#its probably fine i will double check that anyone who commissions me is over 18
gg-astrology · 6 years
Astrology Readings 💕
💕Hello! I've decided to start a little commissioning page incase anyone is interested in getting one! If you've enjoyed the way I've interpreted charts or just my personal tid bits on how the signs work, please feel free to message to get more information on doing yours! 💕
🚫Notice: Please be 18+ !! 🚫
*stay tuned for when it’s opened again! 💕
Paypal Link 💕
*USD price and whatever it converts to in THB is fine! 
💕FULL DISCLOSURE: These are rough sketches of work I'll be offering, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask/dm me on the Tumblr direct messages (@thechopkins)!  I have my prices fairly cheap since I’m a novice and I’m just doing this for practice, I’ll let you know if I’ve raised the price or if I’m not taking commissions anymore. But I hope to be able to do this as a side hobby for people to learn more about astrology! 💕
PERSONAL READINGS 💕 (needs birth time):
Brief Natal Readings ($10)
(I'll be talking about the things that stood out: your chart shape *if there’s a significance, aspect patterns. Going through your houses and placements one by one, your axis, usually touch decans if I feel we need a closer look at things. Definitely includes asteroids: Juno | Ceres | Pallas | Chiron | Vesta | Lilith | Eros )
I like having a conclusion at the end, something to tie everything together. Usually with these Brief Natal Reading there’ll be a ‘summary’ at the beginning of the reading as well-- to give you a guide of what we got/what to look for, and then we dive into the analysis as we go. 
It’s usually around hmm, 30-40 pages? I write in bullet points so that might be why, it’s just easier to read and see that way.) 
FULL Natal Readings ($20)
Everything included in the above, but with these:  I like to give a further analysis into it as well. 
I usually go for looking at your Rulers-- Chart Rulers, House Rulers, explain your Empty Houses. I take a look at your Draconic's, Whole House (if it makes more sense) Side-reels if it helps. I try to be?? thorough about it?? And explain things carefully if you’re new or need a lil more tutorial or guidance. 
Ahhh most people like knowing their dominants, so I include that (full disclaimer it’s the walter-pullen method) --- but I’ll clearly tell you that ‘it’s just for fun’. 
I think one thing I should mention about this is that--- it can get pretty intense? And serious?? So usually when we talk/get started I’ll ask if you’re comfortable with me hitting on xx subject, and if you’re uncomfortable with it for any reason at all please tell me so I can move around it and give you the things you need without hitting a sensitive subject. 💕
 Usually takes longer to make, I also answer questions you might want to ask. Anything that could potentially be in your chart? There’s a Q&A section if you want.
For those who might want a narrative guide to what each sign does, what each axis, asteroid does. I also have an appendix you can use, but tell me if you’re interested (it’s 20 pages in total so oof) - approx. 60-100 pages? That’s like-- without the appendix.
Note: If you’re interested in Natal Readings here is an answered ask on the Content Outline of What I provide In Further Details 
Solar Return Reading -- $15
(It’s always nice to understand how this year is gonna go. Or maybe just this period in your life if you’re having a hard time/want to experiment? I offer these readings as kind of like, a birthday present for yourself. I guess this is what ‘2019 Horoscope’ kinda deal but actually based on your birthchart so it’s ksdjnfkskn probably more personal to you --- approx 15+pages) 
Draconic Chart Reading - $15 
(For those who wants to get to know their draconics and maybe how to incorporate it into their lives? I look at the Draconic overlaid over the Natal since it gives a lot more insights of how to work with the above and below layers? I know, it sounds mystic as shit but honestly I?? love draconics?? And I rec everything who ever talks to me to go read theirs?? -- Approx 10+ pages ) 
Brief Persona Reading ($8)
(I have to warn you that I’m still a novice, but I think practice makes perfect. So I’ll be offering only a brief interpretation of reading your persona chart, you can choose which chart you want me to read and I’ll do my best to interpret everything together in the most cohesive way possible  -- approx 4 pages +, definitely low balling, just in case there’s a specific q you want answers to and I don’t have much to write about it since its already in the placement ;; I learnt from my mistakes skdjnfskn) 
Note: This is for non-idol aka your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner or crush you have a BIRTHTIME with
Synastry Readings ($20)
(I’ve been looking to do some Overlays for a while, so this is where I spend my energy! We’ll look at houses overlays, aspects and your individual want/needs/charts as well. Since the latter is pretty important, it’ll include a brief ‘overview’ for you both individually if you haven’t done a natal reading with me before. Nevertheless, this can be romantic, sexual, platonic, friends, siblings, parent-child, co-workers, classmates. Any relationship you want-- as long as you tell me so I know what I’m looking for/at -- approx 12+ )
Composite Reading ($15)
(This is different from a synastry because composite reading looks at the tonality/dynamic of the relationship overall! 💕 It’s not just trying to mesh two different people together and try to fit them into each other, it’s looking at how they interact with each other and the tone of their relationship. It’s really nice and fun to read, I recommend getting this one as well since it’s abit cheaper than the synastry one ya know - approx 12+)
MTL - *cap. at 13 members ($10)
Note: If you’re interested in an Outline for MTL readings here’s an answered ask that briefly explains what’s included 
4 rankings (one conclusive one and 3 to start off with) because You Always Want To Know What Kind of Dynamic You Can Have With Someone In Full Details -- Platonic, Nemesis or Otherwise.
So I give you 3 rankings (no, trust me it’s NOT an overkill) -- and then we talk about Each Member and Your Aspects With Them. I’ll explain how the dynamic works, the little things about it to overall themes between you. Compare it to other members as we go so you get a cohesive idea of how you fit between all the members (kinda like, compare yourself to them as well).
And then we have a conclusive-- which I give you the last Rank (after the analysis) and explain briefly why I choose that order. You Will See.
Takes like, a day to finish. The Fastest out of all my readings (a day for 7 members, I’m not sure about more than that yet -- 20+ pages)
Compatibility Reading: 1 selected member ($ 15)
DISCLAIMER: It's all fun and games but please remember that your development is most important and no matter how fruitful or positive this dynamic might be, if you don't work on yourself then it's going to be harder to accomplish this 'potential' that you have. Also please don't feel discouraged to ask for the members you think you might not have compatibility with, as long as you like them or your curious, perhaps this can be a new way of looking past archetypes of the signs and help you gain hope in your shared dynamic 
I’m gonna be honest with you, sometimes I’ve done reading where the compatibility isn’t positive but I’ll do my best to pull some of it out and give you advice. If I feel really really bad, I include ‘other placements’ that might be good for you instead (or do a little ranking list with the other members so you can feel better with the ‘see and compare’ -- I just don’t want you to feel sad if the outcome isn’t what you wanted ;;
The fun of THIS one tho is that we can look at how THEIR planet falls into YOUR house and how it might conjunct stuff (esp asteroid or axis) and tweak it around 💕 Since we usually don’t have their birthtimes however, we can’t look at how you would impact/fall into their houses. 💕Approx 8+ pages (low-balling, just incase-- y know, some people just don’t have many aspects?? ;; it happens)
If you’re interested, here’s some directions on how to contact me! 💕
Please send a direct messaging (chat-system) to @thechopkins 💕(Since this blog has an editor/member besides me, we can’t use the messaging system right now) 💕
PS. If you’re not sure what exactly you’re looking fo, we can figure it out together as well ;; 💕
If you already know what you’re going for, I'll let you know what I’m (possibly) backed up on or if I can get started right away 💕 And then I’ll ask for your birth day, birth place and if possible your most accurate birth time! 💕
Once I have your information/type of reading, I’ll let you know how long it’ll take (since sometimes I’m stocked up, I don’t want you to wait/get anxious about it so you can just tell me!) --- and I’ll make your chart, confirm it with you again so you can check if anything’s amiss (sometimes people are -- specific about that) 💕
I’ll go over the questions, like if you have a preferred name/pronouns, if you’re comfortable with sexual stuff, sensitive stuff. 💕I’ll double check again throughout the reading when I touch on it, especially since some might be--- really sensitive and I just want to see if you’re doing ok/need some comfort in your reading about how to get better (I usually include like, little advice/productive things you can do anyways) 💕
I’m good at--- well, talking to you when I’m working. So most likely you WILL know that I’m working on your chart because I Will Be Constantly Talking To You The Entire Time 💕
Ah, and I usually insist you don’t pay me until I finish the reading. I’ll tell you when I do, and then I take payment through paypal 💕 
After that, I’ll ask for your email and send you a lil message and the PDF reading 💕 
If you want it in any other format, feel free to let me know! 💕
💕That’s all I have for now! Again, I’m still a novice at astrology so all that I’m offering is just my experience/interpretations and current knowledge in the field. 
If you’re looking for a traditional/someone who has been working in the field for longer than a few years, I can recommend/point you to a few astrologers who might be interested! 💕
Generally I'm pretty enthusiastic about learning/talking about astrology, I’m not really doing this professionally, but if you feel like it’s easier to talk to me/want some help, I talk on my dm pretty often so feel free to drop by and I’ll do my best! 💕
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scarletjedi · 7 years
do alllllll of them!
oh gdi pop - cut for length
1:Is there a boy/girl in your life?
My lovely wife :D
2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
define “hurt” - physically? Of course! I twas an accident and she’s 3. non-physically? yeah, I do.  
3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
Oh, no, where did you pee!?! (Our cat has been stress-marking)
4:What’s something you really want right now?
Someone else to bring the boxes from my office up to the attic
5:Are you afraid of falling in love?
Already there, luv. It was never the *love* that scared me. 
6:Do you like the beach?
I do! I like to swim, and I’m not bothered by the wildlife. I’m less fond of heat/no shade, but those are manageable. I like the “shore” even better - boardwalk food!
7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yep! Mostly in college, though my wife and I have napped together on the couch a few times. 
8:What’s the background on your cell?
The lock screen is Gimli face-palming from CAA, drawn by the lovely @kooriicolada. My home screen is Legolas laughing from the same pic. 
9:Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Um? I sat on my bed here, my bed at my mother’s house, the bed in the hotel room from my cousin’s wedding, aaaand...my mom’s bed, probably? 
10:Do you like your phone?
I do, mostly. It’s an iPhone 6 and still working, though I should get a new case for it. 
11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I honestly thought I’d be making more money/have a full-time career (thanks for that, economy), but I *did* think I’d be with my forever someone so--yes and no?
12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Ha! My cousin on Christmas eve. I laugh because I remembered that! 
13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Depends on the season. 
16:Are you tired?
At the moment or in general? 
17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
12 years. (You do mean “speed dial” yes?)
18:Are they a relative?
Technically? I married her. 
19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
No. We all ended for very good reasons. 
20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
In person? 5 hours ago. 
21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
I’d marry her again in a heartbeat. 
22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Of course :D
23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
0! Because I am working. 
24:Is there a certain quote you live by?
Make Good Art. - Neil Gaiman
25:What’s on your mind?
That I have far too much shit in my office. 
26:Do you have any tattoos?
I have a half sleeve of a dragon against a nebula. The nebula is in color. The dragon is not. 
27:What is your favorite color?
It changes. I’m partial to red at the moment, but it’s also been blue and lie green. 
28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
When she gets home tonight. 
29:Who are you texting?
My wife and my best friend. 
30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yes. I don’t think these questions are made for married couples. 
31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Yep. All the time. My favorite are the “So and so is dead” phone calls that I get--I can tell from the ring. 
32:Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I’d hope it’s my wife
34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
I hear it all the time. I believe it from my wife. 
35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
that depends entirely on the context of the situation. 
36:Were you single on Valentines Day?
37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38:What do your friends call you?
my name, usually. It’s short, and hard to make nicknames from. Or “SJ” or “Jedi” or occasionally “Scarlet” 
39:Has anyone upset you in the last week?
40:Have you ever cried over a text?
Not really? 
41:Where’s your last bruise located?
My leg, I think.  
42:What is it from?
I walked into the coffee table.
43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mom. 
45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
I’ve a pair of black doc marten boots that I wear nearly every day. They’re the same boots Ray Kowalski wears in Due South. Yeah. I’m that nerd. 
46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Not really. I can’t keep track of them. 
47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Sure. I’ve near-buzzed my hair before. I liked it. 
48:Do you make supper for your family?
I tend to bake rather than cook, and my wife cooks rather than baking. But yeah, we’ve made dinner for the family. 
49:Does your bedroom have a door?
50:Top 3 web-pages?
By visit? Tumblr, ao3, and youtube
51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*raises hand* Though I hate it less than I used to. 
52:Does anything on your body hurt?
My head. I think i’ve got a weird stress headache thing going on. 
53:Are goodbyes hard for you?
Depends on the situation. I’m a rip off the band-aid sort of person. 
54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Coffee. The answer is always coffee. 
55:How is your hair?
Fine, how are you? 
(I need a haircut, but it’s short on my left and longer on my right--say 2 inches vs 6 inches? and my natural blonde)
56:What do you usually do first in the morning?
check my phone. 
57:Do you think two people can last forever?
yeah, i do. 
58:Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Ha! yes! I was. My wife and I started dating that March. (though, to be fair, we were the friends who were practically dating but not officially at that point). 
59:Green or purple grapes?
60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
When she gets home from work.
61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Scotland was lovely. 
62:When will be the next time you text someone?
Probably when I’m done with this meme. 
63:Where will you be 5 hours from now?
sitting on my couch watching tv (or possibly while my wife plays Skyrim), and writing in my notebook. 
64:What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
My wife?
66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My wife. 
67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
My wife. I’m sensing a pattern. 
68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I was thinking about @fialleril‘s double agent vader stuff, particularly the post-vader parts. I’m in love with that AU. 
69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*looks at stack of rejection letters* Yep. 
70:How many windows are open on your computer?
Browser windows? 1. (11 tabs, tho) 8 total (pages, word, and itunes)
71:How many fingers do you have?
72:What is your ringtone?
the bobs burgers theme. My mother has the godfather theme. 
73:How old will you be in 5 months?
31. my birthday is St Patrck’s Day. 
74:Where is your Mum right now?
I’m not sure. 5 on a Wednesday? Probably at Ruby Tuesday with my stepfather and their friends for dinner before they go to bingo. 
75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
I am. I may have dated before her, but I fell in love with her. 
76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
yep. my wife. 
77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
yep! I’ve only added friends since then. 
78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
what’s that in American? 6th grade? I don’t think I had one, yet. Unless you count, like, Luke Skywalker. real people didn’t interest me until 7th grade. 
79:Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
several. I’m related to a few of them. 
80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
yep. the wife. 
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months?
...i’m not even gonna say it. 
82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*stares at camera like on the office*
83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*Stares at Camera like Ben Wyatt*
84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I’m not doing that? 
85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
Oh yes. 
86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I SAW ROGUE ONE. That’s an event in and of itself. 
87:Who was your last received call from?
My mom. Unless you count my wife calling so I could find my phone.
88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
It says something about how little money I have that I considered it. COME ON GUYS! COMMISSION ME! I NEED TO PAY OFF MY CREDIT CARD BEFORE MY JOB ENDS.
89:What is something you wish you had more of?
Money and Time. 
90:Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Yep. My consolation is he was terrible in bed. 
91:Do you sleep with your window open?
92:Do you get along with girls?
I do! I don’t understand a lot of hyper-femininity (In that, I think its too much work for me/I’m not practiced at it), but I’m cool with them being into it as long as they don’t look down at my boots. 
93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Not that I can think of. 
94:Does sex mean love?
No, but I’m inclined towards liking it better that way. 
95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Only if I haven’t eaten recently/there isn’t a bathroom. But you mean sexy stuff, don’t you? You saucy minx!
96:Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
No, but if I play my cards right, my wife might get to (I’ve been thinking about it, but it depends entirely on my job situation). 
97:Did you sleep alone this week?
98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
I do!
99:Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t think so--i think love, real love, is based on trust. But! I do believe in that moment of “oh, it’s you!” with someone you’ve never met before, and I do believe in soul mates. 
100:Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Ahh....*shrug* probably the one friend I have from elementary school. We kept that up through college. 
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