#its uh. def one of my favorite riskiest things
tboyhole · 1 year
Exhibitionism for the kink rating?
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
.....I've been pantyless in a grocery store, I've been eaten out in an alley way, fingered at an intersection with bright street lights, worn a vibe into the same sex shop I bought it from..and a few other things..and theres even more, so many more things I hope to try n do...
yeah I'm a big fan of it
(send me any kink and I'll rate it)
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mobu-time · 5 years
Read the tag and out of curiosity, how would you pacing the broccoli arc for season 3?
lmao I'm sorry you probably weren’t asking me to go so hard on this but uhhh this is my favorite arc and I've got some opinions
Here’s how I’d love the arc to be paced
Episode 1: Youkai Hunting
-Chapter 93
-probably include and end with the Has It Begun? My Era? panels from Chapter 92
Episode 2: Future Prospects + Carried Away
-opening from chp 94 (the youkai getting pulled into the broccoli)
-Chapter 92
   --skip right over has it begun bc it was in ep1 and go straight into next scene
-Chapter 94
-end with dimple leaving after the “eat shit, dimple” smackdown I guess
Episode 3: The Psycho Helmet Cult Part 1(things start to get weird)
-Chapter 95
-if they wanted to, this would be the episode to add in a new scene with Tsubomi or remind the audience that takenaka was a character at one point
   --basically as just a bit of prep for the other two arcs
-either ends where vol13 ends (teru setting out for the broccoli) or ends where the teru fight cuts off (just after dimple reveal)    
   --I think ending with the dimple reveal is the way to go, plus this way there’s a fight scene in this episode and not two in the next one       
Episode 4: The Psycho Helmet Cult Part 2 (things go wrong fast)
-Chapter 96 and 5-6 parts of Chapter 97
-The quest to destroy the broccoli
-The teru v mob fight
-probably end just before or after dimple actually shows up
Episode 5: Dimple and Mob
-The rest of it   
   --@bones pls do go ham with the dimple v psycho helmet fight
Here’s how the episodes fit into your mp100 season patterns, which are Very Correct btw      
I big agree with you about having the youkai hunting as the first episode. It’s a super solid way to start the season. It’s also especially funny bc this chapter starts with a parody of the show’s usual introduction to psychics, replacing “psychics” with “youkai hunters”. It’s a good piece of mob growth+slice of life, at some point Amakusa wonders if the broccoli is attracting spirits that want to use its life energy or whatever (foreshadowing), plus inukawa (who plays a bigger role later in the season) is in it.   
For the second episodes, I would def say it’s just fun stuff for most of the ep, but I think another thing the second episodes do is that they end with something that sets up the third episode and is usually the start of a big chain of events. S1: join BIC, S2: reigen puts up the website, S3: dimple leaves      
Future Prospects is important to include here bc it’s an easy way to reintroduce mezato and the psycho helmet cult plot. It’s also some of Serizawa’s only screen time this arc and we can’t let it go to waste.  
Ep3 is still mostly a mob character study, bc a lot of the chapter is mob dealing with being (or suddenly not being) recognized as the psycho helmet cult leader + reacting to the spread of the cult’s influence in general.
Ep4 is the beginning of mob’s concrete The Broccoli Must Be Removed quest, which continues into Ep5      
Ep5 -Dimple was a friend r.i.p.
Side Note: I desperately want the omake adventures of Hoshino and Asahi to be referenced in some way. Maybe when the shiratori brothers show up they can have a “what are the other awakening kids up to rn?” 10 second bit.  
And now here’s the reason WHY I organized things the way I did, but it’s under a read more bc this post is already too long
So full disclosure: the reason I paced the broccoli arc the way I did is entirely bc it’s my favorite arc and I want them to take their time with it. It’s also an arc that requires a LOT of setup before getting to the payoff, so I’d like the arc to be more like 4-ish episodes instead of the 3-ish episodes you predicted. This isn’t an arc you can just kind of start. Part of why the separation arc worked as well as it did was because they were subtly setting it up all season with little comments here and there between reigen and mob. It wasn’t something that just happened one day. They had to lay the groundwork and build off of it, and this arc isn’t much different. 
Another thing is that the vibe of this arc is one that will take some effort to establish. The slow, creeping influence of the psycho helmet cult is unsettling, and then suddenly getting caught up in the effects of the widespread brainwashing is even worse, but in order for those feelings to really come across we have to spend time with them. Slowly realizing that something is very wrong and then being horrified by it is something that, unsurprisingly, has to develop slowly. And by ‘slowly’ I mean spreading it across two episodes (3-4) instead of shoving it all into one. 
This arc, more so than most of the others, is driven by a complicated combination of emotions that can very easily be misunderstood if they aren’t displayed fully. I know this because when I was reading this arc for the first time I read through it too quickly, and had to start over because I didn’t pay enough attention to what was going on and confused myself. One of the only weaknesses, imo, that the anime has is that they have to cut stuff out. This is usually fine, but sometimes it can have a significant impact on the audience’s understanding of a character. It’s something that happened with ritsu’s arc. It wasn’t really That much different in the anime, but a few lines were cut here and a few shots were skipped there and the result is that ritsu’s fall is a bit harder to actually understand. At least for me, somehow the manga only has a few more lines and yet it makes ritsu’s character and his whole character Arc much clearer. 
I feel like something similar happened in the anime with dimple. There isn’t much aside from a few cut omakes and punching Suzuki in the face that’s significantly different, but a decent amount of time his lines get cut or altered a tiny bit over the course of the series and ultimately the result is that manga dimple is a slightly different, and slightly fuller, character than anime dimple. Idk fam I just watch people’s reactions and I worry that the fact that dimple actually has feelings that can potentially be hurt isn’t something the anime-onlies are prepped for. 
If the anime doesn’t take its time in this arc, and decides to cut some things here and there the way it has in the past, it runs the risk of 1. Being all around harder to follow, 2. Feeling out of character, and 3. Not hitting nearly as hard. Feeling out of character is the riskiest part of all this because mob and dimple ARE acting out of character. That’s the point! They both get carried away and they fight and they do and say things they shouldn’t and usually wouldn’t do, but if it isn’t clear that that’s what’s happening then their behavior can feel confusing or even disappointing. 
One more thing. I love mob psycho fight scenes. I really do think they’re some of the best I’ve seen, and there are a lot of fights in this arc I can’t wait to see animated. It can kinda become a problem though if emotional content screen time is sacrificed for action content screen time. Not to beat a dead horse (or cat in this case), but, uh, *cough* mogami. I’d rather they go ham with the animation in the confession arc and spend more time in this one on the other stuff. 
There’s just a fuck ton of shit that happens in this arc and fitting it all in before episode 6 without rushing anything is gonna be a process. It’s possible, but it’s really gonna take some planning.                
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rosekun25 · 7 years
All the ones ending in 6 for the selfship meme!
Okay! Self shipping with Prompto Argentum!!!!! 6. Who is the more dominant one in the relationship?I would honestly say Prompto has his Moments in the bedroom. But its probably me tbh. I mean I can never say no to Prompto. But when it comes to somebody being in danger or I’m too shy to speak up or if for some reason I need protection its defiantly Prompto. But I overrule him when it comes to, “Can We get ice cream instead of veggies?” 😊 16. Are you or will you ever get married?I would love to get married, LiKE Right now. Hint Hint Prompto lol. But no, Prompto wants to save up so we can have our “dream wedding” or whatever that means. I told him a court house wedding would be fine. But he wants to fulfill my overrated wish of getting married at Disneyland. But it’s super cute to see him bring home bridal magazines and tell me how pretty I would look in all of the dresses. He has bought me an engagement ring. It’s two amethyst diamonds and the inscription is “Stand by me” But he has refused to pop the question until we’re at Disney Castle. 26. What was your first kiss like?Prompto was as shy as ever. But I enjoyed every moment of it. It happened outside of Galden quay. We had just finished lunch and were packing up the essentials. Something was up with the Regalia and Ignis and Noct were taking a look. (Or so I was told. Because when we got back I saw Noctis high five Prompto) Gladdy was off doing a quick set of training. I was gathering seashells. Because I honestly love the beach When I realized Prompto was taking a few snap shots of me. Honestly it just kind of happened. I went over to look at the photos I turned my head to get a better view and before I knew it we were kissing. Prompto was blushing so hard. I’ve never seen him so red. But I was the one who went back for a second one, and some tongue :). 36. Who apologizes the most?Both of us TBH. Prompto apologizes for being too rough. I apologize for saying something weird. Prompto apologizes for being touchy feely. I apologize for being weird. Prompto apologizes for taking photos at bad times. I’d say we’re even. And nobody else is going to ask so I’m going to answer these. 2. Was it love at first sight, or did it take awhile for you to warm up to each other?I think it was kind of a slow boil. I mean Prompto made me laugh a lot. But I didn’t even know his name for a bit. I thought his name was Promptis, I thought he looked kind of like my dad tbh. He was kind of annoying too. I remember wanting to break his camera. But I kind of warmed up to him. I think I knew I was in love with him, When we were laying in the tent and he had insisted sleeping by me because he claimed he would “have more room” than if he slept by Gladio or Ignis. Which is kind of true because I’m tiny. But I woke up in the middle of the night to him kind of throwing his arm around me. I didn’t mind because sometimes I did that. I knew I was in love, when I woke up to myself squeezing his hand and him squeezing back. Then It just kind of happened. I realized I wanted to be with him forever and kiss all of his little freckles and just hold him and never let go. 9. What do you two do to get each other “in the mood”?If we’re being honest Prompto just has to kiss me or maybe ask if I want to take a bath together. If we’re being totally honest I am not the one that needs convincing lol. Prompto likes sex. I like sex too. Prompto however will respect me when I say no or if I say not now. But he’s the fucking energizer bunny. 12. Do you want/have kids?Prompto wants kids. I want some too. I don’t think we’re ready yet. But if I get pregnant I’m keeping the baby. We haven’t really decided firmly on names. But I told Prompto I wanted to name our little girl Ariel. To continue my family tradition of naming our daughters after Princesses. He’s mentioned wanting to name our son Noctis. But I want to name our son Cloud. After my Father But I’m sure we can work something out. 4. Do you have pet names for each other?I actually like this, Prompto calls me Aurora, Rory or ‘Rora (Roar-UH). Because my name is Aurora and literally nobody calls me that except for Prompto. I think its super intimate. I don’t have any names for Prompto. I call him Honey, sweetheart, etc sometimes I mix his name and Say Promp-baby or Prom-honey but I guess the name I use the most is Darlin’ or Darling. 35. Who is more likely to surprise the other by joining them in the shower?Depends on who gets in first. I’ll bathe and if I know Prompto is awake/in the mood I will wash as fast as I can lol. But If Prompto has had a hard day and I know he needs some cheering up I’ll get in with him. A lot of the times its not about sex. It’s just a sort of intimacy thing. I know me and Prompto have both had a lot of insecurities about our bodies and what we think is beautiful etc. But when we’re under the hot water all that kind of melts away. No beauty standards. Just Rose, Prompto and how much we love each other. 37. Has anyone ever walked in on you two? What happened?Nooooooo….. But Prompto is super fucking sneaky around the other guys. Like we’ve made love in the Regalia. I’m not ashamed of it. I think the riskiest thing he’s done is fuck me while we’re in a hotel room with the other guys. I fucking swear to god they were all awake too. 38. How do you comfort one another during difficult times?We have sort of a non verbal agreement. Prompto always tries to be all smiles and happy. But I let him cry on me. I let him cry for as long as he needs. Because sometimes you don’t need somebody to cheer you up. Sometimes you need somebody to hold you and let you know life is hard and you don’t need to be perfect. When Prompto wants to cheer me up he’ll kiss me a lot and if I cry he’ll sort of wrap me up in his arms and wait until I’m finished. If he knows I’ve had a bad day at work or something he’ll offer to just take me on a walk or go swimming something to get it off of my mind. 33. What’s your favorite place to have sex?I’m gonna pick the shower or the bathtub. Prompto likes wherever and whenever. But if I got to pick. I like when the bathtub is filled with warm water and the candles are lit. I’ll make him carry me to the bedroom if things get too heated. But I really like our bathtub. 30. Who is more possessive over the other?Def Prompto. But he’s not an asshole. Like he wont tell me he doesn’t want me to be friends with a guy because he’s a guy. But I’m really bad at flirting. So if a guy is flirting with me and I cant tell. We’re defiantly going to have some “make up” time. Whether its sex or just a heated make out session. But he gets pissed if somebody is being mean to me. Like if we’re out and I go to the market and the salesperson is giving me attitude for no reason he’ll step in. But he’ll also tell me I need to calm down if I’m the problem. 31. Who is better at dirty talk? What sorts of things do they say?Fucking Prompto. Prompto knows exactly what to say to make me fucking explode everywhere. Like we’ll be going at it, and he’ll just start whispering things “You’re so fucking wet babe” “Fuck, you really wanted me didn’t you?” “Fuck you’re so hot. You’re so hot.” “I’m fucking you… *heavy breathing* God, I’m fucking you.” Yuppp… Lol hope Prompto never sees this.23. Who is the most affectionate?Both of us. Like Both of us. I’ll always kiss Prompto when he comes home. I love him so much. He likes cuddles and kisses. He always brings me flowers. I love when he brings me flowers for no reason
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