#its so cool how they were able to find their cat’s half sibling through tumblr
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yeahg. theyre related. they’re both bugs to me. one stares into your soul like a creature. the other is a pathetic little lad.
drawing on my phone of @pangur-and-grim’s Belphegor and @unfunsized’s Miss Honey (as a kitten) <3
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Reference photos used :D
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flightfright · 6 years
Rewrite the Stars Season 7+8 Redone Know Your Enemy: Prologue
Me @Dreamworks: Okay, so basically, um, what I was thinking of was, um- (Season 8 drops) Ah, fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this.
You can find the rest of this fic on AO3, but I thought it would be cool to post it on Tumblr for y’all to see. Enjoy!
It had only been a few weeks after Lance and the others had become Paladins that he made a promise to himself.
This in itself wasn’t such a big deal, even if he did have a horrible track record for remembering things he needed to do or favors for his friends and family. The aspect that separated this vow from the rest of them was that for the next several years, it was the main force that pushed him to keep going, the extra energy that kept the spring in his step. During the times that he sniffled miserably to himself as he yanked his armor on and raced to his lion during an attack, he remembered his promise and carried on. On his team’s off days when he could barely get out of bed, he would think of his Mama and Papa back in Cuba, and his brothers and sisters and cousins and his abuelita. Then, he would get his ass up and go find something to do.
It didn’t matter what it would take for him to get back home, he would make it happen. Even if it took the rest of his life, even if he had to bring down the entire Galra Empire with his bare hands, he and his friends would be returning to Earth.
Lance tried to not think too much about what he would find once they did just that. How much time had passed? Was his abuelita still alive? Were any of them alive?
Nope. Don’t think about that. Nope, nope, nope.
“Hey, guys,” Hunk’s voice came in through Lance’s helmet comm. “Pidge finished the calculations for how long it’ll take us to get to Earth as Voltron.”
Lance silently thanked God for the existence of Hunk Garrett. “Is it a few more days? Please tell us we’ll be there by, like, the day after tomorrow. Whatever ‘days’ mean in the empty, endless void of space-”
“Uhhh… no. It’ll be like a month.”
Slowly, Lance slid down in his seat and hit his helmet repeatedly against the headrest.
“The only reason it isn’t six more months is because of those handy wings you and Keith formed,” Pidge chimed in. “Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.”
Oh, yeah. He hadn’t given the wings that much thought… well, he didn’t really want to. The split-second bond formed between him and Keith as they gave Voltron its wings was… man. There weren’t words for what it felt like. If he had to put a description to it, he supposed that it kind of resembled two souls momentarily combining into one. Sure, he had felt something like that when he had formed weapons with other teammates, but this was way different. It had been intense in ways that left him dazed and with dreams that burned through his mind like fire.
Then again, Keith was kind of like that. Lance figured any kind of wacky astral spirit-bonding with the guy was bound to be a little… interesting.
“Can’t you guys keep it down? I just managed to fall asleep,” a familiar, cranky voice growled through the comm, rough from tiredness.
“You’ve been sleeping for the last fifteen vargas, Keith. I keep track of everybody’s sleeping schedule. If you fall asleep again within the next ten hours I can and will get Coran to wake you up,” Hunk said matter-of-factly.
“Rise and shine, Mullet Man, it’s another beautiful day!” Lance sang.
Keith took the bait like a hungry stray cat. “Lance, I am this close-!”
“Dang, Keithy, you always make a boy blush.”
It was his own face that felt a little warm, but it was always fun poking fun at Keith. The guy was all bark and no bite, and the times they snarked at each other were beloved memories of his. Lance existed to be petty.
“… and you shouldn’t be talking about rising and shining! The first three months after we became Paladins you cried almost every day because you didn’t get to sleep in,” Keith finished with a huff.
Lance sighed, knowing there was no way in hell Keith was going to find out the real reason why he cried so much back then. “You got me there.”
He was about to remark on the fact Keith wasn’t that great of a morning person, either, but a sharp yelp of pain made him jump in alarm.
“Uh, Pidge? Was that you?” Lance asked, concerned.
“Yeah. Um. I’m fine; just electrocuted myself on a, uh. Circuit thing.”
Now he was suspicious. Pidge was just as good with words as she was with her technology. Something was definitely up.
“You want me to come over there?” he asked, already unbuckling himself. “I’ll bring my first aid kit.”
“No, I’m fine!” Her voice cracked.
“Pidge? What’s going on?” It was Shiro’s voice this time, stern but worried.
“Dude, I grew up with sisters. I know when girls are lying,” Lance told Pidge firmly. He pulled out one of the cubbies underneath the controls and grabbed his first aid kit.
“Piss off! I’m fi-ne!” Pidge’s protests were cut off with another gasp of discomfort. The doors slid open, and Lance carefully picked his way through the Red Lion’s torso, the available space greatly reduced by the countless transformations of the mech’s inner workings so that it could function as the right hand of Voltron. Not for the first time, Lance was grateful he was skinny, otherwise there was no way he’d be able to squeeze through the mess of machinery.
A quick leap over a gap in the Black Lion’s torso, another three-minute expedition through a crap-ton of gears and things he had no name for through the Green Lion, and stubbing his toe led him to the doors to the cockpit. Lance knocked.
“Go away!”
“Ugh! I just… oh, shit.”
“… Lance, I think I’m dying!”
He was able to push the doors open and hurry over to the distraught Green Paladin. Pidge sat on the floor, her armor off and her bodysuit unzipped so she was just in her camisole and boxer shorts. She was staring in horror at her crotch, and as Lance crouched down next to her he quickly realized why.
Pidge was literally sitting in a pool of her own blood.
Lance did a few quick calculations, noting she wasn’t outwardly injured (as far as he could tell) and adding in a few memories of his his sisters and female friends of his. He looked to the roof of the cockpit, a habit picked up from his Catholic mother when she would look to the Lord for answers whenever he and his siblings did something stupid.
She had done that quite often.
“Pidge,” he said calmly. “Are you having cramps in your abdominal region right now? Possibly experiencing mood swings and sugar cravings? Have you noticed that your back hurts much more than it usually would sitting in a chair for several hours at a time?”
Pidge slowly turned to look up at him with wide eyes. “How… how did you know?”
“Pidge.” He brought a hand to the bridge of his nose and pinched it. “You’ve started your period.”
“My…” Wide brown eyes grew even wider. “No way. No frickin’ way.”
Pidge’s mouth opened and closed several times before she winced, face screwing up in agony. It lasted for several seconds before the cramp released, and she slumped back against the pilot’s chair while gasping for breath. The metallic scent of blood registered in Lance’s head, something he had become very used to over the years, but he still had to lean away a little to keep his head clear.
Lance cringed in sympathy when another wave of pain wracked Pidge’s body, breaking him out of his thoughts. Busting out his first aid kit, he rooted around before finding the painkillers and handing them over to Pidge, who downed them like they were the only thing that would keep her alive.
He picked up his helmet. “Okay guys, we’re in the clear.”
“Pidge! Are you okay?” Hunk wailed.
“Wait, what just happened?” Keith mumbled, still sounding half asleep. Shiro said something Lance couldn’t make out over Romelle and Allura badgering him with questions. Then Kosmo decided that he needed to contribute to the conversation as well and started howling loud enough to make Lance’s ears ring.
He set his helmet down and fell back against the pilot’s chair with Pidge, groaning. The girl grunted in agreement, her brow beading with sweat as she accepted the towel Lance handed her. He made a mental note to never make period jokes again.
“Are you gonna be okay?”
Pidge turned to look at him with watery eyes before bursting into tears. “How come you’re always so nice? It’s making me cry!”
Lance suddenly had an armful of bawling paladin. He winced, nodding to himself as he patted her back, thanking all of his sisters and friends over the years that had given him experience with the… messier parts of female stuff.
Man, the rest of this trip was gonna suck.
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