#its really long and i apologise but my brain just kept spitting out head canon's lol
aworldoffandoms · 3 years
Thank u so much for answering my questionss!!!!😍😘♥️☺
And here comes another 2 questions😂 sorry....
1. whats your backstory on sienna elijah jackie bryce raf aurora and kyra? Like whom do they get married to /stay in relationship with do they have kids and the fellowships they took? And places the settle? Do nic and ethan meet them again after they move out of boston?
2. How do u want the i love you to go in canon???
Ship names : nicolan,namsey, nithan,valesey,valehan, nican,nicon😂, nian, vathan etc... u can use the ship name generator on Google if u want☺
You are welcome, anon! And, I'm going to answer more! Even though it's been ages since I got this ask...I'm gonna do it for you right now! 🥰 Beware...this is reaaaallly long so I'm going to include a 'keep reading' cut. Hope you enjoy!
1. So, what happens to the OH gang after Edenbrook? Hmmm...
So, Sienna...I see her staying at Edenbrook and specialising in pediatric internal medicine (or swapping to pediatrics) as that's all she's been doing in OH3 and I definitely see her working with kids as she's mostly happy with them. She finds a sweet volunteer at the hospital who worships the ground she walks on (and who's at least a foot taller than her). They both hit it off over a mutual love of animals and baking (he's a pastry chef) and after a few years of dating, they get married, move to the outskirts of Boston, settle down, have a daughter and then two twin boys (she follows Nicolette in having twins) and then another daughter. Sienna then becomes a top pediatric attending who furthers her education and quickly becomes Deputy Head of Internal Medicine for Children at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Elijah: He goes full time into research and lands a fellowship with the top research hospital in the US- the Mayo Clinic -and a few years after that, he becomes a full-fledged attending, in internal medicine but with a particular focus on his personal condition and to see if he can modify it to help others like him. His results are so successful that he leads the research in finding other conditions that have a better chance at being found in-utero.
Bryce: He stays at Edenbrook until the end of his residency and becomes Cheif Resident while completing it and then gets a prestigious surgical fellowship to John Hopkins and he does his fellowship there and specialises in General Surgery. I see him working at John Hopkins for a few years, get's married to a cute fellow Hawaiian girl (who's a psychiatrist as they met at JH) and then they both decide to move back to Boston when Bryce gets the prestigious position of Head of Surgery. His wife pops out a few kinds and then they both decide that they want to go back to Hawaii and so they do and that's where they stay to raise their kids and continue their careers.
Kyra: Hmm...considering we haven't seen her all of OH3 and PB wiped their hands of her, my headcanon says that she travels the world for a few years (she's still in remission), eventually finds a nice lass in England whom she finds hilarious and can call her out on the smallest things (which she freaking adores) and can keep up with her adventurous spirit so she decides to stay in England, get's a job at an accounting firm. She and her girlfriend live in London for a few years before they both decide to get married and live a few miles outside of London (probably somewhere quiet and away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Burmingham, maybe? idk lol). Kyra visits the States on occasion and when she does she always makes sure to see Nicolette but she has dual citizenship and she travels to and from either country when she can. She can never miss seeing all her nieces and nephews!
Jackie: I see Jackie staying at Edenbrook even after her boards and she becomes the best in her field and she becomes the best teacher around for the young interns that grace the atrium of Edenbrook. She ends up meeting and falling in love with an old girlfriend from her home town and she moves to the suburbs with her (as her girlfriend is an artist) and commutes to work each day just so her significant other has the freedom to do her art in her own workshop that Jackie found when they were looking for a house to buy. She still keeps in touch with Jade and she always sees Nicolette and Sienna twice every two months. I see Jackie adopting some kids from her home country that she absolutely adores. She becomes Head of Diagnostics at Edenbrook after Nicolette moves away with Ethan.
Raf: Well...in my head, I see Raf ultimately staying at Edenbrook for a few more years until he decides that he's helped as many people as he can (go on a new adventure) and decides to take the Marauders up on their offer of being their full-time physiotherapist. He enjoys the games and the comradery of the team and he makes some good friends. He's with the team for two years before he meets a Brazilian woman who sets his heart aflame (the team set them up on a blind date) and they instantly connect over their shared interests (both being in the same profession). They both hit it off. After two years of dating, they get married, have three kids, move to Boston (near Raf's Abuela) and settle down while having their own t business while raising their kids.
Aurora: I see her passing her boards, doing a fellowship at the most prestigious and top teaching hospital in the world (all with her own talent and knowledge). She becomes the top internal medicine attending at her hospital (idk which one yet haha) and when she finally finishes her fellowship and is an attending for a few years she moves back to Boston and wants to start a family of her own and decides to adopt. She finds an orphaned Nigerian girl and immediately falls in love with her. She settles into her life with her, buys Ethan's old apartment (for a reduced price of course - mates rates and all that haha). Aurora isn't looking for a relationship per se until she meets an old college buddy (even if she hated college lol) and they hit it off and start dating. Aurora's girlfriend instantly falls in love with Aurora's daughter and that's when Aurora knows that she's a keeper. As a couple, they adopt one or two more. Aurora becomes Cheif of Medicine at Edenbrook and her kids follow in her footsteps. Aurora definitely makes sure she makes time for them. That's the most important thing - family and friends. Aurora sees Nicolette from time to time but, they are both so busy in their respective careers that they only see each other once or twice a year if that but they still text. Ethan and Nicolette definitely see the OH gang from time to time (Nicolette can't go without texting them at least once a week or month to check up on them). After the third cancellation from one of the friends, Nicolette puts her foot down and demands that they all meet up at the restaurant where they had their 'roomie dinner' and they all catch each other up with what's happening in each of their lives. Ethan tags along become he's basically part of the gang lol. ***
2. How do I want the ILY to go? Hmm... I don't really...know considering the next chapter is the last. I don't want it to just be out of the blue just because it's finishing. PB has had plenty of time to drop the ILY bomb but they never did and it was a wasted opportunity. I don't want it to be just because the MC is leaving. I want it to be genuine and full of feeling but with PB's track record and mediocre writing as of late, I don't know what to expect right now haha. Oooh! Those are all good ship names but I'll see the ship-name google generator and see what it comes up with haha. Thank you! Pheww...that's it! Thanks for this ask anon! I had fun using my brain 😂 I probably repeat myself but I just spat this out in an hour so yeah lol. Hope you enjoyed it!
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