#iwtv x rr
nalyra-dreaming · 24 days
According to Daniel Hart Lestat's'' favorite Raleigh Ritchie song is 'Love is Dumb' this is so funny but in character but also it's so weird to have Raleigh Ritchie in the iwtv universe.I'm all for it and really curious about how they will do it?
What would you prefer? -No Raleigh Ritchie in universe at all -just a duet in a album but no apparition in the show -a quick cameo? -a little role (imagine Raleigh Ritchie being Lestat's producer and we see them working in their music studio)
I know some people are talking about a Ralestat.I'm really really really hoping they won't go this route even a quick scène or even implying it would we so awkward.Of course it would be realistic for Lestat to be attracted by a Louis doppelganger and he can find him cute but i don't want to see more please 😭
... *blinks*
Really? People are going Raleigh Ritchie x Lestat?^^
Okay, I hadn't been aware of that.
Errrrrr.... what do I prefer.....
Well, the cast has referenced Raleigh Ritchie a few times now in interviews and statements. Given these people talk with each other alllll the darn time, it stands to reason that they're cooking up something.
I... don't want to mix it too heavily, actually, I think that could go weird real fast, and that is what fan fiction is for. I think RR should stay inspiration, maybe with in-universe comments re him, and that should be it. I think in-universe Lestat should stay focused on Louis.
But I also think the lyrics are indeed ... quite fitting :)
A lot of Jacob's songs and lyrics are very fitting for Loustat.
And the fact that they reference it... means they know it, too :)))
I'm staying with a reference. Though I wouldn't mind a duet!! Because Jacob said that Louis cannot sing, and that SUCKS :)))), so I would definitely take what I can get there :))))
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