#iwas like OH NO and quickly backspaced
hanafarook · 3 years
Koi No Yokan
Chapter: 15
"An Unlikely Hero Of Today"
I wasn't a stranger to bright fluorescent lights of the stadium but even after all this time, the sight never failed to amaze me, it was packed with regular people and diplomats of both the countries along with the national and international media outlets. I watched as players of both nations started emerging out onto the court, leaning forward from my seat, I shuffled to get a better look at the faces of both the teams, one face in particular caught my attention.
I kept watching as the game began, it was started by Argentina's setter. There was no way I could miss that name as it flashed in a matter of seconds before my eyes. 
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I took a deep breath, it was him in that jersey even though my eyes kept darting at the ball moving from player to player, traveling back and forth from one end of the court to another, that name just kept lingering around at the back of my mind.
It was supposed to be a -"friendly'' but the bar was set at such a high level that it felt like I was watching an Olympic match, the whole place was vibrating with energy and excitement that I felt was something very familiar from the yesteryear's. I knew Japan had quite a line up but to watch Oikawa play like this, I was sitting in my seat with my heart pounding from everything I was feeling at that moment and…well,  for the entirety of that game. 
(You've come a long way and I couldn't have been any happier.)
The game soon came to an end with Argentina winning 3-2 but it was too spectacular because it ended with such a nail biting finish, both countries dished it out until the very end. 
(Well, you finally beat Ushijima…finally, I wonder what it is you want to do next..?) 
Bless you Aiko, this was the most fun I've had in two years.
If it wasn't for her I'd probably be stuck somewhere bored out of my wits covering some local sports news in Sendai--mostly baseball and basketball league matches.
15 minutes to get ready and on the field with mike (cameraman) 
After I got done with player interviews from Japan and then it was time to take those from Argentina. 
"Kirei……...chan?"he asked softly and slowly, the maturity and change in his voice shook me as his words rang in my ears and it took a moment for me to snap back into reality from the funk I was in.  
He grinned, "Long time no see".
I nodded, smiling back at him. "Long time no see…..indeed".
There wasn't much time to ponder about anything because I had to talk quickly and get the interview wrapped up. It was only after I was done and on the sidelines that  I had a moment to myself where I watched him go but not before he stopped by at Japan's bench to meet….Iwaizumi? 
Aw crap, I don't know why I keep forgetting that Hajime Iwaizumi was the athletic trainer for Japan's National Volleyball Team, of course he would be here. 
Wow, what a…time... to be alive
Two best players, best friends were up against each other on the international level?
A wave of nostalgia hit me as I got into the back of the taxi just contemplating everything that happened today, the whole game was so good, so exhilarating and it didn't dawn on me that Oikawa was part of the Argentinian Team.
After Seijoh, I never got to know anything about Oikawa what happened to him, what he did or where he was… nothing and for some reason I never bothered finding out either but on rare occasions I did think of him, I did wonder but it was for those tiny moments where I might've come cross a photo album or some memorabilia from school days. 
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Text from
Unknown number: Kirei-chan? 
Me: Oikawa San? 
Me: is this is your number
….: it is… :)
….: how are you? 
Me: I'm… good, how are you? 
….: I'm good too 
Me: how did you get my number? 
….: ….err.. Iwa-chan? 
Me: Oh….right. I forgot. 
….: How long are you going to be staying in Buenos Aires? 
Me: (depends on how much sightseeing I can get done.  Backspace)
Me:  Around 4 days…
….: I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow, late afternoon? 
(Hang out? What are we highschool buddies?)
Me: Sure...let me know where and when?
….: Café Del Mar, it's at the beach closest to your hotel...at 4? How does that sound? 
Me: ah… okay, yeah that sounds good. I'll be there. 
….: see you soon, have a goodnight ! :)
Me: see you, goodnight as well!  :)
Okay…what was that? That was… awkward...I need time to process this entire text conversation but I also had a damn tiring day.
Tomorrow….I'll think about it tomorrow.
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