#ive send several eviction notices
kayashe-art · 1 month
Today on "Weird Headcanons That Randomly Popped In My Head One Day Without Any Basis In Canon Or Might Even Go Against Canon And Refuse To Leave"
Lute has a massive crush on Molly. They might even be friends, they might have barely talked to each other, that doesn't really matter.
After "The Show Must Go On" Lute realizes that Angel is Molly's brother and now she lives in anxiety that Molly finds out about Lute calling him a crack-whore and argued about leaving him to rot in hell. Lute still doesn't believe sinners have the right to redeem themselves (and she may or may not be absolutely is in complete denial about Sir Pentious being ... well, Sir Pentious so she still doesn't really believe it to be possible.) However, she sure as hell isn't going to tell her crush about almost any of that. Lute does at one point tell Molly that Angel is working to improve himself, maybe because of alcohol, maybe to cheer Molly up, maybe because Emily is dragging her kicking and screaming down a redemption arc. Maybe Molly already knows, maybe she doesn't.
Either way, Lute finally gets a spot of guilty consience, because Molly very much isn't a fan of this situation. And the literally only thing Lute can think of to make it up to Molly is smearing Valentino across Pentagram City.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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summary: be it by want or instinct, people will always end up hurting you. and the only thing you can do is not give them the chance to do so.
pairing: nishinoya x reader
warnings: mentions of depression
words: 1.2k
notes: i really loved writing this one c: thank you @tmkki​ for reading this and giving your opinion <333
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Sometimes I close my eyes and I see her. My mom sitting on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably as she rips apart photographs where my dad appears. Loud music is playing and now I think maybe that’s why I don’t like harsh noise. I approach her and she yells at me to leave her alone. She tells me I look like him and I wonder if I still do. It’s been twelve years since then, but every time I look at the mirror I wonder if I have the face of the first man that hurt me.
“Don’t trust men,” she cries, as I bring her a painkiller and a glass of water. “They will rip your heart apart.”
“I won’t,” I promise, and I spent the next years doing just that. Whenever someone would smile at me, I always closed my eyes and went back to that moment. The nauseating ring on my ears from the loud music, the ripped photographs scattered on the floor and the image of my mother crawling into bed every day with a bottle of wine and a lost look in her eyes.
Be it by want or instinct, people will always end up hurting you. And the only thing you can do is not give them the chance to do so.
His existence was like the sun. 
Every morning he entered the classroom, he shared his warmth and brought light from within his eyes. It was almost terrifying how much he shone, to the point that I thought he could burn me if I dared to touch him with my cold hands. Nishinoya always laughed with his mouth wide open and his eyes closed, never caring if anyone was watching, just basking in his own happiness and glee. I believed he truly never questioned himself, always talking as if he wasn’t afraid of saying something wrong, as if he was so sure of himself no one could bring him down.
Just like the sun, I settled with watching him from afar, hoping his warmth would reach me. I searched for his light on my dark days, chuckling as I saw him prank his friends and listening intently when he spoke passionately about volleyball.
I had always thought he was good on the eyes but never expected him to look as beautiful as he did the first time I contemplated him talking about serving. The way his cheeks were flushed and his words tumbled with each other, I could have stared for hours. His grin became wider, his brown eyes became golden and for those few moments, I forgot about the dark clouds hanging over my head.
I wondered what loving as intensely as he did felt.
Nishinoya barged in front of my desk on a Tuesday morning of our first high school year, trying to catch his breath as he explained he was about to be banned from the volleyball team if he didn’t ace the exam we had on Friday. He claimed his friend had told him I was smart, and a vague memory of me handing out my notes to said friend came to my mind.
He continued rambling for several more minutes, stressing the importance of the match was and how he didn’t know what else to do. It took him to stare at me arching his right eyebrow for me to register I had been quiet the whole time. I nodded and tried to smile, hating how unfamiliar it felt on my face. Thankfully, Nishinoya’s smile outshone mine and before I knew it, he was making arrangements for us to meet after his volleyball practice.
And for a moment, I forgot. I forgot about the eviction notices, I forgot about the sleepless nights and the constant headaches. As I swam into his chocolate eyes, my mind was only filled with the sound of an unknown tune that filled my heart with peace. He thanked me once again for agreeing to help him with the exam, as if I ever had the chance to deny his warmth.
He left with a smile and I felt hungry for the first time in the week. 
If he ever saw the empty wine bottles near the trash bin, he never commented on it. He also made his case to never question why my room always looked like I had just cleaned it, a sharp contrast with the dull mess of the rest of the house. Not once did he ask about the bags under my eyes or the days I missed school. When getting out of bed was more than I could handle, getting notified with a text message from him wishing me to get better soon always brought a smile to my face.
All I knew was that every time I leaned on the opened gym’s door frame during one of his practice matches, he always kept his unspoken promise of walking me home after he was done. I can still remember his stories, one after the other without a pause, never failing in making me look at him in awe. He would always make convincing arguments to take detours to get some food, my mood improving after having my first meal of the day. No matter what we did during those walks, the one thing that never wavered was the huge smile on his face as he said goodbye.
I always asked myself if he somehow knew. If, by any chance, he could tell it was raining on me on those days. He must have known he couldn’t stop it, but always did his best to make sure I danced a little in the rain, even if it was just for the short while it took us to get to my house.
The night came and the sun had to set.
It had been three years since we had met, but time always feels so short when someone has to say goodbye. Nishinoya had mentioned his desire to discover the world and experience everything life had to offer, so it was natural for him to set on a long trip just after graduation. He was so enthusiastic about it I couldn’t help but find solace in my own turmoil of emotions. For a usually impulsive person, he had his bag packed for a week before he actually had to leave. I still remember how he bounced up and down as he told me about it the last afternoon we spent together, and I wished he would keep his smile forever.
Was it selfish of me to not want the sun to be taken away? Was it delusional to even call him that? I touched my arms seeking the warmth he left after his last hug but it was long gone. He had promised to send a postcard, and even if I knew I would treasure it, I also understood I shouldn’t cling to it. My heart knew that was the last time I would ever see him. And it was okay. Some people aren’t meant to stay.
Be it by want or instinct, people will always end up hurting you. But, if you got to be truly happy by their side, you will always be thankful you gave them the chance to do so.
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amilliontinywraiths · 4 years
to the walnut people’s garden.
Im starting my post in the way my friend Joshua does, as a letter to a digital realm of writing / reading / whatever u want to say about the cybernetic makeup on the tumblrverse. Mostly, I didn’t know how to start. Insert the meme format, every day I open Microsoft word and write absolutely nothing. Its paralyzing – to have some aspect of my identity wrapped up in “writing,” to be a “writer,” but to really exist as such in bursts. Every few months I’ll write something and lay it to rest in my hard drive, go back to living as a sentient being trying to scrape by eleven dollars an hour.
Its getting colder – the wind knocked over some plants outside, I opened the window and immediately closed it. Im worried about the lettuce dying from the frost. Im doing some reflection because there’s nothing else to do. Im googling depression lamps and silly tips to quit smoking and “psychiatric evaluations for cheap.”
My sister is in town and was asking me about my move, the semi-chaotic summer I lived when plans A and B fell through and my ass tumbled back to my hometown. Its depressing if I read too far into it, coming back to a place I swore I never would, being proof that “you always come back home” (because home is a vapid suburb). She had come to the garden last night, to see the space that picked me up and saved the move, to meet the people that have made this city feel like something new and worth appreciating, and not an exemplar of postgraduate failures. I think the garden might be the only thing that kept me in my hometown, feeling ashamed that I hadnt made it anywhere but here.
Let me explain myself. Im a little sick of the ‘2020 was a bad year [insert sad face]’ discourse, but it was a fucking bad year. So was 2019 and every year dating back to industrialization and colonial exploration, but im getting sidetracked. The year started with a silly (actually devastating and heartbreaking) breakup and months of depression. Of going to aa and spilling my sorrows to a group of gay 50-somethings who hugged me like I wasn’t a lost case. Of later fearing my loved ones, as if they were virus-carrying rascals, or worse, that I was and would infect and kill them all. Of having my visa cancelled but still needing to leave Chicago – fueling myself with the potentially false and certainly romantic idea that running away from ur friends and problems will fix it all. Im lamenting.
What im saying is im as surprised as you are at the success of kc. At the community and love ive found here, all cooked up in the garden squat. The day I met syd and cass and felt really shocked at the ease of meeting the anarchist poets, as if they were just waiting for me. when syd invited me to the garden one night and it all made sense – to take back the land and grow sunflowers. I wont go too far into my gaden-becoming (lol). As it will potentially be ripped away from us by landlord bastards in this next month, I need to solidify some reflections. To poorly paraphrase Audre lorde, you gotta write it down so you don’t forget how you felt. How you thought. Maybe in five years the garden will be flourishing. Or we will be sitting at the track tagging ‘fuck fascism’ as we approach our thirties. Or both.
The endless garden bonfires. Indistinguishable from the next. All the bonfires and cookouts melding into each other. The 200 Hams that showed up one night, maybe 180? The joy of collective drunkenness, peeing behind the shed, grabbing another beer on your way back. We began having movie nights. Thank god cadence brought all of the anime, secretly hoping nobody could possibly want to watch Edward Scissorhands. geeking with syd about poets. Spreading mulch at our first work day, gossiping about sean bonney and wendy Trevino with amalia, the excitement that someone else gave a shit about obscure poets. Later making a book club for just that. picking up two trunkloads of bricks from a gentrifying couple in the northeast, how they wanted to rid their property of the old chimney and practically begged me to take more. Making a path later with neve, I think, and being nervous about becoming friends with everyone. Having met so many people in such a short time. Planning to camp at the garden together, and instead, going to an impromptu occupation. The absolute failure of it all, when the occupiers began to police each other. ‘A world without police’ my ass. The walnut people’s garden tent we squeezed into. Playing ‘never have I ever’ with other twenty-somethings, realizing that the game is only spicy when nefarious activities are taboo—and they’re not taboo to us. Almost winning several games of chess in several different tents, though I think I always lost. That time when Syd’s birthday, when their literal hoard of friends came and went and I watched them from one of the garden beds. That art students look like art students everywhere I’ve been. I think I was talking to cass, about something, poetry maybe, at the garden bed. we were avoiding the group dynamic, that specific stomach feeling that arises when you don’t know anybody. The outdoor space fostering some normalcy, people being able to come and go and celebrate years around the sun. afterwards we went to jail support, a reminder that nothing is normal. “the new normal.” I had just dug up my own garden bed, which if I made decisions financially, was a huge money drain. But it taught me how to grow lettuces and how not to grow cauliflowers. I kept a journal with garden notes, which vegetables liked each other. I left it at the garden one night and it was rained on, completely disintegrated. A sweet first kiss on the garden bench, later, the garden bench showing up in a flash sheet that we’ll all choose tattoos from. the subsequent meme. the continual talk of memes fueled by @dante. A massive group tattoo session. The slew of items always left at the garden after a night of drinking. My debit card, my jacket, somehow always sydney’s backpack. Cullen always finding the objects since he was up earlier than us all. Later, dante’s birthday when I walked from the garden to sade’s apartment, which had a living room—quite literally—filled with only couches. Feeling warm and included, invited to something. Discovering sade is best friends with sue, who lives with Vivian. Facetiming Vivian from the garden, facetiming Vivian from the backyard. Feeling so lonely for so long, and then, suddenly pulled into this weird collective embrace. Pulling up to the the garden and freddy howling. Laying with freddy on the couch. The celebration of life erin and Cullen threw for freddy, when miranda made him this foul-looking peanut butter cake and someone took a bite of it. stealing a thousand cigarettes from bobby or kim or anyone who pulled out a pack near me. meeting syd dante and sade at the garden to break into an apartment complex’s pool. But residents were having a pool party with a vague america theme and we felt out-of-place. When we were driving home from the pool and dante spotted a note on the garden sign, our formal eviction notice. How hard it is to meet common ground with landowners, as a group of ppl who don’t believe in that shit. My dad telling me to just ‘buy the land.’ Are you interested in paying rent? The neighborhood association meeting, the landlords pushing for increased value moving into the neighborhood. Us leaving when the meeting proved too boring, typical leftists unable to sit through bureaucratic garbage. Send someone in our place. The giant saw that looked like an oil rig. How I was disappointed in my own passivity in the situation, letting them reverse screwdrive our land! How sometimes you make concessions for the big picture, but then you feel like a fraud in the moment. How maybe that is just an excuse. Cullen eating a grasshopper, suddenly everyone eating grasshoppers. A grasshopper loose in quicktrip, we considered asking to take it home with us. When we painted the sign and we didn’t like the proposed name, so we made up another one, which was admittedly not very anarchist of us. No collective decision making. The sign was later repainted after a meeting and it looked so much better. The meeting showing that we could fight and come to collective decisions and maybe we’d make it through the eviction. The eviction coming in two weeks, the plans for occupation. A slumber party with demands. A giant slingshot to launch discarded objects at construction trucks. A trebuchet. Maybe we’ll make it through the eviction.
To the walnut people’s garden. 
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“One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me.” - jev
HOH: Brianna NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Nathan FINAL NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki EVICTED: Kiki (4-0)
I feel this could be the end for me this week, considering I named Brianna as renom last week and she has nominated me previously it's not looking good for me. However, last week after naming her renom, I did send her screenshots from Nathan of him throwing her and Aria under the bus to me just incase she stayed, so I purposefully threw him under the bus for this exact reason and I'm just hoping the move will pay off and there's even a slight chance she'll nominate him and keep me off the block. I'm also hoping she'll recognise that I didn't consider her as one of my initial noms and only named her as replacement because I was put into a shitty predicament last week by Nathan and his veto win, but who knows. I'm extremely proud of the game I've played but it'd suck to leave at F7 after getting this far.
So....its been a bit huh,...sorry about that yall pls just take this anaylsis of everyone left k thanks <3
Looking at the whole of his game this man has been targeted since prejury yet his social connections and physical prowess has kept him safe this long- typically this would lend itself to a very strong underdog story but at the same time his attitude this game has been very rocky as he's threatened to quit or just give up multiple times before which may decrease the amount of respect the jury has for him. At this moment in time he can be categorized as a big player due to his numerous fights which could gain jury respect because it does show that he wants to play but im unsure if its enough. In terms of social connections he presents himself as having limited connections with others as he doesnt talk with kiki or jev but has a mutual understanding between him and joshua as they are both big threats/targets leading them to want to keep each other safe. This does bring up complications when trying to eliminate joshua from this game but thats for another analysis. He's constantly threatened the status quo of the house and if it wasn't for his attitude (and maybe the lack of connections to people like kiki and jev) he could be a shoe-in to win. It should also be considered that he has constant correspondence with emma and somewhat of a connections with bri. It should also be highlighted that hes very good at mending bridges considering hes working with someone he previously attempted to nominate (brianna) and had a fight with (joshua) Honestly he's playing a great game and the bitterness visible from kiki/jev does not reflect the jury- its more likely that he can beat me at the end. 
Leaving: f3/4/
Threat: Big/Physical
Winning Chance: 4/5
So most players still left in the game perceive kiki to just be coasting along and honestly their win chances are minimal. I think their social game has been slacking as well as they're typically very hesitant to be honest with their game thoughts so they've failed to secure the connections that they need to get them to the end of this game. Their view on the game is also very confusing as they pretended to not know sides to me and no matter what the truth was it was a very bad look on their part. Also on a more personal note they showed that they're willing to snap as seen yesterday in bri's dms and in the live competition channel. In terms of this vote I have hardly any connection to them and if they won hoh next week i know that i would not be safe unlike jev who i've formed a more honest relationship with. I am slightly worried that im taking out someone with no win chance but my first priority will always be house dynamics and to appease the bb gods, they need to leave.
Leaving: f7
Threat: None, likeability
Winning chance: 1/5
Literally just hand the kid the winning title and pots at this point his control over the game is incredible. He has deals and connections with EVERY single person in this game and I truly feel like he can make the end if we dont take him out here but I can't control nathan at this point. I think he's formed connections to me and nathan through all of us being "big threats" while he has connections to Jev/Emma/Kiki as they were all on the original side and he's somehow escaped the block on someones hoh who he previously put up...this guy is unstoppable wtf. However the entire game IS aware of his skill and its very likely that he gets taken out soon because of this unless he goes on a comp run. I also find it very likely that the jury is rooting for him as he remained respectful with every evictee and had justifications for every eviction beyond just house dynamics and his game has been straighforward with his noms and bold with his connections. Im unsure of how exactly to get rid of him but I believe he thinks we're close (f2 tingz) and I find it unlikely he takes me out although i think hes notices that ive been a bit more closed off this week which is worrying for future endeavors.
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Big/Phyiscal/Social
Winning Chance: 5/5!!!!
Out of everyone left I find it very difficult to think of how Jev is playing, I think he's either playing the most straight forward game I've ever seen or his game has a lot of hidden depths. I mean how I view his game as another player is that he came into this game very unconnected but managed to wiggle his way into stable sides and form good connections where they've kept him safe when possible. Once he gained a side he stuck to it and just played an overall loyal game minus the yelling at nathan when he lied to him. I dont think the jury is very bitter at him but I also don't believe that they're super high on him in comparison to people like joshua. In terms of our own connection I think I might be higher on his trust list due to me being very proactive about using veto on him and voting to keep him- i dont think ill be in danger if he wins hoh but nathan sure will :nicolequeen: There is a chance he can beat me at the end just due to not fucking over all of the jury but the chance we make f2 is very small, he represents the utr social player that joshua might be scared of winning 
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Balance/Middle
Winning Chance: 4/5
Emma's game is very interesting because its similar to kiki in the fact that she's been coasting or just sticking to her side but she's aware of her flawed gameplay and wants to do better and make moves. However the end is closing end and I doubt she has the time to really make a move although she has been very smart about how she presents herself to others this entire game showing high sense of strategy. I think we're fairly close in a personal and game sense (unless shes just buttering me up for the slaughter as her own big move) so I would love to take her very far in this game. Im unsure of how the jury view her at this point in time but i cant imagine it being very high at this time unless shes manipulating things behind the scenes. At the end shes probably one of the only people I can beat because the jury might want a "big" player to win so she's def an ideal f2 choice at THIS time.
Leaving: f3/f2
Threat: Strategic
Winning Chance: 2/5
First off I love her so much personally she's seriously the kindest person I've met and i absolutely adore her but also her game has been fairly impressive so far. Her actions have been the catalyst for sides to form and big moves being made- however i can say that I had a hand in a series of these moves but received no blowback (or recognition) for them yet and I'm unsure how the jury will view us as a duo or who can lay claim to the moves made. I think some of the jury may be bitter such as Josh c and Nick but at the same time she'll have fans such as joey and jacob so its a very mixed bad and I think we'll be trying for the same votes which is worrying. She's also fairly good at comps and socializing putting her on a similar stage as nathan and joshua although for some reason she never gets the credit :/ Im unsure whether I want her at the end or not but there is a possibility ill cut her...
Leaving: ???
Threat: Social/Comp
Winning: ???
And i think i dont stand a chance tbh, my jury management has been ass but im gonna do my best <3 also sorry if this was mean fsabhfds
So Brianna has let me know that she is more than likely going to put me up as one of her initial nominees, meaning I've had to plead my case to her and severely downplay my game thus far in the hopes that she'll hear me out and by some miracle will spare me from the block this week, I'll insert the plea I sent to her at the end of this DR. I just hope she realises that there are bigger fish to fry cough Nathan cough and maybe even Joshua, although I respect him as an ally too much to even consider throwing his name out to Brianna like that. Worst comes to worst I'll just have to gun super hard for veto and take myself down, then work out the play from there if one of the other hot girls are put up in my place, but I hope Brianna isn't dumb and recognises that there isn't a drop of loyalty inside of Nathan and that she'd be stupid to keep him around another week.
So I asked Joshua if he'd save me if he won the veto, and he straight up said he'd use it on Kiki because he'd "feel bad" since he used it on me the last time me and Kiki were on the block together. It's made me feel kinda shitty because it's kinda solidifying to me that he considers me at least 3rd in our alliance, and that he and Kiki are quite likely a duo together. I have to try my hardest for this veto because I for sure leave over Kiki or the renom.
So... there is a chance, albeit a slim chance, that Nathan may use the power of veto on me. I've tried to butter him up by playing up to his kind of wildcard playstyle by saying that nobody would see it coming and it'd be the gag to end all gags, but who knows what he might do. He said he's considering it and will keep me in the loop just so I know what to expect. If I stay on the block, I know I hopefully have Aria & Emma's votes to keep me on lock, which means I'd only have to convince Joshua or Nathan to keep me, OR sway Brianna to keep me in the event of a tie, which I think is the most unlikely of the 3. Prior to tonights veto, I would've thought I'd have Joshua's vote to stay, but now I think its clear that Kiki/Joshua are a duo and Me/Emma are a duo, so I don't think I'd be able to sway him to save me unfortunately. However the rest of this week plays out, I have a lot of ass kissing to do which I hate but hopefully I can work a miracle
So... considering Nathan has promised safety to me this week I didn't quite expect him to go off on me like that in his veto speech but... I'm just gonna take the high road and not even acknowledge the video in house chat, as much as it sucks I just have to let Kiki run their mouth so hopefully people remain inclined to keep them around over me.
One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me. As it stands, it should be 4-0 since all four of them have promised me their vote, but I'm lowkey suspicious about Nathan and Joshua, there's just something in the back of my mind telling me to be wary, I hope I'm just overthinking though
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5 All-Too-Common Tenant Issues and How to Handle Them as a Landlord
Most tenants are fine, dont get me wrong. But some of them can be an enormous pain. Tenants, like just about everything else in this world, follow the Pareto Principle:20 percent will cause 80 percent of your problems. Furthermore, 20 percent of that 20 percent (or four percent) will cause 64 percent of your problems. And so on. There are several types of typical problems that tenants will cause, of which the most common are: Nonpayment or asking for endless payment plansDamaging the unit and refusing to pay for such damagesEndless complaintsMaking accusations of you or your staffTrying to make their problems your problems Well deal with each one independently, but first, its important to talk about a basic principal of dealing with tenants. Be fair, but firm. And always act as your tenants ally. As I put it in a previous post: Make something other than yourselfthe enemy. It could be the lease, the law, company policy or even the owner. But the enemy is certainly not the property manager. No, you as the property manager are the tenants ally. So for example: I appreciate how hard this is; however, we have to follow the lease, and the lease mandates that we charge these expenses. We legally cant make an exception for one unless we make it for all. Or perhaps, I think we can find the best possible outcome given your situation that will fit with what the lease requiresand the owner will accept. You are on their team trying to come up with the best solution (not necessarily what they want).The rules dictated by the lease, law, policy or owner are the enemy in this situation. This will calm down even the most indignant tenant and make almost any troublesome dispute better. 1. Nonpayment or Asking for Endless Payments Of course, the best way to deal with nonpayment is to not have it in the first place. And the best way to ensure tenants pay their rent is to screen, screen and screen some more. That being said, even with careful screening, some tenants will fall behind. The best way to deal with these situations is to simply create a policy for how you will go about nonpayment and payment plans. It simply cannot be overstated how important systems are in your business. If you fail to put in a policy, you are likely to fall victim to whatever sob story the tenant throws at you. And I can guarantee you, there will be a sob story every time. Our policy is pretty simple. Rent is due on the first and considered late on the fifth. Immediately on the fifth, a late fee is charged with virtually no exceptions. On the first workday after the 12th, we send out 72-hour notices telling the tenant that we will file for eviction if they do not pay within 72 hours. Afterwards, if we do not hear from them, we file. At this point, all eviction charges are put on the tenants balance. For every 12-month lease, we accept one payment plan. If the tenant does not comply with the terms we agree to, then an eviction will be filed. (Make sure to check with an attorney regarding your states laws to make sure your lease and policies are in compliance.) It may sound kind of harsh, but you have to systematize this, and take yourself out of the place where a tenant could convince you to change your policy. You just need to say something like Im sorry, but those are the companys policies. 2. Damaging the Unit and Refusing to Pay for Such Damages Whenever you sign a lease, you should make it very clear to the tenant what they are signing. You are not going to just fix whatever breaks no questions asked. If the tenant damages something, it should obviously be their responsibility to pay for the damages. Some things are obviously not their problem; such as the roof leaking or a furnace going out. Some are pretty obviously their fault, such as a hole in the drywall. Unfortunately, not everything is so cut and dry. This is one reason it is important to document everything in these situations. Take pictures of how things were when you found them damaged and what it looked like after the work was done. Make notes in your property management software for conversations with the tenant, etc. As my brother likes to say, If it its not in [our property management software], it didnt happen. Related:5 Ways Landlords Can Achieve Better Tenant Stability In many cases, you will have to make tough decisions regarding whether to charge the residents or not. We usually lean in the residents favor and take questionable costs on ourselves unless but this is not necessarily the best way to do it. You should let the resident know when they sign the lease that there are some gray areas and that you will try to be as fair as possible, but for some maintenance items, even if they disagree, they will need to be charged. When this happens, sometimes they will yell at you. Part of being in management (and in real estate in general) is growing a thick skin. People yell sometimes; they will calm down eventually. Be fair (and calm), but firm. And remember, tenants cant expect you to get out there immediately. If they owned their own home, they wouldnt be able to get someone out there to fix the washing machine that day, necessarily. You want to be quick (especially with HVAC and water issues), but dont let them bully you here. It may take a few days and thats not the end of the world. As far as tenants refusing to pay their balances, in these situations we usually allow a balance to go up to 10 percent of the tenants rent before we are willing to file for an eviction. You can pick a different amount, but you need to be consistent. 3. Endless Complaints Some tenants simply cannot be pleased. In many cases, they may just want to get out of the lease. For this reason, I would include a break-lease fee in your lease. Although, weve heard youll have more luck collecting it if you call it a, early termination option. Talk to a local attorney about what is allowed in your state. We charge, approximately but not exactly, two months rent for an early termination option.Regardless, you will want to be able to recommend this provision if its obvious the tenant wants to leave. That being said, I wouldnt ever let the tenant out of their lease for free, just because they are a hassle. This sets a very bad precedent and could even be used against you regarding fair housing, unless of course, you are willing to do it for everyone.
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If the person is asking for one maintenance issue after another, you should continue to send a maintenance crew out. But you can charge a trip fee if the issue turns out to be nothing. Just make sure to document or have the maintenance tech document this very carefully. Indeed, (again, check your state law). Just make sure you document it thoroughly and dont overuse it. Lease violation fees are a disincentive for bad behavior, not a way to make money. Regardless, with these tenants, it is usually best to elect to not renew their lease when their lease is up. Again, check your state laws, but usually you will have a right to do this without even giving cause. Tenants who are a huge hassle are usually just not worth your limited time and limited energy. Related:5 Legitimate Reasons to Allow a Tenant to Break Their Lease 4. Making Accusations Against You and Your Staff This is obviously one of the worst things that can happen to you. First of all, one of the reasons its important to be fair and respectful is that this reduces the likelihood of getting false or trumped up accusations thrown at you or your staff. For example, one study showed that doctors who spent more time with their patients were less likely to be sued on that fact alone. The most common accusation Ive heard is that of a maintenance tech or leasing agent stealing something. And the last time we were accused of this, it was demonstrably false. Even still, the first thing you should do is call an attorney. Once any sort of accusation has been made like this, you want to ensure you follow the letter of the law exactly. What I can say is that you should make sure to document everything. And I would certainly ask those involved for detailed accounts of what happened, and get it in writing. Get all of the evidence you can. Unfortunately, with such things, there wont be much but testimony. That being said, if you have a maintenance technician, for example, who has gotten multiple complaints or been accused multiple times, its probably worth seriously considering letting that person go. 5. Trying to Make Their Problems Your Problem I remember once, when I was just getting started in management, I got pointlessly dragged into a dispute between two of our tenants. One of the women was accusing the other of being emotionally abusive and wanted out of the lease. So I went to their unit to try to work out a plan to get one of them out. Instead, I stood there in dumbstruck awe as each of them threw horrendous invective at each other. Needless to say, I wasted an afternoon that day. In the end, you are not obliged to work out such disputes between tenants. You are there to set the rules (as long as those rules are within the law). Some tenants may want to make their problems yours and you simply have to refuse. Let them know that such issues have to be resolved themselves. You can give them their options, but you should leave it at that. With regards to virtually every issue, it is best to create a system and stick to it as best as possible. Be polite and empathetic for sure, but dont bend just because someone gets angry with you or tells you a sob story. And while you cant come up with a system for each situation, you can for many and then add a policy for every new situation that comes up that you didnt think of before. As time goes by, there will be less and less situations that come up that dont have a policy on how to deal with them all ready to go.
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Do you have any tips for dealing with problem tenants? Share your advice below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/how-to-handle-tenants-issues-as-a-landlord/
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a-clouded-melange · 6 years
Real estate lawyer questions & law ideas
Property owner has issued a civil notice to move in 60 days, then 3 day pay or quit for rent owed, but have reciepts.
My family and I've occupied a 5th wheel trailor on a common (w/ owner & 2 others) property for a little over 2 yrs. The owner has decided to sale the property and originally asked us to move with 60 day notice that was verbal. Afterward retracked said notice to be the ending of the current month (15 days) then again retracted to the 1st of the yr. 5 days after last notice was served a civil 60 day notice to end propensity Nov 30. 1 week later served a 3 day pay or quit for lease owed as well as breech of contract. I 've reciepts with owners signature saying rent was paid. Additionally we do not have a rental agreement due to the fact the owner has stated we're guests cash paid and not renters is for utilisties that is shared. Since the original notice we have been harrassed almost daily about when we're going, in addition to our guests, she has locked us out of common bathroom leaving us free of use, and turned off our power for money owed (but turned back on) what can we do and are we screwed w/out rental agreement?. A: She may be processing the eviction, and you also might have a foundation to sue. More information are necessary to give a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This answer does not represent legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any forecasts; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Mortgage Refinance
I was once whoever owns the home that I’m living in right now before I transfer possession( Title) to a household member but the mortgage statement remains in my name which we’re sharing to pay off, my question to you is, do I have to return to ownership to refinance my mortgage. (the deed was recorded in public record). A: View my reply to your identical question here. More details are necessary to supply a professional evaluation of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody & Contracts, Business , and Education Law. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
What can I do to save my house?
I was divorced about 8 years ago. We had a 1st and 2nd mortgage while wed. The 1st is with Bank of America along with the 2nd is with bank of the west. Subsequent to the divorce I took his name off title and my name is the only one on title. In order to save the house, I had to file chapter 13 to get rid of 2nd on the home. I made ch 13 pymts. My ex husband tried to get a ch 13 but for some reason couldn't. The lending company sounds like they're threatening to foreclose on the house and is sending letters to gather on the 2nd. The interest keeps piling up on the 2nd. What can I do to save my home?. A: When the title changed to your single name did you refinance the mortgage? In case your husband's name continues to be on the mortgage with the 2nd bank, if not, that may be the issue. They might be attempting to collect the loan from him and utilizing the house as security. More details are necessary to give a professional analysis of your issue. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can also read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice site. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Company. This answer doesn't represent legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Do I need construction insurance?
I own a lot in Navarre Fl and am getting prepared to begin constructing a home. The contractor has liability ins and Builder's Risk Insurance. Do I as the property owner also want liability insurance during the build? Thx. A: Someone walking by falls and breaks a leg. They will sue perhaps the contractor but in addition the land owner (that's you). You'd need it anyhow. C'mon!
What kind of letter needs to be sent in order to notify someone of this?
My grandma was leasing to possess to my girlfriend and I at our present address. She explained this to not only my girlfriend and I, but my mom, my girlfriend's mom and my girlfriend's father. We'd not have moved into this address had we understood that it was not "rent to own". What are our rights?. A: From the little info in your statement, it sounds like your written lease agreement (you have one, right?) doesn't comprise such a purchase option or purchase right. It might be that your only recourse would be to sue your landlord for fraud in the inducement of the lease. But it'll be tough to win this type of case. Take your documents and go see a real estate attorney in your area. Many offer free initial consultations. All the best to you personally.
Damages on commercial property. Severe damage to my building from my neighbor's trees and landscaping.
The commercial property owner neighboring the ground raising was lifted by my commercial property behind my building to give landscaping. The root systems egressed into the lower wall of our building endangering the building stucco and a tree and shrubs were put there and shoved the wall stud framing the floor plate off. Extensive structural damage to my building including water damage. Who's liable for repairs?. A: It seems like your neighbor would be responsible. There are plenty of questions that are unanswered, and this could actually be more of a tort law dilemma than a real estate one. Have you consulted an engineer and architect about the origin of the structural damage? If it was the plants or the earth work themselves, it sounds like your neighbor is responsible, but it will be important to understand and have signs regarding the causation. Take photos, get statements from engineers or architects regarding the damage along with the reason for the damage, and get a couple of approximations for the expense of repair. Then go see legal counsel or two. All the best to you.
Is it grounds foqualification if an attorney, reserves the corporate name of a suspended HOA when his client is an owner of the HOA?
Without meaning to animate the corproration the client is being sued by their renters separately athe lawyer gores out and allows the corporate name. Then he encourages the plaintiffs to visit the IDR process based on the ruling records to solve issues instead of court but these CCRs can't be enforced as long as solicitor does not restore and holds corporate name.. A: Your question is vague and needs clarification. More details are required to give a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to also read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in these areas of law: Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody & Contracts, Business , and Education Law. This answer doesn't constitute legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
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Faulty grant deed issued from 2015 default tax auction -assessor will not amend- affecting my rights
He will just issue a corrective title if the newest owner requests it- property acreage in san bern co. I'm adjoining package -the missing majority of property legal descrp and my commercial operation is drastically affected by the clauses of it's. Ex, ingress & egress. New owner understands he has an incomplete title. He needs to impede my access (which ive enjoyed for 24 yrs) I want to correct this historic chain of title deed to represent correct public information- Isn't there a law about public information that assessor is violating?. A: The appropriate method of coping with this might be to file a suit against your neighbor to allow you a right-of-access easement and to clarify the property borders. More details are required to give a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to also read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in the following areas of law: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This response does not constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
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leak in apartment ceiling. Do they have to check for mold by law?
Have had observable leak in kitchen ceiling twice in the same spot. First time maintenance man said there was no leak, merely "very poorly" patched the damaged drywall. Recent rain has caused visible damage in the exact same spot. This time they sent roofers to repair leak in roof. Nothing has been done. The drywall still hasn't been mended but, my primary concern is mold. So what can I do? What legal obligations do they have?. A: The landlord is bound by the implied warranty of habitability and is required to maintain the home. The landlord should inspect and repair it in a timely manner, if there is signs of mould. More details are required to provide a professional analysis of your issue. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Company. This response doesn't constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
CA laws on secondhand smoke from neighbors smoking outside their home entering our bedroom windows
Can I legally request my neighbor and his renters to smoke away from our window specially past 10pm? We get secondhand smoke entering bedroom windows and our house all hours but terrible at 2am or 10pm! We live in a single fam house in Laguna niguel orange county ca. A: You can sue for annoyance. Additional information are required to give a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice site. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody & Contracts, Company , and Education Law. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
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jaclynann8-blog · 7 years
Real estate lawyer questions
Is it grounds foqualification if an attorney, reserves the corporate name of a suspended HOA when his client is an owner of the HOA?
The client is being sued by their renters independently athe attorney gores out and reserves the corporate name without meaning to revive the corproration. Then he supports the plaintiffs to go to the IDR procedure based on the governing documents to work out dilemmas instead of court but these CCRs cannot be applied as long as attorney holds corporate name and does not animate.. A: Your question is vague and needs clarification. Additional information are essential to supply a professional analysis of your dilemma. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in these areas of law: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Company. This answer does not represent legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Damages on commercial property. Severe damage to my building from my neighbor's trees and landscaping.
The commercial property owner neighboring my commercial property raised the ground elevation behind my building to provide landscaping. The root systems egressed into the lower wall of our building undermining the building stucco and a tree and shrubs were put there and pushed the wall stud framing off the floor plate. Extensive structural damage to my building including water damage. Who is liable for repairs?. A: It sounds like your neighbor would be responsible. There are plenty of unanswered questions, and this could really be more of a tort law issue than a real estate one. Have you consulted an engineer and architect concerning the cause of the structural damage? It seems like your neighbor is responsible, if it was the earth work or the plants themselves, but it is going to be important to understand and have signs regarding the causation. Take photos, get statements from engineers and/or architects regarding the reason for the damage and the damage, and get a few estimates for the price of repair. Then go see a lawyer or two. Good luck to you.
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Faulty grant deed issued from 2015 default tax auction -assessor will not amend- affecting my rights
He will only issue a corrective deed if the newest owner requests it- property acreage in san bern co. I'm adjacent parcel -the lost majority of property descrp that is legal and my commercial operation is radically affected by the clauses of it's. Ex, ingress & egress. New owner knows he's a title that is incomplete. He wants to impede my accessibility (which ive loved for 24 yrs) I want to correct this historic chain of title deed to represent correct public info- Isn't there a law about public advice that assessor is violating?. A: The correct way of dealing with this might be to file a suit against your neighbor to allow you a right-of-access easement and to clarify the property borders. Additional information are required to give a professional evaluation of your issue. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can also read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Company & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This response doesn't represent legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
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Property owner has issued a civil notice to move in 60 days, then 3 day pay or quit for rent owed, but have reciepts.
My family and I've inhabited a 5th wheel trailor on a common (w/ owner & 2 others) property for a little over 2 yrs. The owner originally requested us to go with 60 day and has decided to sale the property verbal notice. Subsequently retracked said notice to be the end of the current month (15 days) then again retracted to the 1st of the yr. 5 days after last notice was served a civil 60 day notice to end inclination Nov 30. 1 week after served a 3 day pay or leave for lease owed in addition to breech of contract. I have reciepts with owners signature stating rent was paid. Additionally we don't have a rental agreement due to the fact the owner has stated we're guests money and not renters is for utilisties that is shared. Since the initial notice we have been harrassed nearly daily about when we're going, too as our guests, she's locked us out of common toilet leaving us with no use, and turned off our electricity for money owed (but turned back on) what can we do and are we screwed w/out rental agreement?. A: She may be processing the eviction, and also you might have a foundation to sue. Additional information are essential to give a professional evaluation of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in these areas of law: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Company. This reply does not constitute legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
What can I do to save my house?
I was divorced about 8 years ago. We had a 1st and 2nd mortgage, while married. The 1st is with Bank of America as well as the 2nd is with bank of the west. Subsequent to the divorce I chose his name off title and my name is the sole one on title. In order to save the house, I had to file chapter 13 to get rid of 2nd on the home. I made all ch 13 pymts about 1 year ago. My ex husband tried to get a ch 13 but for some reason couldn't. The lending company is sending letters to collect on the 2nd and sounds like they're threatening to foreclose on the house. The interest keeps piling up on the 2nd. What can I do to save my house?. A: When the title changed to your sole name did you refinance the mortgage? If your husband's name is still on the mortgage with the 2nd bank if not, that may be the problem. They could be attempting to pick up the loan from him and using the house as collateral. More information are essential to supply a professional evaluation of your dilemma. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in these areas of law: Contracts & Company, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This response doesn't constitute legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Mortgage Refinance
I was once the owner of the house that I’m living in right now before I transfer ownership( Deed) to a household member but the mortgage statement is still in my name which we’re sharing to pay off, my question to you is, do I must return to ownership to refinance my mortgage. (the title was recorded in public record). A: See my reply to your identical question here. More information are necessary to supply a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in the following areas of law: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Company. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make any forecasts, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Do I need construction insurance?
I am getting prepared to begin building a home and own a lot in Navarre Fl. The builder has Builder's Risk Insurance and liability ins. Do I as the property owner also want liability insurance during the build? Thx. A: Someone falls and breaks a leg. They are going to sue possibly the contractor but also the land owner (that is you). You had need it anyhow. C'mon!
leak in apartment ceiling. Do they have to check for mold by law?
Have had visible leak in kitchen ceiling twice in exactly the same area. First time maintenance man said there clearly was no leak, only "very poorly" patched the damaged drywall. Recent rain has caused visible damage in the exact same spot. This time they sent roofers to repair leak in roof. Nothing else has been done. The drywall hasn't yet been repaired but, my primary concern is mold. So what can I do? What legal obligations do they have?. A: The landlord is required to keep up the dwelling and is bound by the implied warranty of habitability. The landlord should inspect and fix it in a timely manner, if there is signs of mold. More details are required to give a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This reply doesn't represent legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any forecasts; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
What kind of letter needs to be sent in order to notify someone of this?
My grandma was renting to possess to my girlfriend and I at our present address. She explained this to not only my girlfriend and I, but my mother, my girlfriend's father and my girlfriend's mom. We'd not have moved into this address had we known that it wasn't "lease to own". What are our rights?. A: From the little info in your statement, it seems like your written lease agreement (you have one, right?) doesn't include such a purchase option or purchase right. It may be that your only recourse would be to sue your landlord for fraud in the inducement of the lease. But it'll be tough to win such a case. Take your documents and go see a real estate lawyer in your area. Many offer free initial consultations. Good luck to you personally.
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CA laws on secondhand smoke from neighbors smoking outside their home entering our bedroom windows
Can I legally ask his tenants and my neighbor to smoke away from our window especially past 10pm? We get secondhand smoke entering all hours to bedroom windows and our house but terrible at 10pm or 2am! We live within a fam home in Laguna niguel orange county ca. A: You can sue for nuisance. More information are essential to provide a professional analysis of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. It's possible for you to read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Contracts & Company, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This solution doesn't represent legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
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