#j bought em on sale for 20 bucks!!
candycatstuffs · 2 years
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every time i get obsessed with a piece of clothing, i have to draw amy in it or else ill literally burst into flames and die
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The Cabin
Rain battered the windows of my cabin as I sat in the armchair watching the television next to a roaring fire that took me hours to get burning. I bought this cabin three years ago as a retreat from my hectic city life, the isolation helps me reset my mind. I come here every three or four weeks just to clear my head and relax. Nothing interesting ever happens here, I get the occasional bear wandering too close or a racoon in the trash but nothing interesting. But tonight, tonight would be different.
I cracked open another beer around nine o’clock and sat down to watch a movie when I first heard it, a creaking on my porch, I thought nothing of it and carried on watching my film until again, I heard a creak, like there was something slowly walking up the steps of the front porch, as if trying to make as little noise as possible, I turned the volume down on my TV and listened as hard as I could and there it was, the third step.
I wondered if it was just my mind playing tricks on me, maybe the isolation was making my imagination run wild. I sat there in my armchair and turned my ear towards the door as to hear better. Another creak, followed by another. Steps, these were unmistakeable steps, the steps of a bipedal mammal, like a man. I slowly stood up and started walking to the back room where I kept a 12 Gauge Shotgun when it happened, a loud bang on the door which made me jump and start running.
The banging was slow and steady but in my panicked state I grabbed the shotgun and started to clumsily load some shells into it, the shells wouldn’t go into the gun and kept dropping onto the floor, it took me what seemed like an hour trying to load the shells into the gun and when I finally did I cocked it, but as I did the banging stopped and whoever, or whatever it was started to walk back down the steps of the porch and into the night.
I didn’t sleep that night, I sat in my armchair with the shotgun by my side all night.
The next morning rolled around and I watched the sun rise above the horizon. Before I could think to do anything, there was a loud knocking at the door, much faster than before followed by a voice that said
“Mr Brady? You in there?”
The Forrest Ranger, thank goodness
I got up from my chair and went to the door and unlocked it
“What can I do for you Ranger?” I asked gruffly, getting no sleep has that effect on you
“Mr Brady, I’m sorry to wake you so early but theres been an incident” He said taking off his hat
“An incident, what happened is my wife okay?”
“No, nothing like that sir” He said solemnly “A few campers who were holed up not too far from here have been attacked”
“Attacked by what?” I asked, my mind thinking back to the night I had just spent terrified with my gun by my side
“Looks like a bear did it” Said the ranger turning around letting the sunlight hit his face
“You didn’t happen to see or hear anything last night did you?” He asked
“No sir, I slept like a baby all night” I said, lying through my teeth
“Well I just wanted to let you know and to remind you to make sure your doors are locked, and to maybe keep your trash inside tonight”
“That shouldn’t be a problem Ranger” I said.
He wished me well and went on his way. Whatever was on my porch last night was no bear. All during that day I made sure my cabin was bear proof and made sure my gun was clean and in working order, test firing it out back to make sure the rounds cycled nicely.
Once I was done with my chores for the day I settled down in my armchair with a cold beer and my gun, that thing wasn’t leaving my side all night.
It was around eleven o’clock that night when I heard it. What sounded like something big, something heavy walking past the outer wall of the cabin. I grabbed my gun and waited, I waited until I heard it, walking up the steps to my porch.
I heard its heavy steps getting closer and closer to the door. Whatever it was started touching the handle to the door and then it dawned on me, I hadn’t locked it. I got up as fast as I could but before I could get any further, the door swung open and I fell back onto the floor in an attempt to escape, but when I saw it, I was paralysed with fear.
There, standing in my doorway was something I had never seen before, I could only see the shape of it at first, it was enormous, I guessed around 8ft tall, but it could have been taller, it stepped into the light of my cabin, it looked like a man, but covered in thick hair, no not a man, an ape. This things mouth and hands were covered in blood and what I hoped was animal fur, I regained my composure and spun around from my place on the floor and scrambled towards my armchair where my gun was resting but this thing was fast.
It took two giant steps towards me and grabbed my foot, it threw me like a rag doll at the opposite wall of the cabin where I fell to the ground in a heap. My head was spinning from the force of the impact but I was aware enough to reach out and grab something, A small deer head statue that I got at a boot sale for a couple of bucks had been knocked to the floor. I sat up and hurled it at the creature who was already advancing on me, it hit the thing on the shoulder but it barely made any difference.
I tried to scramble for the kitchen door but once again it grabbed my foot, with my free leg I kicked and kicked until it eventually let go of me, I crawled into the kitchen as fast as I could, the thing followed me in, still on the floor I grabbed a knife from the counter top and stabbed down with all my might.
The knife pierced the creatures foot and it let out a deafening roar, I think I pissed it off. But in the moment it took for the creature to bend down to remove the blade it gave me enough time to get around it and back into the living room. I grabbed my gun, ran to the bedroom and locked the door.
I heard the creature limp out of the kitchen, it stopped for a moment and sniffed the air, it was tracking me. I thought this was it, I was about to die in a cabin in the woods, I heard the beast approach the bedroom door and try the handle, I cocked my weapon and the handle stopped moving, I fired my gun through the door, it let out another roar. After a moment I looked through the splintered hole in the door, nothing.
I opened the door slowly and searched the cabin. Nothing except a trail of blood leading from the bedroom to the front door.
The next morning I called the Ranger to the cabin and explained the story to him.
“Well, what do you think?” I asked him
Scratching his stubble he looked at me and said
“I thought we got ‘em all near 20 years ago”
“Got what?” I asked him, getting slightly angry at his mysterious answer
“I better call in the cavalry” He said turning back towards his truck.
I ran in front of him and put my hand on the door of his vehicle
“Caught what?” I asked again, my voice getting low and serious
“Mr Brady, I think you know what you saw last night, you don’t need me to tell you” He said putting his hat back on and climbing into his truck.
I stood there in the dust thinking about what he had just said and what I had saw  the night before. I never believed until last night, but I guess I do now.
I hope you enjoyed this short story. You know what it was, but does Mr Brady?
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