#its the realitymaking/breaking; writing into/out of existence thing thats really like. current season Themes
Ok. I'll bite. What's equisqivalience (sp?) and how does it relate to the new season of Dr who. I am always very invested in your guys's canon welding and theories but this one is going over my head whenever I see y'all post about it.
its this little book we read the other day. short story its like 40 pages. esquivalience is like the dictionary version of a trap street; fake word theyput in as a copyright thing. it means to shirk ones duties https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/esquivalience
the story is about this timelordesque institution called the multiplicity, specifically its dead and endangered languages department, the staff of which seem to be tasked with writing dictionaries. but in true timelord fashion the writing things down seems to be writing them into existence. less recordkeeping than realitymaking it seems
and it seems this little book ties into the current season. theres mavity, music, dutch words like unravel (spoor and smelted) and we accidentally get rid of belgian ("might as well, theyre not even french!")
its fun and short and inexpensive and worth reading
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