ssaalexmiller · 2 years
Reignited Pt. 3 of IWILWMT
Alex and Y/N finally realise they like each other.
tw// mentions of gambling, rape, murder, and maybe a swear word or two.
Not my gif.
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Hotch looked at the envelope that Dave was holding out to him with a raised eyebrow.        
 “Come on, Hotch… you know it’s going to happen.”            
“Dave, this is unprofessional.”           
 “Who cares? It’s not like anyone else is going to know.”            
Hotch sighed and placed a fifty dollar bill into the manila envelope, before Dave sealed it with a stapler.            
“I say two more weeks,” Hotch said, smirking at his colleague, who was looking incredibly smug about persuading Hotch to get in on the bet. “What’s the standing?”
As Hotch and Dave discussed the standings on the betting pool that had been made between them, JJ, and Reid, Y/N was weirdly walking around the bullpen with two cups of coffee.           
Alex rolled her eyes and turned to see Y/N standing behind her, holding a cup of coffee meant for the linguist herself.           
 “You realize that I can see you walking into the office, right?” Alex teased, accepting the coffee from her colleague. “Also, you’re not very scary.”            
Y/N returned the same joking energy, replying, “Nah. You’re just no fun.”     
 Y/N and Alex had gotten on like a wildfire, the chemistry they had in high school carrying over into their friendship even after almost thirty years. Alex was still incredibly closed off to most of the team, especially since it had only been two weeks since she arrived at the office, but when she was around Y/N…it was different. A good different. A type of different that had Dave, Hotch, JJ, and Spencer betting on how long it would take the two women to finally get together.            
“I am plenty of fun. You’re just not that scary,” Alex repeated, sipping her coffee and humming at the delicious taste. “You’re too cute to be scary.”            
Y/N didn’t know how to respond, especially because her stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies and she knew that if she spoke it would just be a stammering mess. She was in complete denial of her crush on Alex returning after thirty years of separation, but her reactions told her otherwise. There was the sudden racing of her heart when Alex smiled at her, the butterflies when Alex gave her a compliment, and smiling whenever Alex was around. As a person who did intense study of psychology, she knew that all those signs pointed to her being attracted to her pretty co-worker, but she refused to accept that conclusion. Instead, she brushed them off as symptoms off her caffeine addiction.            
Either way, neither of them could continue the conversation because Penelope then walked in with a case for the team.            
For the past month or so, Columbus, Ohio had been the hunting ground for a serial rapist and killer. Two men and four women had been killed and dumped in alleyways around the city, and for a month that was a lot of victims. The conference room presentation of the case was quick for the sake of time—especially since the time between kills was shortening too rapidly for comfort (not that slow killings would be any more comforting).           
The team had been up for nearly three days straight and when they found the unsub, they were thankful to know that they could go to the hotel and rest. After they left the police precinct, they went to their hotel, only to find out that they didn’t have enough rooms for everyone. There were six rooms for seven agents.           
 “I’m fine with sharing a room as long as I get into bed quickly,” Y/N yawned, half-asleep despite standing in the lobby.           
 “Are you alright sharing with me?” Alex asked Y/N.            
“Mhmm, as long as you hurry up.”           
beep. beep. beep. beep.            
Y/N took the pillow out from under her head to cover her ears, whining to stay asleep. Alex watched the scene with a smile on her face, before turning off her alarm to relieve the tired woman lying next to her. Alex lay back down next to her colleague and watched as she moved her head back above the pillow.  
“You are a gift from God, Alex Miller…” Y/N mumbled, sleepily reaching a hand out to Alex.            
Accepting the hand into her own, Alex responded, “Of course I am. I’m an angel.”            
Y/N snuggled closer to Alex, shocking the linguist a little, but she accepted it gratefully.           
 “The jet leaves in a few hours… I’ll wake you up in two,” Alex whispered, the feeling of Y/N in her arms setting her heart on fire in a good way. “Rest up.”            
It didn’t take long for Y/N to fall back asleep, especially with the warmth that Alex’s body provided in the cold hotel room. Alex fell back asleep for a short while, before waking up ninety minutes later. Y/N was practically on top of her, resting peacefully on her chest and breathing slowly and quietly.            
Alex’s stomach filled with butterflies, the same ones she felt that night at graduation when she gave Y/N a hug that lasted shorter than she wanted it to be. Then she remembered the ring—and instinctually she look at Y/N’s hand, finding the same ring on Y/N’s right hand. It was cleaned and polished, showing she cared for it and made a point to take care of it despite the long and hectic hours of their work life. Maybe Alex was reading into it too much, but the thought of Y/N feeling the same way she did made her smile. Maybe there was a chance…just maybe.            
Alex spent the next half-hour lost in thought before waking up her friend carefully.            
“It felt like four seconds,” Y/N yawned, wrapping her arms around Alex’s neck. “What time is it?”            
“About noon… we need to be at the airstrip by two,” Alex sighed, running a hand through Y/N’s hair. “Have a good rest?”            
 A comfortable silence fell between the two women—they were relaxed, as if their positions were nothing new to them. Like they were puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.            
“You kept the ring.”            
The sudden statement didn’t appear to shock Y/N, who still lay perfectly content on Alex’s frame.            
“Of course.”            
“It’s clean…and polished. Looks like it is brand new.”           
 “Your point?”            
“You care about it. A ring that is worth less than $15, yet you treat it like it’s worth millions.”            
Y/N chuckled, before adjusting her position to look at Alex comfortably, asking, “Are you profiling me, Miller? Pray tell, what do you think you’ve figured out?”            
Alex sat up so that Y/N was sitting on her lap, their faces centimetres apart.           
 “I think that the reason you avoided me the last weeks of our school year together was because you had a crush on me,” Alex hummed, her arms around Y/N’s waist. “And I think that, after all these years, that crush has still lasted.”            
“So what if it has?” Y/N asked.           
 “Well, then that would mean I would have to ask permission to kiss you.”
 Y/N just smiled and answered, “You don’t have to ask.”            
Alex took the bait and kissed Y/N passionately, not missing her chance to use her hands to explore Y/N’s body: caressing her waist and hips, and leaving goosebumps everywhere she touched. Y/N’s fingers ran themselves through Alex’s hair, causing Alex to shiver slightly in pure ecstasy. There was a huge possibility that Alex and Y/N would’ve continued further if they hadn’t been interrupted by Alex’s phone ringing.            
Alex pulled away reluctantly, taking a long glance at Y/N’s swollen lips and heavy breathing, before answering the phone with a smile. After a few short seconds, Alex hung up and explained that it was Hotch calling to remind her that they needed to check out of the hotel soon. Alex looked back at the woman on her lap, before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.            
“We’ll continue this later, alright?”           
 “Is that a promise?”            
Alex nodded, before Y/N got off of Alex’s lap and started getting ready to leave the hotel.
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ssaalexmiller · 2 years
I Was in Love with My Tutor Pt. 1
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Y/N recounts memories of her high school crush with the team while on the plane back to Quantico. 
 tw// small mention of rape, kidnapping, and hatecrimes (very small... literally two sentences)“Come on, Y/N. You didn’t date anyone in high school?”
            The team was flying back to Virginia after a case in Phoenix, where the unsub had kidnapped and raped three women who looked like his high school sweetheart. The case had been solved in three days, being quite easy considering the unsub failed to cover his tracks very well after the second victim. It wasn’t a particularly hard case—the only reason they were called in was because of the time between victims, which was too short for comfort--so light-hearted conversation was not excluded from the options of what to do on the flight back.
            First, it started with Dave teasing Hotch about his upcoming date with Beth during their weekend off. Then, it slowly escalated into JJ, Spencer, and Y/N joining into the pestering—before being dragged in to talk about their love lives.
            JJ, obviously, didn’t have much to say because she had just come fresh off of her honeymoon with Will, and Spencer didn’t have much to say about his little old fling with Austin, the bartender from four years prior.
            “We decided we would be better as friends,” Spencer explained, shrugging before looking over to Y/N. “Didn’t you have a thing with Jordan Todd?”
            Y/N blushed after being pushed into the spotlight, before stammering, “Uh… no?”
            Hotch and Dave laughed at Y/N’s blatant lie, the latter commenting, “So the fact that you guys arrived to the office at the exact same time on multiple occasions was just a very weird coincidence?”
            JJ, who had been on maternity leave during Jordan’s time at the BAU, asked curiously, “You and Jordan dated?”
            Y/N sighed, before finally coming clean and confessing, “Yeah. It wasn’t anything serious, though. It was hard to find time together after she went back to counterterrorism. Plus, she’s not my usual type.”
            Slowly, the conversation got into past relationships, landing on the topic of high school sweethearts. Hotch elected not to speak about his experiences with Haley, which the team understood was still incredibly difficult for him to talk about, so he just ended up listening to the rest of the team’s stories.
            “Let’s just say that there’s a reason I was voted ‘Most likely to be late to graduation’,” Dave jested, earning a laugh from the team.
            “They had superlatives in the 50’s?”
            “I’m not that old, L/N.”
            “Whatever you say, pasta man.”
            That’s when Dave decided to exact revenge by bringing Y/N’s high school love life into light. It took a bit of coaxing from JJ and Hotch, but eventually Y/N brought up her high school math tutor.
            “Alright, alright. I didn’t date anyone in high school out of fear of being hate-crimed, but I did do some incredibly stupid things to get the attention of my high school tutor,” Y/N said, taking a sip of her water as she leaned back against the airplane sofa. “Her name was Alex; she was a year ahead of me, but we were in the same math class in my junior year because I skipped ahead a class in order to take AP Physics.
            “Basically, I took a page from Mean Girls and pulled a Catie Heron,” Y/N sighed, before seeing the confused look on Reid’s face and deciding to elaborate on what she meant. “I pretended to be terrible at math so she would tutor me.”
1987 in Kansas City, Missouri 
            Y/N looked at the graded test in front of her and smiled proudly at the A+ that was written in red marker on the front page. Math was never her favourite subject, but this year it had been incredibly easy thanks to her independent summer studying. In fact, she could’ve moved out of the class at the beginning of the year, but she needed the easy class if she wanted any time to deal with APUSH and AP Physics.
            She put her test sheet in her binder, before closing it up and packing her bag as she waited for the last five minutes of the class to tick away on the clock. As she shoved her binder in her backpack, a voice next to her asked, “How’d you do on the test?”
            Y/N turned to see the cute senior girl moving her chair closer to make it easier to talk the nerdy junior. The senior, whose name was Alex, was arguably the smartest out of her graduating class—high scores on many a math test, accepted into UC Berkeley, as well as a perfect score in her AP Literature class. Not to mention the way she breezed through assignments in the rest of her classes and practically left most of her peers in the dust. If there was anything that Y/N thought was more beautiful than Alex’s smile, it was definitely Alex’s mind.
            “I did okay… what about you?” Y/N asked, manipulating the conversation so that Alex would talk more. “I’m assuming a perfect score, like always.”
            Alex grinned, which made Y/N’s stomach start jumping onto her intestines out of pure affection, and answered, “I got one wrong, but it’s enough to keep my credibility as a math tutor.”
            Y/N knew that Alex was a tutor, why wouldn’t she be? She’s so smart and thoughtful… and beautiful…and smart—
            Y/N snapped back into reality and apologized, “Sorry. I was thinking about my physics quiz.”
            Alex nodded, before Y/N thought of a purely stupid idea.
            “Hey, um… do you think you could tutor me for this class?”
            Alex, seemingly suspecting nothing, politely agreed, “Of course! Um, where do you want to meet up?”
            Y/N and Alex hashed out the details right before the bell rang, signalling for them to head to their next class. Y/N walked away, in absolute disbelief about how she just lied about being bad at math so Alex would tutor her.
2014 in Quantico, Virginia
            “Long story short, she came over, we had a nice session, and then she left and a few classes later she saw my perfect score on the exam, said I didn’t need tutoring. She graduated and I never saw her again,” Y/N explained vaguely, ignoring the memory that popped up in her head. “Honestly the dumbest thing I’ve ever done for someone I liked, but I guess I should’ve known it wouldn’t have lasted.”
            The flight continued with JJ’s crush horror story, before the plane touched down onto the government hanger. It was nine in the morning when the team arrived at the office, and they almost immediately walked up to the round-table room, until Anderson stopped Hotch from walking too far in.
            “Sorry, Agent Hotchner. Um, Dr. Miller is here today if you’d like to talk to her,” Anderson informed, before gesturing over to the desk next to Y/N’s.
            JJ, Dave, and Y/N were all excited to meet the new agent, but Spencer just followed them to say hi to his old acquaintance. Hotch politely greeted the new agent, and she stood up from her desk. Y/N’s heart started beating faster all of a sudden, and she froze slightly.
            “Dr. Miller, welcome to the team,” Hotch greeted, offering a small, professional smile. “You know Dr. Reid—these are agents Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, and Y/N L/N.”
            Nearly the whole team noticed Alex’s slight reaction to the last agent’s name, but she made a point to shake hands with JJ, Hotch, and Rossi, before turning her attention to Y/N.
            “Nice to see you again, Y/N,” Alex said, offering a small grin to Y/N, whose heart fluttered. “Nice to meet the rest of you, as well.”
            “You two know each other?” JJ asked, though she knew the answer already.
            “Uh, yeah. She was in my calculus class in high school. I tutored her for a brief moment, as well.”
            Hotch, JJ, and Dave exchanged a small smirk, watching Y/N shake Alex’s hand.
            “Yeah, um, nice to see you again as well, Alex…”
            The team, with the exception of Alex and Y/N, knew that this was going to be fun to play around with.
  1987 in Kansas City, Missouri
            “Oh, hi! Come in.”
            Alex smiled and walked into Y/N’s house, before following the junior to their living room.
            “Sorry I’m early. My brother had somewhere to be,” Alex apologized, setting her things down on the floor. “Are you ready to start or do you need some time to prepare?”
            “No, I’m fine. We can start now.”
            For the next hour, Alex and Y/N reviewed partial derivatives, ending with a little assignment that Y/N completed in less than ten minutes. Alex complimented Y/N’s skill on picking things up very quickly, to which Y/N brushed off while she focused on doing the math problems. Once she had finished, however, Alex’s ride hadn’t arrived.
            “Would you like some water? Food? Anything?” Y/N asked politely.
            The time was six-thirty in the evening, and Alex’s brother was due to pick her up at seven. Y/N wasn’t entirely sure how to handle the situation, especially now that she didn’t have math to distract her from the beautiful girl sitting next to her on her couch.
            “No, I’m alright,” Alex answered. “I’m sorry for overstaying my time.”
            Y/N gave her an innocent little smile, and emphasized, “You’re fine. Don’t worry about it. You’re good company.”
            “And you are too… plus you’re a quick learner,” Alex hummed. “Or, I should say, a very bad liar.”
            Y/N just looked back at Alex, who had a little smirk ghosting her thin and pink lips.
            “I don’t know what you mean.”
            “Come on, Y/N. We’ve been sitting next to each other for the entire year. Did you think I wouldn’t notice the steady stream of perfect scores on your assignments?” Alex teased, leaning back onto the couch. “If you wanted to hang out with me, then you could’ve just asked.”
            Y/N blushed, shoving her face into her hands briefly, before asking, “If you knew, then why’d you play along for the first hour?”
            “I wanted to see how far you would take the act.”
            Alex and Y/N then spent the rest of their time together talking and joking around with each other—they had a positive energy that bounced nicely off of each other. If their interactions would have taken place in public and it wasn’t 1987, people might have speculated that they were a couple. Maybe, just maybe, their chemistry would have escalated past the deep conversation, and taken a more physical aspect which would be considered quite scandalous for the time. Unfortunately, it didn’t, as when the clock struck seven, Alex’s brother had arrived to pick her up.
            Y/N walked Alex out and the latter said, “If you ever want to just hang out, let me know. Or, ask me for tutoring again.”
            Y/N chuckled at the small tease, before saying goodbye to Alex, who entered her car with a smile on her face.
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ssaalexmiller · 2 years
Lincoln High Pt. 2 of IWILWMT
Part 2 of I Was in Love with My Tutor!
The last few weeks of Alex’s senior year and the events of graduation.
not my gif.
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May, 1987 in Kansas City, Missouri           
           “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
           Y/N looked up to see Alex, who sat next to her and placed her lunch tray on the cafeteria table. It had been a month since the “tutoring” session and the two women had progressively gotten closer to each other. Of course, most of their time was spent with their respective friend groups, but during calculus they bonded and that was all they needed.
           “Strange to see you here in the cafeteria,” Y/N answered. “No reading to be done today?”
           Alex was usually out in the courtyard with her small friend group, or in the library reading her favourite book: Madame Bovary. Throughout the entire year, Y/N had only ever seen Alex eating lunch in the cafeteria twice prior to their current interaction, so it was understandable that Y/N was slightly confused. She silently hoped that Alex was here because she missed Y/N’s company, but she would never admit that out loud.
           Alex took a bite out of a cold baby carrot, before answering, “Well, you haven’t been in calculus. I had to make sure that you’re not skipping school.”
           It was a joke, which was evident by the playful look in Alex’s brown eyes.
           Y/N hadn’t been in school for a week. Or technically, she had been, but her AP exams were taking up her time and after each exam was over, she was allowed to leave campus for the day. Finally, exam season was finished and the year would be closing out in two weeks—which she couldn’t wait for.
           “How’d you do on your AP exams?”
           “I think I did okay. I’m surprised you didn’t take any.”
           Alex scoffed jokingly, “Are you kidding? I wanted my senior year to be easy. Honours courses are good enough for me this year. Plus, I wouldn’t have been able to put my AP scores on my college apps anyway.”
           “It’s not like you need it, Miss Full ride to Berkeley.”
           Alex smiled, before asking Y/N on details for how her exams went. If only Y/N knew that Alex had taken the exams during her junior year, and the only reason Alex asked for details was because Y/N’s voice made her day so much brighter. Both women were completely fixed on each other, rejecting all other voices in the loud cafeteria.
           It was about halfway through lunch, when Y/N noticed someone watching them talk—or more likely, someone watching Alex talk. A boy, senior and wearing a Harvard sweater, stood up from his seat, and approached the two girls.
           “Hey, Alex. Hi… uh—“
           “Y/N,” Alex said. “Y/N, this is James—my boyfriend.”
           “Oh, you’re Y/N? Alex has told me so much about you.”
           Y/N nearly spit her water out, but didn’t. Instead she brushed it off--her mind focusing on the fact that James was Alex’s boyfriend and somehow missing the fact that Alex talked about her--and smiled at her crush’s partner.
           “Hi, nice to meet you,” Y/N lied right through her teeth. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend. How long have you guys been dating?”
           Y/N learned that Alex and James had been together for a few weeks, and they had just made it official during the week of AP exams. Y/N used all of her strength to not show how devastated she was that Alex was taken. She was very happy that Alex had found someone, especially someone who seemed as nice and smart as James, but she was… disappointed that it wasn’t her.
           The rest of lunch flew by slowly, Y/N allowing Alex and James to lead the conversation about their first date, their plans for college, and a lot of other stuff that Y/N was trying to care about for the sake of Alex. When the bell rang, James ran off to his next class while Alex and Y/N walked to calculus together.
           “I’m sorry if that got a little awkward. He’s incredibly social,” Alex apologized, giving Y/N a soft smile. “Do you like him? You guys seem like you’d get along.”
           “Oh, yeah, he’s great. I’m really happy for you,” Y/N replied, which was honestly an instinctual response. She wasn’t exactly going to say, “Actually, I don’t think we’d get along because I’m literally madly in love with you.”
           Alex felt an awkward energy take the place of the usually happy energy that she always felt around Y/N. It was like James flipped a switch, but Alex couldn’t figure out why it happened. Did Y/N have a problem with her talking about their friendship with James? Was she forcing Y/N into a third-wheel position? Did Y/N have a crush on James?
           Alex knew that something was wrong when Y/N seemed incredibly exhausted when listening to their teacher talk. Usually, she was focused and listening, but now she was somewhere else. It was concerning.
           The bell rang, and Alex pulled Y/N to the side of the hallway to talk.
           “Are you okay? Why are you sad all of a sudden?” Alex asked softly, the concern in her voice making Y/N melt slightly.
           “I’m okay. I think I’m just tired,” Y/N yawned, which nearly sold Alex on the lie—except for the fact that nearly two hours earlier she was just fine.
           “Are you sure?”
           Y/N nodded.
           “Okay… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
           Alex reluctantly walked away, but one thought crossed her mind, and it was a thought she would never say out loud.
Graduation Day- June 1987
           “Congratulations, Class of 1987!”
           The auditorium was loud with cheering graduates and their families—but Alex wasn’t focused on that, or the graduation caps that were flying in the air. Instead, she was looking for someone in particular.
           “Hey. Congratulations on vale.”
           Alex turned to find James standing next to her, and he gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.
           “Thanks, handsome. Let’s see if you have a chance in college,” Alex teased, her salutatorian boyfriend rolling his eyes. “I’ll see you on Saturday, right?”
           The seniors in their friend group were having a little graduation party at James’ family’s cabin as one last night together. There was no guarantee that they would all see each other together again, and that was exactly why Alex was looking for Y/N.
           Y/N had been part of the decorating committee for graduation due to her position in her class council, which also meant she was in the clean up party as well. They hadn’t had a real chance to talk ever since the incident with James, and she wanted to mend their connection, which had gone fairly cold in the past few weeks. Alex didn’t know why, but she knew that she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t leave on a good note with Y/N. James gave her a kiss goodnight, before she stalked off to find her friend.
           Alex sighed in relief when she found Y/N standing backstage, peaking through the stage curtains as if she was also looking for someone.
           “There you are.”
           Y/N jumped a little before feeling relieved to see Alex standing behind her.
           “God, you scared me,” Y/N chuckled, her heart speeding up slightly due to the scare and Alex’s presence. “I was looking for you…”
           Y/N looked at Alex, whose graduation gown was undone to show off the elegant white dress under it. The cap on her head rested on her wavy, dark auburn hair. The blue colour of the set somehow complemented the colour of her eyes. Y/N saw the gold cord resting around Alex’s shoulders, along with a silver stoll that read Valedictorian ’87. She was proud of Alex… very proud.
           “Funny. I was looking for you, too,” Alex smiled, before sighing, “I’m sorry about the past few weeks. I… I wanted to find you so we wouldn’t end on a bad note.”
           “Same here,” Y/N replied, unable to form any more words as Alex got closer. She was so beautiful and kind. James was lucky to have such a thoughtful, kind, beautiful, and intelligent woman.
           Over the past few weeks, Y/N had come to terms with her feelings for Alex, realizing that it was probably never meant to be. Alex was going away to college in California, and Y/N had a year left of high school in Missouri—which would be followed by her collegiate years at NYU. By then, Alex and James would probably be living together and starting the rest of their lives. She didn’t want Alex to leave thinking she hated her—Alex was worth more than a shitty goodbye during their last math class together.
           “It’s not your fault that I’ve been distant the past few weeks. I was just… I was just feeling a little down about some personal stuff,” Y/N said. “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you, and I’m really sorry that I made you feel anything but good.”
           “Well, I’m sorry for not talking to you sooner. For someone pursuing linguistics, I’m god awful at communication sometimes,” Alex joked.
           Y/N laughed, before reaching into her bag and pulling out a nicely wrapped present. It was in a matte purple box with a silver bow tied around it.
           “I hope this makes a sufficient apology.”
           Alex smiled, replying, “You didn’t have to.”
           “I wanted to. Open it.”
           Alex obeyed, opening the box to find a book—her favourite book. She had read it many times, but this edition was different. It was printed in the original French, which was something she had always wanted to analyze.
           “You mentioned at the beginning of the year during your icebreaker that you wanted to study French, and I knew your favourite book was Madame Bovary, so I thought maybe it’d be a good present,” Y/N explained, before seeing the shocked look on Alex’s face. “Um, do you like it?”
           Y/N nearly fell onto the floor with the amount of force that Alex used to leap into a hug. Y/N’s cheeks felt warm as she wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck, and she felt like she was nearly going to die when Alex squeezed her tighter.
           “I love it… thank you.”
           The hug lasted so long, but neither of them wanted to let go. It was maybe two minutes later that they finally pulled away, but they both still kept the smiles on their faces as if they were super-glued on.
           Y/N was so happy to see Alex smile so contently—it was possibly the best thing that she had ever seen. God, she would give Alex a thousand more books just to see that smile every day.
           “Here,” Alex said, twisting a sterling silver ring off of her hand and taking Y/N’s right hand, slipping it onto her ring finger. “Since you got me a gift, here is yours.”
           Alex wished she had something better and nicer to giver—the ring was worth $10 at most, but Y/N appreciated it nonetheless.
           “Well, thank you very much, Alex,” Y/N said, the smile on her face refusing to disappear. “I hope this isn’t goodbye.”
           “I hope so too.”
           Alex looked at her watch, before remembering that her family was waiting for her in the parking lot.
           “I have to go… I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
           Alex hugged Y/N one last time, before boldly placing a kiss on Y/N’s cheek.
           “See you around, Alex…” Y/N replied, before watching Alex walk away.
           Y/N fiddled with the new ring on her hand, which somehow fit perfectly, and smiled at the thought of Alex’s arms around her. She reached her hand up to touch her cheek, the ghost of Alex’s kiss lingering on her face, before taking a deep breath and grabbing the mop she needed to help clean up.
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