#jake better steer clear of ao'nung cause that boy is fucking pissed
dirtytransmasc · 2 years
What was aonung reaction when spider just absolutely collapsed because he pushed himself to hard how did he react exactly what were his thoughts better yet what was tonowari Ronal and tsyrea ( spelled her name wrong) reactions
so to preface this, I think spider quickly connected to his adopted family before they even thought of adopting him, because they were fated to be a family. so he and ao'nung were basically insperable right off the bat after a little bit of friendly fire and hazing.
ao'nung respectfully flips the fuck out. he had sensed something was wrong with spider, though he knew nothing of skypeople, he was seeing straight through spiders strong facade and excuses, he just had no idea just how poorly his friend was doing (and the sully's are gonna get a word from him for not noticing, cause if he noticed without even knowing what he was looking for, how did they not see it, jake was literally a dream walker, and he didn't notice his son was literally burning himself out).
he'd have been right next to him, had made sure to stay close until he figured out what was wrong with his brother. I think his first thought would be that he was dying, that he was losing someone else. he doesn't even think before scooping him up and throwing him on an ilu. He tries to keep a strong face while the other na'vi are within eye and ear range, but the second he's got some distance he's flipping out. big fat tears running down his face as he cradles his seemingly dying little brother, who's struggling to breathe, coughing up something wicked, burning like hearth stone, whining like every little move he makes hurts. its terrifying to see someone already so small, look so much smaller with sickness. he'd pray to Eywa not to take him too, that he's already lost a brother (neteyam), and he can't do it again. his yelling at spider for being stupid, he had told him to go home, offering to take him back himself; he had asked him time and time again if he was ok. but all the while he's holding him like he's something fragile, coaxing him to breathe easier, trying to comfort him as he writhes in his arms.
He wouldn't let anyone separate him and his brother, not even his own parents. he sits at spiders side, doing his best to comfort him, but again, his terrified. Considering malnutrition, especially sudden malnutrition, can cause shaking, clamminess (pale, sweating, chills), fast heart rate, and slurred speech it would literally look like he's dying. overworking himself like he had would most likely cause pneumonia from constantly being in the water, letting his injuries (like inhaling water or fumes during the battle) go untreated, and general immunocompromisation from the malnutrition/dehydration/sleep deprivation. basically he would look like total garbage and for a kid who has already lost a friend, seen war, and doesn't understand the human body, it would look really bad.
he would most likely go with spider when max and nomr came to take care of him, and he would be pretty defensive. he doesn't trust any of the humans after they let spider get this sick, so he sits at spider's bedside questioning everything they do, barring his teeth and hissing if they caused him to so much as flinch. He wouldn't let jake near him either, he's got a bone to pick with him, but would hesitantly let the sully kids see him (they just lost their brother, he won't be cruel).
like i've said before, I think he's spider physical protector, so he would be the one most invested in his recovery. he's there everyday, pushing spider to get better, holding him when he's cold or weak or in pain. he helps him eat when he feels to sick to do it himself, he helps him through the coughing fits and muscle weakness when he starts having to do physical therapy to regain his strength. he gets him to smile and laugh again, he makes getting him out of bed easy when its a chore for everyone else. he gains spiders trust to be vulnerable with him (he get spider to talk about why he let himself get this sick).
he never lets anyone question him or try and shift the blame to him for not taking care of himself. he doesn't let him punish himself for being a 'burden' and he certainly doesn't let him continue his self-harm anymore.
tsireya joins her brother(s) most nights, so her brother can have a break to sleep and someone can stay up to watch spider (that aren't the scientists that let this happen). that's really when the emotional protector aspect of her as a big sister starts to show. spiders got all this trauma and ptsd/cptsd (cause the boy has plenty of both) that's being brought to the surface and twisted in a million different directions by his sickened mental state. she helps him through nightmares and panic attacks as he works through all his baggage.
this is around the time tonowari and ronal take interest in the boy. both are shaken by the turn of events and the effects its having on their son. tonowari had been worried about the boy since he saw him at the funeral, and had been sharing his worries with ronal ever since, but seeing spider laid up in a makeshift hospital bed is what pushes them to make the decision to adopt him. they visit him daily, making sure he is in fact receiving the best care possible. they follow through on Ao'nungs bone to pick, and they begin the custody battle to take spider in as there's.
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