva stops, and sees her entire team running up to her.
Okay, everyone here? Great. We have to stick together, and we have to finish this race as group. Let's start slowly at first, to save up energy for the finish.
Why do I have to stick to you guys?
So we have SOME people who might not even survive simply walking 20 kilometers.
She points behind her at Staci, Cameron and MK
I'm pretty sure that we have to get the whole team across, so our team will finish the race, as the last person finishes. We can't risk only one person losing us the challenge, so if we stick together, we will know, when someone will need our help and not fall behind.
Well, I could use some help, later on the race... I don't think that this body will handle this long of a distance.
Wasn't this challenge like... a reward challenge?
Maybe... But we still can't leave people behind, and risk losing again.
Okay, now Imagine this...
Ton of other contestants, who will be way faster than us, get to the finish line.
Chris welcomes them: „Congrats, here is the reward”, and shows them the breakfast he promised. The first thing a tired of sprinting full lenght around the lake, hungry contestant will do uppon seeing the breakfast, is to eat it. And if we move with the whole group as in your idea, even if we will be far from the last, noone from our group will get to even see the breakfast if it isn't big.
Or you could shorten it to: „Faster people than us will eat all the food and leave nothing for us”
Well... I guess you guys are correct...
Oh! New idea!
Eva will rush to complete the race, save some part of food for us, and wait there, while the rest of the group will go according to my plan.
THEN WHY DID YOU STOP ME?! I could be far away already.
Okay. Sorry. I made a mistake, and I will admit it.
Now go, and save us some food for us.
… Okay.
And she continues the race.
Anyone opposed going in a group?
No one is opposed.
Okay, let's go then.
The group starts with a slower jog.
= Heather's Confessional =
Okay. No one likes me here, and I get it.
That's why we can't lose much, because I would be extra vulnerable.
I also shouldn't be a complete asshole, I don't wanna make my shitty situation into a bloody diarrhea.
= End of the Confessional =
Camera then goes to the runners, who are in the first place. This includes people like Jo, Lightning, Wayne and Raj... And Dakota, who is just walking.
Jo is clearly upset from this fact, and thinks for a minute, before talking to Dakota.
Hey, Dakota! How do you think Sam is doing?
Huh? What do you mean?
It's sam, he won't be able to do a 20km run. You should go back, and help him.
You are right!
Dakota turns, and starts walking back. Jo is clearly glad of her plan.
We get to the contestants who are dead last in the race. Gwen, Noah, Trent and Duncan. They don't seem to care, and are just walking...
What happened with your team? Did you pull an all-nighter or something?
Trent: Yawns
Izzy is the only female on our team, so she had an entire room for herself.
That does sound like trouble. Feel ya.
Says someone who had the quiet mansion for the whole night.
What is that supposed to mean?
All I'm saying is that we at least have excuse for being slow. You guys just don't care about the reward, smugasses.
1. It's made by chef.
2. I bet it's not worthy the 20 km run.
See? That's how smug people would think. But we are gonna be the ones who will win the mansion today.
Yeah, with Izzy giving you all sleep deprivation, you have no chance at winning any challenge. You would have to get below 3rd place the day before to have any chance.
4th and 5th places would make Izzy sleep with girls from another team, making her not have a whole room for themselves. Or you guys could just get last and eliminate her.
Duncan: Starts running away from them
Yeah, no way dork! If we would lose, you would try eliminating me or something, but hell no! We are getting this mansion today!
Yeah, I better go too.
Well... That happened... Should we also start running?
Camera then moves to another set of runners: Tyler, Harold, Leshawna and Sam.
Harold and Sam are barely holding on.
Come on! The reward for this challenge is what Leshawna would kill for, and if we won't get it because of you, I indeed will.
Umm, Leshawna? I don't see Zee.
He fell behind too? God dammit!
Sam: Breathes heavly, barely concious
I don't think I can continue it for much longer...
But someone arrives from their front. The 4 of them stop.
Hey, Sam! Need help?
Sam: A smile apears on his face
Hi Dakota!
Dakota: Picks him up
Come on here...
Leshawna: Seems slightly annoyed
What do you think you are doing?
Look at him!
He can't hold on any longer.
Hey Dakota... Umm... Scary Girl and Zee from my team fell behind. Mind if we both look for them?
Not a bit!
They you guys look for them, and then catch up with us, okay?
Nods and goes, in the opposite direction, holding Sam.
Leshawna and Tyler start running again, but Harold...
Come on Harold!
Harold: Starts „running” behind them
I'm going, I'm going! But someone could pick me up for once.
No time for that, sugar!
= Leshawna's Confessional =
Leshawna: Clearly upset
Yeah, what's up with that Dakota gal?
Not racing to help Sam? She is in a different team! Unless...
Hold up! If she went with Sam to look for theese two snails, she could just leave him in the forest and continue the race herself to make us lose! Why didn't I think of this earlier? Well, It's too late to do anything about it now.
= End of the Confessional =
Moving to another group: Katie, Sadie and Justin.
They are just walking. BFFFL's are chatting together (which slows the group quite a bit) and Justin is clearly annoyed by them.
Hey, I have to do... something. You continue the race, okay?
Justin then turns in the opposite direction, and walks back.
What do you think he had to do?
I bet he needed to drink some water from the lake.
They both imagine a picture, of him, shirtless, getting the water from the lake in his hands, and drinking it, while winking at them.
Both: Having their heads in clouds
And then we turn our attention at Justin, who is walking back, away from them.
He then he meets Noah and Gwen.
Why are you here? I was sure that you'd be way further.
No way! My Doctor reccomended me to not run more than 5 kilometers at once if I don't wanna risk an injury. And this body is best injury... free...
Justin: Starts walking along them
And I have to be honest, I preffer walk with you, than Katie and Sadie.
I guess that you are right. They can be really annoying sometimes.
I think that they are like that only when they are together. But they are both stronger when they are separated.
Like in the dodgeball challenge, where Katie and DJ eliminated Owen, Heather and Leshawna, almost getting themselves a point.
Yeah. Yesterday, If they were in one team, together, they would do nothing but just chat instead of doing actual work.
Well, one of their weaknesses is that they crush on you Justin... Which gives me a question: Are you still focusing mainly on your looks?
Yeah, Duh!
Don't you think that it would be better for you to change your stategy a bit?
Justin: Slightly Confused
What do you mean? It worked quite well in 2nd season.
Exactly. It „worked” at first. But you were eliminated, because you didn't have anything besides it.
Not even mentioning the fact, that you were already outbeaten.
Justin: Slightly annoyed
Umm, what are you saying?
Justin: Lowers his head.
Noah, Gwen and Justin continue walking in silence.
We then get to see Scott, who is just sitting on a rock, Eva runs past him.
Mildred runs up to him.
What do you think you are doing?
I was running for half of the track, and now I'm taking a break. What about it?
Oh, no you don't! We will win today's challenge! Get up!
She pushes Scott, and he falls.
Scott: Lying on the ground
Hey! What was that for?!
She grabs his arms, and drags him across the floor.
Ahh c'mon.
Camera zooms out, showing the entire island, and we see sun move a bit, as we fast forward about an hour.
We focus on theese 3 again, but this time, as they enter the cafeteria, where everyone else already is, and finished the race. Everyone gives them a sorrow look.
Okay, since now everyone is here, Who is hungry?!
The curtains open, showing huge high-class meal. Everyone is excited again.
Praise the lord! I was starving!
We cut to the scene after everyone is full. Really full.
Well, with few exceptions.
I think some people might start getting their wonderful memories return, because today is... INSOMINIATRON!
Multiple groans were raised at once. There was shock, regret, confusement, anger.
Really? Wait... Yes it is! Oh god no!
Gwen: Turns to Duncan
And There go your chances for the mansion.
Sam: Confused
The what-tron?
If you fall asleep, you get eliminated. The entire running challenge and this breakfast
was supposed to make us tired.
= Sierra's Confessional =
During the breakfast, it was easy to notice who knew what was coming.
Unlike most of others, those who remembered Insominiatron, weren't taking as much food as they could, and overeating. From theese people there was: Me, Priya, Cody because I reminded him, Caleb... Who might just been on a diet with his body, I'm not sure, B, Courtney, Bowie and Zoey. I'm not sure on 100% of them, but that's close enough. Wish me luck!
= End of the Confessional =
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