#ix.    psa   —   tuning  into  your  local  news  station
fallcnonesarch · 5 years
okay y’all, i’mma be real with you because it’s kinda ridiculous at this point. it’s 2019 and for some reason people are still sending anon hate to people that i deeply care about. and i see how deeply it affects them. if you don’t like something someone does, just unfollow them. it’s their character, they chose to write them the way they wanted too. there’s literally no reason to send hate to people. i feel like people do it out of jealously or spike. it’s made tumblr a really toxic place and i’m pretty sure most of us didn’t come here for that. we came to write and that’s what we should stick to. everyone has the same right to be on this website as the next person does. this isn’t a popularity consent, so please leave ooc drama out of it. for some of us, tumblr is meant as a safe haven from our real lives. we don’t know everyone’s story and we don’t know what some people have gone // are going through, so pls stop attacking people just because you don’t like something they are doing. pls just leave it be and unfollow them. 
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fallcnonesarch · 5 years
on this blog, we stan the living shit out of R ( @dreamxforger ). my loving and beautiful wife. and if you have a problem with that, fight me.
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fallcnonesarch · 5 years
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