#ive been revamping parts of Nova's lore hence some of my rambles are gonna be
luphorics · 1 year
Oooooo, how was Moria manipulating Nova’s powers? That’s an intriguing plot point :0
ayyy hi again!! 💖💞 so there's a lot going on with this situation, hence why i didn't state it all on the art post. but since you asked, here it is!!!
warning for long wall of text, so i'm hiding a good chunk of it under a read more ;v;
When Nova was away working with Blackwatch, Moira was tasked to assess her condition prior to doing any kind of work. However her "assessments", in reality, were her performing experiments on Nova to explore and amplify the capabilities of her cosmic make-up. After all, she's comprised entirely of an anomalous stardust, so this meant the fundamental elements of her body are pretty much different than that of a normal human.
Gonna backtrack a little bit to some OW lore stuff for context: Reyes personally recruited Moira for advise on genetics—and from what I recall correctly—he was being experimented on by Moira (knowingly, because he allowed her to) even prior to the events of Retribution it seems. So he's more or less aware of what she can do anyways.
Nova had a more indirect-ish involvement with the main BW team, at least initially, because she was supposed to be reconnaissance (aka scouting out enemy lines and delivering intel, nothing more or less) rather than an on-field agent. This meant Moira wouldn't get much out of research with Nova. Even then, Moira was also given orders by Reyes not to do any work with her because she was still heavily involved with Overwatch/Morrison's side.
Then, this all kinda changed when Reyes started roping Nova into joining field missions. Reyes finally gave Moira the green light to work with Nova, but again, strictly for evaluation purposes and not for experimentation. (But would she ever listen to that? I think you know the answer.)
Now that Nova started becoming more involved directly with the team on these few occassions, she began to arrange meetings with Nova in her laboratory to do some work with her. Of course, that was granted she didn't divulge this information to both Overwatch or Reyes himself, even. Nova's Blackwatch arc was a time where she felt vulnerable, and fearing an array of possible consequences that were in her head, she relented and gave into silence about Moira's doings.
She spent the next several instances partaking in missions, exhibiting strength far beyond what she was showing back with Overwatch. No one blinked an eye—although those like Cassidy and Genji, the two whom Nova was more friendly with, slowly began suspecting something was amiss. While everything went well at first, Nova later began showing grave side-effects, such as being unusually fatigued or losing control to the point where she wouldn't be able to move her own body. During one mission, she was close to instilling a drastic amount of environmental damage if Genji hadn't taken the risk to intervene.
Her unusual condition would carry onto her way back to Overwatch's base, concerning her teammates there. Morrison was bewildered at how Nova's condition worsened if she was only supposed to be recon, and by the final stretch of her term with them, she finally admitted that she had taken up field work outside of her scope as recon.
But what she also failed to mention at that moment was Moira's experiments on her. Nova was effectively removed from BW prior to the events of Retribution, and had to spend a period of time recovering before working with OW again. Soon, the potential exposure of Blackwatch finally revealed what the genetecist had done to the young agent, and Nova had to live with the guilt of keeping her silence for a long time.
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