#iz approving all of this in witchshsh heart office
kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
i thikn wilardo loves basketball it's why he's so sterngth, how he exericse. however, quite short. noel has been isloalted from normal society his whole life, and almsot all interactiosn is claire and demons, which are not very noraml. even if basketball is popualr game, probably never hear of or not know how to play. however, tallest in cast.
wilarod playing basketball iwth noel!! wialrdo moves is so skillful, so grace. ka chow! finally, wialrdo slip and ball fall into noelhands. wilarod hurry hurry get it!!! noel panic, raise ball into air! wilarod jumpignjumping give me ball now!!! noel doesn't even jump, just raise arms and shot ball!! wilarod fuck!!!!!
wilardo and ashe basketball i thik similar story, beucuase i htikn ahshe not know a lot about baksetball, isolation form peers in past. wiat. noel and ahshe islolation? ok
anwyays wilarodo love baksetball!!
wialrod: ya i play ball i thttink wialrldo tlaking iwth tall girl i mean noel he ask you dont know baskketball1?!?!??!?!?! noel say nono.................... wialrodo cant swear for seocnd time becauser thajt removed all budget so he goes to play with balls instead (wialrldodo guy so strong yet looksslike a stick hes top ten player basketball!!!!!!!!!! eveyrbdoy aksing how he got on court weairng red hoodie..) noesl says he doesnt go out mcuch ashe saying take you uout soemtieme! i think they all handhsake and nod . excppet in secret communication of isolation that theyll never share outloud ever forever. neol aksing claire do you wanna play baskebtall?? noel gets his ass kiicked by claire. ashe gets ass kicked by claire. wilardo gets ass kicked by claire. siriusis the ball. claire removal ov memory so no more asses are epxloded.
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