#j-tech oc: carmen garcia
voidselfshipp · 1 year
Ezequiel Rojas
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Profession: jaeger interface programmer
Place of Birth: La Serena, Chile
Age: 29
Born and raised in Chile, Rojas was a carefree and free spirited young Man, only child from a middle class family of engieneers.
Just as the kaiju started to attack more frequently, Ezequiel had found his passion for coding, and he decided to volunteer to become one of the first j-tech interface coders of the Lima shatterdome.
He was always used as quality controll, which meant he never participated in the actual making of the interface. His opportunity arose when he heard of a specially tricky jaeger under the name of Blasting Supernova, and he volunteered to code the skeleton of the interface.
His superior, Dolores Quispe was the one who allowed him to try, and upon the code proving succesfull he was allowed to code the rest of the interface with a small Group that he led.
What was peculiar with this jaeger was that apparently the Core would Fire "random" electric pulses that would make the systems crash, and Rojas, being the stubborn and persevering young Man he was, found a way to work with the pulses and adapting the code to it.
Using the research of Dr.Lightcap he managed to create the first four people drift program.
Psicological Report/Personality:
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Positive Traits: enthusiastic, creative, supportive, playful, friendly,free spirited. Patient.
Negative traits: can be reckless, doesnt follow protocols, snores a bit too loudly(and Denies it)
Coffee, coding, spending time with his family, solving problems, partying, dancing.
Noisy keyboards, bad coding, arguing, cold food.
Dolores Quispe
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Profession: Chief J-tech engieneer.
Place of Birth: Callao, Peru
Age: 35
Born as the oldest of three, Dolores was no stranger to being in charge, always looking out for her sisters while her parents worked long hours to make ends meet.
When the kaiju hit the world and jaegers were built, Quispe saw a chance to give her family a better life, so she balanced her engieneer carreer and taking care of her sisters for ir.
She soon proved to be dependable and hard working, and slowly she made her way to chief j-tech engieneer.
Quispe was tasked with overseeing the construction of Blasting Supernova, a very peculiar jaeger given that its Core was not from this earth.
Dolores managed to create a unique electrical system that would handle the output of energy the Core had.
She managed to build a small team for the creation of Blasting supernova, working alongside its pilots to perfect it. Now her team are the permanent maintenance crew of B.S once the Lima shatterdome was shut down.
Psicological Report/Personality:
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Positive Traits:
Nurturing,helpful, flexible, realistic, considerate,hardworking,dependable.
Negative traits: overthinker, takes on a lot of responsability and hesitates to share the load.
Cooking, dancing, making people laugh, help people, create things, tinkering.
Carmen Garcia
Lazy people, loved ones being threatened, waking up early, opening up.
->struggles with anxiety.
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Profession: jaeger repair crew/jaeger paneling welder
Place of birth: Manta, Ecuador
Age: 30
Youngest of two siblings, from a family of blacksmiths and welders, Garcia was enthusiastic of following her family's traditions, taking up the mantle instead of her older sibling.
Carmen always liked to create, Wether it was makeshift jewelry, the hoods of cars or other kind of metalworks. For a long time she lived off of that kind of work, until jaegers were starting to get built and the PPDC needed metalworkers for the outer Shell of the jaegers.
Because of the demand, she was barely interviewed and shipped off to all the latin shatterdomes, where she worked on solar prophet and other latin jaegers.
When Blasting Supernova was being built, chief j-tech Quispe requested her inmediately. and Carmen, never being the one to back down from a challenge, accepted enthusiastically.
Psicological Report/Personality:
Zodiac Sign: aries
Positive traits:
Enthusiastic, creative,optimistic, playfull.
Negative traits:
Doesnt follow deadlines or schedules, easily angered, perfectionist.
Metalworking,tinkering, spending time with Friends, making gifts for loved ones, working on jaegers.
Not being able to concentrate, people hurrying her up, deadlines, overtly sweet food.
-> has ADHD that manifest in hyperactiveness, RSD, and having a difficult time regulating her emotions.
Francisco Benitez
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Profession: jaeger mechanical engieneer.
Place of Birth: Asunción, Paraguay
Born in Paraguay,Francisco's mother raised her son in a garage, showing him the ins and outs of car/motorcycle engines and by the time he was 15 he could pull appart and assemble back almost any car engine.
When the kaiju attacked, he felt powerless to help, until his mother suggested that he could help with the mechanical aspects of the jaegers.
And so he did, he studied to be a mechanical engieneer,and while balancing with learning all there was to jaegers, he completed his carreer in no time,graduating with honors.
He worked in Lady Danger, Solar Prophet (where he met Carmen and worked alongside her for some years), Nova hyperion and Coyote Tango.
Benitez was called in by Dolores Quispe to work on Blasting Supernova, and after getting all the information (at least the non confidential bits) and seeing how peculiar the Core was, he decided to take it.
Soon he solidified his place as B.S' mechanical repair Man, and remains in this position to this day.
Psicological Report/Personality:
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Positive traits:
Helpful,creative, charismatic, easy to get along with, hardworking, friendly, inventive,versatile.
Negative traits:
Takes a Long time to wake up, drinks a lot of coffee, doesnt respect meal times, overworks himself to the bone.
Grease on his hands, going out with Friends after a long day of work, repairing cars, helping people.
Messy workplace, people grabbing his tools without telling him, not being able to shower after being elbow deep in jaeger engines.
Alma Morales
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Profession: jaeger weapons specialist/ j-tech engieneer.
Place of Birth: Monterrico, Guatemala
Raised in a big family, Alma is the youngest of six siblings, all of them male. This Led her to have to solidify her place in the family and prove her brothers she was just as (or more) capable as them.
She was raised in a loving family however, often indulging and spoiling their kids while also teaching them respect, humility and hard work, while also promoting friendly and healthy competition (which would manifest in helping their parents unload groceries, help around the house, and helping eachother).
Encouraged by her siblings, Alma decided to join in on the jaeger proyects all around the world, proving herself to be incredibly resourcefull and creative.
After some debating, she was taken in by the Lima shatterdome, who positioned her as a J-tech repair crew woman, though after sharing some ideas with her superiors,she was put on charge of taking care of the jaeger's weapons.
Though her biggest challenge would arise when Dolores Quispe requested her for Blasting Supernova.
With some schematics, a lot of allnighters and powernaps, Alma created the most varied Arsenal for B.S, equipping the jaeger with a bo-staff that could superheat, a claymore metal sword that could catch on Fire (much like striker eureka's stingblades) plasma and Fire cannons.
Psicological Report/Personality:
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Positive traits:
Creative, loyal, caring, optimist.
Negative traits:
Kind of a mad scientist, overworking.
Tinkering, drawing, taking breaks on jaegers, cooking, spending time with her siblings, watch movies.
People moving her tools out of place, losing, the smell of burnt Rubber, when her inventions dont work.
J-Tech ocs! Finally!
+ their designs:
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->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
-> they exist on the context of Del Toro's movie Pacific Rim.
♡lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @mercuryships
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
K-Science // J-Tech of the Lima Shatterdome
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Context for k-science ocs
Context for j-tech ocs
Faces for all my ocs for the Lima shatterdome. Next up: the Lima shatterdome marshall.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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voidselfshipp · 11 months
Humble Beginnings
Where my self insert and her co-pilots arrive at the Lima Shatterdome and they get their first kill. Cw: bullying mention, violence, tell me if anything needs to be tagged.
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