#ive been tryin to finish riddle and cater forever but ive been so busy
cerealmonster15 ยท 2 years
alright before my sleeping potion takes over heres Vage Vibes for the,,, next few twst fics ive got in my head [and by head i mean scattered in my phones notes app / started in google docs]
riddle and cater fun friendship hang out time of self discovery [wip, kinda almost done?] [me pushing the agenda that cater and riddle are friends!!!!!!! bc my god i dont see enough of them!!!!]
first year soup friendship [bullet point planned but havent really started]
jamil/azul soup and stress and solidarity [wrote out a tiny section at the beginning for it and made notes of the general idea of how i want it to go / points i wanna hit, will have ch6 spoilers. maybe a shorter fic? probably more implied/subtly shippy compared to the other jamil/azuls ive written, but weโ€™ll see where the tide takes me lol, i have some Thoughts that Could Advance ๐Ÿค”]
kalim/silver coming together as they try to repair jamil/azulย  ft second year friendship sleepover ??? [writing down sporadic ideas to plan as i think of them, not started, i think it would be fun but also A Lot lol]
cater/jade something something magicammable desserts are involved rip caycay
cater/idia go to a carnival
cater/malleus referencing a twst anthology manga comic [the one where they were gonna have a sleepover with malleus and then forgot to tell him they rescheduled ๐Ÿ˜ญ] - caycay takes malleus to go out somewhere to make up for it??? idk that comic just makes me sad and i want my feelings compensated LOL
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