#jaiden mccoy
caitlinclark · 4 years
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ladyvol_hoops: A special day for our seniors 🎓
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bebepac · 3 years
Snow Day! ❄
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​​ prompt # 131 I don’t feel so good will be in bold.
This is also day 25 of @choicesjanuarychallenge2022​​​​ for delivery.  
The Series: Mia’s 🌎 World The Book:  Crossover: TRR x The Freshman Series Pairing:  Mia x Jaiden (TRR MC x M!OC) / Freshman MC (Emily) x Chris Word Count: 1385 Warnings and Ratings:  Profanity and sexual innuendo / Teen
Song Inspiration:  We’ll Be Alright by Travie McCoy.
Original Post: 1/25/22 at 4:47PM EST
A/N: Recently my area has been hit with a lot of snow lately which has one caused us to have inclement weather plans at work, and I had to bring it out with this funny little story, aka poking fun at the south a bit for our insanity we get when snow comes.  I’m a transplant here, so I know what a real snow is. and I know this is far from it.  
Don’t be hating on our baby snow.  But this is truly quite the weather event here in North Carolina!!!!
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I will be  also talking about the “Jeep Wave”  which I have found to be a very real thing. In 2019, I had a  Jeep as a rental car for a month while my car was in the body shop getting repairs.   Also the Jeep people to go off roading just because.  
And last but not least the infamous snow day.  Snow Days don’t bring the same splendor to most adults as they did when you were a child.  For me when the weather calls for snow, I get nervous, because of my job in Healthcare, it is very rare that we close.  Snow is not bad to drive on, it’s the Ice, and when things start melting and freezing back up, hitting a patch of black ice can be a scary thing.  So here’s to one of the few snow days I got to enjoy this go round because, I am on vacation.  It was a good feeling not worrying about the already crazy drivers in North Carolina, and then adding snow and ice on top of that.  As mentioned before, a lot of my Mia’s World content, is honestly based off of my college experiences. So even though I’ve made up the names of the characters, most of this is factual.  
Hope you enjoy the Snow Day I talk about here.  
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Jaiden laughed as he watched the weather report.
"What's so funny?" Mia asked.
"Two to three inches of snow has North Carolina in a panic?!?! Snowmageddon, are they serious right now?"
"Hey not all of us are used to blizzards, Jai. The world shuts down here when we get snow.  You don’t know what happened during our last really major snow. There are memes because of it now. Google snowmaggedon nc memes.”
Mia took our her phone showing Jaiden a picture.
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“That’s a real picture Jai. That’s Glenwood Avenue a few miles away from Crabtree Valley Mall heading towards Brier Creek.”  
“Why is there a car on fire?” 
“Because it’s North Carolina, we don’t do snow here.  And everyone rushes to the store for bread, milk and eggs."
Jaiden continued looking confused.
"Is French toast a winter storm food here or something?"
"But then if you lose power, what are you gonna eat? Milk sandwiches and eggs you can’t cook? It doesn't make sense."
Mia thought for a second.
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"You're right Jai, it really doesn't make sense."
"Why aren't you setting your alarm?"
"Because class is going to be canceled tomorrow."
"For two inches of snow? Mia, come on!"
Jaiden laughed even harder.
"When I was a kid in New York, walking home from school, I fell through a snow drift and the snow was waist high. Snow was not an excuse to be out of school."
"And I bet you walked ten miles to school all uphill and barefoot too right?"
"Now you sound like my Dad, Mia.  But you’re right.”  He kissed her nose.  “I’m still going to set my alarm though.  You might be wrong.”
Mia wasn’t wrong. The next day class was canceled due to snow.
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“Guess we’re going back to sleep for a bit.”  
When they woke up again, it had finally stopped snowing and there was even more on the ground.  
Emily knocked on the door, before she walked in.  
“Are you guys decent?” Emily had her hand over her eyes in case.
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“Yes we’re decent, and that was one time, and you didn’t knock. That was your own damn fault.”  
Emily peeked cautiously around her fingers.
“Just making sure I don’t  see your boyfriend’s ass, again. No offense to your ass Jaiden."
Jaiden shrugged his shoulders.
"None taken."
"But I already have a boyfriend that has an ass, that can also be one when he wants to be.”
“Hey I heard that!!!”  Chris screamed from her room.
“There’s a snowball fight at the quad in thirty. Teams of four. Get dressed.”
It didn’t take Jaiden long to get dressed.  Mia however was putting on layer after the layer of clothes.  She had on her jeans, two pairs of socks, boots, two shirts, her winter coat hat, scarf and mittens.
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“Mia, it’s not that cold outside.”  Jaiden chuckled.
“Again, Jai, not all of us are used to two degrees, and blizzards.”
“Then I'll keep you warm, my little snow bunny.”  He pulled Mia by her scarf closer to him, kissing her lips softly. Mia melted into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.  
“I feel warmer already.”
“And getting you out of all that later will be like unwrapping a present.”  
His grip tightened on her hips.  
“Jai stop, if you don’t, we’ll miss the snowball fight.”
There were lots of students out on the quad by the time they all got there. And at first, the game was organized.  Teams going against each other and then things just unraveled.  Everyone was just having fun. Throwing snowballs haphazardly with no team goal or winning in mind.  
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Snow angels and snowmen were beginning to be built.  
“We could dress our snowman in a layer of your clothes Mia. Promise you’d still be warm.”  
“Not funny Jai.”
“Emily too, she has on eighty five layers of clothes right now.”
“Ohhh you’re so funny Chris. You should try stand-up.”
“I don’t know why we let them pick on us so much, Em.”  
“You know the guys that picked on you in school are the ones that like you.” Chris said, kissing Emily’s cheek.
“Then you boys loooooooooovvveeeee us!”  
“Enough to get you some hot chocolate.”  
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“Yessssss! Our heroes!!!!”
After enjoying hot chocolate, Mia thought they were heading back inside.
“Want to go sledding?”  
“On what?  We don’t have sleds.”  
“I have an idea. Come on Chris.  We’ll be back in a few.”  
A few minutes later Jaiden and Chris came back holding two mail baskets each from Jaiden’s work study job in the mail room.
“These will work, and they have handles for us to hold onto.”  
“Well what do you know Mia?  I didn’t think our guys could find it, but they did.”  
“Find what?”
“The thousand and first way to die.  I’m not sliding down a hill in that.”  
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“I don’t feel so good.”  Mia shook her head.
“I mean it should work.  I’ll go first and prove it.”
Jaiden the tallest of them all had contorted himself to sit in the mail basket.
Chris gave him a push and Jaiden sailed down the hill screaming.
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“Okay that looks like fun, I’m going next.” Emily  screeched, snatching Chris's bin.
Jaiden was running up the hill as Emily started down, unable to control the basket, she was heading right towards him.
"FOUR!!!!!" She screamed, as Jaiden leaped out of the way. Mia and Chris were laughing at the top of the hill.
"She's screaming four like it's golf!!!"
"Your face Jai when you thought she was going to hit you!"
Mia went next squealing in delight down the hill, against her fears.  
"I'm so glad you did this Mia."
"Me too. This was a good idea."
Jaiden kissed her. " You're freezing Mia."
"You're not, come closer."
She pulled him closer to her, and Jaiden gave her a tight hug and rubbed her shoulders and arms to give her more warmth.
"Let's get inside and order pizza and watch some movies."
They all trudged inside into the warm heat, as Mia sat on the bed to order the pizzas.
"Jai, it's a two hour wait for delivery.   I don't want to wait 2 hours for lunch. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat instead, and eat now, I'm hungry."
"No, order the pizzas, we're just gonna go pick it up instead. We'll take Rubi."
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"Are you sure about this Jai?"
"Don't I always keep you safe Mia?"
"Yes, even when I am flying down a hill in a mail bin."
"Rubi can get us anywhere."
As they were driving Mia noticed Jai casually wave to people. It took her a few minutes to realize he was only waving to fellow jeep owners.
"Are you waving to just Jeep owners?"
"It's a jeep thing. It's the jeep wave. It's legit."
"I can't with you."
"What?!? it's for real!"
"Okay, if you ever get a jeep you'll notice it too. And you better wave."
"Old Blue will never die. But if she ever does, I'll keep that in mind."
They picked up the pizzas, and the only slide that was experienced was when Jaiden slipped a bit hopping out of Rubi heading into the Pizzeria.
Jaiden drove up on what was the grass and parked his vehicle right outside the dormitory to open the door for Mia.
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"What are you doing?!?"
"Curbside drop-off isn't good enough for my lady, in this weather."
"Jaiden Brooks, I am so lucky you're my boyfriend."
"And don't you forget it." He winked and smiled as Mia feigned anger and gently shoved him.
He helped Mia take the pizza and sodas inside, and when Jaiden came back a security guard was standing beside his vehicle.
"You can't park here kid."
"I know, I just wanted to make sure my girlfriend got inside safely. I'm moving now."
Jaiden moved his vehicle back to the student parking lot and headed back to the dorm.
Mia smiled when he walked in.
"Oh thank God FINALLY! She made us all wait for you, before we could dig in."
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"Yeah, he drove to get food in Snowmageddon for us. Jai you're totally on my Zombie Apocalypse team."
"Oh my god!  Can you stop stroking his ego already?" Emily laughed, grabbing for pizza.
"As long as she strokes something else later after I unwrap my present."
Mia playfully hit Jaiden's shoulder.
"Why is your mind so dirty Jai!!!!"
"I told you Mia, it's always the good guys you have to worry about."
Later that evening finally alone, and the bathroom door locked, so Emily or Chris couldn't come through, Jaiden and Mia indulged in some well deserved alone time.  
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moodmusicmonday · 3 years
Lookie! Lookie! We have some awesome songs this week which means only one thing: WE HAVE SOME INCREDIBLE FICS HEADING OUR WAY! 🥳🥳🥳 As always, THANK YOU, writers, for sharing your music inspo with us! And THANK YOU to our followers and sharers for supporting this blog! We love youuuu!
“We’ll Be Alright” - Travie McCoy; Mia’s World; Snow Day! [TRR x The Freshman; Mia x Jaiden (TRR MC x m!OC); The Freshman MC (Emily) x Chris]
@burnsoslow & @bbrandy2002
“Untouchable” (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift; Fearless, Chapter 7: A Million Little Stars Spelling Out Your Name [TRR AU; Prince Liam x MC (Riley Brooks), Drake Walker x f!OC (Alyssa Devereaux)]
“For Good” - Idina Menzel, Kristen Chenowith; Delaying the Inevitable, Chapter 33: TBD (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC; Tobias Carrick x f!MC)
“Madness” - Maddie & Tae; “I’ll love you through the madness, babe.” one-shot [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)]
“A Second to Midnight” - Kylie Minogue, Years & Years; Girls Night, Chapter 1: Give me the right password, and I’ll let you enter [TNA 2; characters: f!MC (Emma Anderson), Jenny, Sofia Russo, Addison Dalton, Carter, m! Sam Dalton, m! Robin Flores]
“Hold On” - Brandon Ray ft. Lauren Weintraub; TBD [TNA; characters: m!Sam Dalton, MC (Marie Castro), Addison Dalton, m!Robin Flores, Mason Dalton, Mickey Dalton]
“Waited Too Long” - Brett Eldredge; TBD [TNA; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Marie Dalton); appearances: m!Robin Flores, Jenny]
@alj4890 @ao719 @erenphoria @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam@twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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bloodieash · 7 years
Of Magic and the Mafia
               Most Hitman Reborn fanfictions are about a fan of KHR dying and being reborn, I’m pretty sure the pun is very much intended, into the KHR world. This story does have one of those in here, me, so if you’re a fan of that sort of thing don’t worry it’s here. But the story isn’t about me, this is a story about a team, one of magical girls. Now I know what you’re thinking magical girls? In KHR? That’s crazy! But it’s also true. And I’ve compiled together their story, which actually started about two hundred years ago.
               Two hundred years ago an Irish family, the McCoys found this shiny pretty black box with the face of a gargoyle etched into the lid, a sign that this box might not be good news. The first sign should have been the fact that the box had been found in an abandoned shipwreck and had been the only thing untouched.
               Like idiots the McCoys took the box back to their boss who opened it. Inside were seven rings. Now if you know KHR you know that rings equal well not necessarily a good thing, but an important thing. Unfortunately, these rings aren’t really on the same alignment as the Vongola rings, not that the McCoys knew that. They couldn’t exactly figure out what was up with them, all they knew was each ring held the visage of a different beast of myth which was what led to their label the Beast Rings.
               Everything was fine until the rings were stolen. A week after they were stolen the first, the Gorgon ring was found, by Jaiden McMaten.
               Jaiden’s father Charles McMaten, a reputable psychologist from Chicago took Jaiden from her mother, Makoto. She was raised by her nanny, Africa, in Chicago, despite her mother’s protests. However, Makoto’s complaints did not go unheard, Jaiden spent every summer with her mother until she reached middle school age. That was when Charles decided that all the back and forth was bad for Jaiden’s mental health and so he packed up Jaiden, Africa, and himself and moved them to Namimori where Makoto lived. He took a job as a school psychologist, which should have been oddly suspicious, but Jaiden was too busy being pissed to bother being suspicious. She hadn’t wanted to move. Sure, she loved her summers in Namimori, but she didn’t want to live there. She’d stick out like a sour thumb and be left unable to play the dumb tourist card.
               Jaiden stalked down random empty sidewalks, kicking rocks along the way. She was soon to discover that there weren’t just rocks along her path. She kicked something and it made an odd sort of clinking when it landed back on the ground. Jaiden, the curious sort, went to check it out. It was a ring, a large gaudy silver thing with the image of Medusa molded onto one bend. Medusa’s face was screwed up in an open mouth hiss, her eyes closed, and an orange jewel placed between her fangs, trust me I’ve seen the thing and it does Medusa justice it is one god ugly ring. However, at the time Jaiden had never seen anything like it.
               Jaiden twisted the ring around in the light, wondering where it came from. It just seemed so strange, like it had fallen from the sky which didn’t make any sense. Jaiden slipped the ring on her right ring finger, wondering if it would fit her, it didn’t at first, being about two sizes too large, but it shrank around her finger causing Jaiden to yelp in surprise and pain. Don’t tell her I told you that, she’d kick my ass.
               Anyway, moving on, fire erupted from the gem in Medusa’s mouth and soon consumed the ring. Jaiden didn’t know what to do, she was frozen, another thing she probably doesn’t want me telling you. The fire shot up Jaiden’s arm, changing things as it went. The fire melted away Jaiden’s tank top and jeans, replacing them with an orange strapless top and black scale pattern pants. Her sneakers turned to boots and a pair of dark sunglasses appeared in front of her eyes which had changed from her usual greenish brown hazel to red. Her hair had changed as well from unruly brown auburn curls to a long sheet of dark green that seemed to hiss with Jaiden’s every move. Like I said this is a story about magical girls.
               Jaiden’s physical transformation wound down, but the fire still seemed to be making its way to her brain. The fire burned away Jaiden’s conscious leaving behind its own wants and desires. Triniset it whispered into the void of Jaiden’s mind.
               How do I know this? Because every single one of us who picked up one of the seven Beast rings had this happen upon our first transformation. We’ve talked about it and some of us ignored it, I mean denial is the best medicine after all. Point is yeah, the Beast rings are after the Triniset, or are they really? Guess you’ll have to stick around to find out ‘cause I’m not spoiling anything at the very beginning and trust me Jaiden getting her ring really is just the beginning.
               So, moving forward with evil possessed Jaiden. She moved around a bit as if she was trying to get used to her new body. She gave a twist of her wrist and a giant golden shield with Medusa’s face in the center appeared attached to her forearm with leather straps. The Aegis, possessed Jaiden scowled, that was not a funny joke. She let her arm fall in such a way the shield straps dropped into her hand. She twisted her wrist again and blades popped out of the sides. Possessed Jaiden threw it, it whirled like a saw blade and easily cut through a tree in its path before returning to possessed Jaiden, she caught it by the straps. No, she didn’t think it was funny, but it would be useful.
               A tremor seemed to run through possessed Jaiden followed quickly by another fire, this one being drawn back into the ring rather than coming from it. Jaiden swayed as she returned to herself, no longer a magical girl or holding the shield. She wasn’t sure what the hell had just happened, but she knew it had something to do with the damn Gorgon ring she’d stupidly slipped onto her finger. She tried to pull it off, but it wouldn’t budge. Uh-oh.
               So, there you go, the first bit of our story. We got some background and some unanswered questions. Be on the lookout for the next bit, it’ll introduce some canon characters you’re sure to recognize, but probably won’t expect. See you soon.
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ia-wrestle · 5 years
No. 1 Lisbon vs No. 2 Don Bosco - Preview
No. 1 Lisbon vs No. 2 Don Bosco goes down tomorrow night! Stream Link + Ranked Matchups
    WATCH LIVE AND ARCHIVED#1 Lisbon #2 Don Bosco #3 Quincy Happel 106 #6 Jaiden Moore #6 Cade Siebrecht 113 Myles McMahon #6 Brandon Paez 120 #5 Garrett Funk Lincoln Holub 126 #4 Michael McClelland #1 Robert Avila Jr 132 #3 Easton Larson #1 Cael Happel 138 Cody Brown Gage McCoy 145 #2 Cael Rahnavardi #1 Marshall Hauck 152 #3 Cael Frost Peyton Angelias 160 #1 Cade Tenold Max Kohl 170 #1 Carson…
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HS sports: Houston area’s spring signees
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The last signing period of the school year started Wednesday with numerous Houston area athletes inking their letters of intent in various sports.
Some will sign later in the spring with the period lasting until August.
The following is a comprehensive list of signees from around the city. It will be updated throughout the spring.
Any updates or corrections can be e-mailed to [email protected].
Cross Country/Track and Field Sophia Matchett, Montgomery – Dallas Baptist Keyanah Browning, Caney Creek – Cameron University Jake Dillow, College Park – Incarnate Word Roger Ethridge, College Park – Texas A&M Robert Kraus, College Park – Southern Arkansas University Abby Bali, Pasadena Memorial – UTSA Kenneth Pree, Clear Brook – University of Houston Riley Cross, Tomball – Stephen F. Austin Hunter Davis, George Ranch – North Alabama Colton Pounders, George Ranch – Letourneau University Maia Davenport, South Houston – Ottawa University Jacob Adair, George Ranch – University of Houston Alyssa Balandran, Tompkins – Rice University Dan D’Rovencourt, Tompkins – Trinity University Duben Nwachukwu, Tompkins – Texas A&M – Corpus Christi Amber Johnson, Waltrip – Prairie View A&M Kaitlyn Banas, Cypress Ranch – University of Arkansas Brooklynn Barton, Cypress Ranch – College of Charleston Ahmad Young, Langham Creek – Louisiana Tech University Golden Eke, Langham Creek – Oklahoma Demi Oliver, Deer Park – Dallas Baptist Emily Kent, Deer Park – Dallas Baptist
Softball Kimani Ferguson, Langham Creek – Texas Wesleyan Alexa von Gontard, Montgomery – University of Missouri-Kansas City Skyler Teague, Montgomery – Hendrix College Rylee Hazlewood, Montgomery – Sam Houston State Bailey Richey, Galena Park – LeTourneau University Kassandra Vargas, Galena Park – Lamar State – Port Arthur Julia Vazquez, Galena Park – Jarvis Christian Carah Delao, Clear Creek – University of Dallas Lindsey Leistad, Clear Creek – University of Nebraska at Kearney Jessica Skladal, Clear Creek – Syracuse University Shelby Kuffel, Kempner – Hill College Ivy Shimkus, Terry – Texas Southern University Savana Mata, Pasadena Memorial – Lamar University Hannah Garcia, Pasadena Memorial – East Texas Baptist Gabby Rodriguez, Pasadena Memorial – Howard Payne Samara Lagway, Willis – Texas State McKenzie Parker, Willis – Texas Savannah Buhl, Willis – East Texas Baptist Aubri Ford, Willis – Texas Southern Alexis Barton, Clear Brook – Alvin Community College Hailey McDowell, George Ranch – Simpson College Jolie Duong, Bellaire – Army- West Point Annette Cardenas, Chavez – Coastal Bend College Alyssa Vasquez, Heights – Spoon River College Marissa Maldonado, Northside – Laredo Community College
ALIGNMENT: Baseball, spring sports learn UIL alignments
Football John Anthony Robinson, Langham Creek – Mary Hardin Baylor Caleb Thomas, Langham Creek – Texas Lutheran University Nick Ojonta, Langham Creek – Millsaps College Marcus Garza, Caney Creek – Lyon College Amon Byars, Terry – Army West Point Derrick Ray, Terry – Houston Baptist University Robert Alexander, Terry – Wayland Baptist University Marc Bentancur, Terry – Buena Vista University Calvin Simms, Terry – Bethany College Damion Rush, Terry – Bacone College Noah Delahoussaye, Montgomery – Austin College Alex Williams, Pasadena Memorial -Sam Houston State Trevor Robinson, Pasadena Memorial – Henderson State University Michael Mexicano, Pasadean Memorial – Central Methodist University Nathan Prevost, Clear Brook – Austin College Josh Green, Clear Brook – Austin College Dalton Reichardt, Clear Brook – Austin College Dwight Daniel, Clear Brook – Bacone College Will Brown, Lamar Consolidated – SMU Ryan Shockency, Lamar Consolidated – Mary Hardin-Baylor Quivance Giles, Lamar Consolidated – Penn Drake Staten, Lamar Consolidated – Bueno Vista Jordan Khalil, Clements –Mary Hardin Baylor Kendall Pickens, Clements – Wisconsin Lutheran College Sonje Washington, Clements – North Park University Darius Reece, Willis – Blinn College Jake Jones, Willis – Blinn College Taion Chatman, Willis – Blinn College Jermarcus White, Willis – Blinn College Jarvis Howard, Bellaire – Mary Hardin Baylor Jordan Love, Bellaire – Carnegie Mellon Univ. Stephon Ashby, Chavez – Blinn Jai Cooper, Chavez – Texas A&T Dominic Franklin, Chavez – Texas Southern Dashawn Williams, Madison – Kilgore Junior College Jaquel Hamm, Madison – Navarro Dee McCoy, Westside – Texas Wesleyan Ezechiel Mukule, Wisdom – St. Vincent College (PA) Tra’Vonta Carpenter, Yates – San Diego Mesa College Lance Jones, Manvel – University of Mary Hardin Baylor Kadir Ali, Manvel – Cincinnati Christian University Mateo Pritzkau, Cypress Ranch – Austin College
Girls Basketball Erica Strawn, Caney Creek – Arlington Baptist College Domonique Mucker, Manvel – Talladega College Madison Becker, Alvin – Baker University Natalie Miller, Alvin – UT-Dallas Celeste Clement, Clear Brook – Oklahoma Wesleyan Yasmine Arogunjo, Westside – Blinn College Jada Russ, Wheatley – Lane College Chade Gladney, Yates – Cisco College Briana Cloud, Yates – Cisco College Alexandra Pollard, Cy-Fair – Texas Southern University Dezeree White, Langham Creek – Our Lady of the Lake University Mariel Wade, Langham Creek – Blinn College Makenna Clark, North Shore – Concordia University
Boys Basketball C.J. Washington, Tompkins – Kennesaw State Tristan Ikpe, Deer Park – Blinn College Kimani Anderson, College Park – Maine Maritime Marine Academy Byron Brown, Lamar Consolidated – Ellsworth CC Keaton Taylor, Lamar Consolidated – Ellsworth CC Isaiah Blackmon, Lamar Consolidated – Ellsworth CC Kyle Poerschke, Langham Creek – Southwestern University Drew McCammon, Langham Creek – Schreiner University Dralyn Brown, South Houston – Angelina JC Emmanuel White, Tompkins –Blinn College Jonathan Ogugua, Heights – Butler CC Terrell Wilson, Fort Bend Marshall – Midwestern State Ashton McClelland, Cypress Ranch – Texas Southern University
Volleyball Ayana Tabor, North Shore – Our Lady of the Lake Kristen Armstrong, North Shore – Hardin Simmons University Kelsey Fitts, Caney Creek – Ranger Junior College Delanie Coroiescu, Caney Creek – Oklahoma Baptist University Gloria Pulido, Galena Park – Austin College Corine Stephens, Pearland – Kentucky Wesleyan College Mallory Talbert, Montgomery – Texas A&M Jordan Russell, Clear Brook – University of Houston Breana August, Clear Brook – Eastfield College Jaycie Dunn, Lamar Consolidated – Arlington Baptist Catherine Drapela, Lamar Consolidated – Houston Baptist Dani Dagley, Tompkins – Northwestern Oklahoma State University Kailyn O’Neal, Tompkins -Southern Connecticut State University Jada Lewis, Wheatley – Paul Quinn College Shelby Browning, Manvel – Eastfield Community College Aeris Ramsey, Manvel – West Texas A&M Natalie Garcia, Cypress Ranch – Navarro College
Baseball Jake Eschenfelder, College Park – Mary Hardin Baylor Kyle Jackson, College Park – Arkansas Baptist College Travis Washburn, College Park – Lamar University Alec Carr, Kempner – Texas Simeon Woods Richardson, Kempner – Texas Noah Huerta, Kempner – Texas Tech Sutton Dole, Langham Creek – Stevens Institute of Technology Ryan Finke, Pearland – Angelina College Sam Velazquez, Pearland – Schreiner University Cason Wachel, Montgomery – Tyler Junior College Jacob Prigmore, Montgomery – Tarleton State Ben Shields, Montgomery – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Josh Trahan, College Park – UT – Tyler Daylon Farmer, College Park – Tyler Junior College Brandon Birdsell, Willis – Texas A&M Heath Backhus, Willis – Weatherford Junior College Jace Mapston, Willis – Paris Junior College Mitch Turner, Willis – Northeast Texas Junior College Elijah Taleff-Scott, Shadow Creek – Missouri Valley University Charles Gordon, Alvin – LSU Eunice Jade Gordon, Alvin -Frank Phillips College Spencer Ouellette, Alvin – Houston Baptist University Zach Visser, Tompkins – Southwestern Christian University Wilson Ehrhardt, Tompkins – Hill Junior College Jorge Vargas, Tompkins – Dean College Brett Garner, Cypress Ranch – Austin College Ian Veserra, Cypress Ranch – Centenary College of Louisiana Sergio Gutierrez, Aldine MacArthur – University of Houston-Downtown Micah Russell, Heights – University of Houston-Downtown Jesus Sanchez, Bellaire – University of Houston-Downtown Gavin Alvarez, Terry – University of Houston-Downtown Jaiden Anderson, Kashmere – University of Houston-Downtown Risiah Curtis, Humble – University of Houston-Downtown David Diaz, Northside – University of Houston-Downtown Jeremiah Gant, Heights – University of Houston-Downtown Julian Maldonaldo, Terry – University of Houston-Downtown Matthew Tolliver, Madison – University of Houston-Downtown Richard Trevino, Klein Forest – University of Houston-Downtown Channing Vernon, Lamar Consolidated – University of Houston-Downtown Alex Villanueva, Klein Collins – University of Houston-Downtown Maurice Castille, Hightower – University of Houston-Downtown Mario Castillo, Bush – University of Houston-Downtown John Cerda, Aldine – University of Houston-Downtown Franklin Daniels, Clear Brook – University of Houston-Downtown Alex Duarte, Sharpstown – University of Houston-Downtown Darrian Henry, Alvin – University of Houston-Downtown Kendale Santee, Yates – University of Houston-Downtown Luis Portillo, Cristo Rey – University of Houston-Downtown Brannon Shoaf, Shadow Creek – University of Houston-Downtown Alejandro Jose Avilla, North Forest – University of Houston-Downtown Genaro Cardenas, Waltrip – University of Houston-Downtown Ruden Cavazos, Furr – University of Houston-Downtown Bobby Davis, Sterling – University of Houston-Downtown Jacob Dela Cerda, Jersey Village – University of Houston-Downtown Jake Everett, Atascocita – University of Houston-Downtown George Garza, North Shore – University of Houston-Downtown J. Hernandez, Aldine MacArthur – University of Houston-Downtown Jokobie Jenkins, Shadow Creek – University of Houston-Downtown Jose Luis, Aldine – University of Houston-Downtown Matthew Mendoza, North Shore – University of Houston-Downtown Gabriel Parades, Yates – University of Houston-Downtown Joel Renteria, Furr – University of Houston-Downtown Issac Perez, Cristo Rey – University of Houston-Downtown Court Cosco, Spring Woods – Rhodes College
Golf Bailey Farmer, Alvin – Howard Payne University Caleb Duplechin, Alvin – Coffeyville Community College Iliana Stowers, Montgomery – Incarnate Word Steven Boyd, Langham Creek – Prairie View A&M Hailee Cooper, Montgomery – Texas Reagan Deaton, Montgomery – University of Texas at Dallas Cameron Newhouse, Montgomery – McNeese State Alyssa Goins, Pearland – University of St. Thomas Jzeke Dukes, Washington – Prairie View A&M Cristian Polk, Clear Falls – Hesston College
Tennis Elaina Evans, Kempner – Concordia University Sneha Karnan, Kempner – Case Western Anish Sriniketh, Tompkins – St. Edwards University Dylan Payne, Cypress Ranch – Rensalear Poly Institute (RPI)-NY Varun Thachil, Cypress Ranch – Case Western Reserve University
Swimming and Diving/Water Polo Alexandria Perry, Deer Park – Henderson State Spencer Tybur, College Park – Golden West College Jordan Castillo, Clear Creek – University of California – Santa Barbara Libby Goode, Clear Creek – Trinity University Peyton Roemer, Clear Creek – Incarnate Word Jenny Yu, Dawson – MIT Daria Hatter, Dawson – University of Pittsburgh Charles Yuen, Clements – Trinity University Myles Pickens, Clememts – McMurry University Jacob Won, Tompkins – University of South Dakota Jade Kemp, Tompkins – Austin College Reilly Swain, Tompkins – Memorial University of Newfoundland Ana Lucia Garza, Tompkins – University of the Incarnate Word Hailee Rice, Manvel – University of the Ozarks Jack Venker, Cy-Fair – Army – West Point Riley Dafoe, Cy-Fair – Florida State Sean Calvert, Cypress Ranch – Southwestern University
Wrestling Edwin Benavides, Northside – Wayland Baptist Kayla Fitts, Cypress Ranch – Wayland Baptist University
Girls Soccer Sasha Moreira, Northbrook – Angelina College Bayleigh Smith, Alvin – Eastern Oklahoma State College Rachel Garant, Cypress Ridge – University of Houston Eva Phillips, Langham Creek – Angelina College Aeriana Lewis, North Shore – St. Thomas
Boys Soccer Carlos Rodriguez, Alvin – Mary Hardin-Baylor Anuar Contreras, Langham Creek – Ouachita Baptist University Trent Connor, Langham Creek – Southwestern University
Equestrian Amelia Nelson, George Ranch – South Dakota State
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Read More At: http://www.lakefrontcottagerentals.com/hs-sports-houston-areas-spring-signees/
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bebepac · 3 years
Mood Music Monday 1.24.22
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Sorry I haven’t participated in a while but work has basically had me really strapped between hiring and training new people and dealing with shortages as the new Covid variant going through my workplace that much more stressful.  
This is all I have for Mood Music Monday inspired by my current life events. 
Don’t hate on our baby snow.  It’s quite a weather event here!
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Original Post: 1/24/22 at 7PM EST. 
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Song: We’ll Be Alright by Travie McCoy ( i know this is a remake don’t come for me.)
Jaiden laughed as he watched the weather report.
Title: Snow Day!
Series: Mia’s 🌎 World (can be read as a standalone)
The book:  TRR x The Freshman
Pairings:  Mia x Jaiden (TRR MC x M!OC) / The Freshman MC (Emily) x Chris
Status: Still in the writing process close to completion
"What's so funny?" Mia asked.
"Two to three inches of snow has North Carolina in a panic?!?! Snowmageddon, are they serious right now?"
"Hey not all of us are used to blizzards, Jai. The world shuts down here when we get snow. And everyone rushes to the store for bread, milk and eggs."
Jaiden looked confused.
"Is French toast a winter storm food here or something?"
"But then if you lose power, what are you gonna eat? Milk sandwiches and eggs you can’t cook? It doesn't make sense."
Mia thought for a second.
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"You're right Jai, it really doesn't make sense."
"Why aren't you setting your alarm?"
"Because class is going to be canceled tomorrow."
"For two inches of snow? Mia, come on!"
Jaiden laughed even harder.
"When I was a kid in New York I fell through a snow drift that was waist high, walking home from school. Snow was not an excuse to be out of school."
"And I bet you walked ten miles to school all uphill and barefoot too right?"
"Now you sound like my Dad, Mia.  But you’re right.”  He kissed her nose.  “I’m still going to set my alarm though.  You might be wrong.”
Mia wasn’t wrong. The next day, class was canceled due to snow.
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“Guess we’re going back to sleep for a bit.”  
When they woke up again, it had finally stopped snowing and there was even more snow was on the ground.  
Emily knocked on the door, before she walked in.  
“Are you guys decent?” Emily had her hand over her eyes in case.
“Yes we’re decent, and that was one time, Em, and you didn’t knock. That was your own damn fault.”  
Emily peeked cautiously around her fingers.
“Just making sure I don’t  see your boyfriend’s ass, again. No offense to your ass Jaiden."
"None taken."
"But I already have a boyfriend that has an ass, that can be one when he wants to be.”
“Hey I heard that!!!”  Chris screamed from her room.
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