#ive always loved how he crawl out OF the table its such a cool effect but so simple once you know
tabooiart · 1 year
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I am so glad you changed your mind, kid! You are never gonna regret this
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callmeelle22 · 3 years
Blue Dream VIII
Pairing: Iris West x Barry Alen
Rating: E
Chapter Word Count: 9, 182
Summary: A series of sporadic dates between Iris and Barry turn into something more, a story in its own making.
Chapter I: Primetime
Chapter II: It's Cool
Chapter III: Anything
Chapter IV: Comfortable
Chapter V: The Way
Chapter VI: Say Yes
Chapter VII: Brave
Chapter VIII: Blue Dream; Her eyes close and she lets herself lie in the feeling: opens a space for him to stay as he slides his tongue against hers; lets the feel of his mouth on her pull her from the dream she swears she’s been living since she first laid eyes on him; stencils the same story back onto him, plotting out a scene that only ends after forever comes and goes. She lets the kiss say what she can’t yet, reminds herself that he’s talking with it too, that he’s telling her what she’d seen in his eyes yesterday, and in his touch the week before, and in the curve of his smiles weeks before that. (Read below or on AO3 linked on the chapter title.)
Chapter IX: He Loves Me
We were coastin' on the coast when you opened my eyes
Made me notice where the ocean was holding the sky, right
I was blinded, your smile shining behind those green eyes
The horizon so enticing, please, say you'll be mine
The second Friday in the month of November finds Iris at home as she usually is, tucked into her living room sofa, a large glass of wine on the coffee table in front of her, right next to a loaded pipe.
This week in particular has been grueling, though in the best way. Her classes are going swimmingly, so much so that she might be able to skip the final in her multimedia journalism course; but that means she has to stay on top of every single assignment, making sure everything she turns in is up to par. Not only that, Her segment on Good Morning, Central City is in less than a week, and with the television promotions for it, there has been an increase in traffic on her blog, an increase in comments on her posts, an increase in stories in her inbox waiting to be told. It’s mind-boggling, and Iris finds herself so giddy, she doesn’t always know what to do with it.
Some of it she channels into Barry. Since opening up to one another after Barry’s visit to his dad, everything about them has been more: more exciting, more passionate, more intimate. Iris can honestly say that she’s never been fucked as well as Barry fucks her, and she can’t decide if that’s just because apparently nothing turns her on more than Barry sliding thick and slow into her and muttering, ‘yes, take all of me, baby; good, good girl,’ or if she feels the way she feels because it’s him, because he is a dream of a man, some fantasy she must have conjured up in a daydream she doesn’t remember having. She finds herself always wanting him: the heavy fullness of him, and the way he smiles at her every time he sees her after they’ve been separated for even minutes; the whispered words of ardor, and how his eyes always track her movements, watching and observing and cataloging; the feel of him lean and long and hard on top of her, and the attention with which he listens to her, validates her.
And when she thinks she needs even a moment from that, there is her Friday night ritual. She’s already showered and dressed in a silk nightgown, this one in a deep purple color with thin straps and an open back. She takes a sip of her wine as she scrolls through her phone looking for a song; she chooses one, don’t wake me up ‘cause i’m in love with all that you are, and then she settles into the sofa corner, pipe in hand. Lighting up, she inhales, and releases.
She is full and high when her phone rings sometime around midnight.
Movements slow, she grabs her phone from where she’d tossed it on the table next to the half-empty carton of pad thai. Barry’s name flashes on the screen over the picture taken of them at Wally’s birthday party. Her smile is easy and so is the absurd little flutter in her belly.
(But high Iris will concede that, while she figures she should be past this stage now, this jittery, nervous stage, she’s not at all ashamed that it is still how she feels, because there is something so delightful about being with someone who gives you butterflies, even as time keeps passing).
Her stomach dips as she brings the phone to her ear. “Hello.”
“Hey, baby.” The sound of his voice, a little bit deeper than normal, a little bit slower than normal, makes her stomach tighten even more.
“Hi, Bear.”
It’s then that she notices the sound in the background, music and loud voices. She thinks she hears someone saying, “Barry, are you talking to your girlfriend?” but then Barry hushes them and comes back onto the line.
“What are you doing, beautiful?”
“What I’m always doing on Friday nights.”
“Getting high in those sexy pajamas you like wearing?”
Iris laughs softly, noting the effect of his voice on her, how even over the phone and even when he’s apparently surrounded by people, it travels, quiet and steady, over her skin.
“Are you drunk, Barry?”
“A little bit,” he says, “mostly tired though.”
Iris shifts on the sofa, snuggling deeper into the couch. “Where are you?”
“I don’t know. At some bar with Cisco and Chester. We were only supposed to grab food and a couple beers but then they had some sort of two for one special happening, and Chester and Cisco are degenerates, so here we are.”
Iris shakes her head at that, and there’s a short pause before Barry speaks again.
“I miss you.”
“You saw me yesterday.” The part of Iris that wants to appear less affected by him is glad that he can’t see the grin that lights her eyes as her cheeks warm, as she bites her bottom lip. “And we talked this morning.”
“Hmmm,” Barry hums. “Tell me you miss me.”
“What if I don’t?” Her taunt is quiet, like the whisper of her hands on her own body, trailing along her thighs at the hem of her nightgown.
There’s another pause and the sound behind lowers a little, becomes duller. Her own music comes to her attention again, you make me see the truth in things, i think that you are, the remedy for everything, it seems that you are, the truth itself ‘cause nothing else can take me so far, and it makes her shiver from the truth of it.
“I wouldn’t believe it,” Barry tells her, finally. “Yeah, I saw you yesterday, but I had you shaking on top of me.”
“Faking it,” she quips back and Barry lets out a small bark of laughter.
“Tell me you miss me, Iris.”
She licks her lips slowly, thinking of last night when she had seen him, the encounter he’s talking about, when he’d had her climb into his lap after dinner at her small little dining table and fucked her right there.
“Tell me, baby.”
“Yeah, I miss you, you cocky jackass.”
His answering chuckle was a low thing, deep and dirty. “Now tell me what your pajamas look like tonight?
“Barry, are you asking me this around your friends?”
“No. I'm standing outside of the bathrooms now. Boys' night shifted when they saw a couple of pretty women and I got tired of fifth-wheeling. And I couldn't stop thinking about you.”
She can picture him, standing in the corner and leaning against a wall, a hand in his pocket as he clutches the phone to his ear; his cheeks are probably rosy with his indulgence and his lips pink from licking at them, his hair messy from touching it.
His voice dips again. “Now tell me.”
Iris can admit to herself that she likes when Barry gets a little stern with her, when his voice deepens and he sounds so sure of what he wants, what he needs from her. It makes goosebumps crawl along her skin, and it does so doubly now, her senses already loose, dipping into the warm, heady place that intoxication takes her.
“It’s a nightgown,” she explains. “Purple. Silk. Stops at the middle of my thighs. Has a low back.”
His groan is loud and clear. “You had to come from one of my dreams. There’s no way you’re real.”
The statement sobers Iris, if only a little, but enough that the smooth and easy flow of her breathing stutters, much like the beat of her heart, stilling until she thinks she’s gonna lose breath, and then hammering back.
“I could say the same for you.”
The responding silence is piercing, expansive, a space where words left still unsaid are scattered along the floor, merely waiting for one of them to pick it up and say it.
“Iris,” he starts, and then he pauses again. “Can I come over? I know it’s your self-care night, and you can tell me no, but I need to… I really just want to see you.”
She doesn’t even think about it. “Yeah, Barry. You can come over.”
Twenty minutes later, she peels herself off of the sofa to open the door for him. He’s standing on the other side, in dark blue chinos and a baby blue and white checkered shirt, his favorite tan desert boots on his feet. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and he’s leaning against the door frame when she pulls it open. His hair is a mess and his jaw is covered in stubble, but other than the faint red tinge in his cheeks, there is nothing that tells her he isn’t as lucid as talking to her had made him seem.
She smiles up at him, aware that her own eyes are probably low and red, but he smiles back, just as softly. He doesn’t come in right away, instead reaching out to pull her to him, one big hand holding the back of her neck. He looks down at her, eyes traveling down the length of her body.
“Hey my good girl,” he greets at last, and before she can respond, he leans down and kisses her. The kiss is chaste at first, one peck and another. Then he pulls back, only enough to scoop her up, gripping her by her waist and settling her in front of him, her legs wrapping easily around his hips. She yelps at the action, but then he’s kissing her again, and they’re moving into the apartment, Iris noting the faint slam of her door behind them.
He carries her to the couch and drops down in the center of it, keeping her atop him, keeping his mouth on hers. The kiss is slow, so slow, the sort of kiss that has no purpose, not one other than allowing them the space to be together. He holds on to her by her hip, free hand trailing up and down the length of her exposed spine, but he doesn’t make any move anywhere else. He seems content to just kiss her, this deep, open-mouthed kiss.
It’s like he’s trying to get inside of her, to climb in and settle down, to take up space with his searing, insidious presence.
It’s as if he’s trying to tell himself that this isn’t a dream, that it’s really her, it’s really them, moaning into each other, holding onto each other, breathing each other in.
It’s as though he’s trying to cement their story, to write it clear into her skin so that she can’t deny it’s veracity, like he’s promising that the only thing she’ll get on the other side of her climax is this, a gentle, effortless sort of fall.
Her eyes close and she lets herself lie in the feeling: opens a space for him to stay as he slides his tongue against hers; lets the feel of his mouth on her pull her from the dream she swears she’s been living since she first laid eyes on him; stencils the same story back onto him, plotting out a scene that only ends after forever comes and goes. She lets the kiss say what she can’t yet, reminds herself that he’s talking with it too, that he’s telling her what she’d seen in his eyes yesterday, and in his touch the week before, and in the curve of his smiles weeks before that.
When he pulls back, Iris cannot say how much time has passed. She only knows that her body has molded to the shape of him, that her heart has found the rhythm of his, that she’s there with him, my afternoon dream when the world is speedin’, i am still sleepin’, in my blue dream.
“What was that about?” she asks him. She stares back at him, and the way he looks at her is more intoxicating than the wine he’d just tasted on her tongue, more so than the weed that so effortlessly floods her bloodstream.
“Told you I missed you,” he replies, voice husky with exhaustion, and likely the arousal she doesn’t think ever really disappears.
She nods, a little dazed. They sit together for a while longer; Iris tucks her head into Barry’s neck and he keeps rubbing his warm hands along her spine. The atmosphere is delicate, peaceful. She takes him in, inhaling the citrusy scent of him, savoring the feel of him so close to her, surrounding her. They stay that way until Iris feels her own exhaustion tugging at her. She climbs off of him and, after turning off her music, she pulls him through her bedroom and into her bathroom. They brush their teeth, Barry with the toothbrush that he’d bought to keep at hers, and Iris reties the silk scarf she’s wearing on her head.
Inside her room, Barry strips down to his boxers, laying his clothes neatly on the arm of the chair by her window. They get into bed, Barry spooning her, his arm holding her tight against him. She settles in, fitting herself snuggly against him, and he kisses her temple before resuming his stroking, this time on her belly through her nightgown. It doesn’t take long for her to drift off, her breathing deepening before evening out. And just before she goes under, she hears it, Barry muttering, “I love you, Iris,” into her hair, so low that she’s sure she’s only just dreaming it.
When Iris wakes up, the first thing that happens is she hears it again, hears him, Barry’s night-rough voice whispering “I love you, Iris.” It runs in her head on a loop, an anaphora to every other thought, every question she’s having: i love you, iris, did he think she was asleep? i love you, iris, did he mean it? i love you, iris, does he want her to say it back? i love you, iris, i love you, iris, i love you, iris.
Over the past few weeks, Iris has become more comfortable with the idea of it, with the reality that what she feels for Barry is real and big and grand. It still takes her aback, how quickly she’d, they’d, fallen into it. As naturally wary as Iris is, she can’t discount what she’d felt last night when he’d kissed her, when he started into her, like she was the sun and the stars and every other bright light in the galaxy all at once; with awe and reverence and yearning; like he wanted to be consumed by her, and he didn’t care how close he got to that fiery, burning light, as long as she was standing there waiting for him.
And it’s enchanting to be looked at like that. Iris has been trying to get it out on paper, that feeling, trying to make sense of the contradictions: the fear that comes with caring about someone enough that they could break you; the power that follows knowing it’s the same for him too; the overall potency that comes with falling in love.
Still, the thought of saying it aloud, right now—when she’s still working on writing it all out, still trying to explain it to herself first—makes her seize up, her eyes darting wildly, her limbs frozen in anxiety.
Barry begins to shift behind her, loosening his arm from around her, and she takes the opportunity to slide out of the bed. She pads across her carpeted bedroom floor into the bathroom where her feet meet cold tiles. She uses the bathroom, washes her hands and brushes her teeth, and throws water on her face. She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, chocolate brown eyes bright in her face, her skin clear, her mouth turned down in consternation.
She goes back out into her room. Barry is fully away now, lying on his back, both of his hands cradling the back of his head. Her comforter is pooled at his hips. She takes in his bare chest, the way his biceps bulge in this position, how clear his eyes look in the sun, even as his lids are low with sleep. Those candy eyes catch her as she walks over to him, staying on her as she kneels on the bed and crawls over him, settling herself on top of him. He’s half hard under her and he lets out a soft little grunt when she sits her butt right on his crotch.
“You sleep okay?” she asks him as he reaches up and traces at his iris tattoo. She loves it, the violet ink that has sunk into his skin, the hints of blue and orange giving it depth, the fact that it’s an iris, placed big and pretty over his heart.
“Are you alright?” he asks instead of answering her question. His voice is still sleep-rough and scratchy. The sound of it sends a soft little tremble through her.
She smiles, the gesture real but uncertain. Well, maybe not uncertain, but she’s aware that she’s in her head again, trying to parse through her feelings. Or, rather, trying to figure out which of her feelings is taking precedence, which one she thinks that she should address first.
“Yes, I’m okay.”
Barry hums as he drags a hand from behind his head, placing it at her hip. “You know it’s okay not to be, right? Okay, I mean. And you can talk to me about it, whatever it is.”
He gives her hip a squeeze.
“No, I am okay. I’m good, really. I just…” she licks her lips as she hesitates, unsure if she’s even ready to bring it up, unsure if she even should. But she knows that she’ll think about it all day, will hear it in her head all day, will wonder and question and drive herself sick with the thoughts of it. So she bites the bullet, lets out a long exhale, and takes him at his word that she can talk about it.
“I heard what you said. Before we fell asleep last night.”
His expression doesn’t change, but his entire body stiffens, his hands stilling on her hip. He doesn’t break, though, and continues to watch her face in that way that he does. For a moment, Iris wonders if he even remembers what he said, if the words were just some half-drunk confession he hadn’t actually meant to say,
(and the flicker of disappointment that follows is tangible, an almost visceral response that tells her much more than anything else could have).
“Okay,” he says after a moment, tilting his head. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
She wishes she was as good at reading him as he is at reading her. She’s supposed to be able to make the observations, to understand the truth behind what people don’t say. Sometimes she thinks that she can, thinks that when she really looks at him, she can see what’s simmering in those eyes, can understand his intentions in the grip of his hands, and the curve of his spine, and the shape of his mouth. But it doesn’t feel constant, not like he is with her, and that fact is doubly true right now. Because she can’t tell anything about what he’s thinking, his only tell being the way his hand is still on her hip, tighter than it was before, holding her to him.
“I don’t know,” she tells him, truthfully. “Did you mean it?”
For the first time, he averts his eyes, gazing over at the window. There’s nothing to see; the blinds are closed and the curtains are drawn, but he focuses there for several long seconds, brows furrowed and lips pursed. She blinks, and then she’s suffused with something foreign, something cold and bitter.
“You didn’t,” she says, and it isn’t a question. “Okay, that’s, that’s…”
She moves to climb off of him, but he’s quick, bringing her back by sitting up and wrapping both of his arms around her.
“Where are you going? I’m not done.”
Her eyes flash. “Well you haven’t said anything and I don’t need to sit here like this and listen to you tell me that you didn’t mean to say you love me.”
“What are you upset about, Iris?”
“I’m not upset, Barry,” she says, her frustration evident. She tries to move again, but he holds on to her. “It’s fine. Of course you didn’t mean it. It’s only been a few months. We’re just…”
“We’re just what, Iris?”
He’s looking at her again, with those pretty, too-knowing eyes, and she feels a little like she can’t breathe. Because he didn’t mean it. And the thought that she’d managed to get this all so wrong is, is horrifying.
“I don’t know,” she mumbles, and even though she didn’t actually believe it to be true, she continues, “sex, I guess. Apparently.”
She shifts again, but he tightens his grips even more and she can’t understand it, why he’s still surrounding her like this, the look of him and the smell of him and the feel of him so potent.
“Is that really what you think?” he asks, and he doesn't sound angry so much as annoyed. “That I’m just here for sex. When it’s you that initiated all of our first encounters, when…”
Her eyes widen. “Oh, fuck you, Barry. Like all that slick talking isn’t initiating. You’ve got some fucking nerve.”
This time, when she tries to yank away from him, he lets her; and with a grace she doesn’t feel, she climbs off the bed. She strides towards the living room, but she doesn’t get far because Barry grabs her by the arm and presses her body against the wall near the door.
“Let me go, Barry,” she says, heart hammering angrily against her rib cage. He releases her arm immediately, but he cages her in, planting his hands on the walls on either side of her.
“Look at me, Iris,” he commands, his voice a raspy whisper. She blinks over his shoulder, taking in the messy blue comforter on her queen bed in the middle of the room, and the pale cream curtains on the windows to the right that don’t hide much light, and the blue and cream striped lounge chair where Barry’s clothes are.
“Baby, please,” he tries again, and it’s the pleading that makes her turn.
He looks a little like he sounds, frazzled and out of sorts, his eyes darting quickly across her face and the shadow at his jaw far past 5 o’clock.
“I meant it.” The words come out softly, a little strained, and he blinks once, twice, before repeating. “I meant it. I love you. I’m in love with you.”
“No,” Iris shakes her head. “You’re just saying that now. You didn’t mean it.”
Barry lets out a heavy sigh as he steps back from her. She doesn’t move, though, she can’t. Instead, she watches him, her body lost in the turmoil of the past few minutes. He walks towards the bed, then steps away again, stepping in a circle before coming back to her. This time, when he looks at her, she sees it, him, his feelings.
“You looked terrified this morning, Iris,” he explains, “thinking about what I said. I think that I can read you, that I can see into what you aren’t saying to me. I see the way that you look at me, the way that we are together, and I can swear that you also…”
“What if that’s just sexual chemistry?” she interrupts, because she’s still spiraling, her body still so heavy with the range of emotions she’s experienced in the span of just minutes. And what if he really didn’t mean it, what if she’d actually started writing this story wrong, what if this has all been some dream she’s just starting to wake up from.
Barry stops pacing to look at her, incredulous, and then he narrows his eyes at her.
“Is that really what you think, Iris?” He steps, no stalks, towards her, steps slow and measured. He looks up and down the length of her, eyes lingering at the spread of her hips, the dip of her cleavage, before settling on her face. “You really think that the way we are together is, is just sex?”
She opens her mouth but doesn’t answer, and he closes the distance between them. He stands so close that she has to throw her head back against the wall in order to see up at him.
(She tries but can’t find it in herself to be ashamed of what this does to her, even as she’s not happy with him, having his attention on her like this, having his hard length pressed against her like this, the look of him and the smell of him and the feel of him like this.)
“I know that no one else fucks you like I do, Iris.”
That makes her snap and he pushes at him and he stumbles back near the bed. “You’re a smug fucking bastard, Barry Allen.”
She moves to grab her phone off the counter, intending to, she doesn’t know, throw it at his head. But then she’s plucked off her feet. She squeals as he tosses her onto her back and straddles her hips, holding her by her arms above her head. She bares her teeth at him, but doesn’t try to get away from him this time. She’s breathing heavily, and he is too, and for a second, Iris thinks that this love stuff is too much. Because that’s what’s going on here, isn’t it? It’s their first fight and it’s about love, about the fact that they’d slipped into it so simply that they (and by they, she means she) is finding it difficult to just let it be.
“I don’t mean it in an arrogant way, Iris,” he murmurs. “I just… you are a fucking goddess, baby, and if you’d ever been with anyone the way you are with me, there’s no way they would have ever let you go.”
He presses down on her arms a little, presses his hips into hers a little. “And no one has ever made me feel like this, the way that you do, in bed and out of it. And you don’t have to say it back. Not until you’re ready. I meant what I said but I didn’t think you would hear me. I just needed to say it.”
His eyes roam her face and she stares back. Her breathing has begun to level out, but she’s still left with, with adrenaline or something, a heavy, aching sort of feeling flooding through her, making her warm and jittery and, and wet. Which, she’s never been turned on by arguing before, but, by god, she is. She is. Turned on and in love and so gone on the man above her that she doesn’t think of anything at all before she leans up and kisses him.
For the first time since they’ve started doing this, Barry doesn’t take his time. He kisses her back, just as hard, the kiss more teeth and tongue than mouth. He keeps a hold of her arms in one of his big hands and then reaches down to push her dress up over her hips, lifting his own hips just enough that he can pull himself out of his boxers and spread her legs, hiking them over his waist. He doesn’t bother with taking her panties off; he just yanks them over to the side, probably ripping the delicate lace, and then runs a couple of his sure fingers through her slit to see if she’s wet enough to take him. Satisfied, he grips himself and then slides into her.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he groans, dragging the word out, and Iris seconds that, throwing her head back at the heavy, hard, full feeling of him. He gives her one experimental thrust, and then another, and then he’s setting a pace, fucking into her in hard, shallow strokes. He clenches hard around her, her head filled with the press of his body and the smell of his skin and the thought of his love, i know the meaning’, for all the seasons, you are the reason, my love. Then Barry leans down on her, so that his chest brushes her nipples and his pelvis rubs against her clit every time he rocks into her, and her head clears of everything but this.
“God,” she moans, eyes fluttering closed.
He moves his mouth to her ear as he picks up his pace, murmuring as he always does, “fuck, baby, yes, you feel so good, girl; my good girl, shit” but his words aren’t as smooth as they usually are. He is frayed, his breathing choppy and his pace brutal. She likes it though. Her pussy grows wetter with every thrust, her hips rocking up to meet him, and she breathes out through her nose when she finds her mouth stuck in a round “o.” They’re both slick from the exertion and Iris can’t tell if it’s his sweat or hers or theirs. He holds on to the meat of her thigh, widening her so that he can ride her deeper, harder. She drips, down onto her thighs, soaking him too, and she knows that were she to look down, his dick would be so obscenely slick with her. He kisses at her ear, down to her neck, along her jaw, biting and licking and sucking on her skin. His grip on her is hard, and it isn’t so much rough as it is raw, inelegant and sensual and crude and so so so so good.
The thought of it is just as arousing as the act of it, and Iris manages to breathe out, “shit, Bear, how, how, how are you always so gooood?”
He flashes her a grin, her Barry coming back to her, and he says into her ear, “because it’s us, baby. Because I love you and you’re falling for me and we were meant for this.”
When Iris comes, it’s so hard she swears she goes blind for a minute. The world darkens and all she can do is feel: passion and euphoria and ecstasy and every other expression like it.
She’s thirty minutes late meeting Linda for their monthly brunch..
She and Barry shower together, and she drops him off at his car downtown and then she drives the couple blocks over to Golden’s. Before he gets out, he leans over and kisses her, a long slow sort of kiss, licking deep into her mouth as he cradles her face gently in the palm of his hand, and then he taps the top of her car twice before ambling over to his jeep without saying a word.
She feels a little funny after all of that, wondering why she still hadn't been able to say the words to him. He hadn’t said much to her as they’d dressed and gotten ready to leave her apartment. But he hadn’t stopped touching her either: taking her loofah from her and washing her down in the shower, running his hand over her hip after she’d hopped into a pair of light denim boyfriend jeans, rubbing on her thigh as she’d driven them downtown. She doesn’t think he’s upset with her; he’d told her she didn’t have to say it back. But he’d retreated, at least verbally, and it’s fucking with her, making her realize how much her fear is keeping her from him.
Golden’s is already open by the time she gets there so she walks in through the front door, throwing a hand up at Kamilla as she heads to the back in her stiletto heeled ankle booties, tugging lightly at the long, faux pearl necklace lying over her white half tucked in sweater. It’s packed as usual, the Saturday lunch crowd filling most of the seats, and she has to walk around chairs half pushed in and groups of people laughing and enjoying their Saturday.
She slides into the booth across from her best friend, the table already littered with food, Linda’s mango mimosa mostly gone. The other woman looks up at her, perusing, her brown eyes curious. Iris ignores her to grab her champagne flute, dropping a frozen mango slice into the glass and pouring a smidge of juice in, topping it off with champagne. She downs half of it in one gulp.
“You’ve been fucked,” is the first thing Linda says, when she finally decides to speak.
Iris chokes on her swallow of mimosa.
“Freshly,” Linda adds. Her red painted lips curve up in a devious little grin. “Is that big ass hickey you’re sporting the reason you’re late?”
She rolls her eyes, but touches gently at where she knows it’s sitting, an uneven patch of darkened flesh about the size of a quarter on her neck just under her left ear. She’d been in too much of a daze while she was putting on her minimal makeup earlier, the moisturizer and a little concealer, a bit of bronzer on her lids, liner and mascara. She hadn’t noticed the hickey, not until she was putting on her lipstick in the car and she didn’t have any foundation to cover it with.
“I’m too old to have a hickey,” she says to Linda instead of responding to her question.
“Tell your boo that,” Linda responds.
Iris wrinkles her nose at “boo” and starts spooning some sticky sesame chicken onto her plate. She forks a dumpling and bites at it as she goes for the lo mein and she doesn’t realize she’s reaching for the edamame until Linda stills her hand.
“Okay, what’s up?”
Iris chews the rest of her dumpling. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re eating.”
“Is that not why we’re here?”
“No, I mean you’re eating, doing that thing where you just throw food into your mouth without stopping or even really tasting it. You only do it when you’re really anxious and there’s no notebook or wine handy.”
Iris stills with a piece of shrimp in her hand. She drops it back onto the platter and sits back into the booth, chewing and swallowing while Linda waits patiently, sipping from her glass.
And then she blurts, “I’m in love with Barry.”
Linda nods, not yet committing to a response. “Okay.”
“And he told me he’s in love with me and I didn’t say it back.” Iris lets out a breath, tension releasing like a pressure valve has been turned.
“Why didn’t you say it back?”
“Because I’m a coward,” she answers.
Linda’s head shake is automatic, her brown waves brushing at her neck. “There’s not a hint of coward in you, baby girl.” Iris takes her best friend’s white silk blouse just as she says, “Now why don’t you really tell me what’s up.”
To give herself some time to put it all together, she finishes her mimosa and mixes another, though this one with less champagne, and she eats another dumpling, chewing slowly. Then she clears her throat.
“For a while now, I’ve been feeling, I don't know, lost. I was single, school was boring. Work was too, and it seemed like all of you were moving forward while I was just watching. Nothing felt exciting, not even my blog really. And then Barry came along, and I swear, the moment I saw him, it’s like my entire world lit up. There was this, this spark, and even when I was claiming that he was just around for sex, there was always this feeling that it was bigger than all of that, bigger than anything I’ve felt before.
And suddenly, I feel so different. I feel good, Linda. Everything is starting to feel good. My blog is getting real recognition now and Dr. Jamison must also be getting good sex because she’s been an actual joy to be around. And Barry...and Barry is…”
“Putting you to sleep every night?”
It makes her laugh, the way Linda wiggles her eyebrows as she says it, the way her eyes light up with mirth, the way her smile is a soft thing.
“Yeah, he is,” Iris says, her mouth twisting wryly. “But what if it’s a fluke, Linda? This man is everything I’ve wanted in a man and so much more than I even knew I wanted. What if we do this and I learn that he’s been, just, fucking with me this whole time?”
“You know that’s not true, Iris.” Linda picks up her own glass and drains it.
“But how can I trust this?” she pushes. “This happiness that seems to have only come when Barry stepped into my life?”
Linda reaches over and grabs Iris’s hand, and Iris clasps it like a lifeline, her pale orange tipped fingers pressing hard into Linda’s hand and Linda’s own pink tipped fingers pressing back. “There are no guarantees. So maybe we do find out that Barry has been faking this entire time. But what if he’s not? What if he’s as kind and loving as you say he is? ” She lets that digest for a moment.
“Love, and life, is a series of ups and downs, of good experiences and bad, Iris. The timing of it all is just coincidence. And I hear you. It feels so scary to realize that someone has that sort of power over you; that the care of your heart is in their hands. But what I’m learning with Dan is that love, love is always worth it. Because what you’re feeling, it doesn’t go away just because you don’t say it back, just because you don’t acknowledge it. And when you don’t you risk cutting it, him, off, and you’ll get hurt anyway. And that, my love, will be your own fault.”
Iris thinks about Linda’s words as they finish brunch, moving the conversation to Linda’s upcoming trip to meet Dan’s family. She thinks about it as she gets into her car and drives back home, forgoing working on a story in favor of plopping down on the couch and letting music play, my mind is open, so wide since you came inside, i feel so alive, without you life just passes by, passes by, lost in the reality of what she’s feeling.
She thinks about the words as she goes out to grab dinner, picking up a salad for herself and a chicken sandwich and fries for Barry, the intention to take him food not one fully realized until she’s parking in front of the precinct that Barry works out of.
She thinks about the words because Linda is right.
(She would never tell the other woman this, but she is right more often than she’s not, her poise and curious nature making her one to offer sound advice, always realistic and with love.)
She loves him, she does: his wit and his hands and his eyes; his compliments and his patience and ability to make her feel as if everything he’s ever wanted is present in the curves of her body; as if it is his profound pleasure to coax it out of her, with every touch, every moan, every dirty, mumbled thing.
Buoyed by the fact that she’d said it aloud, at the very least, and she didn’t wither away after she had, she grabs the food bags and her purse and walks up the steps to the precinct.
Her dad is working tonight but since she’ll see him tomorrow at dinner, she doesn’t drop by his office. Instead, she heads downstairs to where CSI is located, following the stairs to where they’ve apparently put them in the basement. The hallway is well lit, and there are several windows covered in closed blinds that lead to the lab door. She balances the bags in one hand and opens the door with the other. And she’s stopped short at what she sees.
The room looks like how she’s always imagined a crime lab to look like: lots of white, microscopes, and computers, shelves full of test tubes and petri dishes. Barry is there and so is the Cisco guy she remembers from Fall Fest. There’s a woman there too, in the utilitarian black pants and matching blazer that Iris knows is the norm for detectives. And it’s not that she’s there, because that’s not weird. But she’s there, next to Barry, close to Barry, leaning on his counter with her hand on his arm as she talks. She’s as tall as Iris is in the four inch booties Iris is wearing, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and the sort of white girl next door look that men fall all over themselves for.
Cisco notices her first, as the door closes softly behind her, and Iris feels a bit mollified at the way his grin rises up when he sees her.
“Iris,” he calls, eyes twinkling. “Nice to see your beautiful face.”
Iris winks at him, pulling out a flirtatious grin so that she doesn’t scowl at the sight of the woman touching Barry.
(She’s not jealous. She’s not, but Iris can’t stand the thought of Barry looking at someone else the way that he does her, can’t stand the thought of him touching someone else the way he does her, can’t stand the thought of him whispering, yeah, baby, fuck, ride me just like that, to someone else the way he does her.)
Cisco, though, is loud enough that Barry hears him, and she watches as he straightens at the sight of her, eyes wide. “Iris!”
He gives her his look, the one where he rakes his eyes over the length of her and then lingers on her face, always trying to read her. She’s still a little frustrated at how she’s always such an open book for him, apparent after he’s finished his perusal and he smiles, slow and with more smirk than anything else. The woman next to him only moves her hand from Barry hesitantly, turning to see what all of this commotion is about. She gives Iris the same once over that Barry did, though decidedly colder, and Iris tilts her head at her before settling her gaze on Barry.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Iris says. “I know that you’re busy, but I thought I’d drop off dinner for you.”
She steps further into the room, and her heels clack loudly in the too quiet space. She pauses in front of where Cisco is sitting. She turns to him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t bring you anything. I should’ve texted Barry to see who else was around, but I was picking up dinner and just decided to get him some too.”
“It’s fine,” he says. “You can get me next time.”
Iris passes him and lets her eyes wander back to Barry and the detective, who’s stepped back in a bit. As soon as Iris catches his eyes again, Barry steps away from her, moving around to meet Iris. She stops at a point along a wide expanse of empty space on one of the tables, and Iris feels it’s a safe enough spot to place the food without contaminating anything. As soon as she drops the food on the table, Barry cups the back of her head and stares down at her. His thumb traces the mark he’d left on her neck.
“Hi, beautiful,” he says, eyes wondering, smile tender.
She looks over his shoulder to where the woman still stands, looking at her too. She gives her a smile in greeting. Iris thinks it’s returned.
“I’m sorry. You look busy,” she responds. “Should I go?”
“Absolutely not. I’m just surprised to see you.” Without stepping away from her, he turns to address the detective. “Patty, I’ll come down as soon as I have the results for you.”
Her gaze trails over to Iris once more, observing where Barry holds onto Iris’s neck, onto her waist. “Of course,” she murmurs, finally.
She walks out of the room, her low-heeled boots nearly silent on the floors. Both Iris and Cisco watch her go, but Barry doesn’t pay much attention, his focus on Iris as he continues to rub along his mark.
Cisco stands, sort of abruptly, his chair skitting across the floor. “Barry, I’m gonna step out for a minute.” He shrugs out of his lab coat, tossing it on the back of his chair. His thick brown hair brushes against his shoulders with every shake of his head. “It’s good seeing you again, pretty lady.”
Iris offers him another smile. “You too, Cisco.”
She turns back to Barry who’s eyeing her, expression curious. “You’re here,” he says, voice low.
“Yeah,” she nods at the bags she’s placed on the table. “I don’t know, I went to get dinner and I was, well, I was thinking about you.” She shrugs with a nonchalance she doesn’t feel.
“Yeah?” Barry’s answering grin is wide, and a little bit boyish, cheeks reddening; it makes Iris smile back in turn.
“Come on,” Barry says, picking up the bags and walking over to a desk tucked into the corner. “I've got a few minutes.”
The desk is messy, stacks of folders and sticky notes all over the place, and he moves some papers around so that he can place their food down. He rolls his desk chair over for her to sit in and he grabs the bag, pulling out her salad container and his sandwich and fries and placing them in front of their spots.
She waits until he sits down in the hard back chair he’d gotten from under one of the computers and she snaps the top of her salad before she says, “so why wasn’t I introduced to the detective?”
Barry takes a bite of his sandwich and looks at her in question. “Who? Detective Spivot?”
“Don’t you mean, Patty?”
Barry pauses with a fry poised for his mouth. “Sure,” he says. “Patty is one of the detectives on the case we got called into.”
“Hmm.” Iris stabs at her salad. She takes a bite and chews, though she doesn’t really taste it.
Barry places his half eaten sandwich into the cardboard container and he turns to her, giving her his full attention. He inclines his head, watches for a second. She thinks that the corner of his mouth tilts up, that humor brims in his eyes.
“What do you want to say, Iris?”
She rolls her eyes, annoyed that she can’t focus on how cute he looks with his lab coat and glasses on, annoyed that that woman was touching him, annoyed that she’s annoyed.
“I didn’t know you were so close to the detective. Y’all were very...touchy.”
Shaking her head, she starts to go back to her salad, but then he drops his food and rubs his hands together. He leans towards her.
“Come here,” he says.
She ducks away, but he grabs her wrist gently and pulls at her. She goes, because her tripping heart and her heaving chest and her warming sex won’t allow her to not. Barry sits her in his lap, sideways so that her legs are half hanging over his. She’s a head taller than him in this position, and he presses a hand at the small of her back as he looks up at her.
“You’re jealous,” he announces, seemingly pleased with the fact.
Iris rolls her eyes. “Of course not.”
Barry laughs. “So you’re just really grumpy right now?”
“I’m just curious,” she says.
“About the touching.”
“She’d literally just put her hand on me as you walked in the door. I was about to move it.”
Iris harrumphs. “Doesn’t Detective Spivot know that you’re…” Iris waves her hand as she trails off and it makes Barry’s slight grin widen.
“That I’m what?”
Even she knows that the huff she lets out would only be completed with a foot stop.
“That you’re taken,” she says, boldly. Because whatever she was feeling, whatever he was feeling, this morning, they are still them: two people who’ve crawled into open, waiting hearts and made space for one another; two people who are pages deep into a story that the stars must have already been writing; two people hours into a dream that is so vivid, it has to be real.
The statement seems to sober him, because his eyebrows furrow. “Am I?”
She wants to be bothered by the genuine question in his eyes. But they’ve never blatantly talked about them. There has been some conjecture, sex-fueled mutterings that hinted at the reality of them, of their feelings. There have been looks between the two of them that tell far more than Iris has ever even realized could be portrayed through eye contact. He’s told her that he loves her. But they’ve never defined or drawn out the lines or made it real.
But like she said, they are them. And he is. Taken. So she slowly licks her lips, and nods her head. “Yeah, you are.”
This time, Barry’s smile is a sexy, lilting thing. “I’m fully yours, Iris. You have to know that.” He turns her so that he can hold her gaze, and reaches up to curl his fingers around the back of her neck, his thumb hitting that mark again. Then he says,
“I love you. I will until you love me back and forever after that. And that means that I don’t see anyone but you. I haven’t seen anyone but you since the minute I laid eyes on you in that slinky dress you had on, dancing in the middle of the crowd by yourself.” He presses a soft kiss to her lips. “Even before, for months before, I couldn’t see anyone else. Because I was waiting for you, Iris.”
He gives her another kiss, this one longer, deeper, like the one he’d given her before he left her car. She finds herself humming into his mouth, her arms tightening around his shoulders. He rubs against her thigh, higher, then a little higher, until Iris is opening her legs to try to get some sort of friction.
Minutes or moments or eternity after, he pulls his mouth away, though he doesn’t move away from her fully. Instead, he looks at her, and she finds herself lost in him, in this dream of a story. She sees the words of it, my afternoon dream, when the world is speeding; i am still sleeping, in my blue dream and i know the meaning, for all the seasons; you are the reason, my love, and she wants to add to it, wants to let herself live in it, wants to finally fall into this love story without fear or reservation.
“Barry,” she says, whispers, and she notes how hooded his eyes look through the wire-framed glasses he’s wearing and how just the act of sitting here on his lap calms her at the same time that it inflames her. Then she thinks about his infinite levels of patience as he’s waited for her to be ready for him and how he’s always been interested in what she thinks or feels and how no one has even treated her body with the, the homage that he seems to. And she...and she loves him. “Barry, I…”
“Alright, Barry, we have…whoa.”
Iris blinks out of her haze, startles out of the confession she was about to make, at the sound of Cisco’s voice. Still, it takes a second before she’s able to pull herself from Barry, and from the expression he’s saddling her with, she thinks he might have an inkling of what she was about to say.
“None of this hanky panky,” Cisco continues, either oblivious or uncaring, Iris doesn’t know. “Spivot and Mitchell need to see us.”
“Alright,” Barry calls over her shoulder. “I’ll be down in five.”
When Cisco nods and leaves again, Iris is pulled back into Barry’s orbit. He palms the back of her neck, thumb brushing the mark on her throat. She assesses him.
“Did you do that on purpose?”
“I’m sorry.” He immediately goes red. He averts his eyes for a moment, before they drift back to her. “It’s tacky, I know, and I didn’t realize what I was doing until it was too late. This morning, I was, I don’t know, confused about us and I just…” He pressed his thumb into her skin. “I told you I’m not composed around you; I’m a mess.”
Iris covers his hand where it’s still on her throat. “You know that I’m yours too, right?” The earlier moment seems to have passed, but she can, needs to, give him this. His stare is hard and almost unreadable.
“Yeah,” he says after a while, sort of breathless. “Yeah, I guess you are.”
She wishes that she could stay in this moment with him, such a stark deviation from the way they’d left each other this morning. So she takes that feeling with her as she packs her salad up and helps him clean up the trash. Together, they venture into the hall and Barry leads her back out into the bullpen where Cisco is standing with Spivot and a tall, dark-skinned man with a baldhead and a beard. All three of them turn at the sound of Iris’s boots on the floors. Something about the look of them makes Iris grab Barry’s hand. Barry stops her a few feet away and leans down.
“I like how territorial you’re being,” Barry all but whispers in her ear. “I’ll come over after work and remind you why you don’t have to be.”
The thought of them this morning, the hard press of him, his breath rough in her ear, makes her look up at him, her eyes bright, bottom lip between the white of her teeth. It’s only Cisco’s pointed throat clearing that keeps her from falling mouth first into him.
Barry’s grin is knowing. “Bye, baby,” he says, a little louder this time, and Iris shakes her head, knowing he’s saying it in front of Patty for her benefit. He drops a kiss on her check and Iris nods at his coworkers.
“Detectives. Cisco.” She squeezes his hand once and drops it. “See you later, Bear.”
She steps away and walks out of the station, but not before she hears Mitchell say, “Damn, Allen, how did you bag that?”
She wishes she could explain that she’s the one that doesn’t know how she got him.
Barry does come over later, and as soon as he walks through the door, he pushes her up against the wall and fucks her, groaning “mine, mine, fuck, mine” into the bite on her throat, as Iris moans it back in kind, “yours, yes, Barry, I’m yours.”
My afternoon dream when
The world is sleepin'
I am still thinkin'
Of my blue dream
It's bliss
18 notes · View notes
realmonstersrp · 6 years
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❛ each time i tell you those three words, i mean them more and more… we dem boys.
(+) unreserved, fearless, nonjudgmental (–) blunt, reckless, headstrong
on colder days, his mother will draw him close, flames licking the worn-out ashes of newspaper clippings gathered in a make-shift fireplace.
she will say:
this is who you were meant to be—
a stupid, reckless, lion-hearted boy, feet stumbling over each other in the overeager pursuit of something greater. the sky will tail after him, the wind whistling in laughter as he chases—unknowing—and finds serenity in uncertainty. when the sun droops closer, curiosity dripping from the tendrils of its prominence, he will sate his curiosity by weathering the burn. the world may be a puzzle; he won’t try to solve it.
she will say, quieter now, expression tight as her palm hovers over his shoulder, recoiling when the faintest curl of static nips at her fingertips:
here is how you became another—
april showers tease dreary souls yearning for a reminder of the sun’s warmth. a dingy hospital groans when its halls are filled with a sob mixed with a scream. a boy is born. his father’s hands are clasped in prayer. please, the man whispers to a god that has turned away from them, have mercy on him.
she will say, hand folding into a fist, fist falling to her lap, gaze dropping from the curious tilt of his head to the chipped vinyl flooring:
god has not forgiven us yet. you, alone, are evidence.
his parents remind him daily that he is an impurity.
the way lightning crackles from beneath his flesh in time with his pulse—it’s unnatural. and he believes them in spite of the way his sisters dart their gazes from looming crosses hammered into the brittle walls of their home to one another.
he is an impurity, an anomaly, just like his sisters. they are proof that god has found fault in their family and they are proof that the pearl-adorned gates of heaven are unyielding still.
in the quiet of his room, he bites back the untamed sting of electricity coursing through his veins, spends too many nights, eyes clamped shut, sweat a second skin as he digs his nails into the palms of his hands and prays to a god that has spurned him, begging for the pain to leave him.
“we’re not impure,” his eldest sister tells him one night, knees hugged to her chest as she reaches out, hand clasping his, gingerly squeezing the imprints his fingernails have left behind. his body’s trembling, a collapsing prison, and he wonders why striving to be holy breaks him from the inside-out, as though his skeleton was never meant to stomach sanctitude.
he’s hardly ten. his days are spent in cramped classrooms, idle hours wasted away by the strip of ocean forgotten by passersby—the only place that seems to take the jolts in his blood without asking for anything more.
sometimes, he wonders if he’d be any different had he been born in a different family, with a different name, with a different sin to call his own.
“we’re not impure,” his sister says again, slower. “the lightning storms you feel every night, the way water seems to fear you—you’re not impure.”
time passes excruciatingly slowly but the tremors beneath his flesh calm to stillness.
“we’re monsters. our only sin is challenging god.”
at some point, the prayers his mother and father hurl his way turn to gibberish, and this is the first time that peace comes to him with the intention of staying.
"we’re kind of cool, aren’t we?” his best friend says, outstretching his hand to block the harsh sunlight falling in waves from above them. “not everyone has powers, you know? we’re the world’s exceptions.”
“huh,” harim replies, the bright pink bubble he blows a second after deflating almost immediately. “i guess. hey, you done with your wrapper? this gum tastes like rubber.”
when he comes from school, he heads straight to his room and slams the door shut before his mother has the chance to lift her head. there are times when she sits outside, murmuring broken apologies that crawl to him with weak insistence.
i love you, she says. i’m sorry, she chokes out. we’re just afraid.
(of who?)
we’re just afraid of you.
this is how it happens: the soccer ball flies into the goal. the people around him erupt into cheers. his heart nearly explodes from the adrenaline rush. a laugh tears itself from his throat. he turns to gauge the reaction of his best friend and sees, instead, the grimace on his friend’s face before he collapses to the ground.
this is how he tries to fix it: the ambulance is on its way, but he doesn’t know if time is on his side (it never is). the crackles of electricity emanating from the palms of his hands are promising, but the doubt at the very core of his heart swallows him like a shadow. even so, he stumbles closer, hands hovering over the slow rise-and-fall of a heart that ought not stop beating.
if he is repenting, he is repenting not to god, but to the depraved force that brought him here.
there are nights when electricity pushes his body to the brink of paralysis. where there once was fear and bitterness, heartless prayer, there is newfound determination.
“i’m going to get better,” he announces one morning, the entire family gathered around the dining table for the first time in a long time. his parents gaze at him wearily, his sisters uninterested for the most part until he continues. “i’m going to gumi. if i can’t get rid of this fucking—”
“language,” one of his sisters warns.
“—if i can’t get rid of this impurity,” he continues, “then i’m going to tame it. i’m going to learn to live with it.”
his father parts his lips to protest but harim can see the way his mother’s eyes fall from his face to the scarred flesh of his arms, testaments to trials of endurance he’s throttled himself through over the years.
“okay,” she says before anything else. her fingers curl around the silver cross necklace dangling from her neck. “then we’ll learn to live with it too.”
to become the version of himself that he most wants to be, he knows that there are paths that demand to be walked. and he’s an uncomplicated boy, a reckless sort that chases after dreams that haven’t quite become his. sometimes the wind whistles insistently after him, as though it’s chastising him, reminding him to reel himself back to rationality. the sky always falls behind him and he never thinks to look back.
he doesn’t want to climb to the top to look down at the world beneath him. he wants to climb to the top so that one day, when the sun droops closer, flame-lit coils thrashing about, he can swallow it whole and become the sun itself.
the world is a puzzle and he hates complicated things. so, he’ll solve it just to shatter it so questions of sanctity and existence never trouble him again.
ELECTROKINESIS, otherwise known as electricity manipulation, is defined broadly as the ability to create, shape, or manipulate electricity, which is a form of energy produced by the movement of charged particles. users of this power are capable of manipulating the properties of electricity, thus resulting in a wide range of applications, such as utilizing electricity offensively and defensively either through projectile bursts/streams or through the formation of constructs, absorption, generation, and negation. as a result of his power, being in motion not only produces kinetic energy, but electrical energy as well. electricity is quite literally inside of harim—and as a result, there are more times than not that he’ll accidentally shock someone if they touch him without prompting. his power source is in himself and any electricity he utilizes for applications of his power, if it is not readily available in the environment around him, comes directly from him. not to be confused with electromagnetism manipulation, harim’s power pertains exclusively to electrical sources within his vicinity or the tangible electrical energy within him.
OFFENSIVELY, he tends to use electricity in seemingly shapeless projectiles. it’s out of preference, but long-range combat suits him best and making constructs out of electricity (such as electrical swords, and other weaponry) are too close for comfort and also require more concentration to maintain.
DEFENSIVELY, he can utilize electricity to make a small, short-term force-field of sorts to deflect minimal attacks.
PASSIVELY, he is capable of absorbing electricity both from his environment and from physical objects or people near him. as a byproduct of this application, he is also capable of negating electrical characteristics of the source from which he is absorbing electricity.  
GENERAL — (1) as a result of one of the primary sources of electricity being from within himself, harim is not immune to the aftershock of his power. he frequently experiences passing moments of a paralysis as a result of an over-accumulation of electricity inside of his body. this paralysis comes after an excruciating pain akin to being struck by small bolts of lightning all throughout his body. (2) once he’s out of energy, he’s out of energy. unless he’s capable of recharging from a physical source, the organic formation of electricity via his body’s motion is less effective after he’s depleted his energy due to the decreased physical condition of his body. he’s human and he needs to recuperate. 
TIME LIMIT — presently, his ability can be used continuously, without any breaks, for about thirty minutes offensively before he needs to recharge. defensively, he can manage about fifteen minutes of a steady electrical shield before it begins to crack. 
PHYSICAL FLAWS — exceedingly windy environments can not only negatively impact the accuracy of harim’s offensive attacks, but they can prevent him from maintaining any form of electricity for long due to the insulation that non-conducive matter such as air/wind (and rubber, silicate, etc.) create.
RANGE — electrical projectiles can be seen as being hurled, so in spite of the considerable range they might achieve, there’s an increasing lack of accuracy the further the projectiles are thrown. well-controlled offensive attacks can reach a distance of about twenty-five feet before becoming susceptible to mis-aim. 
three of his teeth are ceramic crowns because he once got into a fist fight with a dude twice his size for making fun of his sister and got two-and-a-half teeth knocked out. he doesn’t like talking about it because it’s embarrassing, but if goaded, he will tell you that the other guy lost teeth and broke his nose. 
0 notes
realmonstersrp · 6 years
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(+) Unreserved, fearless, nonjudgmental (–) Blunt, reckless, headstrong
on colder days, his mother will draw him close, flames licking the worn-out ashes of newspaper clippings gathered in a make-shift fireplace.
she will say:
this is who you were meant to be—
a stupid, reckless, lion-hearted boy, feet stumbling over each other in the overeager pursuit of something greater. the sky will tail after him, the wind whistling in laughter as he chases—unknowing—and finds serenity in uncertainty. when the sun droops closer, curiosity dripping from the tendrils of its prominence, he will sate his curiosity by weathering the burn. the world may be a puzzle; he won’t try to solve it.
she will say, quieter now, expression tight as her palm hovers over his shoulder, recoiling when the faintest curl of static nips at her fingertips:
here is how you became another—
april showers tease dreary souls yearning for a reminder of the sun’s warmth. a dingy hospital groans when its halls are filled with a sob mixed with a scream. a boy is born. his father’s hands are clasped in prayer. please, the man whispers to a god that has turned away from them, have mercy on him.
she will say, hand folding into a fist, fist falling to her lap, gaze dropping from the curious tilt of his head to the chipped vinyl flooring:
god has not forgiven us yet. you, alone, are evidence.
his parents remind him daily that he is an impurity.
the way lightning crackles from beneath his flesh in time with his pulse—it’s unnatural. and he believes them in spite of the way his sisters dart their gazes from looming crosses hammered into the brittle walls of their home to one another.
he is an impurity, an anomaly, just like his sisters. they are proof that god has found fault in their family and they are proof that the pearl-adorned gates of heaven are unyielding still.
in the quiet of his room, he bites back the untamed sting of electricity coursing through his veins, spends too many nights, eyes clamped shut, sweat a second skin as he digs his nails into the palms of his hands and prays to a god that has spurned him, begging for the pain to leave him.
“we’re not impure,” his eldest sister tells him one night, knees hugged to her chest as she reaches out, hand clasping his, gingerly squeezing the imprints his fingernails have left behind. his body’s trembling, a collapsing prison, and he wonders why striving to be holy breaks him from the inside-out, as though his skeleton was never meant to stomach sanctitude.
he’s hardly ten. his days are spent in cramped classrooms, idle hours wasted away by the strip of ocean forgotten by passersby—the only place that seems to take the jolts in his blood without asking for anything more.
sometimes, he wonders if he’d be any different had he been born in a different family, with a different name, with a different sin to call his own.
“we’re not impure,” his sister says again, slower. “the lightning storms you feel every night, the way water seems to fear you—you’re not impure.”
time passes excruciatingly slowly but the tremors beneath his flesh calm to stillness.
“we’re monsters. our only sin is challenging god.”
at some point, the prayers his mother and father hurl his way turn to gibberish, and this is the first time that peace comes to him with the intention of staying.
"we’re kind of cool, aren’t we?” his best friend says, outstretching his hand to block the harsh sunlight falling in waves from above them. “not everyone has powers, you know? we’re the world’s exceptions.”
“huh,” harim replies, the bright pink bubble he blows a second after deflating almost immediately. “i guess. hey, you done with your wrapper? this gum tastes like rubber.”
when he comes from school, he heads straight to his room and slams the door shut before his mother has the chance to lift her head. there are times when she sits outside, murmuring broken apologies that crawl to him with weak insistence.
i love you, she says. i’m sorry, she chokes out. we’re just afraid.
(of who?)
we’re just afraid of you.
this is how it happens: the soccer ball flies into the goal. the people around him erupt into cheers. his heart nearly explodes from the adrenaline rush. a laugh tears itself from his throat. he turns to gauge the reaction of his best friend and sees, instead, the grimace on his friend’s face before he collapses to the ground.
this is how he tries to fix it: the ambulance is on its way, but he doesn’t know if time is on his side (it never is). the crackles of electricity emanating from the palms of his hands are promising, but the doubt at the very core of his heart swallows him like a shadow. even so, he stumbles closer, hands hovering over the slow rise-and-fall of a heart that ought not stop beating.
if he is repenting, he is repenting not to god, but to the depraved force that brought him here.
there are nights when electricity pushes his body to the brink of paralysis. where there once was fear and bitterness, heartless prayer, there is newfound determination.
“i’m going to get better,” he announces one morning, the entire family gathered around the dining table for the first time in a long time. his parents gaze at him wearily, his sisters uninterested for the most part until he continues. “i’m going to gumi. if i can’t get rid of this fucking—”
“language,” one of his sisters warns.
“—if i can’t get rid of this impurity,” he continues, “then i’m going to tame it. i’m going to learn to live with it.”
his father parts his lips to protest but harim can see the way his mother’s eyes fall from his face to the scarred flesh of his arms, testaments to trials of endurance he’s throttled himself through over the years.
“okay,” she says before anything else. her fingers curl around the silver cross necklace dangling from her neck. “then we’ll learn to live with it too.”
to become the version of himself that he most wants to be, he knows that there are paths that demand to be walked. and he’s an uncomplicated boy, a reckless sort that chases after dreams that haven’t quite become his. sometimes the wind whistles insistently after him, as though it’s chastising him, reminding him to reel himself back to rationality. the sky always falls behind him and he never thinks to look back.
he doesn’t want to climb to the top to look down at the world beneath him. he wants to climb to the top so that one day, when the sun droops closer, flame-lit coils thrashing about, he can swallow it whole and become the sun itself.
the world is a puzzle and he hates complicated things. so, he’ll solve it just to shatter it so questions of sanctity and existence never trouble him again.
ELECTROKINESIS, otherwise known as electricity manipulation, is defined broadly as the ability to create, shape, or manipulate electricity, which is a form of energy produced by the movement of charged particles. users of this power are capable of manipulating the properties of electricity, thus resulting in a wide range of applications, such as utilizing electricity offensively and defensively either through projectile bursts/streams or through the formation of constructs, absorption, generation, and negation. as a result of his power, being in motion not only produces kinetic energy, but electrical energy as well. electricity is quite literally inside of harim—and as a result, there are more times than not that he’ll accidentally shock someone if they touch him without prompting. his power source is in himself and any electricity he utilizes for applications of his power, if it is not readily available in the environment around him, comes directly from him. not to be confused with electromagnetism manipulation, harim’s power pertains exclusively to electrical sources within his vicinity or the tangible electrical energy within him.
OFFENSIVELY, he tends to use electricity in seemingly shapeless projectiles. it’s out of preference, but long-range combat suits him best and making constructs out of electricity (such as electrical swords, and other weaponry) are too close for comfort and also require more concentration to maintain.
DEFENSIVELY, he can utilize electricity to make a small, short-term force-field of sorts to deflect minimal attacks.
PASSIVELY, he is capable of absorbing electricity both from his environment and from physical objects or people near him. as a byproduct of this application, he is also capable of negating electrical characteristics of the source from which he is absorbing electricity.  
GENERAL — (1) as a result of one of the primary sources of electricity being from within himself, harim is not immune to the aftershock of his power. he frequently experiences passing moments of a paralysis as a result of an over-accumulation of electricity inside of his body. this paralysis comes after an excruciating pain akin to being struck by small bolts of lightning all throughout his body. (2) once he’s out of energy, he’s out of energy. unless he’s capable of recharging from a physical source, the organic formation of electricity via his body’s motion is less effective after he’s depleted his energy due to the decreased physical condition of his body. he’s human and he needs to recuperate.
TIME LIMIT — presently,his ability can be used continuously, without any breaks, for about thirty minutes offensively before he needs to recharge. defensively, he can manage about fifteen minutes of a steady electrical shield before it begins to crack.
PHYSICAL FLAWS — exceedingly windy environments can not only negatively impact the accuracy of harim’s offensive attacks, but they can prevent him from maintaining any form of electricity for long due to the insulation that non-conducive matter such as air/wind (and rubber, silicate, etc.) create.
RANGE — electrical projectiles can be seen as being hurled, so in spite of the considerable range they might achieve, there’s an increasing lack of accuracy the further the projectiles are thrown. well-controlled offensive attacks can reach a distance of about twenty-five feet before becoming susceptible to mis-aim.
three of his teeth are ceramic crowns because he once got into a fist fight with a dude twice his size for making fun of his sister and got two-and-a-half teeth knocked out. he doesn’t like talking about it because it’s embarrassing, but if goaded, he will tell you that the other guy lost teeth and broke his nose.
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