#ive played too many cabaret minigames
ichihero · 6 months
“i’m not looking for a relationship, i’m looking for a bottle of vodka.” (sweet little liar xD)
& @auburniivenus ! Substory unlocked: THE PLATINUM HOSTESS
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❝ Really ? Let's order one, then! ❞ As soon as the words leave his mouth, Ichiban is already gesturing towards one of the waiters at the club. He usually lets her handle interactions like this one, but he's too excited to care about the proper etiquette in a hostess club. Even so, when the waiter arrives with their order, he lets Inoue take the bottle and pour its contents in two glasses. He tries his best to wait patiently, hands resting on his knees. The tension in his body speaks volumes, but it's not as bad as it used to be during the first few times they hung out together.
❝ Thank you, Hime-chan. Let's see... ❞ He takes one of the glasses, thinking of what they could toast to. Finding the perfect ice-breaker is always the most difficult part of the cabaret club experience. Things have been pretty good at work, but that's not out of the ordinary; helping at least one person every day is satisfying enough. Even so, toasting to that feels kind of selfish, like they're only celebrating his achievements. He needs to pick something they can both relate to.
❝ Oh! I know! Let's toast to- wait, what was the word the guys were using? ❞ It was something that had to do with being a better version of yourself, but using a much more complicated word. Maybe that's why Ichiban can't remember it. Seriously, he wishes the guys could give him advice using simpler phrases. ❝ Self-improvement! That's it, let's toast to self-improvement! I've heard that's a very important thing, even when you're not looking for a relationship. ❞
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