#its really important to me that you imagine technos chat is spaming L
rocksslide · 5 months
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To get into the festive spirits, Technoblade thought it would be fitting to call a Syndicate meeting and have all of them eat cake, have some fun.
Problem? He has never made a cake.
A propper one. Not just the rushed kind you bake just to prove your student's power.
It took him so long. And several comments from chat swearing he mistook sugar for salt.
Finally it was done. It was glorious. First try perfect cake (it was, in fact, the second try). It took an hour, if not more.
When everyone arrived to the Arctic Anarchist Commune he invited them to his humble so that he could show them the treat he made.
Steve was eating the cake. The cake was knocked onto the floor. Steve was eating the cake that was knocked onto the floor.
Steve was kicked out of the Syndicate. So long, Harpocrates. You were a fine member.
This is my gift for @oakworthyt4t in the @technoblade-gift-exchange! Hope you like it <3
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